The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 11 – Visitor

As I was putting away the plates from our lunch, I look over to the three who were currently watching TV on the couch.

With me now being what is essentially their stepdad, I had tried to learn a bit more about the kids by talking with them.

In short, they were weird.

Aqua held a very unusual maturity to him, though I guess I could reason that's because of the trauma of seeing his mom bleed out.

But then again, he was still odd even before the attack.

Maybe it's because of his acting skills?

I... don't know.

But as their stepdad, I consider this a challenge I must face head-on!

And as for Ruby, she was definitely a child.

Though she still showed off moments of wisdom beyond her years, it was probably picked up by seeing her brother.

She was also very attached to Ai.

Like, more than normal.

Then again, it's not like I had experience with normal children.

Even as children, anyone from the royal court can't be considered 'normal'.

Stacking the final plate, I then make my way over to the three before sliding down next to Ai who was scrolling through her phone.

"What're you looking at?"

"Ah, my fans are going crazy over the news. There were no concerts this week, so it's not like any of them are angry. Just worried mostly."

"Well, you're taking the week off due to being attacked, so even if there were concerts, I doubt they'd be that pissed off."

The news of Ai's attack and subsequent week-long break took the 'idol otaku world', as Ruby would put it, by storm.

And I had already gleaned the press release, looking over all the information that was stated.

Why, you may ask?

Well, if anyone was to know more than they should, I would easily be able to mark them as at least a suspect.

They unfortunately had the attacker's name, which would be the biggest 'gotcha' information for the mastermind to have.

Thankfully, that was it.

But damn, at this rate I'll have to torture the truth out of Hikaru, even if he's an innocent man.

Well, actually, he left Ai on her own with two kids, so he's not exactly innocent.

"Cassius, you said you play guitar, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I was just wondering when you had the time to play. You know, with all the martial arts you had to do."

Ah, that.

Well, they've had the night to digest the revelation of my magic, so I suppose it's about time I tell them about, well, everything else.

Or at least Ai.

Other worlds and stuff like that might be too much for kids.

Just as I'm about to open my mouth, we hear a knock at the door, causing Ai, Aqua, and Ruby to freeze up.

Another attacker, so soon?

"Ai? Hey, I heard the news, I was coming to check up on you."

Ai then slightly bristles in fear before mouthing 'my ex'.


What a lucky day.

I was worried about how I'd stay to protect these three while searching for the bastard, but it seems like he came right to me.

Pulling them close, I whisper to the three.

"Call me Lili, and don't say anything specific about the attack, understand?"

Getting a nod from the three, I then begin my transformation.

It had been a while since I had to do this.

First, igniting the solar magic across my entire skin to burn off all of the body and facial hair that would identify me as a man.

Luckily, my current baggy clothes covered my defined chest, shoulders, and abs.

But my arms were still exposed and there was no sign of cleavage.

Well, I'll have to settle for a tomboy.

Then, using the healing property of my magic, I 'heal' my scalp, my medium dirty-blonde hair growing until it reaches my chest.


Well, not perfect, but without the usual prep time, it was the best I could ask for.

Returning from my thoughts, I see the shocked faces of the three.

"I'll explain later~"

My now high-pitched voice only makes them more confused.

"Ai? Are you home?"

I then stand up before heading to the door to greet our guest.


Opening the door slowly, it reveals a handsome young man with medium-length blonde hair and blue eyes.

It looks just like a grown-up Aqua.

Yep, this is definitely him.

"Umm~ Who are you? Mr..."

"Ah, it's Kamiki. Hikaru Kamiki. Is Ai perhaps..."

"Oh! You're her ex, aren't you~! You said you were here because of the attack, right? Come on in~"

"Thank you very much, Miss..."

Nice, it seems like my disguise worked.

He could cause some big damage to Ai's career without hurting his own if he released anything about, well, us.

This is why I returned to the familiar impersonation of my dear-

"Lili. Just Lili."

Closing the door behind him, he begins taking off his shoes while I head toward the three still-shocked faces.

But those shocked faces were slowly turning into worry.

"Cas- Lili, uhm..."

"Don't worry Ai."

Wrapping my arms around her in a hug, I whisper into her ear.

"I'll be right here."

Kissing her ear before separating, I'm greeted by the pleasant sight of a flustered Ai, her cheeks red as she stares dazedly into my eyes.

