The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 127

Vol 2 Chapter 65: The Meaning Of The Headless Horseman

Dumbledore closed the notebook, and the male voice stopped abruptly.

“Sir Cadogan’s story tells us that sometimes courage turns into luck.” Dumbledore smiled.

“I should have thought that Sir Cadogan was a Gryffindor.” Moriarty shook his head amusingly.

“Learning about Sir Cadogan’s story, I think it makes sense for the Headless Horseman to appear in his mural. Come on, the Headless Horseman may be waiting for us.”

Dumbledore put the notebook back in the bookcase and led Moriarty and Diana to the headmaster’s office.

Five minutes later, the three walked up to the Sir Cadogan mural on the seventh floor of Hogwarts.

Sir Cadogan, who had fully armed himself and liked to clamor for duels, was not in the fresco at this time.

In its place was the Headless Horseman.

He rode on a fat grey horse, Sir Cadogan’s beloved darling.

The heavy armor crushed the fat horse’s waist, the fat horse knelt on all fours, its **** swayed constantly, and a neigh came from the horse’s mouth.

“My God, let her go!” shouted Diana, the elf priest sympathetic to all small animals, glaring at the Headless Horseman, “Crazy Headless, not even a mare, oh, Poor mare…”

The Headless Horseman “looked” at Diana, his hands were pinched on the fat horse’s neck, and the mysterious rune on his wrist rushed to the horse’s neck, causing the fat horse to let out a whimper, and then lowered his head weakly. .

Moriarty and Dumbledore looked at each other, and the fat horse was enchanted by the Headless Horseman.

The poor mare shivered in place, then turned into a red light and burrowed into the ground.

Immediately, Moriarty and Dumbledore, the two people most associated with Hogwarts, noticed that the mural had become different, and the current mural gave them a feeling of deja vu.

Yes, very similar to the first time they stepped into Hogwarts Castle.

Moriarty suddenly remembered that Peeves had said that the Headless Horseman had cast a spell on a tree.

How the Headless Horseman did to the fat horse now what he did to the tree!

Peeves said the spell might be alchemy… Really?

Moriarty recalled recent information about the Headless Horseman: the house-elves said that the black dragon appeared in the Forbidden Forest thousands of years ago, the Headless Horseman said that Merlin would stay at Hogwarts to learn how to use dragons as raw materials for alchemy, A large, powerful alchemical item used for guardianship.

If you concatenate these keypoints with a line…

A hypothesis was drawn – Merlin made the black dragon into a powerful alchemy tool, buried it in the underground of Hogwarts, and guarded some kind of existence.

This is the secret of Mianlong Do Not Disturb!

Moriarty’s idea could explain the thousand-year-old mystery about Merlin.

Merlin was indeed older than the Big Four, but in order to protect that existence, Merlin left “Do Not Disturb” at Hogwarts.

“Have you found it?” said the Headless Horseman flatly. “It’s the same magic as Sleeping Dragon. An ancient guardian magic. From now on, Sir Cadogan’s frescoes will be protected by this fat horse. . But there’s still a time limit, because I don’t know Merlin’s alchemy.”

Dumbledore took a step forward, “Mr. Headless Horseman, I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Percival Wulfrick Brian Dumbledore.”

The Headless Horseman didn’t seem to think that the Headmaster would come to him, and was stunned for three seconds, and Moriarty felt like a dead man for a moment.

Three seconds later, the Headless Horseman adjusted his position and came to Dumbledore.

“Albus Percival Wulfrick Bryan Dumbledore!” he repeated, “I have heard from many children that you are the most powerful wizard and Gwarz’s contemporary headmaster.”

He said these words without waiting for Dumbledore to answer, and turned to Moriarty.

“And, Moriarty Slytherin – the harassing horsefly didn’t capture your head today, it seems that the alchemy problem that plagued you has been successfully solved by you.

So, the two of you, the current headmaster of Hogwarts and the current head of House Slytherin, with such a big fanfare today – gather all the portraits, armor, ghosts and investigate me alone? What is your purpose? ”

“You don’t know? Can I take your words to mean you don’t know?”

