The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 40 - Courting The President

Chapter 40 - Courting The President

He gets up early while his wife is still sleeping. He eyed the sleeping pills that she takes and she's sleeping like dead somehow. He gently shook her as she moaned. He kissed her cheeks. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and went directly to the kitchen and told the maids to prepare the ingredients as he cooked their breakfast.

He set up the big round table tray for their breakfast and went to bed. She's still sleeping and her alarm started making a noise. He gently put the food at the edge of the bed and kissed her and shook her.

"Baby, time for breakfast. We're gonna be late."

She sat up, still groggy. She stretched her arms, slipped off from the bed, and ignored him.

"Love, I prepared breakfast." He called as he looked at the breakfast that he made. She came out while wiping her face. Then, she approached the bed, took a glass of water, and sipped on it. She took her plate and her mug as she went to the sofa and started eating. He sighed and followed her, bringing the tray with him and making sure that she's eating more.

She yawned while eating and sipped on her chocolate.

"You shouldn't drink sleeping pills." He told her.

"My head was aching." She mumbled. "It's hard to sleep."

He sat beside her and patted her head.

"You can take a break."

"No. I have lots of things to do." She finished her egg and she put it on the tray. She stood taking her chocolate to the balcony.

At the time that Alessandro reached office, he started his work. But he doesn't feel good to work today. It's not the same. He wanted her kiss but she didn't give him any although she fixed his tie. He sighed and called Emerald.

"Cancel my appointment until one. And buy me sunflowers."

"Yes, sir."

"And add some chocolates. Dark ones."

"Will do sir."

Emerald left his office. He looked at young Keira in the photo who was playing the cello. Then, another of her photos was hidden in his drawer. He pulled it and smiled at her adorable photos that he took when they were together. He hid it, put it back and checked a few emails, and signed a few papers. Then, he slouched on the sofa. He didn't have the energy to work at all without his wife's kiss.

"Sir, it's ready," Emerald said. He stood quickly and fixed his coat. He took his phone from the table and he left the office.

"Don't let anyone in." He told Moira as Moira nodded.

He took the flowers and used the VIP elevator. Then, his car was waiting in the parking lot and it drove directly to the Golden Age. He used the main entrance since her private elevator was guarded and they said that she won't let anyone use it but her. He made quite a show when they thought that he would court Louise Madison but he went directly to the President's floor.

So, the guards greeted him as he walked to the hall and noticed the PR Director speaking to her secretary.

"Mr. De Alegre." They greeted me.

"Yeah, I have to see my wife." He told her assistant to open the door for me. He thanked her as he got in.

His wife was too busy on the papers that she's reading and on the phone. He approached her and put the flower over her table.

"Yes, do that." She hung up and looked up at him. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Are you supposed to be at work?"

"I can't work." He mumbled as he turned her swivel chair to him and he knelt and shoved his face to her lap. "I'm drained."

"Why?" She asked softly as she caressed his hair.

"You didn't kiss me a while ago." He mumbled. "Are you still mad at me?"

"I'm not mad at you."

"Then, why are you so distant." He looked up at her and pressed his cheek to her lap. He wrapped his arms around her back.

"I'm just~~I'm just angry that we have to be apart for years and face ugly moments. I wish I was there during your first and took away your sadness."

"I wish the same thing too. But you are not mad at me?"

"No." She caressed his handsome face. "I'm sorry, love. I shouldn't push you away."

"It's alright." He lifted his head and kissed her chest. "Give me more kisses." She bent down and kissed him.

"Okay, that's enough. I have to work." She kissed him more.

"You can work, while I am here." He grinned.

"I feel sleepy." She mumbled.

"Cancel until one." He smirked. "Let's sleep together."

She took her phone and sent a message to her secretary.

"Are you sure about this? We have to take care of our work back home."

"Yes, I am sure about that."

He took her to her closet and opened a secret door.

"What the~~"

"Your dad told me to renovate the office and make a secret room for you. It's where you can hide the confidential files." They entered the room and he showed her the touch-screen monitor on the wall and put her hand to scan it. "The code is the date is the time that we got married…"

"You scammed me to marriage." She smirked at him. "Let's just sleep."


He removed his coat and shoes. He lay down on the twin bed and she snuggled to his side.

"How about lunch together?" He asked.

"Sure." She rubbed his chest.

"So, our date isn't canceled this weekend?" He asked as he caressed her hair.

"Of course, not."

She closed her eyes and fell asleep quickly. Alessandro set an alarm and pulled the blanket to them. He gently kissed her forehead and caressed her face.

"Love, I'm sleepy." She mumbled.

"I just want to see your beautiful face and say, I love you."

"Hmm," She giggled.


Louise was trapped inside her house. All she did was sleep, watch television, and cry. She felt crazy at the moment for loving a man who didn't even know her. But what can she do? Those two hot nights with him were worth all of her sacrifice to climb in the Entertainment industry.

"Miss Louise," Bonnie called. "I make some nachos." She placed it on the coffee table.

Louise didn't say thank you to her as she started picking up nachos and taking them to her mouth.

"Miss Louise, how about you write songs on what you feel now?" Bonnie suggested. "It will help you. And mostly, letting out our feelings would give us relief."

She thought that Bonnie was right. So, she nodded at her.

"Tell me if you need anything else. I'll just clean the kitchen."

The girl left. Louise has been bad toward Bonnie but she said that she's her number one fan. And so, she was there. But she remained rude toward the girl. She continued eating the nachos. The doorbell rang as Bonnie rushed.

"It might be a pizza." She said.

After a few moments, Bonnie came with a pizza and a package.

"Miss, there's a package outside." She said as she placed it on the coffee table.

"From who?"

"I don't know."

Louise opened the box without any name of the sender. Bonnie gave her a cutter as she opened it. They screamed as Louise threw it away.

"It's a dead rat," Bonnie exclaimed and they screamed again. "T-there's a letter." Bonnie took out the card and gave it to her. Louise hesitated to take it but she did take it and opened it to read. It's a printed letter and not handwritten but the words are clear.


"I will call Miss Nancy." Bonnie reached the phone and called Nancy and explained to her everything.

Louise dropped the letter as she moved to the corner staring at the dead big rat.

"Put it away!" Louise shouted at Bonnie. But Bonnie took photos of it first and sent them to the manager. "Put it away now!" She shouted.

The assistant ran off and quickly got back with gloves and a dustpan. Louise was shuddering as she thought of the words all over her head. Who could it be? The main person who had in her mind is the woman that kept on clinging to Alessandro. It should be her!

After Bonnie put it outside, in a few moments, Nancy arrived and checked on everything. She approached Louise and scooped her face.

"What happened?" She asked.

"It must be the woman clinging to Alessandro. She sent threats to me." Louise said. Nancy shook her head.

"No. We can't just pinpoint anyone. I already told this to Secretary Elton."

"It must be her! She's also the reason why I got kicked out of the set!" Louise insisted.

Nancy sighed. She doesn't know how to say this. But she found out from the Director that Alessandro is married and that they shouldn't make Alessandro angry again or the wife.

"Louise, you have to think straight. There are lots of women who like Alessandro, not just you. What if it is someone else? Like the one, he slept with before?"

"No! It's her!"

Nacy slapped Louise and grabbed her.

"The woman that you are talking about is his wife. Alessandro's wife! Don't bad mouth her in front of anyone. Do you understand me?" Nancy growled at her.

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