The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 290

Vol 3 Chapter 27: Vegetative

Just when Moriarty and his party stepped into the magic house, Huaxia, also a big magic country in Asia, was changing quietly.

Longhu Mountain, Zhang family.

One of several powerful wizard families in the Chinese magic world.

This Zhang family, which originated in “Zhang Daoling” two thousand years ago, has continued to this day and has countless descendants, including some amazing wizards.

Together with their long family history, they supported the Zhang family, making the family respected by Chinese wizards and enjoying a considerable right to speak in the entire Chinese magic world.

But today is a day that all the Zhang family will never forget.

The old owner of the Zhang family, Zhang Ye, who is like a needle in the sea, rang the big bell on the top of Longhu Mountain at seven o’clock in the morning.

“When~ when~ when~”

“When~ when~ when~”

The six bells rang, and they had already rushed back. The Zhang family, who were waiting at the foot of the mountain, walked up the mountain one by one according to their seniority.

“I wish I had a magic camera with me. It’s rare to see tens of thousands of people go up the mountain together.”

A shaved bald wizard, speaking London English, greedily stared at the wizard going up the mountain.

He was a short, fat wizard, of Caucasian complexion, with short looped legs, long, rambunctious **** hair, and swollen, bloodshot eyes gazing about.

Those thief-like eyes made the two Chinese wizards who were guarding him, or in other words, watching him, very uncomfortable.

One of the short-haired wizards said softly: “Mr. Mundungus, please don’t pay attention to Longhushan, you can’t steal it.”

“That’s right,” another Chinese wizard also said, “We hope Mr. Mundungus can temporarily change your habit so that we can rest a little more.

You must know that Longhu Mountain is too big, and it is really exhausting for us to return the items you took along to the original owners. ”

Their fluent English made Mundungus dare not underestimate.

“Ah, ah, I understand, I understand.”

Mundungus didn’t blushed, his heart was full of smiles.

He knew what was wrong with him, but he didn’t care, he even made stealing his profession.

He has seen this kind of scene too many times, and the Chinese wizard’s approach is still gentle.

So Mundungs took an inch, and he made a sad look: “Take this scene and buy it for those pure-blooded families who are dying to save face. You will definitely get a good price.”

“Pull it, hurry up.”

The two Chinese wizards snorted contemptuously and glanced at each other in unison.

Since Mundungus came to Longhu Mountain at the end of last year, they have deeply realized what is called “thieves don’t go empty”, “lead sheep”, “catch fish in troubled waters”…

The Chinese culture is indeed broad and profound, and the idioms are appropriate and natural.

They even wonder if the ancestors created these idioms based on Mundungus.

Although the objects that Mundungus walked along were nothing more than bamboo slips, porcelain vases… and worthless gadgets.

But can we clean up that heart?

Raise your head up and be a wizard!

After all, you are also a representative sent by Dumbledore.

The two also often complained that Dumbledore in the European wizarding world has the reputation of being the number one wizard in the contemporary world.

To send a wizard like Mundungus to establish diplomatic relations with the Zhang family on behalf of the European magic circle?

It’s so disrespectful.

Who is disgusting!

There are not a few Zhang family members who have such an attitude, and several wizards who are the mainstay of the Zhang family also criticized Dumbledore sending Mundungus to visit the Zhang family.

But all the voices were suppressed by the old man Zhang Ye. He seemed to know that Mundungus came to Huaxia not specifically to establish diplomatic relations with the Zhang family.

In fact, the Zhang family has always advocated opening the country’s door and contacting the magical world in Asia and Europe, but the effect was not good.

However, as time entered the late 1990s, more and more Chinese wizards found it necessary to know and contact wizards from all over the world.

I’m afraid no one would have thought that the reason that prompted the Chinese wizard to have such an idea was actually a Muggle!

In 1990, the economy of the Muggle world began to take off, and the intuitive change brought about by economic development was the frequent trade between countries.

The Muggle world is ready for economic globalization.

The Chinese wizarding world has always been closely connected with the Chinese Muggle world. They are the first group of wizards to feel the great changes and benefits brought about by the fusion of China and the West.

The Zhang family is one of them.

Dumbledore is well known in the wizarding world.

Just like the sun in the solar system, people can see the sun at a glance, and the Zhang family easily sent a letter to Dumbledore.

The letter expresses the intention to cooperate.

It just so happened that Dumbledore was wondering about Moriarty’s relationship with Lockhart.

He is determined to find out Moriarty and Lockhart’s experience in Eastern Tibet.


The Zhang family and Dumbledore hit it off and reached a preliminary consensus.

Mundungus was sent to China, apparently to visit the Zhang family, but his real purpose was to investigate Moriarty and Lockhart.

Of course, Dumbledore knew that Mundungus’ image and practices would arouse the disgust of the Zhang family.

But he still used Mundungus and entrusted him with important tasks.

Dumbledore judged that Moriarty and Lockhart’s way of leaving China East Tibet and returning to England was not so right.

Since it is not a formal official way, it involves a gray area.

Mundungus, who has been in the bottom of the magic world all the year round, knows many liars and thieves in the magic world.

The most important thing is that Mundungus can find information that ordinary people can’t.

Facts have proved that Dumbledore is really accurate.