Moriarty took out the Slytherin staff again and used the tip of the staff to gently scratch the surface of the mural with a threatening tone, “You can easily see through other people’s brains, and Occlumency can’t stop your exploration. .But you tell us, you don’t know.

You listen to the big and small things happening in this castle every day, and you still tell us that you don’t know.

Mr. Armor, given a series of unusual events in the castle, we must find out why, so you can’t be allowed to hide, understand? ”

The Headless Horseman immediately said: “I didn’t hide anything, and I don’t know your purpose.

Sleeping Dragon is an ancient, powerful guardian magic – I have told you, and through practice, I have proved the truth of what I say.

As for what exactly does Merlin want to protect? I have no idea. Probably only the Hogwarts Big Four know. ”

The Headless Horseman sat down on the ground and stopped talking.

“Cut,” Diana snorted. She seemed to hate the Headless Horseman because of the fat horse. She said contemptuously, “He just pretended to lie to children to do this.”

“Okay, Mr. Headless Horseman,” Dumbledore said, speaking slowly and clearly, “Since you don’t know our purpose, let’s just say it straight, what’s the point of your existence?”

The Headless Horseman was silent.

Dumbledore stretched out his right hand and placed his palm lightly on the fresco.

“I entered Gryffindor House at Hogwarts in 1892 for seven years, and I have been coaching and headmaster at Hogwarts for almost seventy years. That adds up to almost eighty years, Rounding up, that’s a hundred years.

For me who have been in this school for almost a hundred years, I have never seen or heard of you.

I probably wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Bill Weasley’s kid reporting to me. If it were not for the arrival of Mr. Moriarty, I would not have found you a portrait without frescoes.

I hope you understand one thing.

The headmaster of Hogwarts can keep track of whatever happens in the castle. ”

Dumbledore withdrew his hand, and a strong aura of a superior emanated from him, slamming on the mural like a raging wind.

Moriarty raised the corner of his mouth, Old Deng Tou’s nickname, the White Devil, was not for nothing.

He said that the headmaster can control anything that happens in the castle, and the implication is that only some things can happen in this castle under his control.

If there is an accident or some accident not under his control, then unfortunately, he has to remove the accident.

Diana looked at Moriarty suspiciously. Although she was a priest of the elves, the elves were very simple, and Diana had never played with power in her ruling career.

The Headless Horseman should have understood what Dumbledore meant.

He got up from the ground.

“Okay, Headmaster, and the descendants of Slytherin, if it wasn’t for the two of you, I wouldn’t say anything, not without anyone!

If only that 100-year-old elf over there was present, I wouldn’t even look at her! You must know that Merlin was imprisoned by the elves. ”

“Crazy headless monster! I took you…”

Moriarty grabbed Diana, who was rushing up, and pushed her down the hallway.

“Go Moriarty urged.

“Before that, I must make two statements.” The Headless Horseman stood up straight.

“First, I don’t actively probe people’s minds, but the magic in me will automatically drill into people’s brains.

Of course, if there are wizards with a powerful enough brain dimension, I can’t probe their thoughts, such as Headmaster Dumbledore.

And the descendants of Slytherin, you also have a good brain dimension, but there were too many harassing flies on you that day, and I understood it all at once. ”

Moriarty guessed that the “brain dimensional space” he was talking about was what is now called Occlumency.

“Second, I sympathize with the vicious events that have occurred recently in the castle due to the strong mood swings.

But I don’t mind my own business, Headmaster Dumbledore said he’s been in the castle for almost a hundred years, and I’ve been in this castle for almost a thousand years!

Will I be driven mad if everything big and small comes to me in the castle?

I don’t exist to protect this castle, which belongs to Hogwarts, not to the Knights of the Round Table. ”

Moriarty and Dumbledore nodded slowly, and the Headless Horseman was right.

“Next, let’s talk about the main point,” the headless horseman’s voice gradually became colder: “The meaning of the Sleeping Dragon’s existence is to protect, and the meaning of my existence is to seal.”

Dumbledore’s eyes narrowed: “Seal?”

“Seal,” said the headless knight affirmatively, ‘seal the most powerful, evil, and magical vampire ancestor in history, a headless vampire ancestor.”

Moriarty, Dumbledore, and Diana said in unison, “Headless Vampire Ancestor!?”

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