The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 7

Chapter 6: Salazar’S Gift

Moriarty ordered Lockhart, Ingo, and Luke to go out and stay in the hall.

And he picked up that notebook.

“Ding Dong~ It was detected that the host found Salazar Slytherin’s diary, and five exploration lottery prizes were awarded.”

Moriarty was a little surprised. The whole castle only provided ten lottery draws, and this diary provided five lottery draws, which made him look forward to the content inside.

Moriarty opened the first page, and there was a line of elegant handwriting on it.

“Open your eyes to see death, and close your eyes to the future.”

Moriarty read softly, this sentence is the spell to unlock the castle.

He turned to the second page, which read “Death is eternal life.”

“It’s really interesting.” Moriarty stretched out his fingers and stroked the page. Even after more than 900 years, the paper surface was still soft. Just like this sentence, there are no prominent words. It seems to be telling a fact, but the result is But it makes the scalp tingling.

“Death is always a secret that wizards can’t figure out, and immortality is the pursuit of quite a few dark wizards,” Moriarty sat down in the noble chair and put his hand on the goose down armrest with gold trim, “but In the Middle Ages where the ancestors of Salazar lived, there should be no concept of dark wizards, and every archmage who has reached the legendary realm will have explored immortality.”

Two paragraphs of notes hooked Moriarty’s ambitions. He couldn’t wait to turn to the third page, only to see that it was written in scarlet blood: “Never trust fairies!”

Turning back, the third page, the fourth page… until the last page, there are some notes on potions, spells, and runes. It’s like never talking about death and immortality, and there is no topic of them. .

Moriarty put the notebook on the desk. Although there was no record of death and immortality, it recorded 17 potions and 34 spells invented by Salazar Slytherin in detail.

“I think this knowledge will make my college life less boring.” Moriarty smiled with satisfaction, he took out his checklist, and wrote: “In the first year of school, successfully refined three potions, mastered Five spells.”

After writing down his plan, Moriarty saw a rectangular sandalwood box on the table. Time had not faded the box, but it was still a bright golden red.

This color is not common in castles, and golden red is the favorite color of Salazar’s friend and nemesis, Godric Gryffindor.

Moriarty opened the box curiously. Inside was a bunch of keys, the biggest red key was marked “Underground Chamber”.

“Luke!” Moriarty shouted, grabbing the red key and walking out of the bedroom: “Take me to the basement, quick!”

Luke jumped out: “Please come with me, young master. The basement is divided into two floors. The first floor is the treasury, which holds the treasure that the master obtained from the goblin, and the second floor stores the materials hoarded by the master.”

Since he didn’t know whether the underground secret room was on the first or second floor, Moriarty decided to start from the first floor.

Passing the hall, Moriarty heard Lockhart question Ingo.

“One thing I’ve been thinking about for a long time, you know Ingo, you and the house-elves can’t leave the castle, so how did you survive for nine hundred years? I mean, where did you get your food?”

“There is a big lake behind the castle, hum.” Ingo didn’t answer directly, but smiled cruelly.

“Oh, okay,” Lockhart gave Ingo a disgusted look, and asked again, “So about the castle’s wealth, did Salazar really get it from the goblin? I don’t remember the “History of Magic” There is a record of a conflict between Salazar and the goblin.”

Ingo glared at him fiercely, his lips moved but no sound came out.

Moriarty guessed that he must be cursing Salazar, but he didn’t dare to say a word, perhaps it had something to do with the golden shackles.

“Come with me, Lockhart, let’s go to the vault,” Moriarty said savvyly. “As long as you’re willing to pay, even a troll will read your new book!”

Lockhart ran over with bright eyes, and kept talking to himself along the way, as if he was rehearsing the press conference in advance, looking full of air.

“Master, we’re here.” Luke opened the vault door with one finger.

The dark basement was instantly illuminated, and Moriarty and Lockhart couldn’t keep their eyes open from the piles of gold and sparkling gems and pearls.

Luke thought he had hurt Moriarty. He cried and said, “It’s all my fault. I’ve never been to the vault. I don’t know it’s bright like heaven.”

“Aha, this is heaven!” Lockhart covered his eyes, tears streaming down his face, but he didn’t care at all, intoxicated by the scent of money.

After waiting for a while, Moriarty could see the inner structure of the vault.

The entire vault is the size of a football field, and blocks of gold bricks form four walls, which are airtight. The ceiling is inlaid with gems, emeralds, diamonds, and pearls, and there are countless treasures on the ground.

Crystal has become a symbol for classifying various treasures. There is a purple crystal wall between the gold and silver mountains, and a green crystal wall between the gold utensils and magic materials…

Then there are the gold coins issued by various countries and years, but they are the least valuable things in the vault, and they are placed in piles in the corners.

“Wow!” Moriarty exclaimed, he is not greedy for money, but having these wealth will make him work less hard. “Lockhart, just take a few gold bricks and use them as funds to promote the new book.”

