The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 16 – Steps

"Alright, time to go hiking!" I say while pumping my fist.



An eager reaction from Ai and a... not so eager reaction from Aqua.

Looking over at Ruby, I notice her face is blank, devoid of emotion before her mouth stretches into a smile.


A fake smile.

I guess she picked up how to lie from her mother.

But why would she hate hiking so much?

She's a happy, active child, and as long as Ai was coming, I assumed she'd be ecstatic.

Well, I guess we can find out later.

"Then let's get going."

I stop myself before opening the door and turn back to Ai.

Specifically, the Ai that is only wearing a sunhat and green sundress, without a mask and sunglasses.

"Ai, aren't you going to wear a disguise?"


Skipping past me out the door, she then turns back, her hair dancing in the wind with the sun illuminating her figure.

She looked stunning.

"I already found my love, and I even have you for protection. So who cares if anyone sees?"

Finishing with a wink, she then twirls once again while walking down the steps.

Well, I suppose it would be rare for someone to be hiking here in the middle of the week, much less someone who's an avid idol enjoyed.

But talking like that...

"Do you not want to be an idol anymore?"

Glancing back at me, she puts her finger on her lips before responding.

"Hmm, not quite. I still like being an idol. Giving people smiles is still fun, after all, and I wouldn't want to betray everything Strawberry Productions did for me. But I won't be letting it dictate my life as much anymore. Although I would feel bad for the president if anything gets out."

Not noticed by anyone, Aqua and Ruby let out a sigh of relief.

"Hmm, good. I still need to see a show of yours after all." I say with a smile.

"You bet! Now come on, you said there was a waterfall and observatory, right?"

"There's also a shrine and castle ruin on the way, but yeah sure."

Locking the door behind me, we start on today's adventure.

----- Ruby POV -----

Walking between Mama and Cassius, I take slow steps, watching my foot for every placement to be correct.

I... have always longed to hike.

Actually, that's not quite right.

I've longed to be able to hike.

Growing up in the mountains and seeing the other children run and play through the trails without a care, I was jealous.

Compared to me, who was confined to my hospital bed, weakened by the fate I had been given, they were so... free.

And beautiful.

But in this new life, I wasn't held back by a disease anymore.

I could walk normally, run normally, play on the playground normally...

But I was still scared.

Scared to lose this freedom.

Scared to fall and injure myself like I had done so many times in my previous life.

So here?

Hiking in the mountains?

...I was terrified. 

My foot catches on an upturned root, breaking me out of my thoughts as I see the ground quickly approaching.

Ah, as I thought... it's the same.

"Whoa there, almost had a bad fall!"

Suddenly, a firm hand grips my arm, stopping my fall.

"You okay?"

Placing me back on my feet, Cassius then kneels down to look at my downturned face.

I knew it!

I... still can't do it!

It's the same as before!

The exact same-!


Cassius then places his hand on my hair before lifting my face to meet his eyes.

"Are you scared, Ruby?"


My hands...

They're shaking.

"Cassius? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Ai! We'll catch up in a second!"

He then places his hands over mine, calming down the trembling.

"Are you scared of tripping, Ruby?"

I want to say no.

That it's not like that, I'm just keeping trauma from my past.

But how could I explain that?


How pathetic.

Dragged down by a past that's not even this body's.

Maybe that's why Mom left me in the hospital?

Being such a pathetic girl...

"That's okay."

Glancing up, I see his face set in a warm smile, the same one he showed me when Mama got hurt.

"Do you want to go back to the house?"

Thinking of how embarrassing it'd be to go back for being scared of walking, I shake my head.

I don't want to ruin the day.

Not the day that has made Mama shine so beautifully.


"Alright. Then I'll catch you whenever you trip, okay?"

Smoothing down my dress, he gently pats my head, making me feel the gentle warmth I could only get from Mama.

"So there's no need to be so scared."

S-Stop being so kind!

Y-You took away Mama's innocence!

Well... for the second time... but still!

"Do you want me to hold your hand?"

Ah... damn...

I guess I can't help it.


Making me accept you...

You better be the bestest, most perfect Papa, got it!?

"Let's go catch up with your Mama, okay?"


Taking his hand, we then make our way through the path, eventually reaching Mama and Aqua.

My steps light, I didn't even realize that I was no longer worried about falling over.

