The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 415

Vol 4 Chapter 4: Weird Way

Moriarty looked at Neville holding his head in pain and said nothing.

He deeply knew Neville’s mood at the moment, and because of this, he didn’t bother Neville.

Whether he can transform and arouse the magic talent deep in his heart depends on whether Neville can survive.

After a few minutes, Neville stopped screaming, just whimpered. After thinking about it, he began to feel sad, and his anger was suppressed in his heart.

Moriarty is trying to single out this anger!

“Neville!” Moriarty shouted coldly, “Why are you alive, why don’t you die!”

“Your parents were abused and mad, and the murderer was happy in Azkaban. You forgot all this?”

“Ah!” Neville called out again.

“Neville!” Moriarty said cruelly: “The murderer also tortured you and made you what you are now! Do you like the way you are now?”

Neville let out a whimper, stopped crying, and gasped heavily.

With his head buried in his arms, Moriarty couldn’t see his expression.


Moriarty snapped, “Look how you look now—just like your parents!”

“And the culprit is on the loose in another place!”

“What’s the point of your life?”

“If I were you, I would have committed suicide long ago! If I can’t do it, then I will ask others to kill me!”

“Because I can’t bear to be a coward and a coward!”

“I’m not a coward!” Neville jumped up and shouted at Moriarty with flushed brows and a little imposing manner.

“I’m not a coward!”

“I remember! I remember everything!”

“The man who tormented my parents and I was called Lestrange—Bellatrix Lestrange!”

“She’s a big villain, Dabichi!”

“She has been imprisoned in Azkaban and punished!”

It’s hard to imagine that the words “Big Bitchi” would pop out of Neville’s mouth, indicating that he was really angry.

Moriarty chuckled, Neville had already used anger and hatred at this time, and now Neville just lacks a reason.

A reason for Neville to turn anger into action.

Moriarty gave him this reason!

“But I heard Fudge was going to let her go in order to please the Lestranges!” he said lightly.


A blast of thunder sounded in Neville’s mind.

Your own enemy is actually going to be released?

Although he was young, Fudge had also heard of it. According to his grandmother, Augusta, Fudge was an out-and-out pure-blooded lackey.

It is entirely possible to release Bellatrix!

Neville’s young mind was shocked and polluted.

He had absolutely no idea where Azkaban was, nor did he know that the Lestrange family was gone.

The last letter from the Lestrange family to Moriarty was written by their daughter.

Neville only knew that his enemy was about to be released from prison and to be free.

Moriarty looked at Neville’s fists clenched tightly, his little round face flushed with anger.

Knowing that the time was right, Moriarty sent an invitation: “It happens that I am going to Azkaban, are you coming? To meet that Bellatrix? Maybe she has a confession!”

Neville shuddered after hearing this, and he was surprised to find out.

When I heard about going to Azkaban, my first thought was to kill Bellatrix!

Fortunately, Moriarty only said that Bellatrix might have repented, and Neville woke up.

“Huh,” Neville breathed heavily, and he was kind-hearted when he thought about killing people, he would be nervous, but he had the idea of going to Azkaban.

Maybe Bellatrix will repent?

If she repents, she will forgive her.

Neville said this to himself in his heart.

“I want to go to Azkaban, can you take me?” Neville looked up at Moriarty.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Moriarty smiled. As long as Neville got to Azkaban, he would not worry about his anger—that lunatic Bellatrix would not repent.

Neville grabbed Moriarty’s robe, and the latter used an apparition to come to Azkaban.

The address of Azkaban was given to Moriarty by Leon. He also said that he had been to Azkaban several times, all to **** prisoners.

Leon mentioned that there are usually only two teams of Aurors guarding Azkaban.

No one would come to Azkaban without eyesight. Dementors are scary enough.

And Moriarty is not afraid of Dementors.

Moriarty and Neville set foot on the land of an island.

It’s in the North Sea, England.

Behind them was the endless sea. Neville glanced back secretly, and the sea was actually black.

Moriarty was also coming to Azkaban for the first time. After looking around, there was a prison in front of him. It was pale—now it had turned gray.

The strangest thing is that the sky is dark – it’s still summer vacation, the ground below is black rocks, and there is no grass on the island.

“Hoo, hoo!”

There was a gloomy wind, and Neville wanted to leave here immediately.

