The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 35

Chapter 34: Horse Man

“You are here to help my students.” A gruff voice came, Moriarty and the others saw a tall figure walking out of the woods not far away.

It was a burly man. His face was almost completely concealed by his long tousled hair and tangled bushy beard, and he was draped in a large brown coat and carried two bales of hay in his hands.

“I’m Rubeus Hagrid, Mr. Filch told me about you, um… Slytherin House, alright alright, come with me. Yaya, let’s go!”

Hagrid looked a little indifferent and walked towards another forest. Ralbo and Keith were obviously not satisfied with Hagrid’s attitude, and followed Moriarty reluctantly.

On the way, Jericho said, “Mr. Hagrid, what do we need to do?”

“Good question, I almost forgot to say,” Hagrid stopped, let go of his hands, two bales of hay fell to the ground, he pointed to the hay and said, “I have sage on my left and sage on my right. Scented mallow, you need to collect a lot of sage and fragrant mallow in this forest and give it to me, it’s that simple.”

“It’s that simple?” Ralbo said lightly, “If it’s so simple, why can’t you collect it yourself?”

Hagrid glanced at him and quickly looked away in disdain.

“Scented mallow grows underground, and sage is not easy to pull out. If the demand is not so great, I still have some stock there, but the horse people need too much this time. They asked me for help… oh!”

Hagrid covered his mouth, he missed his mouth.

Several little wizards laughed, and Jericho nodded: “Aha, so it turns out that centaurs are involved here.”

Moriarty picked up a piece of sage, and a faint scent wafted into his nostrils. He said to Hagrid: “The Centaurs are good at stargazing, and in order to interpret the results of stargazing, they usually burn sage and incense. mallow.

So the centaurs must have encountered complicated and incomprehensible astrological changes, right? Hagrid. ”

Hagrid shook his head: “I don’t know, Firenze just asked me to find these hay, act quickly, oh right, we’d better divide into two groups.”

Jericho, Percy and others all stood behind Moriarty, Hagrid pouted in embarrassment, and Fang stood at his feet.

“Marcus, you are in a group with Mr. Hagrid,” Moriarty winked at his valet. “You help Mr. Hagrid collect the mallow, and we’ll collect the sage.”

Marcus nodded knowingly. After everyone formed a team, the two teams walked in two directions.

Moriarty heard Marcus say to Hagrid in an unskilled tone: “Mr. Hagrid, I heard that there is a group of hippogriffs in the Forbidden Forest. Those big guys are very lovable, I am Say, I love them. And yes, I’m also going to take the Conservation of Magical Creatures class next year.”

Jericho heard it too and whistled, “When did Marcus become interested in magical animals?”

“I suggested that he study magical animals, so that at least he can learn something.” Moriarty exposed the matter lightly.

As they went deeper into the woods and saw clumps of sage, Moriarty tapped the ground under his feet with his Slytherin staff, and the hard-to-pull sage flew out of the soil automatically.

Keith said with a smile: “It’s really too simple, Professor Dumbledore is right, walking with Mr. Moriarty is like an outing.”

More and more sage piled on the ground, forming a haystack, Moriarty said: “I think this should be enough.”

“No, child, it’s not enough.” A gentle voice came from the woods nearby, followed by a rustling sound, and a centaur walked out of the shadows.

Jericho and the others pulled out their wands. The centaurs said what they said just now. Although the words were gentle, the centaurs had bows and arrows in their hands.

Moriarty took a few steps towards the centaurs and said, “We are students at Hogwarts, and Hagrid is searching for sage for you to read for you.”

The centaur looked at Moriarty unblinkingly with his surprisingly blue eyes: “I know, the astrology tells me that you may come these days, so I often come out to look for you, I am Firenze, I am No ill will, nice to meet you, Slytherin.”

“The astrology also told you my name?” Moriarty looked at Firenze.

This centaurus has white-blond hair, but is reddish-brown from the waist down, with a shiny horse body, and a long red tail trailing behind it.

Firenze was a little hesitant: “Well… horoscopes always tell us a lot…”

Then, he changed his serious tone: “The centaurs have spent centuries revealing the mysteries of the movement of the stars in the universe. Our research results tell us that from the sky above us, we may be able to glimpse future.

——This is different from the future in your impression. What will I eat tomorrow morning? Can I get extra points for the class the day after tomorrow? How many honors can I get in the final exam? These are not the future, maybe that is destiny…

And we observe the starry sky and use an objective and fair perspective to record the important trends of those disasters or accidents. It may take more than ten years to prove us right. ”

Moriarty understood, and more curiosity followed. He vaguely remembered that Firenze was close to Harry Potter, and the centaurs also fortuned that Voldemort started the second wizarding war.

But what does this have to do with Moriarty?

Firenze seemed to see Moriarty’s doubts, and he raised his head slightly: “Have you found it, there is no moon today.”

“So what?” The wand in Jericho’s hand hadn’t been put down, but he was holding it even tighter: “There’s no moon? What does this mean! To me, the so-called future and destiny are all pretentious tricks. !”

Firenze ignored Jericho, he only had Moriarty in his eyes from the beginning.

“One day in December 1987, the moon suddenly disappeared, and it didn’t appear even at night. We recorded that from that day, there were occasionally moonless nights.” Firenze said peacefully.

Percy took a breath, as if remembering something, and exclaimed, “December 1987? Charlie told me during the summer that the ghosts were partying, Peeves were laughing, the murals were dancing…they What do you call that day? The Hogwarts Riot?”

Firenze glanced at Percy: “This is an obvious sign, maybe the Hogwarts Riot you’re talking about is the same day as the moonless night.”

“Wait a minute, are you saying that the so-called Hogwarts Riot affected the horoscope?” Moriarty was no stranger to the “riot” because he read the Daily Prophet throughout 1987 .

It is recorded above that the so-called great riot is a group of ghosts, murals, armors, and stone piers coming out to have fun, and not a single wizard participated.

Moriarty thought it was another stunt.

Firenze didn’t give a positive answer to this, but just evaded it, Moriarty seriously doubted that he didn’t know.

Moriarty had to ask another way: “Mr. Firenze, do you think that the Hogwarts Riot, the moonless has something to do with me, right?”

Facing Moriarty’s bright eyes, Firenze nodded slowly: “Yes, Slytherin. You may not know that as early as a few years ago, we observed the astrological signs and foretold the British magic circle in the next ten years. There will be a wizarding war this year, and the direction of the war is related to two people.”

Moriarty knew he was talking about Harry Potter and Voldemort.

“But—” Firenze continued: “Since the first moonless night, the stars have changed, the trajectory, the speed of rotation, the connection between the planets and the stars… have changed. So we are re-opening. Divination…”

“So you need a lot of sage and mallow.” Moriarty understood.

“That’s right,” Firenze circled around Moriarty: “In September, here you are. Slytherin, Slytherin!

This surname is destined to be unusual for you. Our ancestors never had the experience of divination about the Big Four or the descendants of the Big Four through astrology. You are the same, but I don’t think this is a coincidence. ”

Suddenly the wind picked up, and everyone felt chilly. Moriarty’s voice was particularly strong in the wind: “I also don’t think it’s a coincidence!”

Firenze held out a hand: “I’m glad you agree with me. Within us, there is some disagreement about the new divination. They forbid him to disclose it to you in advance.”

“So, what is the new divination?” Moriarty stretched out his hand and shook him lightly.

Hesitation and panic flashed across Firenze’s face, and after a long time, he said, “It was a state of chaos, not only war, but also change, fear, and a—I don’t know what that is. , but it seems like an opportunity? Or, a choice?”

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