The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 287

Vol 3 Chapter 24: Only Happy, Happy To Death (2 In 1 Large

The flight was late, and Moriarty looked up at the sky, frowning slightly.

In his sight, a group of crows flapped their wings and flew around the wings and tail of the passenger plane.

These crows were different from the fire crows, colorful crows, and fallen crows that Moriarty had seen before.

They are all black, with bright red heads and feet, as if dripping blood.

The crow was flying in the air, with two small black spheres under a pair of wings.

Moriarty found traces of dark element magic in the sphere, but it was not obvious, because there were too many negative emotions mixed in the magic.

If anyone came into close contact with those little black balls, Moriarty could guarantee that that person would be dragged into the abyss of sin by all kinds of emotions.

And due to the fluctuations caused by magic, the magnetic field has changed, and the aircraft instrument panel has been deviated.

The captain and the crew had no way to maintain the original speed and altitude, and they did not dare to accelerate rashly. They could only reduce the speed and altitude and fly slowly.

Moriarty knew these things later, but it did not prevent him from making judgments.

“Lilith,” Moriarty sighed deeply, “You’re right again. The reason for the flight delay is directly related to these crows.”

A nervousness flashed in Lilith’s eyes: “What did you see?”

“Spooky crow.” Moriarty briefly explained a few words, and then asserted: “As for whether the crow caused any harm to the passengers on the plane, we still need to wait for the passengers to get off the plane. It will be clear at a glance.”

Moriarty’s eyes locked tightly on the plane, and as the tower lights flickered, the plane began to land.

“Look, the red-robed wizard and the Ministry of Magic Aurors have chosen a truce,” Lilith said, pointing to the rooftop. “It seems that they haven’t reached the point of immortality, and the goal is also to postpone the flight.”

Moriarty glanced in the direction she pointed. The goatee and the bald wizard were on their sides, each staring solemnly at the plane.

Not only them, but also the crew of the plane, the officers and soldiers of the army, and the passengers of the terminal all have their eyes on the plane.

Relatives and friends who came to pick up the plane ran out of the terminal.

The invisible Simon ran at the front, his face full of anxiety and anticipation, and he couldn’t wait to confirm that his wife and daughter were safe and sound.

At this moment, the delayed plane became the focus of the entire airport, and Moriarty asked Lilith to squeeze his suit and use Apparition to come to the runway.

Once the plane has landed, this is the closest but unnoticeable open space.

“Goatee, the teacher called ‘Yuangu-kun’ by the bald wizard, said to his students ‘to build a better Ministry of Magic’! Remember?”

Moriarty asked Lilith.

“Of course,” Lilith nodded, and then suddenly said, “You mean—the Ministry of Magic is about to usher in a coup?”

“Just a goatee and a group of 10-year-old students?” Moriarty raised an eyebrow, “You underestimate the combat effectiveness of the Ministry of Magic.”

“I see the fireballs, water curtains, and clods used by the red-robed wizards. They are quite powerful.”

“Those are low-level metamorphosis,” Moriarty shook his head and glanced at the red-robed wizards, “If they only have this level, they will never achieve their goals.

On the contrary, what I am concerned about is what happened to make the teachers and students of the Magic Institute feel dissatisfied with the Ministry of Magic. ”

Moriarty concluded: “If you’re having trouble and you have no clue, finding the cause is half the battle.”

“Should I find a notebook and write down this sentence,” Lilith’s eyes flashed with a smile: “Then name it Moriarty Quotes, publish it, can I earn two generals?”

While they were talking, the plane landed slowly, and after landing smoothly, the door opened from the inside.

Moriarty released Simon’s invisibility, and the Hebrew treasurer dashed to the door of the plane as if he had seen a peerless treasure.

“Natalie? Natalie? Natalie? Elan? Elan? Elan?”

Simon repeatedly called the names of his wife and daughter. The plane was silent, and no sound came out.

Simon’s face “brushed” turned pale, his lips trembled, and he was speechless.

More and more people ran to the door of the plane, gathered together, and shouted the names of their relatives and friends.

But still no response!

After dozens of seconds, people had a premonition that an accident might have happened, and no one could tell exactly what it was.

But there are too many unsolved mysteries about the mysterious disappearance or sudden death of the entire aircraft.

People can’t imagine, the eye circles are red, and the scene is like a dead silence, no matter whether it is the plane or the ground, there is no sound.

The running sound of “tatata” sounded, the army ran over, and the red-robed wizard and black-robed wizard also apparated to the vicinity of the plane.