But the wind came to Moriarty and turned into a warm wind, dispelling the little fear in Neville’s heart.

“Let’s go, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Moriarty walked first towards the prison.

During the period, I did not forget to cast the illusion spell on myself and Neville, and put a bubble blessing on Neville.

This was necessary, in order to prevent Neville’s emotions from attracting Dementors.

A dementor is a creature, it wears a cloak, it looks like it’s soaked in water, it has scabbed palms, and its whole body looks like it’s rotten.

Dementors are blind, they can only identify people by smell and emotion, and wherever they pass, they will be sucked out of all happiness.

Obviously, Neville couldn’t control his emotions.

There were two Aurors guarding the gate of the prison. Moriarty gave each one of them a blank slate, and walked in openly.

During the period, the “Araho Cave” used to open the lock and the Legilimency used to find where Sirius and Bellatrix were locked all made Neville’s eyes widen in amazement.

Because Sirius was treated as a Death Eater, he was locked in the deepest part of Azkaban like Bellatrix.

Stepping through the spooky prison door, Moriarty and Neville walked into Azkaban, unimpeded.

The road was full of dementors, and Neville squatted on the ground several times trembling, too frightened to walk, but Moriarty didn’t wait for him, he could only follow with gritted teeth.

They saw prisoners one by one, the prisoners locked in the iron fence, it can be said that they committed “intentional wounding”, and they can go out in a few years.

But these few years are enough to destroy a person – even some wizards will be carried out and buried by Aurors here for a week.

It can be said that wizards who commit trivial things will not be imprisoned in Azkaban, and wizards who commit serious crimes, such as murder, are directly imprisoned in the deepest part of the prison.

Most of them are Voldemort’s Death Eaters, and the Lestranges and the Carrolls are among them.

And Soldaya’s father, Big Selwyn…

And little Traverse, the younger brother of Big Traverse, who pursued Mrs. Malfoy…

A very long list.

There are pure blood and mixed blood.

They used to show off with Voldemort, but now they are all miserable. Dementors are too cruel to them.

Moriarty’s target, Sirius, was locked in a separate cell.

The inside is relatively clean. A desolate but not dirty wizard is sleeping soundly on the gray bed, seemingly unaffected at all.

Moriarty curled his lips, go to sleep, you won’t be able to fall asleep in a while.

“Neville, how about we go to Bellatrix first?” Moriarty asked with a smile.

Neville nodded lightly. He heard the screams of many prisoners along the way, and felt that Bellatrix had also been punished.

If she really repents, she will forgive him.

If Moriarty knew what Neville was thinking, he would definitely say with a smile that this good seed was in his hands.

If it was an ordinary wizard, maybe he would really repent, but Neville met Bellatrix, an out-and-out lunatic.

Moriarty takes Neville to Bellatrix’s solitary cell.

It feels a little strange, there are a lot of dementors around the door of the other cells.

The door of magic cannot shut the Dementor.

In fact, the prisoners can’t be locked up – which prisoners here can’t cast spells without a stick?

So all the dementors are responsible for guarding the prisoners. UU reading was sucked by the dementors, and he couldn’t recover for three days.

So where did the dementors at the door go?

Moriarty opened the prison door, and an unsightly but fragrant scene came into his eyes!

All I saw was Bellatrix, lying on the bed on his back, his legs stretched out, his hands stroking quickly between his legs and his chest.

At the same time, he was also muttering some thought-provoking words: “Oh Lord Voldemort~ hurry up, hurry up! I’m coming! Oh oh ah ah…”

The door was opened without affecting Bellatrix at all.

Neville’s face flushed red.

Why are you showing me these?

Is this my enemy?

The boy seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

Bellatrix’s bony frame made a lingering impression on Neville.

Moriarty was serious.

Bellatrix has this trick!

This is how he avoided the Dementor’s kiss.

Bellatrix must be happy to imagine Voldemort doing such a thing, and of course the Dementor can’t absorb her soul.

But it’s impossible for Bellatrix to have that kind of happiness every day, otherwise she would have escaped from prison long ago.

But Bellatrix did, did her husband Rodolphus? Lestrange know?

After Voldemort was resurrected, Moriarty wanted to give Rodolphus a green hat for Voldemort.

Your nephew has done a good job!

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