The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

Chapter 9 – Love

"Mama! Mama!"

"It's okay, Ruby."

"But- but she's bleeding! She's not awake! Why!?"

Setting Ai down on the couch, bring the worried girl and the still-stunned Aqua into a hug.

"She's alright now. All healed. Mama's gonna wake up as soon as she recovers from her shock, okay?"

Feeling Ruby calm down, I separate from them, or at least, I try to, as Ruby continues to cling to me.

Poor girl.

Patting her head, I look over to Aqua who is looking intently at Ai's bare, bloody stomach, with a mix of fear and relief.

Yeah, not every day does your mom almost die and then get saved by literal magic.

Now, that leads me to my next predicament...

How the hell will I explain myself?

I know Ai can keep a secret, and I can trust her even without the fact I know her deepest secret keeping her silent.

...But kids?


Well, I guess no one would take it seriously, so I have that going for me.

And they have been pretty good at keeping their mom a secret...

Yeah, should be okay.


Seems that Ai's getting back up.

Separating Ruby's grasp on my chest, I nudge her in the direction of her mom.

"Aqua? What... happened?"



Jumping into her mother's arms, Ruby breaks into another set of cries, Aqua leaning into their hug.

Letting the three have their moment, Ruby's cries soon die down as Aqua separates from them, leaving behind a very confused Ai.

"W-What happened to me? I thought I got stabbed and died?"

She then looks down at her bloody abdomen and dress.

"No, I did get stabbed. So what happened? How am I healed?"

Raising her head she finally notices my presence.



"W-Wait, so that was..."

Seeing her face flush red, it seems she remembered her boldness from a few minutes ago.

"I healed you, Ai. And just so you know-"

Leaning towards her, I think back to when she kissed me, and her profession of love directly after.

It felt... good.

Extremely good, when she said that.

And the slight sickness of guilt that I always had around her was nowhere to be found.

Had she pushed me out of my state of hesitance?

Maybe, maybe not.

But one thing's for sure.

"I love you too, Ai."

My hand against the back of her head then pulls her toward me, my lips quickly capturing hers.

Sweet, like citrus.

Likely a lip gloss.

And there's also the taste of blood.

...She should probably spit that out soon.

Separating, I see that her eyes are glazed over and her mouth set in a clumsy grin.


Ai breaks out of her daze at Aqua's cough, her cheeks becoming even redder than before.

Oh, maybe not a great idea to do that in front of her kids.

Wiping off the trail of blood from the corner of her mouth, Ai stutters out a question to distract her from her embarrassment.

"A-Anyways! What do you mean you healed me? I was definitely dying, and there's not even a mark left!"

Haa... welp, putting it off won't do much, and I'd rather them not make their own assumptions.

So let's get this over with.

"I ask that you all keep this an absolute secret, okay?"

Bringing forth solar magic, I surround my hand in it before concentrating it into a ball, hovering just over my palm.

Seeing all three of them look on in wonder, I explain.

"Solar magic, it's able to deal damage alone, enhance my strength, and lastly, heal. That's what I used to help you."

Still staring at the glowing ball, I dissipate it to get this conversation back on track.

I hope they don't ask too many questions.

My past being a complete lie, a different world...

Yeah, don't want to get into that.


Ai then narrows her eyes while tapping her chin, making a wave of nervousness wash over me.

"You're magic..."

Please, please don't make this any more complicated.

The last thing I want is for everything here to fall apart-

"Is that how you're such a good fighter!?"



That's her question?

"U-Uhh yeah, something like that."

Clapping her hands together, she continues.

"So? What's it feel like?"

"Warm, I guess?"

"How much can you control it?"

"Pretty well."

I then create a fish of solar magic before controlling it to swim through the air.

"Wow~! So..."

After answering several, quite pointless, questions, Aqua butts in with a question of his own.

"There's something more to you, isn't there?"

Gah! Damn smart kid!

No, after calming down from my initial worry, telling them everything isn't too big of a deal.

After all, if they already know this much, there's no real harm in knowing more.

The biggest thing about me was my magic making me a target of the government, either to capture me for research or eliminate me in fear.

So my other secrets are minuscule in comparison.

And it would be sort of nice, for them to know the true me.

Especially seeing that Ai and I are this serious about each other.

But... it's too soon.

I wouldn't want to overwhelm them.

Even now, I can see the steam exiting Ruby's ears from the revelation.

