The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 318

Vol 3 Chapter 55: 1 Forget Everything!

After chatting with Gemma for a while, Moriarty returned to his single bedroom, which had a spacious bathroom, which was very convenient.

Moriarty did not enjoy the convenience, but chose to sit in the chair in front of the desk, and Gemma told him an important news.

That is, second-year wizards can choose a few elective courses to try out during the Easter holiday to prepare for the third school year.

Lilith and Jericho have already finished their selection and have also studied for more than two months.

Only Moriarty had no choice, as he was still playing Quidditch in Hyproset.

This meant that to move up to the third grade, Moriarty had to choose one or two courses from the electives, which became compulsory for the third grade.

Elective courses include: Ancient Rune Lessons, Arithmetic Divination, Protection of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Muggle Studies.

Thinking back to the electives Gemma told him, Moriarty decided to choose Ancient Rune and Divination.

As far as Moriarty knew, Lilith chose ancient runes and divination, the same as herself.

Jericho also chose ancient runes, but couldn’t stand arithmetic and divination, so he chose Muggle studies. Their family had business dealings with Muggles, which should be to inherit the family business.

Marcus chose the course on protection of magical creatures. If nothing else, in 1993, three years later, Hagrid would become the professor of this course.

Penello chose ancient rune and divination classes. She originally wanted to study Muggle studies, but seeing that Lilith chose divination classes, she resolutely reported divination.

Many girls choose divination, and Moriarty can see why.

I remember that I disclosed that I was interested in divination before…cough.

Thinking about it, Moriarty felt embarrassed.

But it’s not because of Sybil Trelawney’s unreliable magician.

But Trelawney also had a moment of inspiration, and Moriarty not only wanted to decipher the prophecy, but also wanted to get into the state of making a prophecy.

Moriarty didn’t mind being a seer if conditions allowed.

After thinking for a while, Moriarty went to bed, there is Lockhart’s class tomorrow morning, he has to go to the classroom early, Kang Kang Lockhart’s new trick.

Not only Moriarty had this idea, but the third-grade snake and lion also thought so.

Early Tuesday morning, twenty minutes before class, the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom on the third floor was full.

Without a doubt, this is the office with the highest user turnover rate!

Since every teacher has his own personal style, the furnishings inside can change at any time.

Moriarty remembered that the first year was Professor Randy. The professor dressed up the classroom like a castle, pure darkness.

Then there is Diana in the second year, and the classroom is as beautiful as Diana, with silver and pastel green as the main color.

It’s just that Diana took three classes, and the user of the classroom changed back to Professor Randy.

This year, the user became Lockhart.

Although Lockhart did not come, the entire classroom was filled with a strong Lockhart style.

The ceiling and walls become flower pools filled with colorful flowers, making the classroom look like a flower room.

Then it was covered with colorful envelopes full of letters from female fans to Lockhart!

At the back of the classroom, Xiao Shangao’s books are placed on the ground, all of which are novels written by Lockhart!

The tables and chairs of the students were also dyed gold, and the floor was covered with a silver carpet, which looked magnificent.

The big scene made it rare for the little snake and the little lion to not compete against each other, but to have a heated discussion.

Outside the classroom, Filch looked out in the hallway. After the sorting ceremony yesterday, Lockhart asked him to arrange the classroom according to his description.

Filch woke up early today, set up the classroom otherwise the flowers would be stale, and stayed here to give Lockhart credit.

About five minutes before class, Filch saw a blue figure wearing a tall purple wizard hat with two cages floating behind him, and he hurried up to meet him.

Taking a closer look, it was indeed the new professor Lockhart.

“Professor Lockhart, I’ve dressed up as you said. Those kids are so happy.”

Filch said flatteringly.

Lockhart nodded with satisfaction, and when he saw Filch, he felt emotional.

