The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 27 – Family

"Marry me."

Hearing such a firm declaration, I instantly knew that Ai wasn't kidding in the slightest, which just made the entire situation more embarrassing, or maybe shocking was the right word.

"H-Huh?" I stutter out.

"I'm serious Cassius. Marry me." She responds with a fire in her eyes.

"Wait wait wait! This is not how proposals go! It's the man's job, right!?"

"Then I'll give you a minute to do it! And it can be the woman too, you know!" She exclaims.

Calming my breathing, I briskly walked to our room and toward my closet before frantically fishing out the two items I needed.

I had wanted to marry Ai since a while ago, after all, marriage usually came before or shortly after love back in Aspia.

But I waited, as a hidden marriage would be too much for Ai to deal with while being an idol.

And now that she wasn't one, I planned to propose soon.

But not now, dammit!

This leads me to my second dilemma.

How do I propose?

Rather, with the tradition of her world with a ring, or with that of my old world, where the briar crown is placed gently on the woman's head.

So naturally, I prepared both.

It was difficult to get the crown, having to navigate through many garden centers until I found the perfect plant, or at least something close to it.

After all, not many people want to get some bushes, most would view it as a weed instead.

The tradition was for the husband, no matter his status, to craft the briar crown and shave off all the thorns, showing the resolve of the husband to put effort into the marriage.

It didn't need to be good, just show effort.

Although most nobles just handed off the burden to their servants... but that's beside the point.

I made it and did so in secret a few months ago, and it was finally time for it to get some action.

Anyway, with no time to ponder over my decision as to what method, I guess Ai would be receiving two proposals.

Hopefully Ai doesn't find it weird...

Walking back to the kitchen, I notice Aqua looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What's got you in a hurry, Cassius?" He asks.

"I'm about to officially be your dad!"

I then continue after a quick departing wave.

It seems to take him a few seconds to understand as I soon hear him scrambling out of his seat, dragging an unsuspecting Ruby along with him.

Taking a quick breath to compose myself, I returned to where I had received Ai's confession.

Purple hair that seemed to sparkle in the morning sunlight, one arm was fiddling with a few loose strands of her hair as the other was placed across her chest, emphasizing her twin mounds even more.

Tapping feet, a small blush, darting eyes...

She seemed to have calmed down from her excitement and was now flustered at her past actions, or perhaps she was just worried about my reception.

Either way, it's a man's job to quell such worries.

So let's do this, Cassius!

"Ai." I say sternly, not a hint of my previous bewilderment present in my voice.

She flinches at my call, eyes focusing on my face before darting down to the hands that were hiding behind my back, causing her face to flush even more at the implication.

"Y-Yes, Cassius...?"

Now... how to word this?

Let's just keep it simple.

Short and sweet.

Slowly walking up to her, I bring out the briar crown before gently placing it on her head before moving away a few loose strands of her hair.

As I suspected, she was perplexed, and a little disappointed.

"W-What?" She asks.

Well, no wonder she's confused, I hadn't told her about this tradition after all.

"I didn't know whether to use the tradition from here or my past world... so I decided to do both."

Clearing my throat, I get down on one knee and bring out the ring I had bought.

The ring was plain with an amethyst gem in the middle and a ruby and aquamarine gem on either side.

The symbolism was obvious, and since I knew how important her children were to her, I was confident that my design choice was a good one.

And as for the ring size... well I just asked Ichigo for that, though he was making quite a difficult expression when I did so, knowing what would soon follow.

"Ai Hoshino... no words need to be said, right? I love you, and I don't plan on stopping, so... will you marry me?"

A gasp sounds from behind the counter.

Those damn kids... should I teach them some stealth later on?

Taking in my words, Ai clenches her fist as her eyes become slightly teary before jumping into my chest.

"Of course!"

An engagement made in the kitchen... it was by no means a romantic proposal, but it didn't need to be.

Something simple like this... for us, it was perfect.

Rather than a pretty background, heartfelt emotion was all we needed to feel fulfilled.

And so, I lost a girlfriend and gained a fiancee.

----- Ruby POV -----

He actually did it...

Cassius was now officially my Papa!

Well, not officially yet, but he basically was.

I wonder... would this change anything?

Hmm... probably not.

It was only a matter of time before Mama and Papa got married and at this point, it was only a formality, but still, it was exciting!

And with how cute and happy Mama looked, I have a feeling that many happy days were ahead of us.

Ah~ I wish I had taken a picture~

Anyway, this that out of the way, we were currently having breakfast, with Mama still wearing her vine crown thing.

It was... a bit weird, but she looked really pretty in it!

Like a princess!

That aside... Papa seemed to be having some fun.

"Haha! This is priceless! Weren't you kids supposed to be a well-kept secret? Why did you decide to go viral before you even turned one?"

Papa was currently watching the old video of Aqua and I's dance during Mama's concert.

I personally found it cute, but Aqua...

"S-Stop it! It's an embarrassing past, Cassius!" 

"'Embarrassing past'... you're four, you know? And I'm your dad now, so call me Papa or something." Papa responds with a smirk.

"No way. And I'm only three months away from being five." Aqua responds with a huff.

"Pff, yeah okay. Aquamarine~"


Mama and I both began giggling as Aqua clutched his heart in pain from hearing his full name.

Emotional damage.

"Fufu, you two are so cute. Ah, Cas! Didn't you need to head to the studio today?" Mama says.

