The Black Scepter

Chapter 1 - Conspiracy under the guillotine

The first chapter of the new book, a new journey, a new beginning, take his words seriously.

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“I-Sebastian Coro, the mayor of Hook Town, announced in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Empire’s “Mokhlik Code” that he sentenced Wade, Mestilyr, and Cobain…. Murphys total twelve Death penalty!”

The town of Hook, one of the most remote towns in the empire, was hurriedly pronounced the death penalty of eleven gangsters and a teenager by the mayor on this hot summer afternoon.

In this farmer’s honest farming, the nobles are intriguing, and the border is a prosperous empire with occasional friction. The death penalty seems to be not a big deal, but it is of great significance to Hook Town, who has not executed any death penalty for more than five years.

Murphys was fifteen years old this year. At this moment, he was struggling to raise his head. He was firmly pressed by the guards behind him. The thin body that had not developed yet formed a distinctive shape with the eleven other big men who were kneeling with the guillotine Compared.

“Sebastian on Dog Day!! I don’t remember when Hook Town had so many mid-level swordsmen, and how many gold coins were collected to make your old immortal dare to get his head out of your turtle shell. ?!”

The former bandit leader Wade is now firmly pressed by four or five people. The image is like a wrapped zongzi. It is more than twice as big as the ordinary person. The body is like a giant. There are several scars on the muscles of the knot. The iron chain is firmly Bound his body like a horrifying beast.

It didn’t mean to take Wade at all. Hook Mayor Sebastian’s gaze stayed on the thinnest figure for a few seconds, then waved towards the sergeant next to him.

“let’s start.”

“Boy! Be honest!”

Murphy’s arms were squeezed tightly, and the guard kicked mercilessly towards his stomach. After the “dump” muffled, Murphy curled up like a cooked dried shrimp The body groaned, but did not scream.

The hair soaked in sweat dangled in his eyes, and Murphy kept his eyes wide open to keep himself awake

Can honest hunting be considered a crime of robbers? He has no interest in investigating whether he has been wronged. When the poisonous widow spider bites people, he will not care whether you are a wolverine or a mouse. He who is familiar with the laws of the jungle will not reason. .


The cheek was suddenly pressed onto the stone platform for beheading. The giant axe in the hand of the neighbor’s hand slowly lifted up. Murphy, who twisted his head, could not see the giant axe about to fall, but only saw those. Bandits lined up.

At the next moment, Murphy clearly saw that the head of the bandit Wade suddenly showed a strange smile.


A roar, accompanied by the sound of broken bones, one of the prisoners, who seemed to be extremely weak, seemed to suddenly become a viper that ambushed his prey. The guard who originally held his arms was suddenly thrown out without warning. Then, this guy pulled out the sword of the guard closest to him with a thunderous thunder, and flicked the guards beside Wade through the two!

This is the real reason why Wade is honest! He is the card of this bandit leader! If the gang of thieves that had been rampant in Hook County for seven years was picked up casually, it would really make people laugh!

The penetrated flesh fell straight without even having time to squirt, and the huge figure that had been pressed firmly broke free from the imprisonment!

“Dog Day! Let me die!”

High-level swordsman strength!

It seemed that the explosive force made several nearby soldiers unresponsive and got caught in the huge fist wheel! Just one punch immediately broke the neck bone!

The sudden change made the hand hold for a second, and even the two men who held Murphy released their hands slightly.

Inadvertently stunned, often accompanied by fatal negligence.

What will a child who has been alone in the forest since the age of eight deal with fierce beasts such as black bears, jackals and wolves do after getting out of bondage?

The thin body is his disguise, and the body is his weapon-like the lone wolf, Murphys claws will always cause the deadliest blow in the most casual moment.

Just like a loach, a forward drill, arms twisted and pulled out of the guard’s hand, followed by a fierce and precise two hits-even if he is not powerful, but the snake is seven inches and it is lethal, not to mention human ?

The crotch is not fatal, but it can make a normal person lose its combat power directly-not to mention Murphy’s elbow with protruding bones!


The two guards were directly hit the lower body, two hums just sounded, and Murphy suddenly rolled to the side. With the sound of “keng”, the giant axe of the hand of the hand fell on the ground where he had just stopped The huge axe blade “Keng” cut deep into the stone slab, and cut Murphy into two pieces with only a few centimeters!