Umm, please don't get aroused right now, it wouldn't be good for my disguise.


Hikaru then steps into the living room as Ruby and Aqua hide behind Ai and I's legs.

"I heard about the attack. Are you... okay?"

Confident yet confused.

Worried yet I could tell it wasn't out of care for Ai.

This guy... he's really suspicious.

And I can already tell.

He has a facade, much like Ai's.

Only a bit more... sinister?

Yeah, really suspicious.

"Yep, I'm all good~! Thankfully my... neighbour was able to stop the bad guy!"

While she nearly slipped up there, she was doing well considering how surprised she must be with, well, everything.

She's quite the actress.

"I see. And, Lili, right?"


"Are you perhaps a foreigner?"

"Foreign parents, but close enough~"

I don't know why, but I really hate talking to this guy.

Can he just out himself and leave already?

"Interesting... I must ask, why exactly are you here? Not that I mind, of course. Just curious."

"Ah, well~ I was worried for my dear friend, and when I heard about the attack, I just had to make sure she's okay~"

"I see."

He then crouches down, peeking behind us at Aqua and Ruby.

"So these are my kids... did you tell them about me?"

"Ha! No way! You wanted nothing to do with them, right? I only asked you to visit in case they were missing a father figure."

"I guess that is my fault, isn't it? So? What're their names?"

"They're my sweet Ruby and Aquamarine!"

She then rests her hands on both children's heads as Hikaru's smile grows strained.

"'Aquamarine', huh? Quite a name you have there."

Quite a name indeed.

He then holds his hand out to Aqua.

"Well... I'm your father, Hikaru. It's nice to meet you, Aquamarine."

Although his attempt at a fatherly moment fails spectacularly as Aqua grips my leg, pulling himself away from the man.

"Ah, it seems that he doesn't like me that much."

"Of course, he doesn't! You're just a stranger to him, biological father or not!"

"Well, I suppose that's true."

Standing up straight, he then looks into Ai's eyes.

"But, with this attack... I've had a lot to think about..."

He's not going to-

"...About you... about us..."

He totally is!

He then takes Ai's hand into his own.

"You always wanted a family, right? I... wouldn't mind trying our relationship again."

If I didn't hate this bastard before, I definitely do now.

How dare he flirt right in front of me!

Even if I'm Lili right now, still!

Though it seems any worries were for naught as Ai pulls her hand away.

"No. Sorry, Hikaru... but..."

She then turns her head toward me with a small smile before looking back at Hikaru.

"I'm happy now."

For a moment, Hikaru's 'nice guy' facade breaks.

I could barely notice it, only seeing the slightly narrowed eyes, the small twitch of his thumb...

But it was enough.

"Well, I suppose that would be asking for too much, wouldn't it? I'll take my leave now."

Walking toward his shoes, he continues.

"It was nice to meet you, Miss Lili. And I'll have to thank that neighbour for protecting my kids, well, if I can even call them that."

Slipping on his loafers, he turns back to us with a small smile.

"He must be pretty strong to defend himself against a knife."


Ha... hahaha!

Got you~

Pulling a small dagger out of thin air, I nick the side of my finger, causing a bead of blood to appear before returning the knife to my inventory.

"I hope you continue to be happy, Ai. Goodbye."

As he opens the door, I walk up to him and shake his hand, wiping the blood under the cuff of his shirt.

"Goodbye, Mr. Hikaru~"

Goodbye indeed.

The knife was never mentioned in any articles relating to the incident.

The only ones who knew were the four of us present along with Miyako and Ichigo.

So he truly was the bastard.

The door closing behind him, I lock it before returning to the couch, solar magic returning my appearance back to normal.

Hikaru Kamiki... unfortunately, he's 18, so he wouldn't be judged under the Japanese legal system for his role in the attempted murder of Ai.

Even then, I don't know how much of a role the legal system would give to someone who only gave out an address in an attack.

With a good enough lawyer, he might not even get a charge.

And that's not even considering the need to gather evidence.

So yes... in short... the law would not be the one to judge Hikaru Kamiki.

It'll be me.

Closing my eyes, I feel the presence start walking further away.

Yes, the Dagger of Bloody Pursuit.

An ancient magic tool once hailed as the intelligence department's greatest weapon, the degradation from years of use eventually caused it to be stored as a trophy in the royal hall.

