The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 93

Vol 2 Chapter 32: Hard Alchemy

“Nice answer,” Perenel nodded and smiled at Lilith. “What are you waiting for? Try lighting the candle! Pay attention to the burning of the candle. Generally speaking, further interpretation is required.”

The students lit the candles, and not long after, everyone was surprised to find that the burning candles had various situations.

Lilith’s candle flames have flares and bevels repeatedly.

The light of Tonks’ candles hissed and cracked.

Leon’s candle burned too fast, almost at the moment when the candle was lit, his candle “brush” burned by a third.

Marcus’s candle flickered, gradually forming a spiral flame.

Soldaya’s candle wicks are “knotted” to form a double flame.

The candles of other groups also had strange phenomena: Jericho’s candle splashed with wax and almost shot into Jericho’s eyes, Cedric’s candle couldn’t stand up, and would fall down as soon as he let go.

And most of the little wizards’ candles emit a lot of light smoke, white, black, purple, and even green.

The students were in a hurry to compete with their candles. Seeing this scene, Nicole Lemay’s eyes flashed with emotion, who is not an alchemy apprentice!

Until he saw Moriarty’s candle standing evenly on the table, slowly burning, with a smile on his face: “Very well, Moriarty, we can see, your candle is different. Now, the wheel It’s time for you to give me a reason.”

“I think it’s the result of spiritual power.” Moriarty replied in a deep voice. There are many young wizards with magic power comparable to adult wizards among the students present. Compared with them, Moriarty’s 20 years of magic power is not equal to Not prominent, but only his candle is the most normal, indicating that Moriarty has an ability that other students do not have or lack.

Nicole Lemay affirmed Moriarty’s answer: “It’s mental power, children, keep in mind! Mental power is one of the most basic elements in the formula of alchemy.”

“The reason why Moriarty’s candle works is related to his stable mental power,” Perenel explained to the students. “Through meditation, Moriarty has a unique connection with the candle— In fact, you have it too. This is a gift from the universe to wizards!

And when Moriarty’s stable mental power wraps the candle, lighting the candle is like changing a way of life for the candle. Don’t watch the candle burning, and eventually it will disappear and leave only a pool of wax oil. In fact, it is alchemy. In the concept of , it just changed into another form. ”

Moriarty asked, “Gas?”

“Yes,” Nicole Lemay looked at him: “Dumbledore told me about the three-state transformation theory you proposed in Transfiguration. This theory only needs to be slightly modified to become the three-state transformation theory, and the same Suitable for alchemy.

However, this involves practical alchemy props. Obviously, it has nothing to do with our course. We will discuss it in detail after class. ”

After speaking, Nicole Lemay walked to the podium and found Lilith raised her hand: “Professor, is Mr. Filch’s kerosene lamp the alchemy tool you provided him?”

Nicole Lemay and Perenel looked at each other and smiled: “After we came to Hogwarts, Mr. Filch told me that it would be difficult for him to catch the mischievous among you.

He always goes out of his way to ask us to give him some help, so – you know, I gave him a kerosene lamp to help him get out of invisibility, immobilize, and a pair of shoes that, for a short period of time, could make him You can catch up with naughty kids who travel at night. ”

“So that’s what happened!” The students suddenly realized, and then let out a sigh, now they know the reason why Lee Jordan was caught, and they have to be careful of Filch after sneaking out for a night tour.

“Okay children, stop gossip.” Perenel sat back on the reclining chair, and she asked the students to restore the candles, and then lit them again until the burning candles became calm.

“Professor, I think I can go to the next stage.” Moriarty raised his hand, Nicole Lemay said briefly: “Yes, let’s start trying to shape.”

Moriarty closed her eyes again and meditated.

In a state of high concentration of mental power, Moriarty mobilized magic power, and in his mind, the shape of the candle and the corn gradually overlapped.

In less than five minutes, Moriarty completed the shaping, and a small piece of candle had turned into a small piece of corn.

Nicole Lemay held Moriarty’s experiment in his hand and pinched it, “Your understanding of Transfiguration helped you quickly complete the shaping step. What we need to do next is to transform, put the candle into real, edible corn.”

Moriarty looked at him: “Is changing the essence the biggest difference between alchemy and transfiguration?”

After getting a positive answer, Moriarty tried to link the “Magic Moon” message to corn.

Turning candles into corn during a corn month sounds like an easy task, but Moriarty found out that magic power, spiritual power, the natural power of the magic month, the nature of corn and candles, these four elements There are countless permutations and combinations in between!

And when he tries to import magic power, it will cause changes in the arrangement and combination. For alchemy, the control variable method will not work. Only when the quality, quantity and energy of the above four elements are determined to a certain value at the same time, can the Complete the essence transformation!

