The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 76

Vol 2 Chapter 15: Malfoy Manor

At dusk on July 15th, the sky darkened.

The Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire was brightly lit. Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy, both dressed in luxurious formal attire, stood upright at the gate and greeted the guests gracefully.

The patriarchs of several pure-blood families, including Greengrass, Parkinson, and Travers, surrounded Lucius, with impeccable smiles, and whispered.

A group of children walked past the adults, there were nine people in total, and the little boy at the head had neat platinum hair, a pointed thin chin, and silver-gray eyes.

He walked arrogantly on the lawn, a little girl with mushroom hair closely following him, “Draco, are you going to show us your broomstick? We said yes at Christmas. Come on! Let’s see your nearly Muggle plane? Your broomstick! It’s a Muggle plane, right?”

“How many times have I told you, Pansy!” Draco shook his head impatiently, “I can’t touch the broom today, my dad won’t allow it! Just because that Slytherin descendant is coming to the house!

Dad said that if I acted too naughty, I would bring shame to the Malfoys. Damn, obviously he’s not a few years older than me, but we all have to wait for him! ”

“Yeah, my dad said the same thing, and he said he wanted to make a good impression on the descendants of Slytherin. It’s really too much…why should we wait for a child.”

Pansy followed Draco’s tone and nodded in agreement, completely forgetting the fact that she was also a child.

Draco breathed a sigh of relief and gave himself a thumbs up – fortunately he led the topic to the descendant of Slytherin, otherwise it would be a shame for Pansy to find out that he didn’t actually have a real broomstick at all!

Seeing Pansy talking with Daphne Greengrass, Draco felt a sense of accomplishment, children are easy to deceive!

However, a grinning voice sounded from behind Draco: “Pancey, is Draco writing to you again in a letter telling you the story of escaping the plane in the Muggle world on a broomstick? It’s a pity that he gave it to me too. Said, in fact he said that to everyone but I suspect he just hit a tree on a toy version of a broomstick.”

“Soldaya Selwyn!” Draco turned around and looked angrily at the boy who was half a head taller than him behind him. This man was so annoying!

Draco who was exposed quickly blushed, Soldaya smiled and shook his head, and said in an indifferent tone: “Okay, I admit that I lied, Draco is right.”

But his insincere tone made the girls all laugh, Draco’s face became very bad, his friend Theodore Nott helped him and changed the subject: “Look, over there! Pureblood Traitor of the Weasley Family!”

The rest of the children—two fat kids: Crabbe and Goyle, and two blond girls: the Greenglass sisters, looked to the right to see a tall, thin adult wizard in old clothes. robe, standing with an old lady.

“That’s Arthur Weasley!” Draco found a stage to play, he raised his chin: “I heard my dad mention him no less than two hundred times, that person is pure blood scum – always likes Being close to the Mudblood, I really don’t know why Daddy asked him to come.”

“This is a pure-blood party. As one of the twenty-eight saints, Weasley can’t be absent. In fact, except for a few families with special circumstances, most of the pure-bloods are here.” Soldaya looked He looked at Augusta Longbottom and Mr. McMillan who were standing with Arthur, and looked at the group of purebloods around Lucius Malfoy, thoughtfully.

The pure blood family seems to be divided into two teams, but no matter who they are, there is only one person at the center of the topic of discussion!

Cornelius Fudge, not a contender for the Minister of Magic, is just a 13-year-old boy.

Soldaya is only two years older than Draco, but the decline of the Selwyn family has made him mature quickly, and he knows what it means for all purebloods to wait for Moriarty.

Like adults, he looked at the door from time to time. It’s just that the eyes of the adults are mostly anticipation and curiosity, and Soldaya’s flashing dark blue eyes reveal longing and ambition.

At this time, a shrill, soft cry came from the air, and five unicorns pulled a silver luxury carriage from far to near and flew from the air to the door of Malfoy Manor.

When the adults saw a circling green snake printed on the luxury carriage, they already knew the identity of the person.

The children kept staring at the unicorn, and a few of them happily ran to the unicorn, looking at the way they opened their hands, as if they wanted to touch the unicorn’s fur.

“Draco!” Lucius knocked on the lawn with his cane, stopping Draco’s footsteps, as did Pansy’s father and the Greenglass sisters’ father.

But Mr. McMillan, who was standing with Arthur, smiled heartily: “Don’t be so strict, Mr. Malfoy. Ernie! Go and see the unicorn with your mates, it’s a sacred magical creature.

I don’t think Mr. Moriarty would mind, after all, this is a children’s adventure. ”

A little chubby Ernie and his friend Hannah Abbott ran towards the unicorn together. Mrs. Abbott’s eyes were full of love: “Hannah~”

She greeted her daughter: “Run slowly, unicorns are very spiritual magical creatures. You must learn to respect unicorns and get along with them slowly.”

“Haha, I heard it right! The Aibo family actually taught their heirs to respect unicorns? Why do pure blood need to be respected by magical creatures? Those lowly races are only worthy of us pulling carts!”

There was a sneer next to Lucius, and an old but calm and powerful voice sounded immediately, confronting them: “Neville! My good grandson, come here! Go and touch those unicorns, they will give you You bring good luck! There are a lot of people in this world who can’t even touch them, especially the villains who are locked up in Azkaban!”

The pure blood on Lucius’ side is like being strangled by the can’t say a word, staring at Augusta Longbottom, many people’s relatives are imprisoned in Azka class!

What an annoying old woman! Several pure-blooded patriarchs scolded secretly.

However, the head of the Longbottom family has a high prestige among pure blood, and the key is that he is also of great seniority – the pure blood family has always been close to each other.

And she was telling the truth, the Death Eaters in Azkaban were all pure blood from the twenty-eight saints, including the Lestrange family and the Rolle family.

In view of the unfortunate experience of her son and daughter-in-law, the Longbottom family is quite a tragic hero, and has received a lot of sympathy and attention.

Therefore, the purebloods wisely chose not to be enemies with the Longbottom family.

Neville Longbottom didn’t understand the intrigues of adults, he timidly ran to his grandmother and cried, “Uncle Algie just took me to the big lake behind the manor, he tried to force me to show some magic, and he almost drowned me. !”

The guests burst into laughter, and it’s no secret that Neville was almost treated as a Squib in pure-blood circles, and despite Neville’s magical riots at the age of eight, the Longbottoms seem to think that as long as Neville isn’t killed by Hogg Woz admitted, there is still the suspicion of Squib.

At this time, Moriarty stepped out of the carriage accompanied by Luke and Ingo. He was dressed in a silver robe with a coiled snake on the back and a Slytherin emblem on his neck.

Wearing retro clothes on Moriarty, not only does not make people feel ridiculous, but exudes an ancient and mysterious charm, and the temperament is cold and dusty.

At this moment, the guests put down their grudges and put away their smiles. No matter who they were, they all looked polite, with smiles and welcome in their eyes.

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