The Black Scepter

Chapter 16 - If you are really strong, who will you show weakness?

Let the collection continue to fly, thank you if there are red tickets.

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“Step aside!”

The driver who walked beside Morpheus was rudely pushed away. This unremarkable guy stumbled and nearly fell, but he still stood beside Morpheus, turned his head, and Murphy saw four. A family guarded by guys dressed in private soldiers, a father with a red face, a mother with a white powder, a son with shiny golden hair, and a typical noble.

“Marco, don’t mix up with some people in the school. The lowly people will not bring you noble.”

The voice is not small, obviously for the people around to hear. The fat man with the family emblem on his chest narrowed his eyes and swept around, and for a moment, he stood on the side of Morpheus, apparently saw his saber, Slightly converged, “Even the nobles, look for those who deserve your identity.”

“I understand, father.”

The young man of about the age of Murphy was frivolous, and under the protection of the bodyguard, he swaggered to the front.

Is this a nobleman?

Murphy watched the team arrogantly passing by, and occasionally heard rich people who did not have a noble knighthood with sour comments.

A group of students basically came to the college under the leadership of their parents. Tarrens College has seven grades, but most people can get a graduation certificate in five years, and those who are purely relying on mixed life may be in I have stayed here for seven years. Of course, there are also occasionally a few flash-type characters. Within three years, they were poached by other well-known colleges because of their talents.

Looking at the entire team, only Murphy appeared lonely and abnormal.

“Master, I can only stop here.”

The driver stopped and the students adopted closed management. Except for students, outsiders are prohibited from entering the country-no matter nobles or ordinary people, they have to rely on themselves here.


Murphy responded without looking back. Like all other students, he walked into the campus alone. Behind them were the see-off parents, rich or noble, but their children They all walked into the same school. As for their achievements in a few years, these guys could only pray to the Lord silently.

As a first-year student, Murphy was older, but he soon realized that it was not the old stools that would be cheap in the college.


The fist hit the muffled flesh.

Around a corner where the parents in the rear could not see the corners, a few tall children were beating around a child who looked only 11 or 12 years old.

The beaten guy was thin and could not stand up at all, but his arms were protecting his head, and his back was arched to bear the beating. This posture is a human instinct. Murphy used to fight with the same posture. After a violent attack by a tiger with a tail and tail, although his arm was almost disabled afterwards, he saved his life anyway.

The senior students who walked around seemed to be familiar with this. After seeing the scene, they turned around and walked away as if they hadn’t seen anything. The students in the lower grades wanted to stay, but they finally didn’t want to make trouble, and hurried away.

Only Murphy stopped, looking at the figure curled up and beaten, slightly fascinated.

Is this the corner of human society? It doesn’t seem to be much different from the forest. They all respect the weak and the strong.

Murphy thought of this, it seemed that his movements were incompatible with the surrounding people, and one of the guys who beat the thin child turned back. Although he was not young, his breath was violent and domineering, and his upright hair was even more so He understood that he was hot-tempered and turned his head. He raised his hand and pointed at the Murphys who walked into the campus for the first time in the distance. The guy with the pectoralis major supporting the clothes broke. “What do you think? Straightforward!”

It is not that I did not see the short sword worn by Murphys, but as the son of the Viscount, this guy naturally has a proud and self-respecting and arrogant capital at the Tarrens College. Perhaps it is used to it. A few words of threat have long become It is commonplace, not to mention that in places like the trainees, the old generation always bullies the new generation, much like the military.

The students in the surroundings hurriedly gave up a large area, but there were few stopovers-although this is not a first-class college, there are obviously no brainless people.

Where there is conflict in some people, contradictions will follow. Murphy is not afraid of provocation, nor will he consider what the other party’s family background is-in the forest encountering powerful Warcraft, there are just a few options: kill the other party , Or escape and completely get rid of the other party’s entanglement.

So the provocative Murphy did not say anything very simply, and took a step forward. When several other people were hesitant to continue to kick the kid on the ground, he already rushed out without warning, using unbelievable signs. ‘S boxing hit the belly of the guy who was more than a head higher than him!


If these guys who are unscrupulous in the college are street-rugged gangsters, then they will always be a child in front of an experienced hunter-because the former’s attack is fierce and manic, but the latter is often fatal.

There are more opportunities for rogues to fight, and fewer opportunities for hunters to survive.

The seemingly ordinary punch directly caused the opponent to twitch and fall to the ground while covering his stomach. Murphys’ knees were unbiased and he firmly and abnormally hit the opponent’s face.


The sound of cracked nasal bones was unusually crisp.


Not only the few senior students next to me who didn’t know what to do were stupid, but also the students next to them who had hurriedly walked by and didn’t want to cause trouble.

Murphy gently took out the handkerchief that only the nobles would use, wiped his hands symbolically, and then threw it on the guy who had fainted, turned around, and looked at the thin on the ground who had been beaten but had not said a word. The guy said: “If you are really strong, who will UU read be weak?”

Turned around and left, never looked back.

The child who had been passively beaten on the ground was stunned for a moment, then jumped up like a beast, madly kicked in the crotch of two dazed nobles, panting, looking at the person who had just bullied himself on the ground, fell down, He suddenly turned his head, but he could no longer find the back in the vast crowd.

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In two days, Tarrens College let Murphy realize what is the epitome of human society.

As one of the most expensive colleges, Tarrens naturally has teaching conditions that are unmatched by ordinary people, comfortable single dormitories, spacious classrooms, good food and beautiful maids everywhere. Many people have been willing to send their children. One of the reasons for coming here.

But here, Murphy is not for enjoyment, the bedroom is cleaned by a maid every day, and even there is a separate hall and fireplace outside the bedroom, but the young master of the Ducal Palace rarely appears in people’s vision, only a big one Only in the corners of various classrooms of the college can he be seen in a lonely figure.

The curriculum is very full, and the old housekeeper is also very “intimate” to help Gris report the courses that ordinary people can not all register, including the basics of swordsmanship, riding basics, immediate combat, knight etiquette rules, general history of magic and elementary theory, theology Basic lectures and other courses, so he was running around in the school almost all the time. As for the guys who beat down on the day of school, or most of the dudes are passionate about games or gambling, he has no interest in ignoring or participating.

Life seems fairly peaceful.

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