But with the repair function of my inventory, it was able to see the light of day once again.

Now, the reason it was considered the 'greatest weapon' amongst spies was due to its unique ability.

By cutting one's hand, the blood that seeps from the wound can be tracked by that person over great distances.

Although the tracking wore off in a day, it was enough.


Opening my eyes, I see Ai's beautiful face right in front of mine, her eyebrows tilted in worry and confusion.

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her closer until she's on my lap.

"C-Cassius! Not that I mind, but... what was that?"


"What was what, darling?"

"'D-Darling'? Wait, no. You turned into a girl! What was that!?"

I guess my attempt to distract her didn't work.

"An old skill of mine. I'll tell you more about it after everything's over tonight. But you know... you got pretty flustered when I hugged you back there. Do you swing that way too?"

Her face explodes into a blush as she waves her hands around aimlessly.

"N-No! Y-You kissed my ear, dummy! Naturally, I'd get flustered!"

Hmm, I guess so.

Leaning my head against the back of the sofa, I pull her body closer so her head rests on my shoulder.

"Yes, Cassius. You did kiss Ai's ear. And I'd rather you not do that in front of me."

Looking over to the pouting Aqua, I give him a small smile.

"Sorry little guy."

Your mom is just too hot.

Well, I won't say the second part out loud.

At least not while they're here.

Huh, wait.

I guess Ai is a MILF then?

But she's only 19...

"Cassius, you said 'after everything's over tonight'. What does that mean?"

Meeting Ai's radiant amethyst eyes, I answer her.

"Well, for one, I was able to confirm that Hikaru was the mastermind."

"Oh? How so?"

Looking over to Ruby who was on Ai's phone, I continue.

"He mentioned that Ryousuke had a knife, right? The press release mentioned nothing about a weapon, much less a knife. You could pass it off as a guess, but he said it with such confidence-"

"-As if he already knew."

Returning to Ai's gaze, I notice that the oppressive aura from breakfast is back.

A pretty girl like her shouldn't be leaking that much killing intent.

Cupping her cheek, I bring my lips to hers, the sweet taste and the familiar warmth assaulting my senses.

Not wanting to accidentally go any further, I pull away before resting my forehead against hers, staring deeply into her now-glazed eyes.

"Didn't I say before? Leave everything to me. After tonight, you won't have to worry anymore."

This gift from god was meant to be a slice of life, not a drama.

I'll finish this before anything can get out of hand.


"Ah, sorry little guy."

Again, your mom is just too hot.

"You're obviously not!"

Oh, that's quite the glare.

"Aqua's right, Cassius. We should only do that in private. Then we can do even more~"

My arousal spiking, I lightly flick her forehead.


"And that is not something to say in front of your son."

Glancing over to Aqua, I see his face has lost all emotion, his eyes staring into space as if attempting to escape reality.

I'm... truly sorry, little guy.

"Anyways. I'll be leaving for the night to deal with everything, afterwards, I'll explain everything about, well, me."

I'll only be gone for at most an hour, and Ai won't make the same mistake to open the door for anyone.

...Actually, she might.

Well, I guess I can leave her with 'that'.

Thinking about it, I should probably have her hold that on her person regardless.

It's a dangerous world for idols, after all.

Pulling out the Dagger of Summoning from my subspace, surprising Ai and making Aqua slightly shiver in fear.

Oh, right.

He probably doesn't like knives that much.


Even though it's only the size of my finger and dulled, it's still a knife.


"I know, it's pretty cool, right?"

"Cool!? How the hell did you do that!?"


I think this is the first time I've heard her curse.

Well, considering the circumstances, it's a reasonable reaction.

"As I said, I'll explain everything tonight. But for now, just think of it like my magic. Now, I want you to keep this on you at all times, okay? And if you're ever in danger, just grab it and shout my name and I'll appear."

Unfortunately, it had no combat potential due to needing to be held while summoning, but it was useful for situations like these.

Yet it was also the tool that made Lili such an exploitable weakness of mine...

Hesitantly taking the knife, her confusion and fear quickly change into awe and... is that playfulness?

Oh no.

"Is that so~?"

Hopping off my lap, she runs across the room while gripping the knife before shouting.

"Oh, Cassius~"

Fuck me.

Feeling the momentary weightlessness, I soon find myself slamming face-first into the ground.

"Wow! It worked!"


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