The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 5

Chapter 4: Himalayan Avalanche

“Woo~” The snowman leader who could spray water raised his head and let out a whimper, and the surviving snowmen limped toward their leader.

The snowman leader led the snowmen to kneel towards Moriarty, his eyes were full of gratitude, his mouth made a “gurgling” sound, and his hands gestured back and forth between Moriarty and the snowman baby.

Lockhart scratched his head: “Uh, I think the snowman is thanking you for saving their child.”

Moriarty looked at it coldly for a while and then looked away. If he hadn’t taken the Ice Moon Necklace, I’m afraid he would have used these snowmen to practice the Death Slayer Charm.

Of course, the fact that the dark wizard killed a large number of snowmen is also crucial, and the yeti tribe has paid a heavy price.

Moriarty just wants revenge, not a murderer.

The snowmen also wanted to ask about the Ice Moon necklace, but they were scared away by the snake words from Moriarty’s mouth.

The terror brought by the twelve ice snakes is far more terrifying than death.

Lockhart **** his pants in fright at the hiss, and fell to the ground, looking at Moriarty in disbelief.

“You, you never told me that you are a Parseltongue!

And you killed three people! Are you a dark wizard?

And, and those spells? Oh Merlin… who the **** are you! ”

Lockhart let out a scream and lay upright on the ground, imaginatively thinking that Moriarty would kill someone.

Moriarty snorted and pointed his staff at Lockhart.

“Oh my God! Please don’t kill me, I won’t say a word about what happened today!” Lockhart knelt at Moriarty’s feet, weeping bitterly: “Please, I will kill me I will tell you all my secrets, just please don’t kill me!”

“Your secret?” Moriarty laughed jokingly: “Does it mean that you are actually a liar, and all your books are plagiarizing other people’s adventures? Or does it mean that you don’t have any deep magic at all, and the best thing is just An oblivion spell?”

“How come you know everything!”

Lockhart looked at Moriarty like an alien, his body trembling uncontrollably.

“It’s a talent, Mr. Lockhart!” Moriarty put down his wand with a smile: “It’s normal for you to not understand. But what I’m curious about is why you didn’t use the oblivion spell on me while I was resting?”

“I was very weak and might not be able to resist your powerful oblivion spell.” Moriarty analyzed for Lockhart: “Just think, Mr. Lockhart, as long as you wave your wand, you will get another bizarre s story!

Reap the yeti baby from the evil dark wizard and reap the friendship of the yeti tribe! I’m sure this book will catch fire! ”

Moriarty stared down at Lockhart’s godless eyes: “Then why didn’t you do that?”

“I don’t dare,” Lockhart smiled bitterly: “You are too powerful and mysterious. I said before that I was afraid that you would kill me.”

“That’s right,” Moriarty understood and smiled at Lockhart. “You will be thankful that you didn’t cast a spell on me today, many years from now.”

Lockhart sensed a little hope of surviving, but he was quickly taken aback because Moriarty raised his staff again!

Lockhart closed his eyes…

“Clean up.”

“Huh?” Lockhart came back to his senses and found that there were no signs of fighting on his body, and his pants were dry.

“Moriarty, why didn’t you kill me?”

“What good is it to kill you! For me, you are more useful alive than you are dead.”

Moriarty changed his tone to make him sound less scary.

Lockhart nodded slowly: “What do you want me to do?”

“What to do? How can it be that simple!” Moriarty raised Lockhart’s chin with his staff, “I want you to surrender to me and be loyal to me!”

“You, do you want to be the third Dark Lord?” Lockhart said timidly.

“The Dark Lord?” Moriarty’s laughter was full of disdain: “Don’t be frightened by Grindelwald and Voldemort, they are unqualified wizards!”

Moriarty said seriously: “The sky of magic is vast, and a qualified wizard must be in pursuit of magic all his life.

There are two generations of Dark Lords in the European magic world. They had the opportunity to win the throne of the gods with their talents, but what about them?

One wants to elevate the status of wizards, the other wants to rule the magic world.

When they are bound by the world, they are no longer simple wizards.