After all, Cassius would catch me.

----- 8 Hours Later -----

After the hike, I got to spend some time with Mama in the onsen before we all turned in for the night, which would be our last one here.

Looking over to my sleeping brother, I crawl my way to the living room, shutting the door as quietly as possible behind me.

I hadn't fallen once during our hike, well, I almost did, but by holding Cassius and later Mama's hand, I didn't hit the ground.

So... I couldn't help but wonder...

Could I dance like Mama?

I'd watched her dances hundreds- no, thousands of times, enough that I knew every piece of choreography down to the millimetre.

And, more than hiking... I've yearned to dance like Mama and bathe the world in happiness like she did for me.

Picking up Mama's phone that she left on the table, I start playing one of her songs, quiet enough to not wake anyone yet loud enough for me to hear clearly.

Okay, let's do this, Ruby!

Arms out, take a step-


Stumbling forward, I ready my body just like I had taught myself to do as Sarina.

After all, I fell all the time, so I needed to learn how to fall so I wouldn't really hurt myself.

But before I can hit the ground a familiar arm stops my fall once again.

"Couldn't sleep?"

Hearing Cassius' voice, I couldn't stop my lip from trembling as I sit down on the floor.

Even after all that, I still couldn't do it.

"Hmm... you look like you're always bracing yourself to fall... that won't do."

You wouldn't understand!

I spent nearly my entire life in the hospital!

My body just wouldn't listen to me, even standing up was hard!

It's only natural that I needed to brace myself!

"It's okay, Ruby."

Wiping the tears that had unknowingly gathered in my eyes, he then sits down to look me in the eyes, nearly identical to the situation from earlier today.

"Ruby, it's okay to fall."

But... is it really?

"I'll just pick you back up."

But I'll still get hurt!

"And you didn't forget about my healing magic, right?"

Rustling my hair, he then pauses the song that had been playing.

"So how about you try again, but be more confident this time."

Placing his hands under my armpits, he lifts me to stand on my legs before looking into my eyes.

"It'll be a-okay, just trust me."

With that, he backs away and starts the music once again.

Okay... I'll trust you.

Just this once!

If you don't catch me, I'll really hate you, got it!?

Settling my breathing, I ready myself as the song begins playing.

I had watched Mama so many times, thousands of times... 

But even then, each and every second of her performances were burned into my retinas.

Her light, that shone upon me in my darkest moments...

The one that gave me hope...

If I could do the same...

With my light, if I could move like that...

If I had that freedom!

To move!

Stepping to the right, I slide my body sideways, just like I had watched Mama do so many times, without staggering a bit.


Move more!

Shine like the brightest star!

Ah... I see...

It's okay...

"That's it, Ruby."

Cassius' gentle words only further reassure my belief.

It's... It's okay for me to dance!

----- Ai POV -----

Peeking past the door that Cassius had left ajar, I watch as Ruby dances across the floor, my boyfriend watching with a small smile close behind her.

Those... those were my moves!

And she's doing them near-perfectly!

My Ruby... she's so cute~!

Finishing the song, Ruby then looks over to Cassius, whose smile grows wider and... kinder, causing the familiar heat of arousal to spread throughout my core.

"H-How did I do?"

"You did amazing, Ruby. I've only seen her on TV, but you looked just like your mother."

Her eyes widen for a fraction of a second before her mouth stretches into a watery smile.


Kneeling, Cassius nods his head fervently.

"Definitely. I'm sure your Mama would be just as proud as I am."

Damn right, I am!

Ruby then runs over to Cassius before jumping into his arms, laughing as he picks her up and swings her side to side.

Seeing such a sight... it makes me feel... things.

Him being so nice to my kids.

So... fatherly.

It makes me want to attack him as soon as he gets to bed.

But no, I have to calm down.

As Cassius said, there's loads of time for that later in our relationship.

But uuu~!

He's making it so hard to hold back!

"Do you want to do another one?"


"Alright. Here, you chose the song."

It seems that they're gonna be out here for a while...

Hmph! I'll let you go tonight!

But just for tonight! You hear me!?

Closing the door with a smile, I slide under the covers before closing my eyes as the scene of my sweet daughter and Cassius plays over and over in my mind.

Yep, I'm definitely having sweet dreams tonight.

----- Cassius POV -----

Placing the sleeping Ruby in her bed, I wipe away the hair stuck to her forehead from sweat.