A few days after Mundungs arrived in Huaxia, he had already inquired about a wizard nicknamed “Wild Dog” in East Tibet, who took over all the means of transportation in and out of East Tibet.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a local snake in the Chinese magic world.

Mundungus was a good digger, but getting him to get rid of the dingo was harder than Voldemort’s nose growing out.

At this time, the importance of the Zhang family was raised. Dumbledore agreed to establish diplomatic relations with the Zhang family precisely for the help of the Zhang family during the investigation process.

So Dumbledore’s calculations are very deep.

However, Dumbledore couldn’t have imagined that he would kill all of Voldemort’s seven Horcruxes. The choice of Zhang Ye to cooperate with Dumbledore also had a deeply hidden real purpose.

The bell rang today, and Mundungus instinctively felt a sense of unease.

He had asked the two little brothers beside him before that the bell on Longhu Mountain must have a major event affecting the entire family, and the Zhang family must be there.

The “Zhang family” here refers to direct descendants, including overseas Chinese from all over the country and overseas.

Add up to 20,000 people.

And this number is still rising.

Mundungus looked horrified.

He said in his heart that the Dark Lord was gathering Death Eaters and controlling the Ministry of Magic. After decades of tossing, he ended up being a village chief!

Not even a family can compare.

After most of them went up the mountain, Mundungus was invited up as a distinguished guest from Europe.

Mundungs saw a huge open square. The Zhang family was standing on the ground paved with white marble, and the old man Zhang Ye and several respected Zhang family members were standing on a high platform.

It seems that there is a large bed on the high platform, and Mundungs can’t see clearly whether there is a person lying there or not.

The old man Zhang Ye cleared his throat, and the audience was silent.

Mundungs looked over at the high platform with his head open. Mr. Zhang had a boyish face, more than 1.8 meters tall, and his hair and beard were all white, but he was dressed in a completely different way from Dumbledore.

Wearing a black robe, with a thin body and a serious face, a pair of dark eyes always hides solemnity.

“At the end of October 1987, Zhang Guozhong, the decent great-grandson of the 86th generation of the Zhang family, encountered misfortune when he was patrolling in Eastern Tibet.”

The old man Zhang Ye spoke slowly, and a dozen Zhang family members sobbed. Mundungs guessed that they were Zhang Guozhong’s family members.

Wouldn’t that big bed be Zhang Guozhong’s body?

The old man Zhang Ye explained the whole story:

“Our Zhang family has been passed down from the ‘Tianshi’, and it has lasted for two thousand years!

The grandson of the junior high school was originally the next-generation family head appointed by me. Five years ago, he offered to go to Eastern Tibet for training and patrol our borders! ”

A look of regret flashed in Mr. Zhang Ye’s eyes, he turned his head sharply to look at the big bed, stretched out his right index finger and said, “Unfortunately, I encountered the unprecedented Himalayan avalanche, burying my middle-school grandson under the snow-capped mountains!”

Mundungus found the “Himalayan Avalanche” very familiar, but just couldn’t remember where he had seen or heard it.

“Fortunately, thanks to the protection of our ancestors, the middle school grandson has a chance to survive.” The old man Zhang Ye let out a sigh of relief.

Mundungus also nodded, not dead.

However, the old man Zhang Ye changed his words: “But yesterday – the middle school grandson became a vegetable!”

The cry from below grew louder.

Mundungs asked what a vegetative person was in the hostile gaze of the two younger brothers.

He was stunned that the future head of the Zhang family would be unconscious and unable to move in the future, lying on the bed like a living dead!

Merlin was on top, no wonder Zhang Ye was angry.

Mundungs could feel the magic of the old man Zhang Ye surging, and the black robe automatically moved without wind.

Just listen to Zhang Ye say. “My family’s head has a high position, and the next generation inherits the position of the previous generation. If there is a will, follow the will, and if not, follow the decision of the family meeting.

The son does not pass on the younger brother, and the younger brother does not pass on the nephew.

The nephew does not pass on the uncle, and the uncle does not pass on the clan.

Clan people do not pass outsiders.

Intimacy and sparseness are clear, the elder and the younger are orderly, and there is no disorder.

When it comes to the generation of middle school grandchildren, the inheritance cannot be lost! ”

“Can’t lose it!”

Zhang Guozhong’s family roared in tears, clamoring to find the murderer.

There has been no avalanche in the Himalayas for 100 years, but it happened once in 1987, and their children met?

They don’t believe They think avalanches are man-made!

“It’s hard to say whether there is a murderer…” Zhang Ye’s tone suddenly became faint, “But check, of course! When my Zhang family and reinforcements arrived at the scene, there was no one there, only endless snow, so we Let’s start with the Himalayan avalanche!”

He took out a book from inside his robe. The cover was a young man riding a broomstick, carrying a blond wizard flying in the sky, with snow waves pressing down behind him.

Zhang Ye shook the book to Mundungus and said meaningfully:

“Coincidentally, the best-selling European novel “In Eastern Tibet with Slytherin” describes a great Himalayan avalanche in detail!

Mr. Mundungus, do you think this is a coincidence? ”


Tens of thousands of people turned their heads at the same time and looked at Mundungus.

Mundungus had never seen such a scene before, his legs were weak and he fell down.

Moriarty and Lockhart, you’ve made me miserable!

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