At that time, in order to make a splash, I sent myself 800 Valentine’s Day cards on Valentine’s Day, which forced the breakfast to be cancelled because a lot of owl droppings and feathers fell into the oatmeal.

Filch took a lot of effort to clean up the messy breakfast at the time.

Seeing Filch’s hunched back now, Lockhart felt a hint of guilt.

But what does Filch mean by blocking me?

Lockhart felt inexplicable, class was about to start, he moved to the left, Filch moved to the left, he went to the right, and Filch went to the right.

In short, don’t let yourself go forward!

Lockhart stared at Filch unhappily, and the nickname he gave Filch when he was in school jumped into his mind until he saw Filch’s philistine smile, and Lockhart understood.

It was to be paid.

“Mr. Filch, if you help me set up the classroom, I won’t treat you badly,” Lockhart sneered, and Filch smiled happily, “In order to express my gratitude, I invite you to eat candy and sweet money, here One hundred Galleons.”

Lockhart took out a small cloth bag from his robe, tossed it, and caught it, making a clinking sound inside.

Filch’s eyes moved up and down with the cloth bag, and he shivered when he heard the crisp sound, as if he had tasted the nectar, and he had already seen a hundred gold coins beckoning at him!

“Thank you, Professor Lockhart, I saw that you were different from everyone else – remember you sent yourself eight hundred cards?” Filch said excitedly, reaching for Kim Galleon as he spoke. , “Also, you carved your name on the Quidditch pitch in 20-foot letters!”

Lockhart didn’t mean to hand over the sack, and after hearing Filch’s words, a flash of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, “Yeah, I was stupid at that time and wanted to be famous.”

“You’re a big celebrity now.”

“Yes, so I don’t need to give you Jin Galleon.” The corner of Lockhart’s mouth twitched into a mischievous grimace. Filch was shocked and seemed to know Lockhart again.

Lockhart took out his wand and swiped at Filch lightly, “Forget it!”

Filch’s shocked expression gradually softened, and then, under the magical effect of a powerful forgetting spell, all his memories of Lockhart asking him to set up the classroom and asking Lockhart for credit disappeared.

“What am I doing here?”

Filch touched his head suspiciously. In the past, shouldn’t he be watching the little guys eat in the auditorium hall, so as to avoid those naughty scoundrels!

It is said that this phenomenon has almost disappeared since Mr. Moriarty’s arrival.

Even Peeves didn’t come out.

But there’s always one or two troublemakers, yes, the Weasleys!

Filch remembered it and left in a hurry, completely forgetting about the one hundred Galleons.

“Goodbye Lockhart, I have to go to the auditorium to Looking at Filch’s back, the corners of Lockhart’s mouth rose.

Once again, his powerful oblivion spell saved himself from unnecessary trouble.

As for whether Filch will suffer from amnesia, Lockhart naturally won’t worry, he is a master of memory, and erasing a little memory is nothing to the human body.

In some cases, it’s a good thing.

Lockhart walked towards the professor without any psychological burden. He was deeply touched by his return to Hogwarts this time.

There are some people who, no matter how long it has passed, are always making jokes, like Filch.

Listen to the two little guys from the Weasley family competing with Filch. When it’s their turn to teach them, do you want to teach them a few tricks?

There are also some people who, no matter how long it has passed, are respectable and at the same time make people think of teasing, Snape is such a person.

However, Lockhart could guarantee that those who wanted to make fun of Snape meant to make Snape smile, but Lockhart never saw Snape smile anyway.

There are also some people who will always be respected no matter how long it has passed. Professor Flitwick, for example, is such a person.

Lockhart thought about the absurd things he had done in the past, and wanted to say sorry to his then dean, Professor Flitwick.

But he is a celebrity after all, just like the young master said, it is better to make some achievements for Professor Flitwick.

Lockhart took a deep breath in front of the classroom door. This was his first lesson. He adjusted his facial expression familiarly, with a charming smile hanging on his face, and opened the door.

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