The formula of alchemy mentioned earlier by Nicole Lemay is a calculation tool used to solve this trouble.

For beginners, they must try again and again to try out the most correct combination and value before they can succeed.

After learning about this situation, the students collapsed. Will this be the year of the monkey and the month of the horse? If you are unlucky, and you can’t reach the correct value every time you try, doesn’t it mean that you will spend your whole life on candles?

Is this alchemy? How ridiculous!

The students quit, and Jericho slammed the candle to the ground: “If in a few years my kids ask me what I learned at Hogwarts? Am I going to answer him—Dad spent his life studying candles Converted to corn! What nonsense! We had better options! Why do we have to learn alchemy?”

Most of the students agreed, they said that it was unacceptable that there were alchemy formulas, so why not let them use it!

Nicole Lemay and Perenel were lying on the reclining chairs, shaking gently, a ball of light flew out from under the black cloth and flew to the top of their heads, emitting a small sun-like light, and soon, the two old people Showing a comfortable and comfortable expression.

“Professor McGonagall?” Dumbledore said suddenly: “Can you help us make some candles? I want to do this alchemy experiment.”

The secret room suddenly became quiet, and the students in front turned their heads in unison to look at Dumbledore.

Professor McGonagall conjured more than ten small candles and distributed them to Dumbledore and the professors.

Dumbledore closed his eyes, and after a few seconds, he lit the candle.

Then there was the shaping, which was equally stress-free for Dumbledore and the professors.

“Ah, the next step is the transformation of the essence of our Slytherin heirs, tsk tsk.” Dumbledore held up the candle and looked back and forth.

The little wizards were stunned for a moment, and then they realized that the “Slytherin heir” in Dumbledore’s mouth was referring to all the students!

Students, especially the little snakes. Xia bowed his head in shame. As the heirs of Slytherin, they complained about difficulties and feared difficulties in the Slytherin secret room!

What would Salazar Slytherin think if he found out? What would Godric Gryffindor think when he found out!

“Huh? It’s not simple, it’s not simple…” Dumbledore sighed, and he rarely supported his eyes and legs, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

The students saw a lot of bumps on the surface of the candle on Dumbledore’s palm, and then a lot of popcorn burst!

Dumbledore picked up a popcorn and chewed it in his mouth: “Well, there is a smell of wax oil. If you want me to say, you have to add sugar!”

“Hahaha…” The students were amused. Dumbledore obviously failed, but he narrowed the distance with the students. The students found that the professors had some small problems in the step of essential transformation.

This made the students feel at ease and no longer afraid of failure.

Nicole Lemay already knew what Dumbledore did wrong just by listening to the popcorn. He shook his head and smiled, “Albus, you still can’t change the habit of 4.56% more magic than psychic. Then It was 1890, and you poured magic into a Hungarian wasp, and the dragon’s blood spewed out of its mouth and nose uncontrollably.”

Thinking of the experience of studying dragon blood, Dumbledore also smiled: “You said that, it reminds me of Newt, who is always the opposite of me, the child who believes that the power of the mind is greater than the power of magic.”

Nicole Lemay and Dumbledore had a silent conversation, and the students were stunned, but Moriarty caught a few key words and details.

Dumbledore discovered 12 uses for dragon blood.

Newt refers to Hufflepuff’s senior, Newt Scamander.

Magical power is greater than spiritual At this time, Dumbledore ended the conversation with Nicole LeMay, he stood up, and walked in the secret room with a tall figure.

“Few people know that when the headmaster of Hogwarts was Mr. Armando Dippet, I, then a professor of Transfiguration, suggested that Headmaster Armando set up an alchemy class.

I remember when I knocked on the headmaster’s office door and talked to Headmaster Armando, Headmaster Armando stared at me for a minute, then he told me to use handwriting instead of magic to give the Ministry of Magic and the students Parents reply.

Of course I refused, and then I understood what he meant, and I never refined the word alchemy again. ”

The students thought about the story, but Dumbledore didn’t give them time to think. He clapped his hands, which attracted the students’ attention.

“Listen, children, the early days of alchemy were bitter, troublesome, and full of difficulties, and there are good reasons why our professors wouldn’t let you use simple methods such as formulas.

The two professors are for your future – only when we have experienced thousands of failures and still do not give up and continue to practice and learn, until we succeed, the alchemy experiment is completed.

After a long process of experimentation, you will find that alchemy formulas, magic runes, and even making an alchemy item are easy.

Alchemy and even mysticism have broad prospects, and you can also have your own land under this sky.

The alchemy class at Hogwarts is not a crash course for alchemists, instilling knowledge into you and making you memorize it by rote? Trust me, that’s not magic! If we did that, Merlin and the Big Four would be so angry that they would climb out of the coffin and give me a life-threatening curse! “

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