The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 388

Vol 3 Chapter 125: Moriarty And Her 3 Women And 4 Goblins Kill…

Moriarty’s eyes flashed a dignified look.

Hanyu Hefeng’s mind turned quite fast, and he most likely judged that the four schools had made a contract and took countermeasures.

The canyon map came to mind, and Beauxbatons should have dropped a defense tower in the bottom lane.

Brother Quanmu will not miss this opportunity and will continue to push forward.

Then the opportunity to attack the middle of the magic house is here!

Moriarty hurried to the center of the army line gathering point, he wanted to command the players, and push them to the base of the magic house in one fell swoop!

At this time, in the middle lane, a large group of players have gathered.

Furong cast a worried look at her base: “Brother Quanmu is very ruthless. I’m really worried that Mandy?? Marcia, who is in the bottom lane, will be injured.”

Tonks walked over to Fleur to comfort her, “We will definitely avenge Mandy when we wait for Moriarty to come.”

“At the speed of Mr., it won’t be long before you arrive.” Krum smiled.

After Krum received the news from Hubble, he came to the middle with Charlie.

Charlie nodded in agreement.

Durmstrang’s Hubble and Ilvermorny’s Bryan stand together.

Hubble said with a smile: “Don’t mind Blanche pushing down your towers, he may not have received the news.”

The four-school alliance was brought about by him, and he didn’t want the alliance to have contradictions before magic was eliminated.

Brian was also very arrogant, and said understandingly: “I thought of this. Although Tonks sent her patron saint to deliver letters, accidents may also occur.”

Tonks also frowned, “It’s strange, Michelle couldn’t possibly have made a mistake, why didn’t the news arrive?”

Brian laughed: “It doesn’t matter, the canyon is too big, the rabbit may get lost. And Jericho, we know him well, and he knows us well.”

“I prefer Jericho to push our Elinda Jessica back before the message is delivered, rather than not delivered.”

“The boy of the Blanche family, as we all know, has a quick temper.”

Brian’s smile was always on his face, and it could be seen that he really didn’t care about the tower being pushed away.

Seeing this, Hubble leaned forward, “I heard that Blanche and Moriarty had a falling out, what do you think about this?”

Brian shrugged: “We don’t care about the internal struggles of Slytherin House, but the Blanche family has not let us down for more than 20 years.”

“That’s it, thanks for sharing.”

Hubble cast a grateful look. As a pure-blood, the situation is engraved in his bones, and it is easier to stand in line when he sees the form clearly.

“What are you talking about?”

Moriarty’s voice sounded from the exit of the jungle, and he walked over step by step.

The crowd greeted them, and Tonks rushed in front of Moriarty and said solemnly, “Something may have happened to Michelle.”

Moriarty nodded slightly, “It’s possible that Jericho and I didn’t even see a rabbit in the bottom lane.”

“I would also say that the Magic Institute may have seen the matter of our contract, and it is clear that they regarded Beauxbatons as a breaking point.”

“Hmph, look down on us? I’m going to slap them in the face.”

Furong clenched her fists tightly. She had a great sense of collective honor. The magic house only picked Beauxbatons to attack, obviously not taking Beesbatons in their eyes.

The charm baby beauty is angry, even if there is no charm, it naturally shows a sense of style.

Fortunately, several boys present turned their heads with foresight and avoided looking at Furong to avoid making a fool of themselves.

Moriarty was not charmed, he strode to the front, and then took the lead to the middle defense tower of the magic house.

“You, don’t come here!”

Naruko shivered while hiding in the defensive tower.

The arm holding the wand trembled, and in Naruko’s eyes, Moriarty was like a great devil!

“Haha,” Charlie laughed heartlessly: “Mr. Moriarty, you will be treated as a pervert one day too.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, leave the defense tower to me.” Moriarty said lightly: “I’ll leave the soldiers to you.”

Hearing this, Naruto became even more nervous.

“Shikigami, nine-tailed fox!”

But the nine-tailed fox she summoned seemed to be scared and became even smaller.

Before it was the size of a log cabin, now it’s like a shrunken bear.

“What a cute cat~” Tonks’ eyes lit up, his hands were about to move, and he wanted to slap him.

But this idea was doomed to fail. Moriarty raised his staff, and a giant black snake flew out from the tip of the staff and wrapped around the nine-tailed fox.


