The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 2 – Crossing Paths

"Huh, interesting."

Going through my backstory again, I memorize everything necessary that may come up in the future.

My name is the same as how I left the last world, Cassius Anemoi.

As peasants don't bear a last name, Anemoi is the name granted to any royal servants not part of a previous noble family.

For my backstory, I had been abandoned by my parents and left to grow up in a Japanese orphanage, born to Western parents made obvious by my name and features.

At the age of 11, I had been scouted by a martial artist, who recognized my talent after I beat up some bullies at school.

From then on, when I was not at school, I was training at the local dojo in martial arts, from kendo and general swordsmanship to karate and mixed martial arts.

Entering the fighting scene at 13, I took the Japanese martial arts community by storm, being labelled a prodigy after a few fights.

Winning multiple titles in various disciplines both in Japan and internationally.

Last year, the martial artist that took me in and trained me, essentially becoming my foster parent, died.

Feeling my passion for martial arts fade with his death, I promised myself to make his dream come true and win the most prestigious title before retiring from the scene.

The World Open Martial Arts Championship.

And I had kept my promise.

Soundly defeating the competition in both general weapons combat and hand-to-hand combat.

The first to win double gold for the two top titles, and done at the young age of 18.

Now with a bunch of prize money and no one left in my life, I decided to move to Tokyo to find my new passion.

Yeah, that's the gist of it.

A good backstory for me.

It would explain my insane physique and combat skills as well as having no previous personal connections to navigate.

A clean slate.

With some money and fame to get me started.

Now... what the hell do I do now?

The apartment I'm living in, or going to live in, is one out of the way with good privacy.

Maybe god thought I would have a hard time adjusting?

Mah, whatever.

And Japan, huh?

After noting where I was, I looked up some Japanese videos to refresh my memory of the language.

It wouldn't be funny if I couldn't talk or read anything.

Luckily, it seems that god had been looking out for me once again, as the Japanese language and writing are identical to the Nishino tongue back in the Aspian Kingdom.

A language of a lost people, it was preserved by the kingdom as a second language for the royal court to use as code, and as the official butler turned knight of the first princess, I of course knew the language intimately.

So no problems there, good.

Japanese culture, from what I remember, is based on respect.

And while I held no actual respect for the nobles I interacted with daily, I did have to pretend to be.

So no problems there either.

Looking down at the bus route on my phone, I see that I'm nearly at the destination.

Seems like I've been reading for quite a while.

Turning to my right, I observe the passing cityscape, the morning sun peeking through the tall buildings while the clouds are coated in burnt orange.

It's pretty.

Searching through my phone, I see that I have most social media downloaded, each platform having two accounts, one private and one public relating to my martial art career.

Soon enough, the bus slows before coming to rest at my stop.

It seems that every passenger had inputted their destination before departure as I didn't need to notify the driver.

Placing my laptop in my backpack, I sling it over my shoulder before pulling back the curtain.

Taking my luggage overhead, I then make my way to the door, giving the nod to the bus driver as I pass which he returns.

The door closes at my exit before the bus slowly pulls away, leaving me alone in front of the modest apartment building.

Making my way up to the second floor, I look over each door before coming across a small group of people.

Two adults, a man and woman, a girl around my age, with a blue baseball cap on her head, and two young children, one holding the girl's hand while the other trails behind.

They must be neighbours, or one of them at least.

Let's introduce myself.

"Hello! I'm new to this complex, I was wondering if you know where apartment 4 is?"

All their eyes turn to me, with the girls wearing curious expressions while the others flinch before turning to me with a hint of concern and fear.

Huh? What's with their reaction?

They seem to have a big secret that they're hiding.

Have they made a move? Preparing for one?

The situation in Bremvale has been obscure as of late, perhaps-


I'm not in that place anymore.

These are simple civilians, likely surprised by a new face, especially one as foreign as mine.

Refocusing on them, I see that the girl and woman are sporting flushed cheeks.

Looking at the purple-haired teen, toddler still in hand, I'm surprised by her beauty.

A cute face, button nose, rosy lips, and purple gradient eyes that seem to draw you in.


"N-Nice to meet you-whoa!"

Attempting to introduce herself, the girl trips over her feet, falling face-first toward me.

Acting mostly on instincts, I use my free arm to catch her, wrapping gently around her waist while supporting her weight.

Overcoming her surprise, she straightens herself as I remove my arm.

