The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 1011

Chapter 1009 The war ended and the parliamentary repu

The wind is roaring, the sea is roaring, and the battle is roaring.

The huge tornado on the sea slapped on the red earth continent, and the stern battlefield was filled with a strong smell of blood.

At this stage of the war, after Eim’s first defeat, the Navy lost Marshal Sakarski, and Admiral Polusalino, the outcome of the war has been completely divided.

Coupled with the death of a large number of soldiers on the side of the world government, including CP0 also lost a lot.

On the neighing and roaring battlefield, the Alliance army has basically completely occupied Mary Gioia, and the world government’s forces have suddenly reduced, and it has retreated to the point where it cannot be retreated.

“Slay the Tianlongren and end the 900-year history of the Tianlongren ruling the world.”

Reinhardt raised his arms and shouted, the blade of light pierced the sky like a stunning aurora.

“What a natural leader.”

After seeing this scene, Joey Boye, who had never made a move, said.

“It’s a pity… this time the story doesn’t seem to have changed much.”

He lowered his head again and said lightly.

Seeing the soldiers rushing frantically, Reinhardt came to Joey Poy’s side.

“Now you should tell me the truth.”

Reinhardt stared at the fifteen-meter-high robot body of Joey Boy, and said in a deep voice.

Joey Boy nodded: “Don’t worry, after the war is over in three days, I will tell you all the secrets.”

These words made Reinhardt shocked: “How do you know that three days are over?”

“Because you told me all this.”

Joey Boye said suddenly.


Reinhardt didn’t seem to react, he told him?

“What do you mean?”

Reinhardt frowned and asked again.

“Because you are me and I am you.”

Joy Boy continued to explain:

“My body is Joey Boy, my soul is Zhang Zhi, and your body is Reinhardt, and your soul is Zhang Zhi.”

After hearing this extremely weird remark, Reinhardt immediately fell into contemplation.

This should have been an incredible secret that shocked the whole world, but after Reinhardt heard it, he felt like it should be.

“Don’t understand?”

Joey Boy looked at him and said, “But you will understand.”

He didn’t say much, and then the mechanical body rushed towards the largest building in the distance.

“I’ll wait for you there, remember, I don’t have much time.”

After speaking, Joey Boy immediately disappeared in place.

After watching Joey Boye go away, Reinhardt stared for a while before returning his gaze to the battlefield.

Three days… will it really be three days to end the war?

While thinking about it, Reinhardt rushed into the battlefield.

The fighting sound became stronger and stronger.

Three days later, as Joey Boye said, the war was over.

The world government could no longer resist the Union army. CP0 was completely defeated. Marshal Sakaski, Admiral Polusalino were killed, and the lieutenant admiral also died a full twelve. Many other naval soldiers, Tens of thousands of people were also lost.

Under the powerful offensive of the Alliance Army, the world government completely failed. After losing a large amount of combat power one after another, it was impossible to resist it.

After the defeat of the world government, Reinhardt immediately let Roentgen take over the navy, and at the same time control the judicial island under the world government, the underwater prison.

After imprisoning many navy and Tianlong people, the news of the defeat of the world government spread to the world through the Shijing Daily.

Countless people cheered for this, cheering the end of the Tianlongren.

After the war, the Union Army began to deal with the aftermath.

In the only remaining building in Mary Gioia, one of the huge rooms was taken out as a separate meeting room. At this time, the important leaders of the Union army were seated in the meeting room.

Including the leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag, the chief of the general staff Sabo, the five commanders, as well as the Black Duke Reinhardt, the Three Aces, and the captain of the Redhead Pirates Redhead Shanks, the deputy captain Ben Beckman, and God King Cobra of Pakistan, Vivi and others.

“Dorag, I suggest that the new government’s ruling system and strategy be formulated immediately.”

Reinhardt said that the establishment of a new government is imperative.

“I agree.”

Cobra immediately agreed and said, “The operation of the world must not be affected. Our next plan to establish a new government is very important.”

“Well, Reinhardt, what do you think.”

Dorag nodded and said.

“Establishing a new government, my proposal is to form a parliamentary republic, abolish the kingdom system, and unite all islands to form a new world, a new kind of giant country.”

“Parcel giants, murlocs, villains, long hands, long horns, and any other characters in this world, no matter what race, belong to this giant kingdom.”

Reinhardt said.

“In this case, it may cause resistance from other races, especially the giant kingdom.”

The red hair said with some worry that he agreed with Reinhardt’s proposal, but in the same way, such a system with so many races combined will inevitably be opposed by many people.

“It’s very difficult, but it is imperative, and other means can be used when necessary.”

Everyone here knows what Reinhardt’s other methods mean.

Now they must first reach a unified opinion within them. The Revolutionary Army and the Black Duke Pirate Group have the greatest power and prestige, and the person who will eventually lead the new government must be born from them.

However, the term parliamentary republic proposed by Reinhardt made them feel a little bit interesting.

“Republic is to build a public government through fair and free elections, and the purpose of exercising power is the public interest.”

“Our new government is a republican government.”

“However, considering the national issues of the entire world, I suggest adopting the form of a parliamentary republic. Countries that join the new republic government automatically become members of parliament, but in the same way, the king’s status is cancelled.”

“From now on, kings and nobles, these two words can become history.”


Kourab was stunned for a moment, and after hearing Reinhardt’s words, he was shocked.

“Do you want to cancel the king and noble system?” Dorag asked in a deep voice.

Rheinha nodded his head: “Yes, this is the idea. I know that it is very difficult. After all, it is a thousand-year-old system, but it is precisely because I know that it is difficult that I hope to get your support.”

“I agree with your idea but in this case, it may be another round of chaos.”

Dorag said.

“The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. If this opportunity is not used to uproot this decadent system, there will be no chance in the future.”

“I agree.”

The red hair said in a deep voice, but he also asked a question, “There is still a very serious problem now, that is, what should these capable and powerful people deal with in the future?”

Power itself is the main cause of social instability, and most of these are pirates.

If power is not contained, evil will be born. So the handling of these people is a big trouble.

“Establish a Superhero Association!”

Reinhardt thought about this a long time ago.

“The association is under the jurisdiction of the world government, but in the same way, the association also has a lot of freedom. The association is divided into levels. Anyone who can pass the basic test of the association can register for a superhero license. Licensed people can enjoy the new government. A lot of benefits and rights provided.”

Reinhardt said slowly, “Of course, this is just a preliminary idea, and the specific details need to be refined.”

Regarding the opinions put forward by Reinhardt, the three people feel very novel. This way, on the one hand, the chance of troubles caused by these powerful people is solved, and on the other hand, these people can also solve criminals and maintain public order.

But there is another problem, and that is the supervision and management of these licensed heroes.

“This is not the top priority now. First, establish a new government, and then formulate the new government’s constitution. It is the ruling policy of the new government in the future, and it is the fundamental system that regulates the world.”

“Now I propose Article 1 of the Constitution: the permanent abolition of the nobility system.”

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