Unlike me, I can clearly see the magical sky and want to fly freely in the sky.

Power, status, money, reputation… these are just platforms that helped me take off smoothly. ”

Moriarty raised Lockhart, looked him in the eyes and said, “Just think about it, Lockhart, your allegiance is the future God of Law.”

“I admit that I was attracted by your words.” Lockhart’s blue eyes were filled with tears, “Follow you, maybe I can see the magical sky too! Just look at it.”

Moriarty nodded understandingly, and Lockhart showed his admiration for his terrifying talent more than once.

The liar longed to become stronger in his heart, and Moriarty’s appearance gave him hope.

“We can make an unbreakable oath,” Lockhart knelt down, stretched out his right hand, and looked at Moriarty earnestly, “I swear my allegiance to you!”

Thinking of the tediousness of the Fierce Faithful Charm, Moriarty shook his head slightly.

“I have a more secure spell than unbreakable. I will let you prove your loyalty when the time comes. I hope you don’t back down.”

Lockhart stood up without complaint, and said as a matter of course: “My master, what do you need me to do next?”

“Don’t call me master, call me young master!”

Moriarty smiled suddenly: “I remember I only told you your first name, not my last name, right?”

“Yes, Master,” Lockhart said with wide eyes, extremely excited, “Master can speak Parseltongue, he must be a descendant of Slytherin.”

Moriarty nodded lightly: “My surname is Slytherin! The only direct blood relative of Salazar Slytherin, one of the great Hogwarts four giants.

Next, I need to go back to England and retrieve the castle left by old man Salazar. ”

Lockhart knelt down for the third time and gave Moriarty a 12-time kowtow. He didn’t know why he had to do 12 kowtows, but he just thought this number matched Moriarty’s.

But all these actions made Moriarty unhappy.

He shook his head: “Oh, Lockhart, true loyalty never lies in form, and I’m not a tyrant. You don’t need to use gestures to prove your loyalty.”

“You’re really kind, young master,” Lockhart insisted on a rare occasion: “Since I have decided to be loyal to the young master, I should be a qualified servant. When I return to England, I will speed up the course of servanthood.”

“No, no,” Moriarty waved his hand and said solemnly, “After you return to England, you will continue to publish a book, and I will give you the name. It will be called “In Eastern Tibet with Slytherin.” ”

“You mean, you don’t plan to expose me to the British wizarding world?” Lockhart was very happy, which meant that he could still enjoy the attention and cheers of the wizards.

“It’s all up to me, Lockhart.”

Moriarty was left in suspense. He chose Lockhart as the person to attract attention in front of the stage, and he had already prepared a series of plans for this.


A sudden tremor of shaking the ground and the mountains appeared, and Lockhart’s timid character could not be changed for a while. He was extremely frightened: “Master, is this an earthquake? Or is there a landslide somewhere?”

“I think someone is fighting.”

Moriarty narrowed his eyes, and he sensed multiple magical fluctuations in the air.

Following the magic, Moriarty locked his gaze on a snowy mountain not far away.

Moriarty realized something: “Bad, there’s a snowman tribe on that mountain too!”

As if to confirm his words, clusters of flames ignited on the mountain, which were particularly conspicuous in the night.

A seven-meter-long fire crow called “Quack” hovering in the air, followed by two or three!

Now, no matter how stupid Lockhart is, he knows: “It’s the accomplice of those dark wizards! Master, can your magic circle still be used?”

“I’m more concerned about who is the other side of the battle than this one?” A light flashed in Moriarty’s eyes, and an ice moon necklace actually triggered a competition between the three-way wizards, and he became more and more curious about the ice moon necklace.

The battle on the snowy mountain broke out very quickly. When the undead Fire Crow tried to attack the enemy, a dragon roar hit him!

Moriarty heard it clearly, and now he somewhat understands who the third party is.

Chinese wizard.

“Lockhart, do you know the Chinese wizarding world?”