"Yeah, doing the finishing touches on the second album. Though Ichigo doesn't want it released for a while... something about not flooding the market or something." Papa responds.

"When are you going?" Mama asks.

"We're meeting at 12 but with the train ride... I should probably leave after this. But hey, now you have some time to brag about your engagement." 

Mama's face becomes a little more subdued as lightly prods at her rice with her chopsticks.

"Not that I have any friends to brag to..." She sulks.

"Oh, yeah... Hey, we'll work on that, remember?" Papa says before giving Mama a small kiss causing her expression to return to its usual brightness.

Sadness... that was another face of Mama's I would have never seen a year ago.

Now, her constant peppiness wasn't always present, but that just made her real happiness all the more special.

The power of love, huh?

Seeing the results of Mama's dream, the fire of determination from last night reignites into a vicious blaze.

Gulping down the last of my juice, I slam the plastic cup down before marching over to the backyard.

"Huh? Ruby, where are you going?" Mama asks.

"To practice!" I respond.

Yes, I was still far from where I needed to be.

To be like Mama, or more specifically, to be like the Mama I saw last night.

I need to train harder!

"Ruby, remember the last time you tried to dance after eating?" 

I instantly come to a stop at Papa's words, awakening some memories I'd rather be forgotten.

...Right, maybe I'll wait an hour.

My cheeks heating up in embarrassment, I keep my head down as I slowly make my way back to the table, my pout becoming more pronounced after Papa teasingly tussles my hair.

"Alright, I'll see you guys later, okay? Love you!" Papa says before grabbing his bag.

"Good luck dear!" Mama says while blowing him a kiss.

"Tch, just make Ai some money." Aqua responds with a pout.

"Aquamarine~" Mama teases.

"Make Mama some money. And don't pick up his habits, Mama."

----- Ai POV - 1 Month Later -----

Wiping the morning grogginess out of my eyes, I keep my head resting against the pillow, slowly regaining my mental clarity.

Glancing over to my side, I notice the distinct lack of a certain someone.

He must have taken the kids to school already.

"I really slept in, huh?" I mutter under my breath.

Well, not surprising after last night, even with a full treatment of healing magic, my hips still felt a little sore.

Cas... he was truly a beast in bed.

A fact I've come to realize once more after our month of constant... exercise.

Fighting against my instincts screaming at me to stay in bed, I slowly raise my body.

It was getting a little more chilly during the nights, soon enough I'll have to start wearing-


Feeling my stomach lurch, I race to the bathroom just in time to vomit into the toilet.

After nearly a minute of throwing up, I blink the tears out of my eyes while looking at the remains of last night's dinner.


Past the nauseousness, the stomach pain, and the foul taste in my mouth, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness.

This was... just like last time.

Wait, I don't know that yet.

Flushing the toilet, I slowly make my way over to the sink before washing off my face and rinsing my mouth with mouthwash.

Fixing my dishevelled hair in the mirror, I glance over at the pregnancy test I had bought a few weeks before.

"Let's see if I still got it."

Finishing my business, I keep a vigilant watch on the test as I wait anxiously for the three minutes to pass.

My foot unconsciously tapping against the floor, I try to control my breathing until finally... I see it.

A second line.



Way to go, me! Just as fertile as ever!

Ah~ but now I have to go over names again~!

Or maybe I should wait until they come out?

Will I have twins again?

Will they be a girl or a boy?

Will they have my hair?

Cas' blue-green eyes?

Oh~ I can't wait!

Different from when I had Ruby and Aqua, this time I was ready.

This time, I wouldn't have to lie.

This time... I could shower my new baby with true, genuine love from the get-go.

Ah, but I'll have to be sure Ruby and Aqua don't feel left out too.

Suddenly, I hear the door unlock before creaking open.

"I'm back. Sweetie? Are you up yet?"

With a wide smile on my face, I start running towards the living room.

"Huh? What's up? Oof-!"

Jumping into his arms, he quickly gets over his shock as he lifts me into a crushing hug, my legs kicking up and down in excitement.

My cheeks ache from smiling and my heart is pounding to the point of nearly being painful, but I'm so, so happy!

"Not that I mind the welcome, but what's up?"

With him holding me up, I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a deep kiss, his eyes widening in surprise before closing in pleasure.

Separating our lips, I feel his hand move across my skin before gently squeezing my bare behind, causing me to lightly swat at his hand.

"None of that, Cassius. Don't want to disturb our baby~"

He tilts his head cutely in disappointment and confusion before his mouth shoots open in realization.



Cassius stood still for a few moments, taking in the news before breaking out into the most charming smile I had ever seen, making my core clench in need.

"I guess we won't have a guest room anymore."

He says while wiping away the tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.

Is it absolute that you can't have sex while pregnant?

Because I really really want to.

Well, even if there is, there's always that hole...

"We have to look at nursery stuff! Oh, and baby clothes! I mean, most infant stuff is genderless so-" 

Hearing him drift off into a muttering mess, I calm down my arousal and regain my sanity before stepping onto the ground again.

Maybe tonight, but right now...

"-There's prenatal classes, newborn care classes, do those even have a name? Hmm... should I get a doll to practice changing diapers? Oh, and what about a rocking chair?-"

Yeah, my Cassius is acting too cute to think of doing anything that crude right now.

But tonight...

Well, only time will tell.

But... as cute as Cas is being, I think he's going a little overboard.

I mean, babies aren't that hard to take care of, I would know from Ruby and Aqua.

And this time I won't even have idol work to do!

So it'll be easy peasy!


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