"Maybe. Anyways, would you like to call the police? I don't know exactly how to explain everything..."

"No. We'd risk my secret getting out if it hasn't already... that's not even getting into the blood all over the place."

Yeah, that would be hard to explain.

"Wait, do you know the attacker, Ai?"

"Yeah. It was a fan. Ryousuke. He's been to a number of my concerts."

At her words, I see Aqua tense.

Poor kid, that definitely left some trauma in him, the last thing he needs is to be alone right now.

Pulling home close, I sit him between me and Ai next to his sister.

A fan, huh?

"How did he get your address? Did you leak it by accident?"

"No. I've been super careful. The only ones who know my address are you, the president, and Miyako."

Hmm, it's extremely unlikely any of those two would leak it by accident, even more unlikely would they do it on purpose.

Aqua then speaks up.

"He also knew about me and Ruby being her kids, even before he saw me."

Huh, so he knows all that.

I doubt he would learn that on his own, so who-

"Oh! There was also my ex, I asked if he wanted to see his kids."

So that's the bastard.

It makes sense, if he hasn't leaked anything nor seen his own kids, he is likely in a position where a scandal would be dangerous.

Politics? Entertainment?

Anyways, it definitely sets a motive to get rid of Ai, and what better way than to use a crazy fan?

"And? What's his name?"

"Hikaru Kamiki."

"I see."

I can't be absolutely sure, but I'm nearly certain it's him.

Well, I can always visit little old Ryousuke and get the information out of him.

But, for now.

"Well, until we're certain that you're safe, I'll stay here to protect you. Is that okay with you?"

Giving me a nod, Ai suddenly freezes before averting her eyes from me.


Oh, is it that?

"I'll sleep on the couch."

"Huh!? Oh... Okay."

Umm, Ai?

Why do you sound so disappointed?

"Uh, if you three have trouble falling asleep, I can stay with you."

"Really!? I mean, sure. Thank you, Cassius."

Ai, you aren't fooling anyone.

But wow, who thought the pure idol would be so... bold.

Well, can't say I hate her forwardness, but if I'm protecting them, the living room is the best place for any nighttime attacks.

"Anyways, you three should take some time to calm down, together. I'll go clean up the blood. Oh, and you should change, Ai."

Looking down, she finally notices the state of her dress, ripped open and revealing her bra.

Black, huh?


Covering herself, her face grows red once again.

Wow, she's really shy under her facade, huh?

And to think she's being this genuine in front of her children...

Maybe the attack wasn't all bad.

"I-I will! And, is it alright to call the president?"

"Yeah, but let's just say I stopped the attacker, okay?"


----- Ai POV -----

"WHAT!? Alright, we're coming right away. Did you call the cops?"


"That's... good. Don't hesitate to do so if you're in danger though. We're on our way!"

"Alright, see you soon president!"

Turning off my phone, I look down at Ruby and Aqua, both resting between my legs.

Running my hands through their hair, I give them both a smile.

"Are you two alright?"

"As long as you're fine, Mama."

"If you say so. And you, Aqua?"

Not receiving an answer, I see that Aqua has his eyes narrowed in concentration.


"Hm? What is it, Ai?"

I guess the attack affected him quite a bit.

That's to be expected, after all, he was right next to me as I bled out.

I'm sorry, Aqua.

"Nothing sweetie."

I can only hope a good night's rest will do him some good.

Cassius should also help as well.

Speaking of Cassius...

So, I guess he l-loves me too?

Even thinking about his confession, and the kiss afterward, makes butterflies appear in my stomach.

I didn't know a simple act like kissing could feel so... satisfying.

Is this the difference that love makes?

I could only wonder what going all the way will feel like...

Ah! No! Bad!

Way too soon, Ai!

Jeez, making me think of that.

Look what you did to me, Cassius.

You better take responsibility~

Haa, but he was right.

Not using my act with my kids...

Why didn't I do it sooner?

I lied to all my fans, just as every idol does when they say 'I love you', but I wanted to love them, to love somebody.

Yet it never happened.

When I had kids, I thought I would love them.

It's natural, right?

For a mother to love their children.

But I never said it to them for the longest time.

I was scared, that once I said it to them, it would be untrue.

Then, I would definitely not be able to love anyone.

I kept up my act around them to always be the happy, perfect mother, but really, to think opening my heart was the answer...

I'm definitely scolding the president for sending me down the wrong path!