A carp fights, and Murphy instantly jumps under the stone platform of the execution with his limbs like a leopard in the jungle.At this time, the bandits have fought with the guards, and the surrounding villagers have been suddenly changed. The chaos was messy. The civilians scattered around seemed to him like the sea in the eyes of the fish. They bowed forward, and the hunter with agile and abnormal skills moved away from the rabbit, and passed through the empty area in a few times. Just ten meters away from the building…


With a stern drink, Murphy curled up his body as if instinctively when he heard the sound, and instantly changed from running to rolling forward-a long sword at the diagonal back was swept across his floating long coat , Torn a large piece of burlap silk, but did not hurt him a bit-rolled up and stood up, Murphy’s movement stretched like a goshawk, jumped up, his thin body twisted in the air, the movement of the clouds and the water through the body The power kicked the sword-wielding swordsman!

His body’s flexibility is beyond imagination, as if it is not human-it can even be said that these actions can only be made by those real beasts in the jungle! The strength of the whole body was gathered by him, and the explosive power at this moment was completely comparable to the adult saber-tooth leopard who ambushed the prey!


The swordsman who was too late to block his sword did not expect that this guy who looked like a child had such a terrible attack speed and tricky angle, and it was sturdily kicked from the bottom to the diaphragm under the sternum. A couldn’t stop the force comparable to the low-level swordsman’s full punch. The pain caused him to take a breath, and his body bent forward involuntarily-

Murphy’s expression was indifferent. When he landed, his hands pressed on the other person’s head, and the right leg knee hit the other person’s nose bridge without hesitation!


Loosing the unconscious guards, Murphy, who is still a child, is no less fierce than the bandits who fought with knives and soldiers, but he clearly understands what he should do now-an excellent hunter He never confronts a powerful prey head-on—even if he can instantly solve a guard with low-level swordsman strength, it does not mean that he can ignore the military power of the entire town of Hook.

Without any hesitation, Murphy ran to the tailor shop nearest to him. Before he got off the prison car, he calculated the closest escape distance from the guillotine-it was not that he knew in advance that the headband Wade would do such a thing. …But even if he knew he would die, he would calculate all possible escape routes before he died!

Even when the world gives up on him, he will not give up on himself.

The swift running made the clothes that were cut off behind Murphys reveal a naked back. At this time, no one would notice the black magic lines on the pale skin that had not seen the sun for a long time. Someone went into the meaning of the esoteric pattern.

Of course, some people may have targeted the young man with taboo patterns from the beginning, such as the mayor Hook who is commanding the guards to search for fugitives. UU reading books

At the time of chaos, Murphy successfully turned over and leaped into the tailor’s counter. Within fifteen seconds, the tailor’s back door was pushed open, and a figure wearing a brown linen gown walked out calmly, and his footsteps began to change. The irregular and slightly panicked, just like the crowd frightened and fleeing around, several guards who wanted to find him passed by, not looking at the face of this teenager who was just dirty and clean at the moment Anything strange.

The sound of horseshoes came from a distance, and Murphy had no luck for the rest of his life at this moment-the tiger that could kill the wild boar might have died from the three milliliters of venom from the viper because he relaxed his vigilance. He never stopped his vigilance and held his breath. , Quietly trotting towards the edge of the town, left and right, and then hid in a corner, carefully listening to the movement around.

Everything seems to have passed, the angry shouts and panic screams have been more than 100 meters away from Murphys, Murphys gasping for strenuous exercise tried to calm his breath, but still can hear it in his ears To the heartbeat of “Flapping, Flapping”.

There is a strange feeling in the body, as if the entire back is burning-Murphy confirms that he has experienced this in a nearer and deeper way in the process of hunting in recent weeks, but he does not know what this represents There is no mirror in the village of Nair, and even Murphy didn’t know what a “mirror” was from an early age, so he couldn’t see what happened to his back.

Murphy was just an ordinary hunter, but today he was arrested in the forest by the suddenly appearing guards and the bandits who fled. No matter what coincidences there were, he could perceive the taste of the conspiracy.

Just like the trap made during hunting, even if the appearance is seamless, there are always flaws in the interior that cannot be concealed.

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