The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 130

Vol 2 Chapter 68: Hogwarts Purebloods

Moriarty slowly closed the newspaper, and his fingertips slid lightly across the blood-colored ink, drawing a strange red dividing line, which looked shocking on the black-and-white newspaper.

The pureblood wizards thought it was a sign.

They saw the words “Blood for blood and blood for blood” in the red line.

“Whoa, whoa-”

Moriarty smashed the newspaper into a ball with one hand, and the magic of the water element gathered in the palm of his hand. The Daily Prophet was frozen into ice chips, and ‘swipe” it flew out from Moriarty’s fingertips like dust.

A cold air then enveloped the hall, and the atmosphere dropped to freezing point. The students held their breaths, looked at Moriarty, and listened to him speak in a voice without waves.

“Leon? Who is Lucius Malfoy?”

Leon was excited by being named, his voice trembling, “He, he is the head of the Malfoy family, sir.”

“That’s a good answer.” Moriarty answered lightly, and asked again, “Marcus? What is the Malfoy family?”

“Sir, the Malfoy family is one of the holy twenty-eight pure bloods in the United Kingdom. Their family has been Slytherin for all generations!” Marcus stood up and walked behind Moriarty, crossing his hands in front of his belly, looking ready Obedient appearance.

“Yeah, that’s right. A pureblood, a good Slytherin, killed by a vampire for no apparent reason!”

Moriarty said to them, an odd smile on his face that made one shudder.

“Boom!” Moriarty took out the Slytherin staff and slammed it on the floor.

“Who gave vampires the guts to kill a pureblood?

I have every reason to think that they have declared war on the pure blood of England!

No sign, no announcement, no gauntlet, no signal, the vampires ignited the war, and the British wizards could not remain indifferent. ”

Moriarty stood up and stepped forward, his voice more majestic as he moved.

“For two years in school, I have been playing the role of a Slytherin descendant, committed to improving the atmosphere of the school, intending to reproduce the scene of the four colleges living in harmony during the time when the Big Four were in school.

However, some people forget that Slytherin is the purest pure blood family in the UK!

Those people – foreign wizards and magical creatures, they also forgot the fear of the silver snake covering the sky! Forget the battlefield where the Big Four killed the Quartet!

I-we, will make them remember, right? ”

Moriarty walked to the gate of the castle, and he turned his head. At this time, a large group of people followed behind him, including students from the four academies. They stood up unknowingly and walked behind Moriarty.

“Wizards under the fourth grade are not allowed to go. We are hunting vampires, not playing in the Forbidden Forest.”

Moriarty said as a matter of course, some students walked out of the queue obediently, and only Lilith and a few girls stood still.

“Stay here.” Moriarty glanced at Lilith, her firm eyes made Lilith no longer insist, she knew what Moriarty meant and couldn’t talk about the relationship between children when the war was about to start.

“I wish all the best. We are waiting for you to return victorious.” Lilith replied softly, pulling Gemma and Penello away.

Jericho jumped from the end of the line to Moriarty.

“I am going too, sir. I am now out of humanitarianism, as an American wizard, reaching out to the Malfoys in England.”

The unique grounds have attracted a lot of attention, and many students would have laughed, if not now.

Jericho grimaced and stood calmly behind Moriarty, just like Marcus.

“Let’s go too! We haven’t seen a vampire yet,” came the voices of the Weasley twins.

Percy rushed over and pulled the two younger brothers away, looking apologetically at Moriarty.

Moriarty’s unmoved look was in response.

At this time, Charlie’s voice sounded from the back of the auditorium: “Let me come! One of the Weasley men is enough.”

He came over aggressively, passing Percy with a warm expression, and said to his brothers, “Stay in the castle and don’t go anywhere.”

After speaking, Charlie drew his wand and came to Moriarty: “If you want to bring a pure blood to settle accounts with the vampires, take me one. Although the Malfoy family is a sinister and cunning family, I am also a pure blood. ”

Moriarty looked at Charlie. Charlie was like a warrior. I don’t know which Ravenclaw student left a scratch on his side face with “Shenfeng Wuying”. scab.

“Charlie, you finally did the right thing.”

Tonks came out of the corridor on the first floor with a triumphant smile on her face, her hair turned blue, and a neat ponytail.

Zha Li complained about Tonks, as if everything he did was wrong, but he didn’t, imitating Marcus and the others, standing silently behind Moriarty.

“Moriarty, I’m fully recovered, and I don’t think I can miss this operation – even if it’s a war! I’m related to the Malfoys.”

Tonks raised his face, Moriarty nodded slightly to signal her to stand over.

Leon came over again, just now he went to count the number of people willing to go to France.

“Sir, there are too many people willing to go, and the level of magic is uneven.”

“Return to your seat for those who are not purebloods and who will not Apparate.” Moriarty demanded again, reducing the number of people.

Some non-pure-blood wizards were not convinced, but no one dared to oppose Moriarty, so they obeyed.

After a few seconds, the number of people standing became sparse.

Leon glanced at it, counted the number by default, and reported: “Including us, there are 36 more.”

“Enough.” Moriarty swept over the 36 people with satisfaction and said loudly: “I said that 36 of us are enough to find the murderer of Lucius and destroy the enemy who dares to stop us, no matter if he is a vampire or what, Tongtong is not our opponent! Do you agree?”