Ah, but wouldn't giving Cassius a big kiss when he arrives to be the perfect revenge?

My lips curling up to a smile, I give Aqua and Ruby a kiss on their heads.

"I love you, my sweet babies."

"I-I love you too, Mama!"

"W-We're not babies anymore, Ai!"

Fufu, to think my Aqua would be so embarrassed.

Next goal: make Aqua call me Mama!

But hey, isn't my true self much... happier?

Is it because I found love?

Did the lies of my act turn into reality?

Hmm... well, it doesn't matter.

I'll love my babies.

I'll love my Cassius.

And Ai Hoshino will be her true self!

No more lies... just love.

Well, until I go back on stage anyways.


Meeting Aqua's eyes, he continues after letting out a shaky breath.

"Y-You're, really alive, right?"


Yeah, he definitely needs some sleep.

"Of course! Mama won't die from just that, y'know!"

Moving him out of my hold, I lay him down on my bed.

"Now how about you have a nice rest while me and Cassius talk to the president."


"Goodnight, Aqua."

"Goodnight, Ai."



"Say, goodnight, Mama."

"N-No, you're Ai."

"And your Mama. Say it."

"Goodnight, A-"


"Haa, goodnight, Mama."

"There we go. How about you take a rest too, Ruby."

"Huam! Okay, Mama."

"Good. Mama will be right here when you wake up, okay."

Closing the door behind me, I turn to see Cassius and the pristine state of the entryway behind him.

"I'm done the cleaning, is the president coming?"

"Yeah. How did you clean it so fast and well? I don't even see any supplies!"

"Oh, I used my magic to burn it all."

Wow, no wonder his place was so clean.

"You're magic is pretty handy."




What the hell?

It was never like this before!

"U-Umm, anyway, Ai."


Why am I so nervous?

I know he loves me, and yet I'm acting like an embarrassed schoolgirl!

"So... I love you."


"And, you love me."

Obviously, dummy!

Are you trying to embarrass me?

"And, we also kissed."

You're definitely trying to embarrass me!

"Yes, what're you getting at?"

"Well, are we, you know... together now?"


It was just that?

Breaking into a fit of giggles, I can't help but move forward to hug him.

"Of course! I wouldn't kiss just anyone you know."

"I-I was just making sure! Stop laughing!"

Seeing his face dyed red, I can't help but notice how... cute he is.

I also feel an urge come forth at his adorable demeanour.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I stand on my toes to reach his lips, our noses bumping as I deepen our kiss.

The pulse of pleasure, the addictive numbing, the subtle sweetness.

Yes, it's just as electrifying as before, and this time without the blood.

To make me feel like this...

Yeah, I'm definitely kissing him more.

"Well~? Does that confirm it~?"

Without answering, he cups the back of my head with his hand and leans forward.

D-Did I awaken something?

Before our lips could meet, a frantic knock interrupted us, causing Cassius to stop his movement.

"Ai! Open up, Ai!"

"I guess that's him, he was quite fast."

"Well, that's the president for you."

Giving me a light peck, he then separates, leaving me slightly flustered.

Why did such a small kiss elicit such warmth?

Uuu, to leave it at that!

Marching over to the front door, I open it to reveal a visibly worried president and Miyako.

"Ai! Are you okay!? Did he return!? Did-"

"Everything's fine, president! Cassius took down the bad guy and saved the day!"

Looking over my shoulder, he then spots Cassius who gives him a wave.

"Hey president, Miyako."

"Just call me Ichigo."

Walking towards him, the president then bows his head.

"Thank you so much for protecting Ai. I... don't know what I could have done if something had happened."

"No need for that, it's only natural I would protect her."

"'Only natural'? What does that mean?"

Stepping past him, I wrap my arm around Cassius' shoulder while gripping his collar.

"What he means, president, is this."

I then pull Cassius' head down before enveloping his lips in yet another kiss.

Ah, I'm getting addicted at this rate.

Well, I was never a pure girl, to begin with.

Breaking the connection, a thin strand of saliva connects our mouths, one that I quickly cut off with my tongue.

"Not that I don't love it, but why?"

"Hmm~? I was just showing off to my dear president~"

Turning my head, I see that Miyako has a small frown, tinged ever so slightly in, is that jealousy?

Hmm, I guess my Cassius is quite a looker, isn't he?

I then glance over to the president, his eyes wide in surprise as his mouth opens and closes like a dead fish.


Fufufu, totally worth it.

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