The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 113

Vol 2 Chapter 51: First~First~

“Prefect! I want you to bring students of all grades back to their respective common rooms. The morning class is temporarily cancelled.”

Dumbledore finally came, and the deans of the four academies followed behind him. Diana also came. Hearing Dumbledore’s order, her expression changed. This morning happened to be her class and was cancelled again.

And since the school started, there has only been one class of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but Diana didn’t say anything.

Four house prefects, oh, maybe only three house prefects – Hufflepuff’s prefects are all in the back kitchen.

“Cedric,” Moriarty said, “you will lead Hufflepuff back to your common room.”

“Me?” Cedric asked suspiciously, pointing his index finger to the tip of his nose.

Not to question Moriarty’s decision – Headmaster Dumbledore and Dean Sprout said nothing, but to doubt his own competence for the job.

“Yes, it’s you.” Moriarty gave Cedric a stern look, which made Cedric have the illusion of facing Professor McGonagall, and then he became resolute, and at this time, Moriarty had already walked towards Dumbledore.

“Professors, I think this is unusual!” Moriarty exclaimed, and Dumbledore nodded solemnly: “I’m glad you think so too! In fact, we just got back from the school hospital.”

Moriarty’s eyes narrowed: “Is something wrong with Keith?”

“It’s worse than that.” Professor Snape threw out a bottle of potion with a heavy tone: “Last night’s potion class, a fourth-year Slytherin girl made a reverse recipe based on the antidote and made it late at night. She took a poison and tricked her friend into drinking it. Now both of them are in the school hospital.”

Moriarty took the potion bottle, opened the cork and sniffed gently. Although he was very careful, he still smelled a pungent smell.

This taste is like pickled cabbage that has been pickled for a hundred years. It penetrates into the brain from Moriarty’s nose, and it hurts like sticking a needle into the skin!

Moriarty hurriedly performed Occlumency to resist the poison, and his eyes flashed: “You and Horace can’t brew this kind of potent poison against the brain in just one night!

How could a fourth-grade witch do it? And the reverse operation according to the antidote? Sounds like going on a trip and discovering Voldemort is as creepy and incredible! ”

“We came up with the same idea as you. To find out, we searched their memories. About this poison – there is no record, no warning! It seems like it appeared out of thin air, but the poison actually appeared. , almost poisoned my student!” Dumbledore came over and took the potion bottle, carefully putting it into the robe.

Wizard White’s eyes were cold and he swept across the four dining tables, “Now there’s another mess at breakfast, which has seriously damaged the relationship between the academies.

Professor Sprout has learned the cause and effect from her students, Moriarty, would you like to follow us to the back kitchen to see what Miss Tonks is doing? ”

Moriarty nodded, “Let’s go.”

To be honest, he wasn’t worried about Tonks’ safety, he saw Professor Sprout check three dishes, all of which were non-toxic, which meant that Tonks was really on a whim, but why would she do that? ?

This is what everyone cares about the most.

Of course, Diana didn’t seem so concerned. On the way, she asked Moriarty with a smile on her face: “I’m a new professor. What should I do if I encounter a student who deliberately skips classes?”

Moriarty knew she was talking about a Monday afternoon Defence Against the Dark Arts class, but that was the time Moriarty made a bet with Nicole Lemay, and Moriarty locked himself in the dorm and again. How to go to class.

At that time, the whole school and the entire Hogsmeade were trying to help Moriarty in every way possible, and the professors were also able to prioritize, but these words would not make sense to an elf.

Elves are a kind of stubborn to paranoid race. This characteristic started from Vivian, the famous “Fairy in the Lake” who fell in love with Merlin and then imprisoned Merlin.

“I suggest you ask the Headmaster directly.” So Moriarty replied, Diana pursed her lips, everyone could see that Dumbledore was in a bad mood, would she go to trouble?

Will do!

Under Moriarty’s surprised eyes, Diana walked to Dumbledore’s side, her voice no longer soft and sweet, and became more magnetic: “What happened in the castle is similar to mine, isn’t it? You have to plan ahead.”

Dumbledore suddenly stopped and shook his head: “It hasn’t been that bad, I believe in my students.”

What are they playing dumb?

Moriarty looked at the four deans beside him, and found that they looked blank.

Diana didn’t say anything else, she retreated to Moriarty’s side, and soon, everyone left the kitchen, and the little badgers were so devoted to cooking that they didn’t find them.

But Moriarty and the others’ hearts became heavy in vain, not for anything else, but for the pool of blood that came into view.

On the ground, dozens of snakes were cut into pieces, lying on the ground twitching.

On the table, there is a flayed owl, with several knives in its body, its two claws twitching quiveringly.

