The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 312

Vol 3 Chapter 49: Make Trouble!

In Du Wayne’s eyes, many little wizards stared at him with wide eyes!

Du Wayne, who hated wizards from the bottom of his heart, was burning with anger.

“Teng” jumped out of the chair and glared at the little wizard on the four long tables with a fierce expression on his face.

Princess Sophie was awakened, looking at the master’s appearance, thinking she had encountered an enemy, her body was blown up, and her back arched with a grin.

A cold air pressure emanated from Du Wayne, and the little wizards in the school manager’s box raised their heads.

Sure enough, Du Wayne’s eyes have a tendency to turn golden!

“Duwayne Vanderbilt!”

Professor McGonagall’s roar overwhelmed Vanderbilt’s aura.

“You’ve been assigned to Slytherin Academy! How long are you going to stay here?”

Professor McGonagall’s roar exploded in Du Wayne’s ear, Du Wayne took too long, and the division had ended by this time.

In the eyes of Professor McGonagall, as long as you are a Hogwarts student, you must abide by the school rules.

She only cares about the student’s identity, even if the student is not human.

Does it have anything to do with humans?

It doesn’t matter, it’s not like Hogwarts hasn’t recruited them before, like some werewolf and giant, they can’t jump out of Professor McGonagall’s palm.

Professor McGonagall looked angry, but Du Wayne ignored Professor McGonagall’s mood and said to himself, “I was assigned to Slytherin Academy? Is that Slytherin where Moriarty is?”

Duwayne looked over at the long Slytherin table and quickly found Moriarty. After all, Moriarty was sitting in the chief and saw it at a glance.

“That’s not bad,” DuWine muttered and walked towards Moriarty.

Princess Sophie gave Professor McGonagall a fierce look, then followed the master away.

Looking at the elegant back of the white cat leaving, Professor McGonagall suddenly felt that she could become good friends with Princess Sophie.

“What are you thinking, it’s time to continue sorting.” Professor McGonagall shook his head and read out the name of the next freshman.

However, not many students are paying attention to the branch, and most of the students’ eyes follow Duwayne Vanderbilt.

Duwayne walked too fast and rushed to the top of the Slytherin long table in a few seconds.

Moriarty was seated at the top chief, and Jericho and Lilith were on his left and right.

Jericho is next to Marcus, and Lilith is next to Gemma.

Then came the senior little snake. They sat in turn, staring at Du Wayne dissatisfiedly at the moment.

A lean little snake reminded: “Student Fan Zhuo, where is your seat.” The little snake pointed to the end of the table.

Soldaya sat there with the sophomore and three freshmen.

Du Wayne ignored Little Snake’s reminder and walked up to Jericho, “You, get out of the way!”

“Huh?” Jericho let out a puzzled cry, turned his head and pointed his index finger to his nose, “Are you sure you’re talking about me?”

“Yes, it’s you.” Du Wayne waved his hand impatiently, like sweeping garbage, trying to sweep Jericho away.

Jericho rubbed his temples and said dejectedly, “It’s strange, last year’s Soldaya, this year’s Duveen… Why do new students always have trouble with me?”

A sentence made everyone laugh, and his roommate Keith laughed, “Who made you claim to be Mr.’s right-hand man, it’s a lie for everyone to say that you don’t get jealous.”

Another roommate, Ralbo, pointed at Duveen to the snake next to him: “It’s another freshman who came together to follow Mr.

Du Wayne heard it and felt amused.

“I follow him?” Du Wayne pointed at Moriarty, “I’m really worried about your IQ, you…”

Before he could finish speaking, Du Wayne was surrounded by dozens of wands!

“Kid, put your hands down! The first thing you have to learn at Slytherin is to respect Mr. Moriarty.”

Marcus used a thick black wand to almost touch Duwayne’s forehead.

More wands were pointed at Duwayne from all directions.

The little snakes may think that this will deter Du Wayne, but in Du Wayne’s thinking, this is an offense and a declaration of war against him!

“Never point your stupid stick at me!”

The phantom behind Du Wayne came out with a bang, and with him as the center, icy magic power shot out around him.

The front half of the Slytherin table was blown to pieces!

There was chaos in the audience, the professors got up immediately, and the other students stared at this scene with wide eyes.

In the sky of debris, light blue bubble protective covers appeared one by one, and Moriarty put a protective cover on every little snake at the moment Duwayne broke out.

Du Wayne stared at Moriarty with golden eyes, his short hair swaying slightly under the surge of magic.

“It’s good magic, and it’s really good to be able to defeat Quinlan!”

Moriarty was about to speak his defense, when the castle gate was suddenly opened.


A figure appeared outside the door.

“Son, you are wrong, it wasn’t Moriarty who defeated Quinlan, it was me!”

