The Big Farmer of Time Traveling

Chapter 006: Xia Geer Was Pushed

"Ah, did I do something wrong?" Li Xiu didn't know what happened just now, and was scolded by the youngest Lin as soon as he came over.

"You want me to tell you about the good things you have done. You don't think I am ashamed!" The youngest Lin took a few more pumps before throwing the bamboo pole in his hand aside, and dragging Li Xiu to the rice vat, "Qian Fang Take precautions, house thieves are hard to guard against, I entrust you with the cooking, not to let you steal it, you dare to steal white rice too!"

"Ah, I didn't steal the rice." Li Xiu had an unbelievable expression on his face. Every time he took the grain, he was under Ah Mo's nose, and he never touched a single grain.

"Hehe, you didn't steal it? You didn't steal the rice, did you run away with your own legs?" Youngest Lin was so angry that his heart ached. He kept grabbing the soft flesh on Li Xiu's arm, and after a few strokes, Li Xiu's arm snapped again. Red and purple.

"Youngest, how do you know that my grandma stole this rice?" Lin Xiazhi suddenly appeared.

Lin Xiazhi leaned against the door and gasped for breath. He finally struggled to get up from the bed, and walked all the way while supporting the wall. He was so tired that his eyes were staring.

"After the next year, I'll let your aunt cook. No one else has ever entered the granary except him. Who would it be if it wasn't him?" The youngest Lin felt angry when she saw Lin Xiazhi's dying state. What happened the day before yesterday? He only smashed his head, but didn't kill him. "Little Hoof, you said in the morning that you were too sick to get out of bed. Why are you able to get up now? I think it's because you ate the white rice."

As she said that, Mrs. Lin was about to rush over and make a gesture to hit Lin Xiazhi.

Lin Xiazhi was still dizzy and couldn't dodge. He was thrown down by Mrs. Lin and sat down on the ground. Fortunately, his body was light and there was soft mud under his butt. It hurts more.

"Ah, Brother Xia is still sick, hit me if you get angry, please don't hit Brother Xia." Li Xiu rushed over to protect her son, looking at Lin Xiazhi's pale face, feeling distressed It's like someone sticking a needle in him.

"What are you making a fuss about here!" Old man Lin came back from the outside, seeing the mess at home, his face that was not bad at all suddenly turned dark.

Seeing old man Lin come back, youngest Lin's eyes flashed, he stopped beating people, dragged his old man to the rice vat, and told old man Lin about the matter: "Old man, you said that this matter should be dealt with." How to deal with it, so that no one will say that I am abusive to my son Franz."

Although old man Lin didn't like this stupid second son very much, he didn't show it much because his son and Er Fulang were clean and tidy in their work.

Therefore, Lin Huzi didn't know that his father had opinions on him, so he looked at old man Lin cautiously, hoping that his father would trust them.

It's a pity that old man Lin was annoyed by his second son after listening to the youngest Lin's words. Seeing Lin Huzi cowering, he picked up the pipe in his hand and knocked on Lin Huzi's leg: "Unfilial son, why don't you give me a hand?" I kneel!"

Unprepared, Lin Huzi was hit, and immediately knelt down. Immediately afterwards, Lin Chengzu was also hit by Old Man Lin's pipe, and the father and son knelt outside the granary together.

Lin Xiazhi was pushed down by Mrs. Lin, Li Xiu knelt on the ground to protect Lin Xiazhi, Lin Huzi and Lin Chengzu were also on the side.When Uncle Lin came home, he saw his second brother's family crying and kneeling.

"Father, what, the second brother did something wrong, I will be the eldest brother to discipline him, you old couple don't get angry." After finishing speaking, Uncle Lin exchanged glances with Fulang Liu Chunhua.

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