The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 133

Vol 2 Chapter 71: The Widow’S Plea

“Foreign wizards outside, if they can spit out a half-truth, they will fly to the sky with a sniff.”

On the one hand, Moriarty saw through the nature of the gang, and there were many true creditors among them—the proportion was quite small. The Malfoy family just died of a Lucius, and had not yet begun to decline.

Most of the remaining people, except for a few real partners of the Malfoy family who came from abroad.

It’s all about making trouble, booing, taking advantage of the fire…

No matter how you look at it, it seems that there is a behind-the-scenes driving force behind the scenes…

Moriarty doesn’t allow the world to have another behind-the-scenes boss.

He stared at Narcissa with obvious intentions, let her tell the truth!

Narcissa pursed her lips lightly, the sadness on her face gradually subsided, she was obviously helpless and pitiful, but she stubbornly used indifference to disguise.

It’s just that she exudes the loneliness of the widow’s wife, which she can’t hide from Moriarty.

But the pride and glory that she had accumulated as Miss Black and Lady Malfoy for more than 30 years made her unwilling to bow her head to anyone.

Two completely different temperaments give Narcissa a touch of soul-stirring charm.

Just like the pure daffodils that are beginning to wither are stained with dust. Noble and glamorous rose with broken thorns.

As another man, he had already rushed forward like a hungry tiger, savoring the scent of the two flowers mixed together.


Moriarty looked at Narcissa and sighed in her heart, Lucius!

You are really at a loss.

Narcissa found that Moriarty looked at her strangely, and was anxious and uneasy.

As the mistress of the Malfoy family, family troubles can’t be hidden from her eyes.

The internal structure of the Malfoy family is simple, and there is no competition for power and profit. As long as the family property and family property can be kept, Draco will be the next head of the family.

The crux of the matter is Draco.

Narcissa knows her own son well, Draco is a kid who grew up in a honeypot, smart, obedient, and polite.

But he was only a child, a child.

Narcissa glanced at Moriarty and closed her eyes in dismay.

Moriarty is only three years older than Draco. If Draco is one-third of Moriarty, oh no, maybe only one-thirtieth of his strength and talent is needed.

Narcissa won’t be so tired either.

Her view of Moriarty is simple, great potential, great talent, great strength, strong background and clean.

Power is relative. As far as Narcissa knows, there are at least two-digit wizards who are stronger than Moriarty in pure blood.

However, there are few purebloods with stronger and cleaner backgrounds than Moriarty.

Unlike Sacred Twenty-Eight, the Slytherin family belongs to the legendary pure-blood family.

So far, no wizard knows what happened to the family after Salazar left Hogwarts, no one knows the details and history of the Slytherin family, and no one knows the wealth of the Slytherin family.

Because the background is too strong, so clean!

Wealth, political resources, power, connections, magic… The “treasures” accumulated by the Malfoy family for generations, Moriarty will have at his fingertips within ten years.

Because of this, Narcissa saw that Moriarty would not do anything to the Malfoy family, so she asked him for help.

She had her own mind and was reluctant to tell Moriarty the truth.

The woman of the Black family, the mistress of the Malfoy family, and the mother of Draco, no matter what status, Narcissa would not allow Narcissa to bow her head to a boy twenty years younger than her.


Seeing Moriarty’s unmoved expression of not telling the truth, Narcissa finally decided to tell the truth.

“Those wizards outside were sent by the head of Travers. The Malfoy family’s recent turmoil is inseparable from him. He… chased me as a student, maybe he thinks now is a good opportunity to use Malfoy. The family came to press me – I won’t let him get away with it.”

Speaking of her former suitor, Narcissa frowned in disgust.

Although she didn’t go into details, the pain in it was obvious.

But Moriarty touched his chin. At the last pureblood party, the wizard representing the Travers family was an old man.

The old man and Narcissa were classmates?

“Cough,” Lilith cleared her throat: “The owner of the Travers family is over 70 years old, and Azkaban has another Travers locked up.

Mrs. Malfoy, do you want to say that little Traverse can command wizards remotely in Azkaban? ”

“I didn’t say that.” Narcissa shook her head, her eyes deep. “Little Travers has a brother. They are twins. They dropped out of school when they were in the third grade, so they are not known to outsiders.”

Moriarty and Lilith looked at each other, and Lilith laughed: “Please continue.”

Obviously, the two felt that Narcissa was making up a story.

Knowing that they didn’t believe it, Narcissa could only elaborate more: “The reason for Grand Traverse’s drop out is roughly related to my husband, his father, Abraxas Malfoy, is very familiar with… the Dark Lord.

At that time, Lucius was pursuing me. Old Traverse didn’t dare to offend Malfoy, so he let Big Traverse drop out of school. ”

Lilith suddenly listened with interest. Although her Slytherin class was the most pure-blooded class in the past ten years, the peak era of Slytherin Academy was created by Voldemort and the first batch of Death Eaters.

Lily is very interested in the love and hatred of the previous generation.