The 35 little wizards roared in unison: “Agree!”

“I disagree!”

A majestic voice sounded from the back of the auditorium, and Dumbledore led the professors out.

The principal was wearing a purple wizard robe with stars and moons printed on it today, and his eyes were colder than ever before.

Dumbledore walked towards Moriarty and let out a thunderous cry.

“Students, before I get angry, go back to your dorm! Go now!

The Malfoy family business is left to the Ministry of Magic, the only thing you have to do is stay in the castle, fast! action! ”

“Very sorry, Headmaster, we can’t listen to you.” Moriarty shook his head decisively: “To the Ministry of Magic? Headmaster, do you think the Ministry of Magic can avenge Mr. Lucius?”

“This is not something you should care about!” Dumbledore came to Moriarty, blue eyes overlooking the gray eyes, sharp eyes slashed Moriarty like a knife!

“I’m still the headmaster of Hogwarts, you can’t take any of the students here!”

The magic power fluctuations comparable to that of the legendary archmage are like violent storms, but the magic power is precisely controlled so that it can cover Moriarty without spilling over to others.

“I never cared about the Ministry of Magic!” Moriarty looked at Dumbledore without hesitation.

Occlumency and Legilimency were activated at the same time, and the magic of the water element poured out, raging into the air like a surging ocean wave, which was comparable to Dumbledore’s momentum.

“I personally don’t know Lucius Malfoy at all!” Moriarty said again, although it was a lie, but the tone did not seem to be false.

“I don’t want to send them–” Moriarty glanced at the 35 selected people, “I don’t want to send them to the battlefield!”

“But you know why I organized this operation?” Moriarty shouted at Dumbledore. “Because the British Ministry of Magic sucks! Expecting the Ministry of Magic to find the murderer?

If you can deceive students and the public, when will you be able to deceive you and me?

As long as the French side is tough to the end, do you tell me whether Millicent Bagnou dares to break into the Jewish Marquis Fort or Rufus Scrimgeour dares to break into it?

If you pin your hopes on the Ministry of Magic, Lucius will die! ”

Moriarty laughed suddenly: “Speaking of Lucius’s death, I don’t know how many people applauded! Who wouldn’t want to share a piece of the Malfoy family’s cake?

Can the orphans and widows of the Malfoy family hold on? The answer is obvious. Maybe within a month, the Malfoy family will be completely divided, just like the countless defeated pureblood families before, there is only one empty shelf left.

Will the Ministry of Magic investigate Lucius’ death? This is a cruel magical world, you know the answer. ”

Dumbledore avoided Moriarty’s eyes. He admitted that Moriarty was right, but the little wizards were dumbfounded. It turned out that there were too many complicated factors behind a murder case, so Moriarty was right. Why does Artie go into this muddy water?

“Headmaster, you know why I want to take care of this, but you don’t want me to do it, right?”

Moriarty said lightly, staring at Dumbledore, and he saw Dumbledore avoid his eyes again.

“You know, if I don’t stand up for the Malfoys, the British purebloods will be a joke!”

Moriarty got his voice just right, so that Dumbledore could hear it, but the others couldn’t.

“Some things only happen for the first time and countless times. Once a precedent is set for killing this thing, it will usher in an irreversible war!

Today, Lucius is dead, tomorrow may be the Pansy family, the Weasley family, and the day after tomorrow may be me!

These truths, these 35 students understand, and the rest of the students also understand!

Why don’t you understand?

No, it’s not that you don’t understand, it’s that you don’t care.

You only care about your Voldemort and Harry Potter.

You might say that pure-blood families have too many resources, and half-bloods and Muggle-borns can’t get ahead.

Yes, I admit that some purebloods are disgusting, they deserve to be locked up in Azkaban, they deserve to die!

But once pure blood can be slaughtered What about other wizards? It shows that this magical world is on the verge of collapse!

Rules and laws are a piece of scrap paper in the eyes of the murderer – even scarier than that!

Lilith also feels that the law is a piece of waste paper, but the law is made by them, they will break the law but will not overturn the law!

Which do you think is better?

Either one is broken!

But when you can only choose one, will you choose to overturn the law and restore order?

You thought about it, but you didn’t make up your mind!

Otherwise Grindelwald has succeeded.

No more Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, no more Voldemort Death Eaters, no more British Ministry of Magic, and a possible European Confederation of Magic instead!

The first half of your life with Grindelwald was devoted to the awakening of wizards, but when some wizards awakened, you were afraid again! ”

“Huh…” Dumbledore exhaled, and for the first time an old look appeared on his face.

Moriarty found that Dumbledore had unknowingly closed his eyes, and the ups and downs between his brows showed that the White Wizard was engaged in a fierce psychological struggle.

Moriarty didn’t say any more, watching Dumbledore take a few steps back, then turned to Leon and the others.

Jericho was the first to react, or he didn’t care about Dumbledore’s obstruction at first, and he said enthusiastically: “Sir, I thought of a name for us, it’s called the Slytherin Pureblood Army! How? Be loud!”

“No,” Moriarty stopped, “Hogwarts Purebloods! While the pedantic purebloods were busy fighting for power and watching jokes, the new generation of purebloods at Hogwarts, defending Pure blood glory!”

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