The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 95 - A Doting Sister?

"Young Miss, is this really happening?! You're really marrying Duke Qu Xing Xu?" Bai Lu squealed happily. She couldn't get her thoughts around the fact that her mistress has finally grabbed on the thighs of the Duke she was infatuated to.

Lin Xiaofei threw a side glance and said, "Don't be so glad. The wedding is still far."

"But young miss you're still engaged to him right?!" Bai Lu pouted but kept the expectant look in her eyes, "And you're going to start living in the Qu residence starting tomorrow!"

"And I can also annul it." Lin Xiaofei casually said before abruptly stopping in her tracks.

"You can't do that!" Bai Lu alarmingly said. "Do you think after the dowries have been sent to us, the Duke will let this go and let you annul the engagement?"

"He will." Lin Xiaofei confidently said. For as long as it was part of their terms in the contract, Qu Xing Xu won't oppose her if she ever said to annul the engagement..

Of course, Lin Xiaofei didn't tell her young maid about this thus, Bai Lu pouted even more. Naturally, Bai Lu didn't believe her young lady's words after seeing how her soon to be mistress's husband looked at her young lady like she was the only person in the room.

The Duke has spoken already, surely, he won't disappoint the general and let her young miss annul the engagement, right?

The two of them resumed walking towards the courtyard where Lin Xiaofei was living but instead if going to her own courtyard, Lin Xiaofei stopped towards the room that was close to her.

She knocked on the doors once before entering. The room was slightly smaller than her room but it was well taken care of since there was someone living inside it now.

​ Before this place was filled with dust and used as a storage room but upon their young lady's orders, the servants were quick to clean it and replace all the broken furniture inside with new ones.

"Good morning, young miss." Su Tang greeted her as soon as Lin Xiaofei entered.

"Where's he?" Lin Xiaofei asked and Su Tang pointed towards the corner of the room where a table was placed.

She walked towards it and saw a young boy seated behind a table with books on top of it. She could see the young boy writing on a paper with his brush and had his eyes looking down on what he was writing.

Upon hearing the sounds inside the room, the young boy raised his head to look up with a frown. When he saw the figure of a beautiful young lady standing not far from where he was seated, a bright smile was on his face.

This young boy was none other than Kael, the slave boy that Lin Xiaofei found in the auction house.

"My lady!" Kael stood up from his chair and ran towards his lady.

"What were you doing?" Lin Xiaofei asked the boy who stood in front of her with wide innocent eyes, looking like a puppy who was in the presence of his mistress.

With a smile on his face, Kael stood straight and proudly said, "I was learning the Art of War that my lady bought for me!"

Lin Xiaofei's eyes flashed a surprised look before it was gone as soon as it appeared. This boy is learning the art of war already? Thought Lin Xiaofei to herself and gave the boy a suspicious look.

She swept her eyes towards the opened book and saw that he was really reading it. He was even writing what he had learned on a piece of paper.

Although Lin Xiaofei was not a master in martial arts nor in the arts of war, she was quite good in the reading department. Even before she was married to Yu Fangzhu, she was interested to open any book she could read in a book store and after she was married over to the Prince Yu's residence, she somehow got the freedom to read more since Yu Fangzhu had quite the collections of books in his library.

The Art of War that Kael was reading, it was also one of the books that she read in the past. That's why, even with one look at the opened book, Lin Xiaofei could recognize it.

Kael looked expectantly towards his young mistress and when he saw a small smile was on her face, it was as if he got a reward from his hard work in reading and felt proud of himself.

These past few days he stayed inside the Lin residence. No. The moment Lin Xiaofei brought him to her courtyard, Kael was forced to take a bath and change his clothes by the maid called Su Tang and was told to stay three rooms away from where Lin Xiaofei's sleeping quarters.

At first, he thought that he was definitely doomed to be boy toy to the young lady who bought him but who knew that not only did she not force him to do anything, Lin Xiaofei bought him clothes, fed him, and let him live a life of a young master from a prestigious family.

And in exchange for everything she did for him, Kael thought that he must repay her by learning all the books that were brought to his room.

However, after a few days of not seeing her, Kael felt a little bit lonely thus, when he saw her today, he felt so happy that he wished he could bounce like a ball.

Being stared at with that large innocent eyes, Lin Xiaofei couldn't stop her hand from raising it and bringing it on top of the young boy's head.

She was taller than the boy by a head thus, when she patted Kael's golden hair, Su Tang and Bai Lu somehow felt emotional. It was as if they could see the image of a sister doting on her younger brother in Lin Xiaofei when she was with Kael.

Quite opposite to what they were thinking, albeit the maternal feeling she felt, Lin Xiaofei felt that the young boy has finally shown his usefulness to her.

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