“Moriarty, should we get into the plane and take a look.” Lilith’s green eyes flashed with curiosity and desire.

It’s the daring and bravery of wanting to explore, to try to explore.

Although the world in the plane is unknown, at present, it is necessary to go to the scene to unearth some clues.

Just as Moriarty was about to nod in agreement, the music of “Jinglebells” suddenly sounded from the plane.

That is Christmas carols, Jingle Bells.

Simon: ? ? ?

army:? ? ?

wizard:? ? ?

Lilith: ? ? ?

So everyone was dumbfounded.

Then the stewardess in the plane, dressed in red leather, walked off the plane with a small loudspeaker. They lined up on both sides to leave a passage.

A large group of people came out, the captain and crew at the front, followed by the passengers.

Each of them had big smiles on their faces, and the joy in their eyes could not be hidden.

The people on the ground were stunned, unable to say a word so far.

The captain happily walked up to the crowd and said loudly, “Do you like our pranks? We don’t get off the plane after the plane lands.

Let you wait for a moment, and then put on a Christmas show for you!

This was decided by all the passengers and crew on the LJN flight – I know we were late, but we had a great 20 hours on the plane! ”

“Oh oh oh!”

The passengers behind the captain, men and women, regardless of age, burst into cheers, and many men waved their arms and shouted in excitement.

“Yes, yes! I can guarantee that we will never forget the joyful life on the plane for the rest of our lives!”

The captain, co-pilot and others gave high fives to celebrate. They tried to take pictures with each passenger, but were pulled away by the airport staff.

“Hey! What are you doing? Don’t force it, it hurts!”

The captain was dragged away by four or five people, and strangely, there was no trace of displeasure on his face.

The same goes for the others. Everyone has discovered this. They don’t expect the captain to tell them what happened on the plane, and turn their attention to the passengers who are constantly getting off the plane.

Simon finally saw his wife Natalie, daughter Ilan being held by her mother, and the mother and daughter got off the plane together.


Ilan jumped off Natalie and ran towards Simon.

Moriarty and Lilith raised the corners of their mouths slightly as they watched the reunion of the family of three.

But they soon discovered that the passengers were mostly giggling.

A man’s arm was broken and his left arm was visibly bent – he said the plane slammed into the wall as it oscillated.

Although the pain was terrifying, the man was not sad at all. When the doctor gave him anesthesia and hemostatic shots, he even smiled.

Lilith frowned and said, “Laugh? Some people always say that laughter has a kind of magic power. Isn’t this group of people really enchanted with joy?”

“As far as I know, there is no joy magic.” Moriarty’s face was not very good-looking.

When the flight was delayed, everyone was worried about the safety of passengers.

Most of the passengers are safe now, but their mental outlook has problems.

Simon and his wife and daughter explain the dangers of Dongying and try to persuade his wife and daughter to return to China.

But the only response to him was the silver bell-like laughter of his daughter and the tender deep kiss with his wife.

A group of people surrounded the two passengers.

They cried and complained that the passenger’s old mother had passed away, but the two passengers were not sad, their beaming expressions did not change, and people couldn’t help but beat them up.

“Have you found it?” Moriarty said to Lilith: “Passengers on and off planes lose their negative emotions, they don’t feel sad, they don’t worry, they don’t feel surprised, they don’t feel fear…

They can only be happy and happy, and how happy one thing is, it seems that they will always be happy, happy to the point of numbness…”

Lilith is a smart witch, and she immediately thinks of the black ball of negative emotions.

“Those crows sucked all the negativity from the passengers, and the passengers were left with only joy!”

“I think it’s understandable.” Moriarty nodded slightly, and he couldn’t find a better explanation.

There was a grim look on Lilith’s face, “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn’t believe that such a thing would happen in the world.”

“The abilities of those crows have evolved compared to the fallen crows that attacked Hyprosay.”

Moriarty said with certainty, he looked over the plane, there was nothing on it, and there was no trace of magic.

As early as the plane landed, or even earlier, the crow blended into the night and disappeared without a trace.

“The Fallen Raven draws out the darkness in people’s hearts, infecting wizards through dark forces and negative emotions.

All conscience, morality, happiness… are overturned by all kinds of terrible evil thoughts.

Bad thoughts and famine turned wizards into walking dead, into monsters. ”

Moriarty compares the characteristics of two dark elemental magics.