"S-Sorry about that! Silly little me forgot~ Teehee! As for unit 4... I think that's the one right there."

Pointing to the door to the left, I glance at my new home before returning my gaze to the group.

Apprehension, anxiety, resignation.

While I'm curious as to why they seem so... worried about my appearance, that really isn't on my mind.

This girl, her smile, expressions, everything... it's all fake.

While pretty and cute, stuff like that is meant for the theatre or the royal court, not a place like here, and not in front of your kids.

It's unsettling and slightly sad.

"U-Umm, if you want an autograph-"

Interrupting her weird misunderstanding, I reposition her hat that had slipped down her head while giving my piece of advice.

"You're quite beautiful, but you know, I think you would look even better without that facade. Anyway, I gotta go unpack now, my name's Cassius by the way."

Taking the stunned silence as my cue to leave, I pass by the pretty girl, her mouth previously set in a practiced smile opened wide in surprise.

Uhh, I guess she took my advice to heart?

Unlocking my new apartment, I look through the basic layout.

An open floor living room and kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom, and finally a balcony, coming equipped with basic appliances and furniture.

Well, time to unpack.

----- Ai Hoshino POV -----

Absently staring in shock as the handsome man, no, Cassius walks away, I don't even realize my hand reaching to the top of my head.

Reining in my surprise, I reset my smile with ease, at this point I don't even need to think about it.

Curved slightly upwards, just to the point where I can feel my lips begin to stretch, and flexing my cheek to where my eyes form a slight squint.

There, my perfect smile.

I don't understand how you saw through me so easily, Cassius, but this is how I show my love.

"Shit shit shit shit. Did he notice? Regardless, he's now your neighbour so he's bound to find out eventually. Dammit, I thought everyone who was renting here was old people living in the countryside, shit."

"Ichigo, don't swear in front of the kids."

Feeling a tug at my hand, I look down to see Ruby wearing a complicated expression.

"Mama, what was that guy talking about?"

"Nothing, Ruby. Just some adult things. Haa, I thought that Mommy got caught, but it seems luck is on my side today!"

Fake enthusiasm, perfectly crafted to lift the spirits of everyone around me.

Yes, this is my form of love.

"Whatever. We'll just have to hope he doesn't connect the dots. It seems like he didn't know who Ai was, so we at least have that."

"Hmph. He doesn't even know who Mama is, such a worthless human."

"Ruby, not everyone is an idol otaku like you, calm down."

The usual strange exchange of conversation between my two sweet babies.

Aww, they're so cute~!

"Haa, well, Ichigo is right. We can only pray for the best. Nevertheless, it seems like you're new neighbour is quite handsome, Ai. Be sure to not make any more mistakes until you're out of the idol business."

Remembering how his strong arms wrapped protectively around my waist and his charming smile, an itching heat rises to my cheeks.

Judging by the deadpan stare Miyako is giving me, it seems that I've been found out.


"It seems you have a thing for hot Westerners, Ai. But let me reiterate, do not get involved with anything scandalous. You already have two nuclear bombs waiting to explode."

"Aww, boo~ But don't you think I need some friends, president? Besides, he did stop me from falling. Maybe I should thank him?"

Pushing his glasses up, the president gives me a stern glare as I begin to walk into my apartment.

"Ai, no. Absolutely not. Going out with the kids is already pushing it, getting involved with someone else, much less a man would be unreasonable."

Turning around on a swivel, I bend over slightly while giving the president a wink.

"Hmm~ But you know, I'm a very greedy idol. Teehee~"

"Tsk. Damn idol. Just don't get pregnant again for the love of god."

Once again reminded of Cassius, I quickly grab the door before slamming it shut.

"B-Be quiet, old man!"

"Haa? How dare you call me old man! Whatever, don't forget, we have your regular Saturday practice later today, so enjoy your time off."

Resting my forehead against the door, I take a moment to regain control of my emotions.

"Mama, why is your face red?"

Sinking down into a crouch, I bury my face into my hands.

Mou, even my sweet Ruby is bullying me!

----- Cassius POV -----

With everything now situated, I sink back onto the couch and take out my phone, looking for a good place to eat for tonight.

It didn't take too long to get unpacked as I only had two bags of belongings, but I did take the time to go through the apartment.

Thinking back to the pretty girl that appears to be my neighbour, I try to think why she would be putting on such an act and why the others reacted so intensely.

From what I overheard after my departure, her name was Ai, right?