“Oh~ young master…” Lockhart knelt on the floor paved with gold bricks, tears streaming down his cheeks, opened his mouth and shook his head at Moriarty.

Moriarty didn’t know what he meant, but his tears were definitely joy.

“Luke, let’s go to the second floor.” Moriarty walked out of the vault, where there was only money except for money, and there was obviously no trace of the secret room.

On the second basement floor, it is not as dark as the first floor. The armor hanging on the wall always reflects some light.

Moriarty was pacing in search of the underground secret room. In addition to the armor, there were also weapons made by fairies such as giant swords, hammers, spears, shields, and scepters.

“I found it!” Moriarty looked at a serpentine sculpture and shook his head: “Ancestor Salazar is really a stubborn old man. The place where those strange things are stored can never be separated from snakes.”

Moriarty inserted the red key into the snake’s mouth, there was a crisp “click”, and a secret door appeared on the wall.

Glancing at the secret door that can only accommodate one person, Moriarty tightened the staff in his hand and strode in.

Moriarty was vigilant, and the possible danger did not come. The secret door led to a room with only an ordinary stone altar with an egg on it.

Sensing that the inside of the egg was releasing a weak magic power to the outside world, Moriarty put his hand on it gently, and he felt a gentle beating, as if there was a small heart inside.

Moriarty suddenly heard the system prompt:

“The egg in the host’s hands is called the undead phoenix egg. As a rare magical creature, the undead phoenix contains the magic power of the fire element. It is a different species in the phoenix. He will not Nirvana because he cannot be killed, which is why it is difficult for him to hatch. s reason.”

The system explained so much to Moriarty for the first time, making him realize that this egg is not easy.

“It is detected that the host discovers, touches, and possesses an undead phoenix egg, and rewards three exploration draws.

It was detected that the undead phoenix egg contains a strong fire element magic, and now the host has opened the path of element magic advancement. Does the host choose? ”

Moriarty asked: “The path to advanced element magic? Is there any benefit to choosing him?”

“Because the Harry Potter world lacks a complete wizard hierarchy, the system provides an advanced path for elemental magic.

Elemental magic can help the host study magic better and complete tasks faster.

As long as the host has the corresponding magic element, the corresponding element magic can be unlocked.

At present, the host has unlocked two elemental magics, fire element and water element. ”

“Water element?” Moriarty asked curiously. He just unlocked the fire element magic through the undead phoenix egg. When was the water element magic unlocked?

Moriarty didn’t get in touch with magic for a long time, and he quickly thought: “It was during the battle against the dark wizard! The ice magic circle dances violently with the ice snake! I understand, from the essence of magic, ice is the changing form of water. , so the ice magic belongs to the water element magic.”

“If the inheritance magic of the Slytherin family belongs to the water element magic, there is no reason for me not to learn it.” Moriarty said with a smile, compared to the treasures in the vault, knowledge is the real wealth.

“The system does not allow one person to unlock multiple elemental magics at the same time, so the host can only choose one elemental magic to learn.

It is recommended that the host choose the water element. If the host chooses the water element, the host will become a level 25 elementary wizard due to the excellent performance of the host in the task of ‘Fighting the Dark Wizard’.

And the host chooses the fire element, and can only start from the third-level magic apprentice. ”

“Magic apprentice and elementary wizard?” Moriarty played with the undead phoenix egg in his hand, “It makes up for the classification of Harry Potter’s world of magic, and re-classifies magic according to element It’s getting more and more interesting. Well, I choose the water element magic advanced path.”

“It takes 2000 points to unlock the water element.”

Moriarty paid for the points, and now he has 600 points left. Fortunately, there are still 18 exploration draws.

With the soft sound of “ding dong”, Moriarty had a lot of information in his mind.

There are ten titles on the path of elemental magic advancement.

Magic Apprentice, Apprentice Wizard, Elementary Wizard, High Wizard, Sorcerer, Magician, Magister, Grand Magister, Archmage, Legendary Archmage.

After reaching level 99 legendary archmage, what awaits him is level 100 becoming a god!

Moriarty shook his head slightly to let his thoughts escape from his longing. He opened the mall to check the water element magic inside.

Just a “prison ice disaster” requires 5,000 points, and “Shuiyan Creation”, which can collectively restore vitality, requires 10,000 points.

Moriarty saw a passive magic: tides.

When injured, you can restore a small amount of HP to yourself every three seconds.

When fighting, you can add a layer of tides to the enemy. When you add three layers of tides, the chance of freezing the enemy is greatly increased.

As long as 800 points, it is not very expensive, but it is practical.

“There’s still 200 points left, maybe it’s time for me to meet a wizard in England.”

Moriarty narrowed his eyes, thinking about how to get more points. If he stayed in the castle, there was no doubt that the system would not issue a quest.

At this moment, the ice moon necklace in the system space suddenly emitted a dazzling white light!

“Ding Dong~ It is detected that the host’s water element magic corresponds to the Ice Moon Necklace. The host obtains the right to use the Ice Moon Necklace and will be rewarded with an achievement lottery.”

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