The Black Scepter

Chapter 21 - Obscure Old Testament, little nun

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The two doggies were also unlucky. They thought they cleverly followed more than ten meters behind Murphys. They took cover by the students around them, but after a corner they found that they had lost track of the target. They hadn’t waited until they regretted their inability. Crossing, the two’s necks were pinched by a force that was difficult to resist, and they were pressed hard against the wall!


The sound of his head hitting the wall was so loud that the students around him stopped subconsciously, but this did not bring any psychological burden to Murphys, this guy’s cold face could not see the excess The expression, but the power in the hand is more straightforward than any language.

“Don’t… don’t kill me!”

Where did the two boys who were about to suffocate suffer such treatment? The strength of Murphy’s not strong body is much more terrifying than that of high-level swordsmen. In this kind of college where the average strength of students is low-level swordsmen or even swordsman qualifications, it is completely ants. same.

The door of the classroom was open, and it was time for the class, and the lecturer of the basic theory of magic theory also appeared in front of the classroom without any delay.

However, unlike the clock-like behavior in the past, Stella Magic did not ignore the student outside the classroom who seemed to be abusing others.

“Why do you do this?”

No rebuke, no question of the identity of the two unlucky eggs, the teacher who turned the snow in the classroom out of thin air turned around and asked, the tone was rather plain.

“Just felt the threat.”

Murphy’s answer was shocking enough, maybe it was a sudden enlightenment, maybe he was too lazy to put down any hard hands on the two weak children, he let go of the two, and didn’t ask any extra words, just looked at the two. This guy ran into the distance with his fart.

Seeing Murphy’s movements, Della didn’t ask much, but said softly at the moment before Murphy approached the classroom: “Following instincts is sometimes more difficult than restraining instincts.”

Murphy’s body paused slightly, irresolutely, and followed the teacher into the classroom, and did not get distracted by the fact that she said more abnormally.

His figure is still inconspicuous but lonely and abnormal. He obviously sits on the desk with the same distance from his classmates, but he always seems to have a gap with the surroundings, but today this guy who had a headache for “Elementary Theory” There seems to be some dashing chic.

What is magic? Murphy didn’t get it. The simple theoretical knowledge did not give him an imaginary perfect answer, but when this class was declared to be required for examination in class, he might be the only student who did not complain.

A small note by Clivi did not bring him a huge amount of knowledge out of thin air. The test paper was sent out, and Murphy found that the test questions he faced were really strange.

If the silent and indifferent woman on the podium is usually talking about the basic knowledge of one plus one equals two, then the problem stated on the parchment paper in hand is equivalent to letting people calculate “Huffs String Theory” by themselves- This theory is considered to be one of the unsolved problems recognized by the magic world.

In short, it is incredible.

It is not that Murphy has not read the content of “Elementary Basic Theory”, on the contrary, because he has never been exposed to magic, he is very interested in these near-intelligible content, and even took this woman to class in the course of a few days of study. Everything I talked about is backward.

But the questions on the test paper and what I learned by myself seem to be inaccessible.

This made Murphy feel a serious sense of crisis-from the town of Hook to the world-famous Constantine. Although he was dressed in a powerful and luxurious coat, the two assassinations of the blood race had made him deep. Deeply understand that he will never stay away from disasters because he is in the center of the human world.

He is always careful, and he is tensing his heart string at all times, trying to make himself stronger. Although his physical strength and strength have risen to the level that his peers need to look up, the magic of magic allows him to see a wider and safer. path of.

Everything comes from the sentence on the title page of Fundamentals of Elements in front of you, and the first proverb of Crevina’s thin notes-“Insight of magic, without fear of everything.”

The quill in his hand didn’t fall down. Murphy hesitated for a moment, and finally he wrote a sentence on the parchment with ten questions but no answer, and then stood up and walked to the classroom first. Woman in front.

“carry out an assignment?”

Della was a little surprised, but she still took the paper, and her gaze paused slightly on the figure who had walked out of the classroom, and then moved away.

In the classroom, almost all the students looked at Murphys with the eyes of monsters, and then a sigh of laughter.

If the subject fails, the teacher has the right to clean up the school, and this “suicide” behavior is tantamount to provoking the authority of the instructor.

The noisy classroom was silent again because of the cold expression of magician Della, without any words. The magician had such an invisible ability to oppress people at any time.

Outside the house, Murphy walked lightly towards the theological hall of Tarrens.