The snake head opened its mouth and swallowed the nine-tailed fox!


Naruto shook his head desperately sadly, tears welling up in his eyes.

“Wow” cried out, and Naruko ran away.

“Pfft~” Furong couldn’t hold back and laughed, “What, it’s a joke.”

Moriarty shook his head speechlessly, turned his head to the side, and reminded: “What are you doing? No matter the line of troops?”

“Oh oh oh.”

Krum, Charlie, Hubble, and Brian nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and cast spells on a group of goblins running over.

“This thing,” Charlie Versailles got up, “mum taught us how to get rid of goblins effectively since we were kids.”

“Why? Are there many goblins in your family?” Krum asked with concern.

“Well, but it’s not the main reason,” Charlie said solemnly. “My dad likes goblins very much. He is very tolerant of goblins.”

“Your dad is such a nice guy,” Brian said gently.

“I said, four big boys, can you work more quickly?” Tonks put his hands on his hips, “Can you stop chatting, at this time, Moriarty has pushed the tower in half, how many of you have even Not even a goblin!”


“The tower was pushed down in half?”

“So fast, really?”

The four boys looked at Moriarty in surprise.

I saw that the originally tall defensive tower had become as tall as a person.

Moriarty held the staff in his left hand and the push tower in his right hand, chiseling into the base of his tower.

With each chisel, the tower becomes shorter.

They turned their attention to the corner of the push tower in Moriarty’s hand.

“Mr. Moriarty, what is that?” Hubble asked curiously.

“Pushing the corner,” Moriarty said briefly, “there is this, push the tower quickly, defeat the special existence in your jungle, and you will also get it.”

“Is there such an operation?”

“And this kind of reward?”

Hubble and Bryan exchanged glances and opened their mouths in surprise.

“My jungler Thomas, I’m afraid I only got the treasure of the second monster.” Brian looked troubled, “You have defeated the special existence, as expected of Mr. Moriarty.”

“This gap makes us unable to have the slightest idea of catching up.”

Hubble and Krum looked at each other and shook their heads.


With Moriarty’s final blow, the tower fell backwards, leaving only a base.

A voice sounded in the sky: “Hogwarts Moriarty Slytherin knocked down the tower of the Magic House.”

Each of the five Hogwarts players received 50 gold.

“Let’s go,” Moriarty said calmly, “towards the second tower.”

“Let’s go.”

The four boys were also happy to play soy sauce.

“I suddenly want to change schools, follow Mr. Moriarty, eat delicious and spicy.” Brian joked.

“You have no chance. If there is a transfer student, it must be me.” Krum whispered.

“Merlin’s beard, **** it,” Hubble said sadly, “Krum, you’re our next boys president.”

“Speaking of transferring, Fleur, have you considered coming to Hogwarts?” Tonks asked.

“Hmm~” Furong threw a look at Moriarty: “If I transfer schools, will a certain chief and his college want me?”

Before Moriarty could answer, Violet pouted, “I don’t want you, I don’t want you!”

“If you come, you will definitely compete with me for the right to use his dormitory. I haven’t slept enough yet.”

Tonks and Fleur looked at each other and smiled, thinking that Violet was cute sometimes.

“Then little Fan Zhuo, what can you do to get enough sleep?”

Tonks decides to tease Violet.

Violet ran behind Moriarty, jumped up like a koala and threw herself on Moriarty’s back.

Then I buried my head in it, but I could still see the blush on my face.

A voice like a mosquito came out: “Don’t think about it, I will never get enough sleep in my life~”


Tonks and Fleur exchanged glances, a little itchy in their hearts, and they also wanted Moriarty to carry them back.

But there are four boys behind them. They are not as young as Violet. They can’t do anything Looking back, the four boys turned their heads consciously. Walk backwards.

“Did you see anything? Krum?”

“No, we didn’t see anything.”

“I didn’t see it either.”

“Me too.”

All the way to the second tower in the middle of the magic house with laughter and laughter.

Moriarty put Violet down, “As usual, come with me, goblins, you guys will solve it.”


Three minutes later, a series of sounds resounded in the air again.

“Hogwarts Moriarty Slytherin knocks down the Tower of Magic.”

“The Magic Institute’s team, Jiu Neng Jogou, pushed down the Beauxbatons defense tower.”

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