Everyone looked at the door. The person who came was spotless from head to toe, wearing a flowing turquoise robe, and wearing a turquoise top hat with a gold rim on top of his shiny blond hair.

The visitor walked into the hall, took off his hat and bowed to everyone.

“Friends, good evening.”

“Your faithful Gilderoy Lockhart has come to report!”

“Please forgive me for being late, but now it seems that the time is right.”

Gilderoy Lockhart straightened his waist, raised his chest and raised his head, swept across the crowd with a smile in his eyes, glanced at Moriarty quickly, and then nodded to Dumbledore.

Finally, he set his sights on Du Wayne.

Everyone was stunned for two seconds, and then cheers erupted.

Although he didn’t know the purpose of Lockhart’s visit, the smart students had vague guesses.

Lockhart’s smile was even stronger. All the cheers came from the students. The professor didn’t have one, so Hagrid clapped his hands.

But Lockhart didn’t care, strode towards the professorship, taking every step firmly and calmly.

Dumbledore watched Lockhart approach, smiled and clapped, he placed Lockhart in an empty seat on the professor’s chair.

The move made the students elated.

Sure enough, is that guess going to become a fact?

The cheers grew louder.

Dumbledore raised his hands and pressed down three times before calming the auditorium.

“Ah, it feels weird that it’s my turn to speak before the sorting ceremony is over.”

Dumbledore’s opening remarks are, as always, his own joke.

But the students just ate this, and even Du Wayne calmed down.

If you put aside the half-destroyed Slytherin long table and all the Slytherin students standing with gloomy faces, it is indeed a happy scene.

Dumbledore hurriedly said, “But given the special circumstances of this year, I have to stand up and say a few more words.”

“Return as before.” Dumbledore chanted the spell, and the Slytherin long table and the tableware on the bench table that were destroyed by Duwayne were restored to their original state.

The little snakes looked much better. A seventh-grade little snake looked at Moriarty’s expressionless face, and then at Snape.

Since Du Wayne was assigned to Slytherin Academy, St. Peters closed his eyes out of sight.

The little snake suddenly gained confidence and said coldly, “Professor, the Slytherin table has never been destroyed since the establishment of Hogwarts a thousand years ago. You must give us an account of this!”

Du Wayne quit as soon as he heard it, and suddenly turned his head and stared at him.

“Slytherin students, please sit! And Duwayne Vanderbilt, you sit too!” Dumbledore’s voice was loud, “If you believe me, please do as I say, I promise I I will give you an explanation that is satisfactory to both parties.”

Du Wayne hesitated for a while, didn’t say anything, and sat down nearby.

The little snakes did not move, looking at Moriarty eagerly.

The whole incident was a bit unexpected for Moriarty.

Du Wayne is like a madman, his mind is full of wizards, and Moriarty is sure that he has become the most wizard Du Wayne wants to kill.

The second place should be Lockhart. Moriarty just saw Duwayne staring at Lockhart.

These are nothing, but different positions. Sometimes he also wants to destroy all vampires.

But Duwayne destroyed the Slytherin table, which made Moriarty a little angry.

Originally, he wanted to punish Duwayne in his own way, but since Dumbledore had an idea, he would give it to Dumbledore.

After all, according to the prior agreement, Dumbledore was in charge of Vanderbilt.

So Moriarty slowly sat down in the chief position, and the little snakes sat down in the original order.

The little snakes on both sides of Du Wayne would rather huddle with their classmates than sit next to Du Wayne.

Seeing the Serpent House returning to peace, Dumbledore said again: “First of all, Duwayne Vanderbilt, you were assigned to the Slytherin Academy, you are a You are ruined The long tables and benches of your academy should be punished, and leave this matter to your dean.”

Only then did Professor Snape open his eyes, and said without any emotion, “50 points will be deducted, six months of imprisonment, and Moriarty Slytherin will be in charge.”

Why is it my turn to be responsible again?

Moriarty shook his head.

On the other side, Du Wayne stood up immediately and was about to shout again.

Dumbledore stopped him, “Mr. Vanderbilt, according to our previous agreement, you must obey the professor’s words.”

Du Wayne sat back angrily, this was his agreement with Dumbledore.

In order to enter Hogwarts, Duwayne and Dumbledore made many agreements, and in general, both sides got what they wanted.

Dumbledore clapped his hands and drew his attention to him, “Okay, Professor Snape has already punished Mr. DuWine, and for more explanation, I will announce the two after the sorting ceremony. decision.”

Dumbledore glanced at the students in the Snake House, “Now, you, including all the students, be quiet.

We have to let the sorting ceremony continue, Mr. Sorting Hat only sees everyone once a year, don’t let it disappoint. ”


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