The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 971

Chapter 969 A coordinate plan that was not implement

The screen of the device suddenly dimmed, as if the current was pumped out.

Everyone was puzzled about this situation, what’s the situation…

But Begapunk was confident and didn’t care about the sudden dark screen.

Zi Zi Zi… At this moment, there was a sound of electric current in the laboratory, just like the noise caused by electric light coming out, and the equipment in front of him suddenly lit up again.

The snowflake-like screen gradually became clear, and a figure appeared.

“Repair…repaired?” Daficius Long said in surprise. The device seemed to have been operating again, and the figure on the screen gradually became clear.

Several other people were very surprised by this, and it really made him repair this ‘computer’…

The figure that appears on the screen is the Manchester that he once saw, that is, the cosmic companion recorded in Stuart’s diary.

Will the secret be revealed soon?

While thinking about it, the figure in the picture floated, with long golden hair and dark blue eyes, wearing a black suit.

“I am Manchester, the Supreme Commander of the Secret Human Base No. 025.”

It’s still the sentence I heard back then, but it didn’t stop there like before.

“Secret base?”

Begapunk muttered to himself, and the others were also taken aback. Obviously they were very sensitive to the four words secret base.

“This is a base for humans to establish research on cosmic voyages. It carries the dream of a new home for tens of billions of people on the earth. We are the vanguard. After internal differences, we finally reached a unity of clear opinions and are working with this After 20 years of war, the armies of many different races in the world ushered in short-term cooperation.”

“They call us lunar people, thinking that we came from the moon, but only a few people know that we are from the universe. During the long voyage, our mentality has gradually changed, and there are a large number of companions. When facing the creatures in this world, they call themselves “Gods” or “Masters”.”

“During the years of peaceful coexistence, the creatures of this world began to learn our technology, our knowledge, and our various cultures. Even the aerospace helmets we wear have also been studied by a large number of fanatics.”

“In short, we cosmic people have taken root in this world and established 25 secret bases. These 25 secret bases have different research directions, but we are all for a common plan. The top-secret document signed by the five leaders. The name in the document is called: Coordinates!”

“Moonman, cosmic man, earth, base, coordinates…”

After these words came out, everyone except Begapunk and Reinhardt was at a loss. Begapunk has served in the world government over the years, and he knows a lot of secrets hidden by the world government. So combined with what Manchester said, some clues can be guessed.

These words are no less than a depth bomb to Reinhardt. Through the analysis of Manchester’s brief words and combined with Stuart’s diary, it has been basically confirmed that he came to Pirate World 900 years ago. The cosmic man is the human being on the earth where he is.

However, it should not be the 21st century earth, with tens of billions of people, and the technology that can carry out long cosmic voyages, by no means the 21st century earth humans can do.

But what attracted his most attention was the “coordinate plan” that Manchester called.

Coordinate plan…what is it?

star map?

Suddenly, Reinhardt remembered the three star maps he had discovered, one from Ankahet, the subterranean kingdom of the North Sea, one from the sky island, and one from the Cochs Kingdom in the New World.

Those three star maps are one of his top secrets, even Begapunk didn’t tell them, so till now, the secrets in the star maps have not been solved yet.

But Manchester’s “coordinate plan” made him faintly felt that it had something to do with the star chart.

Manchester’s next words solved this doubt for him.

“The coordinate plan is a perfect invasion plan, and at the same time it is a coordinated location for compatriots on Earth beyond the distant starry sky. Over time, there will be countless spacecraft across the galaxy and come to this world.”

“However, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the’coordinates’ plan, and even if the’coordinates’ plan is exposed, humans in this world will not be able to understand what the’coordinates’ plan is. Therefore, we have made the’coordinates’ plan into Five star maps are created, which are represented in five ways: light spots, symbols, formulas, coils and marks.”

“These are the unique things on the earth. It is guaranteed that even if the humans in this world get these five star maps, they can’t figure out what they mean. Later, they burned the five star maps in 25 secret bases. .”

“One of the bases is the secret base No. 025 where I am. I personally lead people to burn it.”

Sure enough!

It seems that the location where Ankacht is located is the secret base 025 where Manchester was located.

After listening to these words, Reinhardt’s doubts were immediately solved, no wonder I saw the formula on the star chart in Sky Island at that time was a bit familiar.

After a long time, Manchester’s words were finally finished, but at the end, he suddenly said this sentence: “Now, our war with this world is about to start again.”

“I heard that Stuart, Wang Shen and the other two young people met when the seven entered this world for the first time. They formed twenty huge kingdoms to resist the invasion of our cosmic people. ”

“Even after so many years, I can still clearly remember the names of those two teenagers.”


“Joy Boy.”

Eim… When I heard the name everyone was stunned, but after a moment of thinking, they felt very reasonable. Now his identity has been exposed all over the world and he is alive. In 900 years, the figure who led the establishment of 20 kingdoms at that time was also the man behind the establishment of a world government and **** of the world.

It’s the name Joey Boye, which is rarely known in the world, but Reinhardt knows that this character is more mysterious than Eim. The point is that Joey Boye is not mentioned in Stuart’s diary. .

No, it’s not that Joey Boy is not mentioned, but the name Joey Boy is not mentioned. The two teenagers recorded in his diary are Yim and Joey Boy.

What is the secret of the existence of the ultimate island?

Does it have anything to do with cosmic people?

Reinhardt has no idea about this.

Soon after, Manchester’s figure disappeared from the screen.

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