On the wall, too, Tonks was holding a black snake in his left hand and a brown owl’s wings in his right. A floating knife automatically disintegrated the two poor little animals.

Hufflepuff’s students in groups of three and five quickly made snake soup, roasted owls, and braised lion heads. Moriarty smelled the smell, and it was quite fragrant.

“Merlin! My child!” Professor Sprout walked quickly among the little badgers, and she held Tonks’ wrist, “What’s the matter with you?”

“Oh, it’s Professor Sprout!” Tonks turned around and hugged her dean. Moriarty saw that her eyes were dark and bloodshot, but she said cheerfully. : “I’m cooking for everyone! Have you tasted it yet?”

The other little badgers seemed to be awakened, and they raised their heads and waved their hands very enthusiastically. As if they were the owner and chef of a restaurant, welcoming guests.

Professor Sprout opened his mouth, but was speechless.

Dumbledore’s brows became tighter and tighter. He waved his hand gently, and the blood in the kitchen disappeared instantly. The surviving black snakes and owls escaped the control of the little badgers and fled in panic.

The black snake and the owl who were not killed must have done great deeds in their previous life. Moriarty greeted the black snake in snake language, and Professor McGonagall turned into a tabby cat, trying to appease the owls.

“Oh? Moriarty! You’re here too?” Tonks ran in front of Moriarty, and the black snakes crawled away in fright. Even Moriarty’s snake language couldn’t control them!

“Nymph!” Moriarty’s tone was a little heavier, but she saw Tonks jumping on top of him all of a sudden, hooking his hands around his neck, his legs between his waist, and hanging on Moi’s body. On Riati!

“Little brother~ Hehehe, mua!” Tonks kissed Moriarty’s left cheek.

“mua~” he kissed his right cheek again and giggled, “Did you eat the snake soup I made for you? I heard that you like to drink dragon soup, so I made it for you!

Although I don’t have a fire dragon, it’s still very easy to find a few snakes! How does it compare to dragon soup?

Hey, I’ll make it for you every day from now on! Do you drink? Do you want to drink? ”

Tonks narrowed his eyes with a smile and looked at Moriarty cheerfully.

“You’re wrong, Nymph! You know what?” Moriarty let the drool on her cheeks dry. She has to say that Nymph’s little mouth is quite sweet, but she’s too unrestrained, which is not normal!

He grabbed Tonks’ arms and tried to put her down, but Tonks hugged her tighter, “No, I don’t! Would you like to say whether you drink or not?”

Tonks changed from his former valiant appearance, pouting like a spoiled child, and his hair turned pink. Moriarty knew that this color meant that she was very happy.

But Moriarty and the professors were not happy, Diana snorted: “It seems that the initiator of the trouble was just to cook soup for her little brother!

Moriarty, what a caring senior, eh? Maybe you have the opportunity to ask her how to explain the braised lion head and roasted owl? ”

“I don’t allow you to talk to Moriarty!” Tonks said domineeringly, hooking Moriarty’s neck with both hands, so that she could bring herself into Moriarty’s arms, showing a little annoyance He roared at Diana, “You bad teacher! I’ve seen that you’re not at ease! I dare say you’ve been eyeing Moriarty, what do you say? The old cow eats the tender grass. Aha, yes, that’s it!”

If he didn’t smell the alcohol, Moriarty thought that Tonks must be drunk, but Diana sneered: “How interesting, how can you tell your heart, it seems that you are poisoned!”

“Poisoned?” Moriarty looked at Diana, then at Dumbledore, his eyes wandering between them: “What’s going on?”

“Let’s talk about it Dumbledore sighed: “The key now is, how to stop them? ”

While they were talking, the little badgers summoned black snakes again, and continued to make snake soup and braised lion heads, but there were no owls.

When Tonks saw it, he shouted, “How can there be no owl? That kind of Scottish chubby chicken with a round head and a round face is the soul of these three dishes!

Moriarty, you know, I’ve been paying attention since you taught the house-elves how to cook Chinese food. ”

Moriarty wanted to put her down, but she grabbed the robe and wouldn’t let go.

“I bought a Chinese cookbook during the summer vacation. In addition to snake soup, I wanted to make a chicken soup today, but there was no chicken in the castle, so I had to use owl instead!

Well, isn’t it a genius idea! Tonks raised the corner of his mouth and smiled proudly: “After making the owl soup, I tried the taste. It’s delicious, really delicious, super delicious!”

Look, it’s there, and before I can bring it out, you’re here. I’ll bring it to you to taste! ”

Tonks finally jumped off Moriarty, and Professor McGonagall, who had regained her human form, saw her bring a pot of broth, patted her chest and sighed: “One hundred and thirty-seventh! Tonks Nefer Dora! You killed 137 owls!”


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