"You'll need a bath tomorrow, Ruby."

She was quite the dancer, going through song after song until she nearly passed out standing up and promptly dozing off in my arms.

Pulling up the covers to her chin, she then turns over to cuddle against Aqua.


Leaving them to their dreams, I gently close the door behind me before going over to Ai, finding her fast asleep cuddled around her pillow.

Yet again, cute.

At least I knew where Ruby got her adorableness from.

Snuggling up to her, she shifts slightly, maneuvering her body so that her head rests against my chest.

"Mmm, Cassius~"

Ignoring how seductive that sounded, I softly whisper back to her.

"Hey, Ai."

"Mmm... have my babies..."



"A-A-Ai!? Isn't that a little too soon?"

In response, she just snuggles closer, burying her face further into my chest.


Oh, she's just asleep.

At the realization, my flushed face returns to normal while my pounding heart calms.

"Jeez, just what kind of dreams are you having, huh?"

Gently pinching her nose, she scrunches her eyebrows before lightly swatting my hand away.


"You're lucky you're cute when you sleep."

Moving into a comfortable position, I rest my eyes, the comforting weight of my girlfriend shifting with every breath lulling me to sleep.

----- 1 Day Later -----

Having returned home and with everything packed away, I was currently resting on the couch with Ai next to me.

"So when's Ichigo coming over?" I ask.

"Hmm? Ah, he'll be here in a couple minutes or so!" Ai responds.


Yes... Ichigo had called us on the train, telling us that he'd be coming over to discuss Ai's upcoming activities.

It was only now that I realized how suddenly we had left, and how worried he probably was.

...And angry he probably was towards me.

After all, he didn't know I was essentially invincible in this world while also being able to heal Ai if anything happened.

Well, he didn't sound too mad on the phone... and it's not like we got seen when we were in public... so it should be fine.


Hearing a knock at the door, Ai then hops to her feet.

"That must be the president. Coming~"

"Hold on there."

Grabbing her hand, I pull her back onto the couch.

"Ai, what happened the last time you answered the door so carefree?"

Staring into my eyes, her cheeks gain a bit of colour before she hastily averts his eyes.

"I-I was gonna check first, you know?"

"That's not the only worry. If someone gets your address and you answer the door, that confirms that this is where you live. If I answer on the other hand..."

Her lips twist into a pout as she crosses her arms.

"Hmph! They won't know, I get it!"

"C'mon, don't be mad at me, Ai."

Cupping her chin, I tilt her head up to look at me before giving her a deep kiss, her arms wrapping around my neck as she gets more into it.

Separating from her hold, she hastily explains herself.

"I-I wasn't mad! I was just... upset at myself for being so stupid."

"Ai, you're not stupid. Maybe a little clumsy, but I find that very charming. Plus-"

Overlapping my lips with hers once more for a quick peck, I continue.

"You have me to cover for you."

Her eyes widened in shock, she slowly brings her finger to her lips, gently tracing along where I had just kissed before wearing a large smile.

"Fufu, I do have you, don't I?"

Wrapping her arms around my neck once more, she brings her mouth up to my ear.

"All. To. Myself."

Licking her lips, I feel my pulse quicken in excitement as she moves in for a kiss, the excitement in her eyes clearly showing her arousal-

"Ai? I know you're in there! If you're ignoring me to play with your new boyfriend, I'm gonna be mad!"

Our eyes meet as we stare into each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"I'll go get poor old Ichigo."

Wiping her eyes, Ai responds.

"Sure! But, we'll be continuing that tonight, okay~?"

"Y-Yes, Ai."

Yeah, it always shocks me how quickly she can change from arousing boldness to innocent cuteness.

But then again, it's just one of her many charms.

Opening the front door, I'm greeted by the sight of an impatient Ichigo, rapidly tapping his foot against the ground as Miyako nods at me from behind him.

"Ichigo! Miyako! Come on in!" I say with a wide smile.

"I don't want to hear it, brat."

Ouch, I guess he was still mad at me, huh?

Moving past me, all four of us soon find ourselves sitting across from each other in the living room, much like when Ai had initially been attacked.

Resting his chin against his interlaced hands, Ichigo then begins this little meeting.

"Now, let's not waste any time and talk about Ai and B-Komachi's upcoming events." 

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