“And the crows we saw today also took away negative emotions. The difference is that they did not use negative emotions to invade people’s consciousness and reason, but left people with happiness, or in other words, only happiness!”

Lilith tried to imagine what it would be like when a person’s feelings were only happy.

If all I had left was happiness, I wouldn’t have Moriarty’s vinegar.

The first thing that popped into Lilith’s mind was Moriarty lying with a lot of girls, and then she giggled beside her.

What a joke!

Lilith shook her head vigorously, if something like that happened, her life would be better than death.

Therefore, without negative emotions, there will be no sadness, no loss, only the feeling of happiness is not bad at all.

“It’s scary,” Lilith said, looking at Moriarty. “Although I don’t like the way I look crying, sad, and lost, I don’t want to be a fool who can only be happy. I like to experience all kinds of things in life. .”

Moriarty teased her: “I don’t know you’re still crying, where? What time? Can you visit?”

“It’s all because of you! You’re still laughing at me…” Lilith’s pretty face quickly flashed shyness, and she clenched her fist and hit Moriarty on the shoulder.

It’s just that her voice was low and she was muttering so that Moriarty could not hear her.

“But this feeling is really good. Although there are shyness and sweetness and sourness, I am very satisfied and happy.” Lilith restrained her laughing demeanor and looked at the chaotic crowd.

“They—I’m afraid they’ll be numb for a long time.”

Moriarty nodded in agreement, “If a smile hangs on the face for a long time, it will also become stiff, causing the skin on the face to sag and the muscles to relax.”

“Your focus is always different.” Lilith raised her eyebrows and teased: “Did you pay attention to Miss Sister’s face the whole time? Look how beautiful Simon’s wife Natalie is, do you want to…”

“Enough is enough.” Moriarty glanced at Lilith, who stopped talking.

“Let’s go to Simon, and the Rip Girl. Too much has happened in the last two days, and I need to sort things out.”

“What about them?” Lilith glanced at the two groups of wizards in Dongying.

“Send the snake to follow first.”

Dozens of little black snakes crawled out of Moriarty’s cuffs, burrowed into the darkness, and secretly hid near the red-robed wizard and the black-robed wizard.

Lilith watched the black snake go away and praised: “It’s really a convenient and practical magic.”


Moriarty said as he walked towards Simon.

The two lifted their stealth together, the scene was chaotic, there were exaggerated laughter everywhere, and no one would notice that there were two more people suddenly.

Simon was worrying about the excessive happiness of his wife and daughter, when he saw Moriarty come over and happily introduced Moriarty to his wife.

Hope Moriarty can help to adjust Natalie’s state.

Moriarty pulled Simon aside and whispered, “I don’t need to do anything. The disappearance of negative emotions is only temporary. In less than a week, your wife and daughter will automatically return to normal.”

Simon breathed a sigh of relief.

As a husband and father, it’s good for a wife and daughter to stay happy.

But he firmly believes that the same emotions and six desires are indispensable, and that a life without one is incomplete.

Moriarty agreed with him that, as Lilith said, experiencing life is far more important than just being happy.

Otherwise, there is no point in life.

However, Moriarty saw the intention of Dongying BOSS through the airport incident.

Dongying BOSS is constantly developing dark element magic. Within the scope of the rules, he improves the use of dark element magic as much as possible, and is constantly enhancing the power of dark element magic.

From the most intuitive magic spell attack, to changing the shape through the dark power, and now subtly changing people’s thoughts.

Dongying BOSS uses dark element magic to do many things that are unimaginable for ordinary It is difficult to judge the wizard level of Dongying BOSS, Moriarty estimates that Dongying BOSS is above level 75.

After walking out of the airport with the Simon family, Moriarty saw the woman with a gaping mouth standing on the road outside the airport, alone.

Moriarty suddenly discovered that the Gap Girl was also quite lonely, and he must find the reason why the poor woman became a Gap Girl.

After meeting up with the girl, Moriarty and his party stayed at the hotel near Haneda International Airport. After some tossing, it was already 3:18 in the morning.

This time Lilith didn’t use the means and Moriarty in the same room.

She just wanted to avoid Moriarty now, and she didn’t want Moriarty to see her scaly skin transformed to learn Transfiguration.

Moriarty stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and the snake returned without success, but it just proved the whereabouts of the red-robed wizard and the black-robed wizard.

Only the magic house and the Ministry of Magic of Dongying have magical protection, and the snake cannot enter, otherwise the snake will not be lost.

Moriarty stared in the direction of Dongying Volcanic Island with deep eyes.

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