Lockhart answered honestly: “I don’t know much, Chinese wizards rarely have contact with foreign wizards, and wizards from Europe, America and Africa are not very willing to come to China. I heard that it is because the magic power will be weakened after coming to China. Another way of saying-”

Lockhart’s speech stopped abruptly. He pointed to the air and shouted, “Oh, no! Young master, those fire crows are coming at us!”

“It’s for the snowman tribe! They want to destroy the Eastern Tibetan snowmen.”

Moriarty looked back, and the snowmen panicked.

“Lockhart!” Moriarty said to him, “Go and evacuate the snowman, and give me the broom!”


“Idiot! Don’t tell me that you didn’t bring a broomstick and floo powder with you on your trip! Think about it, you must have put it in a suitcase, right!”

Moriarty has been staring at the fire crow flying from the sky, he can’t let the yeti wipe out the family.

At present, the ice moon necklace hides a big secret. Before the Moriarty exhibition is ready to investigate, it is best not to die for anyone related to the necklace!

Lockhart remembered that his suitcase had been knocked away by the dwarf, and hurriedly took out his wand: “Flying suitcase!”

After pulling out a broomstick from the box, Lockhart didn’t give it to Moriarty right away.

“Master, no matter what you do with your broom, I advise you to be careful…”

Moriarty didn’t wait for him to finish, grabbed the broomstick, clenched the handle of the broom with both hands, kicked with both feet, and flew!

“Be careful, young master! You must know that Huaxia is forbidden to use brooms!” The second half of Lockhart’s words came from the ground.

“What’s the rule!” Moriarty tilted his body and almost fell off the broom, but he still rode the broom to a high altitude.

It is very troublesome to describe the magic circle, but the undead fire crow will not wait for him to finish it.

Moriarty doesn’t know long-range magic, and can only approach the two fire crows with broomsticks.

The first takeoff was unexpectedly smooth, with Moriarty maintaining his balance and trying to use his magic to steer the broom faster.

The two fire crows found Moriarty, and the speed was humanized.

Moriarty in the air fired a few tunnels and found it difficult to hit the Fire Crow, they were too fast.

Moriarty gritted his teeth and shouted to the ground, “Lockhart! Don’t evacuate the snowman! Run! Run! Get out of here!”

“What?” Lockhart felt something wrong and covered his mouth: “Oh master, what are you doing?”

Moriarty ignored him, looked at the fire crow’s flight path, and aimed his staff at a hill above them!


The surging magic turned into a huge force and hit the top of the mountain.


The snow on the entire mountain fell like waves, the entire terrain collapsed due to the avalanche, and the two fire crows were already submerged in the ice and snow.

The snowman didn’t have to worry about being burned to death, but he ran faster. Moriarty’s blow caused a series of avalanches, dropping huge blocks of snow and ice.

However, the ancestors of the yeti have lived here for thousands of years, and there is a way to deal with avalanches hidden deep in their blood.

At least Moriarty heard their cries, not as miserable as when he was hunted by gnomes.

Now Moriarty is relieved, as long as there is one snowman alive, he will be able to question him later.

Moriarty turned the broom handle and controlled it to dive to the ground. Lockhart was running desperately, but he was obviously going to be engulfed by the snow behind him at any moment.

“Lockhart! Grab my hand… well, I got you!”

Moriarty put Lohatla on the broom, and the speed was obviously slowed down. Seeing that the snow was about to cover the broom, Moriarty tried to apply a blow to the broom, but it was successful.


The broom became very fast, passing through the snowflakes swaying in the air, throwing off the huge snow that was chasing after him.

Lockhart was as happy as if he had won the battle: “Haha, Oye! We won! We defeated the avalanche!”

Moriarty looked towards the mountain top of another Yeti tribe, hoping that the people on it were all right.

“Tom tom tom…”

A series of avalanches resounded through the sky and even caused an earthquake!

Countless snow-capped mountains collapsed!

Moriarty noticed that this included the hilltop of another Yeti tribe.

The flying snow and ice blocks even the night sky, and the deafening roar makes Lockhart realize that this is not an ordinary avalanche and earthquake.

He asked anxiously, “Master, you seem to have hit a snow mountain in the Himalayas?”

