The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 65

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Semporsaran Of Athens

The bearded uncle accepted the gem with joy, and patted his chest, saying that he would not deceive Moriarty and Lilith because they were young. In fact, he was able to thrive in the chaotic Athens wizarding world, and his eyes were naturally vicious.

Which little wizard is a gem when he shoots? And it was a gem he had never seen before.

“Come on, two, come with me.” The bearded uncle opened the road ahead, turned around and introduced to Moriarty: “This street is called Sawskis Ross Street, and it is your Diagon Alley in London. A combination with Knockturn Alley.

I am very proud of this, Greece is prevalent in black magic, the man who brought black magic into Greece – you should have learned, the international magic circle habitually calls him despicable Haierbo! Haha, that’s him. ”

The bearded uncle was very talkative. He said his name was Uria Candisletto. He also kindly persuaded Moriarty not to walk into the shops on both sides of the street at will.

Moriarty nodded in agreement, and just in case, he held the Slytherin Staff in his hand—at one point he put the Staff into the system space when he got on the plane.

They were walking around the street, there was a wooden shop, and the black window was full of rag dolls. Their mouths were crooked and grinned, which was very strange.

A shop next door hung a sign with ancient runes written on it, which Moriarty recognized this time, and he read softly: “Light a candle at the bottom of the sea, run a silver knife across your neck, and you will be Come to the Ferdordo grocery store.”

“What is this? Death curse? Sounds like magic to summon the undead?” Lilith became interested, but when she saw that the shop floor was blood-red, with baskets of bat spleens and whale eyeballs piled up behind the door, Discarded the idea of visiting the store.

There was also a low, hoarse whine from a dark shop. Lilith guessed that it was the sound of an owl. Uncle Uriah shook his head: “I hope you never know what’s in there.” He glanced at the shop with pity and walked away quickly.

Next, the shops they saw were much more normal. There were shops selling robes, some shops selling binoculars and various statues, and there were many strange silverware that Lilith had never seen before.

Moriarty immediately saw that the silverware sold in the market was fake, but there were still many foreigners buying them.

“Athens is a tolerant city, foreigners come every day,” said the uncle proudly, “I have to recommend Shengbo Saran to you, this is the best place to inquire about news!”

The uncle pointed to a golden temple not far away with a few dim jack-o-lanterns hanging on it, and a large group of people gathered around the door.

“How did you know we were going to find out?” Lilith asked, full of vigilance.

The uncle gave her a sly smile, looked at Moriarty and said, “Are you going there? It will be very convenient for you to have me here.”

“Of course, this is the best chance to prove your worth!” Moriarty took out another emerald and shook it in front of the uncle’s eyes. After seeing the uncle’s eyes, he put away the gem and said, “Let’s lead the way. ”

On their way to Shengbo Saran, Moriarty told Lilith, “Follow me anytime, anywhere.”

Lilith took Moriarty’s arm happily, her face glowing as if she had come to a pure blood banquet.

Walking to the gate of Shengbo Saran, it was a stone gate piled up by seven marble steps, and the crowd crowded together in a chaotic manner.

“Get out of the way! Get out of the way!” The uncle pushed aside the crowd and shouted to the inside, “What’s today’s dumpster?”

Someone told him: “Thirty Galleons or some gadgets of the same value.”

“Stingy Shengbo Saran!” The uncle cursed bitterly: “The price is high again! Here’s to you, the big dung of the mountain trolls!”

The crowd burst into laughter, “Boss Uriah is domineering!”

The uncle took out a box with a shrinking spell from his pocket, and threw it into the door. There were a few angry curses from the room, but the uncle didn’t care. He pushed the crowd outside and gave it to Moria. Ti let out a way, “Let’s go!” The uncle said with a smile.

Since their communication was all in Greek, Moriarty couldn’t understand it, so he asked about it. The uncle told Moriarty that the ‘slinger” they were talking about was equivalent to a membership card, but the value of the slinger changed every day. .

Sometimes it’s cheap, a few of Nat’s **** have it. Sometimes it’s expensive – Gringotts is on the opposite corner of Sengbo Saran, and if you can’t afford a slap, go to Gringotts to get money.

“But it doesn’t matter, Boss Uriah still has a bit of face on this street!” The uncle looked bright.

Moriarty and Lilith nodded in agreement, it was really unique to use big dung as a dick.

Walking into Shengbo Saran, a large group of guests greeted Uncle Uriah, and a man dressed as a waiter greeted the uncle.

More guests set their sights on Moriarty and Lilith.

They heard a woman shout in a weak voice: “Oh! Forgive me, why are there so many English dolls coming for Posalam lately? Brit blood doesn’t taste good at all! A smell of gasoline! ”

Moriarty and Lilith looked at each other as if they were another vampire?

When they looked at it, the first thing they saw was a large silver counter. Two bartenders in tuxedos were sitting inside the counter. It seemed that a bag of feces had been poured on their heads, and they were busy cleaning with wands.

A stone tablet was erected on the counter, on which was written in ancient runes various drinks and potions, and the corresponding prices.

There is another line of small characters at the bottom: “If there is a secret communication, please hand in one hundred gold Galleons.”

Moriarty took this message down, turned his head and swept the room.

The scene in the house has nothing to do with the elegant counter. Hundreds of wooden tables and wooden chairs are randomly placed on the stone floor, and there are people everywhere.

Moriarty saw wizards, witches, Indian priests, people wrapped in black robes, skinny mummies, and many bald men with potbellies. Beards seemed to be the fashion here, at least hundreds of them. Everyone is bearded.

Leather smell, tobacco smell, corpse smell, fishy and spicy smell, sweet and greasy smell, **** smell, smell of all kinds of alcohol, and a pungent smell after love between men and Mixed together, can’t wait to drill into Moriarty and Lilith’s nasal cavity.

Lilith was choked and uncomfortable. She sneezed, which immediately attracted the attention of many men. Their eyes glowed with evil light, and they greedily glanced at Lilith from top to bottom.

Lilith’s heart skipped a beat, and she grabbed Moriarty’s arm. Moriarty felt that Lilith’s nails were about to scratch his clothes.

Uncle put his arms on the counter and watched this scene with all his time. He wanted to see what Moriarty did.

“Have a cup of Long Island iced tea with a pint of euphoria!” Moriarty said coldly, and glanced at one of the bartenders, “And a glass of lemonade with an ounce of tranquilizer.”

Moriarty tapped on the staff, and a stack of golden Galleons was neatly stacked on the counter. The bartender hurriedly cleaned the things on his head and hurried to mix drinks.

When other guests heard Moriarty’s unique way of ordering wine, they felt that Moriarty was a knowledgeable person and put away their underestimation.

Uncle Uriah laughed and applauded, all his eyes were drawn to him, and he said to Moriarty, “How did you think of adding spirits and potions together? I’ll try it too, I hope it tastes good. good!

Hmm~ I’ll think about it… Bring me a **** Mary and a pint of demulcent! ”

“The demulcent is not good.” The waiter said to the uncle, but the uncle drove him away.

The uncle turned his head to look at Moriarty, and his expression turned into a smile. He found a table in the corner and sat down with Moriarty.

Lilith relaxed a little, her big eyes regained her vigor, and she looked at the surrounding guests and the environment curiously, while Moriarty casually brought up the topic: “There seem to be a lot of vampires in this place?”

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