“Okay! Mrs. Malfoy!” Moriarty waved his hand to interrupt the hard-won harmony between Narcissa and Lilith, “I don’t want to hear your love history, I just need you to say what you can and can’t.”

Moriarty adjusted her sitting position, and Lilith sat a little further away.

“Can the Malfoy family deal with the wizards outside?”

“…” Narcissus thought for a while, Parkinson, Greengrass, Nott and other families are still reliable enough to suppress the Travers family.

She raised her chest, “Yes!”

“Can the Malfoy family stabilize foreign partners, persuade other purebloods to continue working together, and continue Muggle business?”

“Yes!” Narcissa said of course, the Malfoy family is not the last, and there is a woman from the Black family!

After Narcissa finished speaking, she became more and more confident, her eyes were shining, and the former publicity and domineering, nobility and arrogance seemed to be back.

Moriarty raised the corners of his mouth playfully, she wouldn’t be soft until she knocked this woman out of the dust, and the Malfoy family was just Malfoy’s family.

“Can the Malfoy family deal with vampires’ revenge?”

“What?” Narcissa shouted in disbelief: “They have already killed my husband, why haven’t they let us go?”

Moriarty’s eyes were cold, and what he said made Narcissa fall into an ice cave. He said, “Because there are wizards in the Malfoy family who know the location of the Marquis of Judea.”

Narcissa leaned against the back of the sofa as if she had been drained of air.

Moriarty approached her face, and said to the greasy and beautiful face, “Answer me, Mrs. Malfoy!”

Narcissa opened her lips and hesitated for a long time before whispering, “I can’t…”

Moriarty sat back and said nonchalantly, “Can the Malfoy family suppress the frenzy of dividing up Malfoy by the major British families?”

Narcissa opened her mouth to say yes, her sister, brother-in-law, Bellatrix Lestrange and Rodolphus Lestrange were imprisoned in Azkaban.

Still no one dared to move Jin Galleon of the Lestrange family! Well locked in the Gringotts vault.

When the words reached her lips, Narcissa swallowed them again.

She saw that Lilith had her legs crossed and her feet were swaying, looking at herself with a half-smile!

The girl from the Piliwick family doesn’t even know the etiquette!

Narcissa cursed in her heart, and then she woke up suddenly. It wasn’t that Lilith didn’t understand etiquette, but that she was no longer worthy of etiquette.

Like the beggars in the London Underground station, will Narcissa greet them? She felt dirty even looking at it!

Narcissa’s heart was stabbed fiercely. Once, countless witches saluted respectfully in front of her, and she stretched her young and graceful figure as recklessly as Lilith.

Now, it was finally her turn to taste the bitter fruit by herself.

Even if the pure-blood family has the help of Parkinson and other families, when can they help?

There is also a ruling family!

In normal times, Narcissa doesn’t mind exchanging wealth for peaceful coexistence with the family in power – that’s what the Malfoy family has always done.

But Fudge will come to power next year, and the political world will change. Who doesn’t want to share a piece of the cake, and the cake is not enough? Then find a cake to share!

Obviously, the Malfoy family of orphans and widows is a big piece of fat and delicious cake!

On that day, the Malfoy family is no longer important, and the life and safety of the orphans and widows is the problem.

They may be forced to leave England.

Maybe you will stay in another family to see people’s faces.

May be sentenced to Azkaban by greedy politicians!

Both Lucius and Narcissa were Death Eaters! Who said that wizards who were greedy for their hearts wouldn’t repeat the old story!

Maybe he will be occupied by Grand Traverse! Draco is beaten every day!

Maybe even killed by a vampire!


“No—” Narcissa suddenly hugged her head, tugged at her hair, and shook her head violently: “No, no, no! I don’t want to…”

Moriarty chased after her victory, picking up the blond hair scattered around her face with her staff, “Answer me, Mrs. Malfoy! Can? Or can’t?”

“…” Narcissa slowly shook her head and bit her lip, Moriarty smiled and said, “Maybe I should ask another question, the Malfoy family can…”

“Do not!”

Narcissa raised her head and let out a wailing wailing Her face was full of tears when she lowered her head, she “thumped” and knelt down in front of Moriarty, crying loudly.

“Moriarty, Moriarty!” Narcissa grabbed the Slytherin staff like a straw, “Please save me, save my son Draco!

As long as you can protect us, the Malfoy family is willing to give anything, everything, everything!

I want, I can… I can do anything! You can let me do anything! ”

Narcissa’s lips were trembling, her psychological defense had collapsed, and her words were incoherent.

She gently shook the top of the staff, the pride and light in her eyes disappeared, replaced by pleading, sad and flattering.

“Moriarty! Please help the Malfoy family!” Narcissa knelt deeply at Moriarty’s feet.

Lilith looked at the submissive Narcissa, and the urge to put her foot on top of her head flashed in her heart.

She turned her eyes to Moriarty and didn’t take it away before she resisted the urge.

Lilith could clearly see how the arrogant Mrs. Malfoy gradually turned into a kneeling little poor Narcissa.

Lilith’s beautiful eyes flashed, thanks to Moriarty, I learned another trick.


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