Moriarty didn’t answer, he just watched the avalanche that covered the sky and the moon.

After a long time, everything fell silent.

Moriarty sat on the broom with his arms folded, and glanced at Lockhart behind him: “Look, the natural disaster is ruthless, if you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you could believe that this epic avalanche was actually caused by a split spell. of?”

Lockhart rolled his eyes a few times, thinking he understood what Moriarty said.

“Ah, I understand young master, you mean that apart from the two of us, no one here saw you hit the snowy mountain with a split spell, so as long as we don’t say it, no one will know that you did it!”

“It’s not like that, Lockhart,” Moriarty said softly. “Why should I admit that it wasn’t me? I can see clearly that one of the undead fire crows crashed into the snowy mountain and was about to commit suicide. Attack and destroy the Yeti tribe!”

Lockhart was stunned for a moment, then reacted, clapped his hands and said, “Yes, that’s right! It’s all the fault of the evil dark wizard!”

Moriarty didn’t talk about this topic again. It was good that Lockhart knew some things. Instead, he stretched out an index finger and shook it.

“What I want you to understand is another thing, maybe this kind of natural disaster needs to be caused by people, but as long as you give me a space to grow, it won’t take long before I can use more terrifying natural disaster-level magic.

At that time, I was the only protagonist of that ice and snow dance! ”

Moriarty never misses any opportunity to learn magic. On the way to fly, he projects magic into the air and feels the elements of ice and snow in detail.

Unfortunately, the magic power cannot be recovered, Moriarty can only get close to nature through this rough method.

He didn’t take a second look at the snowdrift, even though there was a possibility that a Chinese wizard who had fought against the dark wizard was buried there.

At the time, Moriarty had no other choice: he had only been in touch with magic for less than 24 hours, he couldn’t kill powerful long-range magic, and he couldn’t fly.

Using an avalanche to stop the undead fire crow is the only way to protect the snowman.

It can only be said that geographical factors are both advantages and disadvantages.

Not only helped Moriarty to deal with the dark wizard, but also let him cause a big avalanche.

Lockhart is right. This is located in the Himalayas. It is normal for a series of avalanches and earthquakes to occur. Moriarty is just a behind-the-scenes driving force.

Compared with the unfortunate Chinese wizard, Moriarty felt that the snowman was more important.

The reason is very simple, the snowman is still useful, but the Chinese wizard is useless to him.

Lockhart realized this, and he stared at Moriarty’s back in thinking about how to prove his worth.

The broom under his **** suddenly made a “crunching” sound, and Lockhart shouted, “Damn, sir, the broom is going to explode!”

Moriarty hurriedly controlled the broom to land. Fortunately, the broom was very face-saving. After the two of them landed, they couldn’t wait to explode.

Moriarty waved his staff and buried the broken parts of the broom. The poor broom carried two people through the avalanche, and he added a little magic to it.

The broomstick is undoubtedly the hero among broomsticks!

But thinking of the speed-up magic added to the broom, Moriarty realized that he needed to learn alchemy.

Lockhart watched silently beside him, he was puzzled: the young master did not sympathize with the buried person, but actually sympathized with a broken broom?

Fortunately, Moriarty found a way out of the snow-capped mountains after determining the target, and led Lockhart out, otherwise Lockhart would have to consider whether to learn first-hand Animagus?

Moriarty walked unhurriedly, and the voice of the system came from his mind: “It was detected that the host buried three dark wizards alive, and a total of 2,000 points were awarded.”

After calculating his points, there are a total of 2,600 points, and Moriarty is going to use it in the right place.

When the two walked out of the snow field, the sky was already bright, and Lockhart was too tired to walk, but Moriarty didn’t feel anything special.

On the way, Moriarty learned that Lockhart was able to come to China only by a cruise ship “Isabella”, and when he came to East Tibet, it was a Chinese wizard code-named “Wild Dog”.

“Lockhart, find the dingo, let’s go back to England!”

The cabin has been destroyed by an avalanche, and the black box has long been brought into the system space by Moriarty, and he has nothing else to cherish.

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