The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 393

Vol 3 Chapter 130: Heated Debate

Moriarty cast a contemptuous look at Ye Jingyu.

“I thought you found a good way to save your country during your travels around the world.”

“If so, you’re not so hopeless.”

“But your ambitions, your ideals, are all tied to the so-called prophets.”

“I guess the prophet you speak of is a Hebrew.”

Moriarty’s eyes were full of playfulness, with a hint of pity.

Moriarty clearly saw that Ye Jingyu’s expression suddenly became flustered.

Moriarty knew he was right.

Some headaches followed.

Ye Jingyu, as the big boss of Dongying, is a powerful wizard who masters the magic of dark elements.

He was also bewitched by the Hebrews.

I am afraid that it is not a simple wizard that I have to fight against.

Soon Ye Jingyu calmed down, his eyes gloomy, “You know a lot, this is not a good thing for you, you know, Moriarty.”

“Heh,” Moriarty sneered, “you’ve realized that I know more than you, maybe you can call me ‘Sir,’ maybe I can tell you more about the Hebrews. ”

“No way,” Ye Jingyu pouted, “I don’t call you Mr. Moriarty like the wizards at Hogwarts.”

Ye Jingyu’s psychological quality is very strong, even if he suspects that he has been fooled by the “prophet”, he quickly regained his composure.

A pair of narrow eyes flashed a firm look.

Moriarty in front of him has the magic power of water, wind and fire.

If it can’t be used by me, it must be killed!

As an ambitious boss, Ye Jingyu is still very popular.

Arrangement Hanyu Hefeng deliberately set up this game, just to have a face-to-face talk with Moriarty and Jericho.

With a smile on his face, Ye Jingyu said to Moriarty:

“I’ll bet you’re not as upright as you appear to be.”

“Maybe you have the same mind as me.”

“You and I are a kind of person, I said it long ago.”

Moriarty shook his head slowly: “I said it long ago, don’t compare me to you.”

“We’re not the same kind at all.”

“We are the same kind!”

Ye Jingyu said loudly like raising a bar.

“We have elemental magic, which is enough to change the magical world!”

“I need you as much as you need me.”

“I will support you no matter what you do.”

“One of us is in the East and one is in the West.”

Ye Jingyu was excited, and gestured with both hands, as if drawing a grand blueprint.

“Join us and change the world!”

“You and I join forces, which wizard can stop us?”

“Albus?? Dumbledore?”

“Huaxia Longhu Mountain?”

With a slightly crazy smile on Ye Jingyu’s face, he shook his head mockingly.

“They are all outdated.”

“Elemental magic is the most powerful magic power in the world!”

“You and I have the most powerful power.”

Ye Jingyu emphasized this point, and he was still persuading Moriarty.

Jericho looked at Moriarty with some heart.

Leaving aside the lunatic figure of Night King, he was in the east and Moriarty was in the west.

Together, the two can truly change the world.

Anyway, leave it to Moriarty.

Anyway, I just need to listen to him.

Jericho relaxed and listened to what Moriarty had to say.

I saw Moriarty had the slightest sign of being persuaded by Ye Jingyu, and his face was cold.

“I don’t listen to your ideals and ambitions, and I don’t watch your plans to change the world. I know you’re wrong.”

Moriarty held out a hand and pointed in the direction of Hogwarts.

“Go to Hogwarts and ask, any Slytherin won’t do the wrong thing with the wrong person.”

Ye Jingyu’s face suddenly darkened, “You can say that I am wrong, but you can’t say that my ideals and aspirations are wrong.”

“I am dedicated to saving the country and saving the civilian students who were persecuted by the magic family. Is it wrong?”

“Moriarty, there is an old saying in China, if you don’t eat a toast, you will be punished for drinking.”

“I really give you face, don’t be willful any more.”

Moriarty looked at Ye Jingyu calmly.

“Face is earned by myself, not given by others.”

“Well said,” Ye Jingyu gritted his teeth and said, “Do you have that strength!”

“Of course,” Moriarty said confidently, “it’s not difficult for me to admit that dark elemental magic is strong.”

“But you’ll never know what elemental magic really does.”

“You don’t have to fight me on this, I know it when I hear you say ‘prophet’.”

“And I have one more thing to tell you.”

Moriarty raised the Slytherin staff to the height of Nightscape’s nose.

“You are always willful.”

“Your relationship with the magic of the dark element is like a child riding a mini broom with an elder wand in his hand.”

“The child participated in the Quidditch World Cup arbitrarily, but he did not have superb riding and ball skills. He was beaten and went home crying and calling his mother.”

“So he thinks it’s not himself that is wrong, but the world.”

“He just happened to have an elder wand in his hand, and he killed all the players who beat him!”

“Beauty says its name, purifies the world, and saves those players who are persecuted by the ‘evil players’.”

After Moriarty finished speaking, Jericho laughed uncontrollably: “Hahahaha, it’s too long to tell, how can the child in this story look like a guy who claims to be a god!”

Ye Jingyu heard the sarcasm in the story, felt Moriarty’s contempt and disapproval of his ideals and ambitions, his anger continued to impact his reason, and his face flushed red.


Ye Jingyu widened his eyes.

“Why do you think I’m wrong?”

“Why do you speak of my ideals and ambitions?”

“Why do you have a high-spirited attitude and point fingers at me!”

“Your strength is not as strong as mine.”

“Your power is not as powerful as mine.”

“Your understanding of magic is not as deep as mine.”

“Your knowledge of the world is even more pitiful!”

“Why are you?”

Ye Jingyu glared at Moriarty, he was provoked, and the harmony and friendliness before were all gone.

Moriarty and Jericho stood shoulder to shoulder.

“Look, he’s in a hurry, he’s in a hurry.”

“Hahahaha, he looks like a biting dog in his rage.”

“After all, he is a willful child.”

“Will he kill me next? I’m so scared~”


The two stood together to make fun of Ye Jingyu, and Ye Jingyu’s face turned the color of pig liver.

It’s a pity that he couldn’t see his face, his eyes were shrouded in black, and his whole body was full of momentum.

The underground quickly filled with a strange black mist, which was depressing.

Moriarty and Jericho exchanged glances, smiled, and the fight was about to begin.

“Moriarty… Jericho…”

Ye Jingyu sat on the chair, bowed his head deeply, and the sound he made was not at all like the previous one, like a ghost messenger from hell, chanting the names of the two teenagers on the opposite side.

“You are lucky and unfortunate.”

Jericho didn’t want to listen to Ye Jingyu’s words, so he interrupted: “Come on, it’s just the three of us here. What are you pretending to do? Anyway, I was the enemy from the beginning, so let’s do it directly!”

“Smashed to pieces!”

What Jericho said was a spell.

As soon as the black fog arrived, it flew in front of Ye Jingyu.


Blocked Jericho’s spell.

Ye Jingyu raised his head, Moriarty and Jericho froze slightly, Ye Jingyu turned into red pupils.

“Do it?”

“What qualifications do you have to fight with me?”

Ye Jingyu said lightly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

“I’m much stronger than you.”

“You guys are my I can eat whatever I want.”

Moriarty and Jericho felt a sudden shudder.

What does this night view royal mean?

“I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary wizard, but what I got instead was alienation and contempt.”

“No way, I have a showdown.”

Ye Jingyu spread his hands, and now he seems to be a little normal, but his eyes are shining with dazzling red light.

“Welcome to my blood feast!”

“My cooks, be good.”

Ye Jingyu stood up abruptly and raised his hands up.


Hogwarts behind the scenes big boss 3

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