The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 922

Chapter 920 Blackfoot Mountain Governance VS Plague

The voice from a distance confirmed Sanji’s thoughts, and then the opponent’s attack came as expected.

Bang bang bang!

The musket attack arrived first, but in front of people like Sanji with a high level of domineering, the musket was nothing more than a toy.

After a few simple evasions, all the bullets were missed. Seeing this scene, a dozen pirates on the opposite side immediately rushed over with their weapons.

Sanji disappeared in his footsteps, and with his powerful kicking skills, he kicked more than a dozen enemies into the air in an instant.

“This bunch of waste.”

At this time, a roaring sound rang, and Sanji was shocked, so he saw the big fat man who appeared not far away. This guy is the big sign of the beasts and pirates, the plague Quinn.

Kaido’s big sign, the animal is the dragon dragon fruit, the ancient brachiosaurus form ability, and Plague Quinn…it’s a bit troublesome.

After seeing Quinn, Sanji immediately became worried. After all, this guy is a big sign, with a bounty of up to 1.32 billion Baileys, and he is also a devil fruit capable of ancient species of brachiosaurus in the animal type dragon dragon fruit. The fighting strength is very strong.

It’s definitely not something Peggy Wan can match.

Do you want to go…

After all, his goal is not to confront these people directly, but to sneak into Kaido’s base camp quietly. He has the equipment of the Jerma 66 invisible black suit, which is naturally possible.

Thinking of this, Sanji immediately stepped on the moon step, jumped up, and then his body disappeared instantly.


Quinn was slightly surprised when he saw Sanji disappearing in place, then he rushed to the sky and threw a fist to the side.

Sanji, who was running hurriedly, suddenly froze, and a sturdy arm appeared in front of him. The attack came so suddenly that there was no time for him to react at all.

However, due to the physical memory formed by years of physical training, he still stretched his legs subconsciously, and covered with armed domineering, resisting Quinn’s attack.


The loud noise broke, Sanji’s body turned into a sharp arrow, and it slammed into a huge building in the distance.

Bang bang bang bang…

The fragmented boulders kept smashing down, and a slight cough sounded in the flying dust, which seemed to be because of the dust entering the lungs, and it seemed that it was also the cause of coughing up blood in the mouth.

After a while, Sanji stood up from the ruins, his face was bloody, his suit was cut a lot, the wound was stained with dust, and only half of the cigarette was left in his mouth.

“Boy, I really can’t see that you can defeat Peggy Wan like this.”

Quinn looked at Sanji and said.

Sanji lit a cigarette again and stood in an empty position 100 meters in front of Quinn.

“Are you talking about the ugly dragon just like you?”

Sanji took a puff of cigarette, feeling a lot more comfortable all over, so he looked at him and said.

“Ugly…Ugly Dragon…”

Quinn’s eyes widened, as if flames burst into his eyes, and then angrily roared, “Little devil, you actually said that I am an ugly dragon and I want to kill you.”

“Are all Kaido’s subordinates stupid? Just a little bit of excitement will completely lose your mind.”

Since entering the country of Wano, most of the members of the Kaido Pirates that have been seen are like this, and they seem to be violent elements.

“You are dead, kid!”

Quinn roared, spit out the cigar in his mouth, and then rushed towards Sanji.


Quinn’s fist was as strong as a King Kong and as heavy as it was, and it slammed into Sanji’s right leg, and then there was a clear sound.

Sanji suddenly frowned, feeling very strenuous. This guy’s power is so terrifying, it is definitely not comparable to Peggy Wan’s level of combat power.


Sanji’s body flew out again, but Quinn’s attack did not stop, he still rushed over again with his fists.

In a hurry, Sanji adjusted his posture and resisted with all his strength.

Bang bang bang…

In a short moment, the two attacked hundreds of times each, but each time they caused Sanji to suffer unspeakably.

The strength is no better than the Quinn in front of him, so he can’t fight hard with him. More importantly, he must use his own advantage of being powerful and domineering. In addition, the Germa 66 combat uniform-invisible black must also appear on the stage. .

Only in this way can I have a chance to defeat the Quinn in front of him.

“Little devil, you are trying to say something ugly…”

Quinn roared and swung his right fist to Sanji’s chest.

“Labor and capital are RodRol!”

But at this moment, a small device appeared in Sanji’s hand, with the number 3 written on it, and then Sanji gently buckled the device, and his body immediately changed dramatically, as if he was caught in a special moment. The device is wrapped up.

Jie Erma combat uniform NO.3-invisible black!

A black combat suit appeared on Sanji’s body. His arms were mechanical equipment for ejection to increase strength. The upper body was a pure black protective clothing. The belt was a Peugeot of Jerma 66 that could be buckled. The lower body was protective trousers and feet. The upper is like a shoe with an air cushion, with a propulsion device on it, which can increase power and speed at the same time.

The most important thing about the invisible black battle suit is the black coat he wears, which is projected on the background of the coat to achieve a state of invisibility for the whole body.

After three ten thousand breaths, the transformation was completed, and Sanji raised his right foot to block Quinn’s powerful fist.


The loud noise shook, and Sanji flew upside down, but immediately hovered in the air in an extremely light and unrestrained posture.

Quinn felt that the punch was completely endured by the opponent just now, but the opponent’s state at this time did not feel any injury at all.

He was a little surprised. The state of this guy just resisting his fist was far different from before. Could it be caused by this weird equipment?

Quinn looked up slightly, and finally saw the black battle suit that Sanji was wearing.

“what is this?”

Quinn was surprised, could this seemingly toy-like thing bring such a big improvement to his strength?

“This…Queen boss The injured subordinate not far away seemed to know the origin of the combat uniform, so he continued, “The North Sea Evil Legion, No. 3 of Jerma 66, invisible black! ”

“Jerma 66 technology, a special shape memory armor, can gain tremendous power, this one in front of it is No. 3, it can be invisible.”

After the explanation of his men, Quinn understood.


Quinn laughed immediately, “Under the dominance of seeing and hearing, invisibility won’t work.”

“is it!”

After hearing Quinn’s words, Sanji said softly, “Then give it a try and see if you can spot me, and also to test the limit of invisible black!”

In the next second, Sanji suddenly disappeared from his eyes, and this feeling disappeared like a teleport.

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