Typing into the search engine, I search Ai before moving on to the images.

It doesn't take too long to find her picture, dressed in a frilly dress with six other girls.

So she's a celebrity.

Makes sense why they would be tense, and I guess she wouldn't want to show her true personality to the public.

Then there's the matter of her having twins and at so young too...

Yeah, makes sense.

Still, why was everyone so shocked when I saw through her fake persona?

They are close to her, right?

Reading up a little more about my new neighbour, I see some confusing things.



Is it some kind of singing group?

But why not just be called a band at that point?

Whatever, I'll ask her the next time I see her.

Well, if she's fine with it.

Now onto my next conundrum...

What the hell do I do now?

So I'm a retired martial artist, not too far from the truth, I have no idea what to do next.

Before being killed, I wanted to move out of the capital, spreading the music I remember from my memories around the world while slaying the odd monster along the way.

But what do I do now?

Wait, didn't god say something about little details like music being changed?

It makes sense as I'd never heard of 'B-Komachi' before, despite being fairly popular.

Searching up a few songs I remember the title to, no results come up, or those that do are not what I'm thinking of.


Perhaps I could continue my dream here.

While being morally questionable to steal the ideas of another world, it's not like I'm hurting anyone.

In fact, it's an act of good to spread beautiful music to the world.

And hell, even if it is wrong, a hero like me deserves to cash in some karma, no?

Searching up music stores, I find one near one of the shops I was looking at.

So that's this morning sorted.


Locking the door behind me, I start on my way to the shop while thinking of what else I should do today.

Hmm, I need clothes, groceries, extra toiletries, laundry detergent, dish soap...

There's a notepad app for this, right?

----- 8 Hours Later -----

Now done with my final stop, I observe the surrounding scenery on my walk back home.

With all the various things I needed to get, I had to take a few trips back and forth.

While annoying, I used this time to familiarize myself with the area.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I come face to face with Ai along with the older man from before.

"Ah, hello! I believe you were Ai and... Ichigo, right?"

Surprised at my introduction, or maybe that I knew their names, Ichigo recoils in unease while Ai bounds over with a wide smile.

"Cassius! Were you out shopping?"

"Yep, need some basic things for the new apartment. What were you guys doing?"

Ichigo returns to his stoic expression, seemingly unaffected by my presence if it wasn't for the twitching fingers and perspiring forehead saying otherwise.

"Me~ I just got back from some vocal lessons! Need to stay in tip-top shape after all!"

"Ah, you're an idol, right? Singing seems like a big part of the gig, so that makes sense."

Their eyes widen and Ichigo goes back to being visibly worried.

Ai on the other hand, has her smile grow wider while her eyes shine in... happiness? Curiosity?

Well, at least she took my words better than Ichigo.

"Mhmm! Hey, Cassius~ are you not a fan of idols?"

"Hmm, I guess not. I haven't really seen any to form an opinion. I was too focused on my previous job."

A lull in the conversation.

Looking at her face, I see that her facade is still up, though not as much so, her curiosity is genuine.

As I thought, her 'true' face is infinitely more beautiful.

That part of her reminds me of Lilianna...


It's wrong to compare the two.

Her eyes sparkling in mischief, she then asks me another question.

"Well, we might have to change that, I'll promise to make you my fan... what's your last name again?"

"It's Anemoi. Cassius Anemoi. And I never told you my last name to begin with. But sure, you can try to make me your fan. Wait. Wouldn't you rather your fan not know where you live?"

A smirk of accomplishment crosses her face.

Oh, she was going for that.

How cute.

"Maa, it's fine. Anyways, I got to get started on the ki- on my dinner. Catch you later, Cassius Anemoi~"

Seeing her walk to her apartment with large, confident strides, the sudden urge to tease her arises from the back of my mind.

"And hey, Ai."

Turning to face me, I give her a playful smile.

"If you wanted to know my full name, you could have just asked me."

Freezing for a moment, her face then lights up in a blush before she speeds inside, Ichigo following soon after while giving me a departing nod.

I, on the other hand, stood still, frozen in shock.

Bringing my hand up to my face to cover my flushed cheeks, I let out a hot breath before controlling my emotions.

"Haa, seriously."

While I did say that Ai being genuine would make her more beautiful, I would never have guessed it would be to this extent.

"She's dangerous."

Reaching my apartment, I set down my new purchases before getting started on dinner, trying not to think of the beautiful girl I had just seen.

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