He was in awe of magic, because this kind of thing was almost zero in his cognition, and he treated things that he didn’t know. The old guy of Tang Jidi de warned him in a long-spoken tone: “Fear is not It’s shameful, shameful that I don’t even have the courage to face.”

Now, what he needs to face is the first class he has taken since the start of school. It is also the only course that all students in the school must take: “Theological Foundation”.

Byzantium has the most prestigious seminary and monastery on the mainland, and the country is religious. This kind of academy is no exception. Using some politicians’ dining tables as a joke is “brainwashing, we must start with the baby.”

It doesn’t matter whether you are brainwashing or not, at least the existence of religion keeps this huge and slightly bloated empire in an unimaginable stable state, otherwise the huge empire will not continue for nearly a thousand years without collapsing, Murphy is not interested in studying what empire In history, he came to a cathedral-like building in the northernmost part of Tarrens College, holding the teaching materials issued by his school.

There are no people in the classroom at this moment, because before the end of the class, Murphy will turn away. This large empty church-like classroom has an unbelievable quiet and ethereal, and the rows of seats are neat and abnormal. The golden sunlight shining from the dome had a serene and holy taste.

At the moment, only one figure sitting alone in the classroom that can accommodate three hundred people is sitting on the seventh seat from the left of the third row of seats.

Murphy looked up at the back without any superfluous expression and casually found a seat.

The penultimate row has the sixteenth seat.

Turning over the “Old Testament? Genesis” in his hand, Murphy’s brows were screwed together.

This was the first time he opened this kind of theological book. The first sentence on his face made him feel that his outlook on life was being seriously affected-“The Lord gives you life and cherishes it.”

Who is the Lord?

Murphy remembered the “mother” at the waist of the bucket in her childhood memories. Although she never said that she was her own, she never said where she picked it from. Sometimes, these things are still not going. It’s good to investigate, and Murphy didn’t think that talking loudly, and he has been arguing with his neighbors about who eats pork and who buys new clothes.

This word, the last time Murphy saw it, was in the diary of Don Quixote-the latter taught Murphy almost all the knowledge he had, but the black-covered diary did not let him read it. Until one time, Murphy, who was still very curious, opened this book, saw the strange and obscure words, turned a few pages blankly, and threw them aside. Afterwards, Tang Jidi de who knew this matter threw the **** privacy **** into the vast forest without saying a word, and ignored it for more than half a year until twelve-year-old Murphy held a string of silver-bellied wolf king When the wolf’s teeth came to see him, the old guy showed a good face and let him enter the house.

Thinking of these old days, Murphy couldn’t help but feel a little stunned, but soon he noticed that there was a man standing beside him, and suddenly he looked up, and the lone figure who had just been sitting at the other end of the classroom.


Murphy’s aesthetic concept was severely distorted by seeing only double-digit bucket waist village women for more than ten He doesn’t know what the so-called beauty is, maybe in his mind, The attractiveness of female creatures is that the fur is brighter, the voice is more charming when the love period is up, or it is reasonable to have a shiny horn on the head-of course, playing with Warcraft ten Murphy, who has been in contact for many years, has always understood the human society with the rules of the jungle.

I don’t know if this is sad or lucky.

The woman in front of me…or just a girl-please forgive Murphy for seeing the youngest female human being in the village is twenty-nine years old, so he doesn’t know what the concept of a young woman is-in short, according to the general Conceptually, the girl in the special nun costume of the Byzantine Theological Seminary has a small, beautiful face, a pair of watery sea blue eyes, and a soft, dark brown hair.

Of course, the unique hood of the nun’s suit covered her long hair tied up. This little nun standing in front of Murphy was not tall, and he was a little shorter than Murphy, who was about to be sixteen years old, and did not speak. , Standing in front of Murphy so curiously, staring at this guy with a dagger stunned.

Murphy had seen such a look. The silver-bellied wolf king who had almost bitten his thigh at the beginning left a wolves of wolves to feed after the death. The young animal who just opened his eyes looked at his eyes and The nun in front is exactly the same.


The groundbreaking, always reticent Murphy asked.

Because he had no reason to think about the end of the wolf cubs-the weak meat and strong food in the forest will always be cruel, but this does not mean that Murphy is a cold-blooded animal, there is pity, but not much.

The little nun shook her head, her eyelashes were very long, her eyes were clear, and there was no trace of clutter, as clear as the crystal ball used by the astrologer.

Murphy looked down at the book and ignored the little girl.

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