The Black Scepter

Chapter 25 - Tutor, ask questions

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The dagger came out of the sheath, and the shadow across the sky brought up a broken barrier of elements. The blade hummed and stopped in front of Della’s neck.

“So, how can you prove that you can bring me strength?”

Murphy seemed to have pointed to the woman in front of him with a short sword. The younger man was only half a head taller than Della on the chair, but the short sword in his hand was sharp, and the murderous intention was unabashed. A pair of eyes are sharp and unashamed.

Very human, doing extraordinary things, Murphy understood that if he was mediocre, he might as well give up.

Tang Jidi’s dagger smashed several invisible enchantments, but only the last one resisted the dagger’s edge, and Della suddenly smiled when the dagger was ten centimeters from her throat.

It seems that the teacher who has always been stern and unsmiling has not shown a smile to outsiders for a long time. At first, he pursed his lips and then laughed out loud-


Della’s expression almost converged in an instant, as if the sky was covered by dark clouds in an instant.

“Strength? No one has questioned me like this for a long time.”

Like the violent melody that followed the rest of the same music movement, Della suddenly stood up and ran away to meet Murphy’s short sword-the latter seemed to be hit by an invisible impact at this moment, but the struggle was not. Yusuke flew to the wall behind him, and the sound of “Boom” hit the towering huge bookshelf!


The suffocating shock suddenly disappeared, and Murphy fell straight on the ground, and fell on a black stone plate with a drop of four or five meters. Because of the impact, the seven or eight meters high bookshelf swayed, more than a few moments. Ten books fell down and crashed **** Murphy who couldn’t stand up!

Della’s expression is still rigid, but her eyes are with an unimaginable light-no anger, but an excitement.

Sick excitement.

“The element in my hand is stronger than the sword in your hand.”

Nearly one hundred huge books were pushed away by one arm, and Murphy’s weak head emerged from the pile of books that were no lighter than the bluestones that built the city walls. The voice was weak but firm and abnormal: “Teacher…”

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Guevara did not become a personal guard, still standing in the shadows as before, guarding the last heir of the Windsor family.

However, when the unsmiling high-level swordsman saw Murphy from the tower, he could not help but burst out of his heart-because the image of his young master was like a mummy at the moment, except for his face, it was even better, even his neck was wrapped. Bandage, walking limp like being beaten for three days and nights.

Guevara, who just wanted to get out of the shadows, saw Murphys gently waving his hand. Without a slow mind, he immediately stopped the motion, but he followed around alertly, not talking much.

Murphy grinned lightly, and the experience of being smashed into ordinary people is probably already a meat sauce-the classics falling from the sky are not ordinary parchment scrolls. Murphys is very sure that he has become a student of the indifferent teacher. The first task is definitely not easy: it sounds as simple as putting the scattered books back in place, but how do you think this book weighs nearly the same volume of lead! Murphy, who wanted to put the books back in place, directly collapsed the wooden ladder. In the end, he had to climb the bookshelf directly. The sturdy bookshelf was not made of ordinary wood. There was no shaking, and he was able to complete the task after a busy day. ——

Before Murphy hit the bookshelf, he could shock nearly a hundred books. This magic teacher’s power is evident.

But now there is no slight annoyance. On the contrary, there is a little more excitement in his heart.

It’s not that the opponents are eager to try, but it is when the mountains and rivers suddenly see the infinite beauty. Although this beauty may have a hell-like painful journey, for Murphy, at the end of this road, he can achieve his purpose He will never take a step back.

Pain is only temporary, and it is stronger than death. Murphy will give up nothing if he gives up.

It was three days after Murphy appeared on the campus again, and the formal courses were completely emptied by him, not because he needed to lie in his dorm to recuperate–in fact, for him, those on his body Skin trauma was nothing, except that the monster-like magician, after officially becoming Murphy’s mentor, placed a mission on this unfortunate and poor fellow.

Within three days, finished reading “Elementary Theory Basics”.

“After reading”, it sounds not difficult at all, but Murphy naturally does not have a low IQ enough to think that he has read this book hastily enough. In fact, he added only three days. After six hours of rest, the rest of the time, even eating and going to the toilet, was reading this classic but obscure book.

During this time he also ran a few times in the Astrology Pavilion. Clive was naturally annoyed by this persevering guy who had no self-knowledge. However, he gradually discovered that the questions raised by this guy were obviously more and more targeted, and the obvious level was raised a lot.

The ability to work out in the jungle has become the key to improving his learning efficiency. When Murphy walked out of the dormitory three days later, he was almost savaged.

His hair was greasy and messy, and his clothes exuded a slight scent of sweat, but he was covered by the perfume that the nobles would use. He hastily sorted out the image, and it was regarded as the last responsibility for his nobility, Murphy. Si took the “Elementary Theory Basics” to the magic course that will begin today.

This slightly sloppy guy approached the classroom when the bell did not ring, but it was obvious that this guy who didn’t usually have a sense of presence suddenly felt the sight cast in all directions.

For the first time, Murphy, who had almost no sense of presence in the class, felt the attention of everyone for the first time, and did not experience the so-called glory or glory, but Murphy instinctively noticed all the strange emotions contained in these eyes- mercy?

He looked around inexplicably, and all the people he looked at turned a little unnaturally, as if he was afraid of something, he continued to do his own things silently, his expression was stiff, or he wanted to talk nonsense. .

However, Murphy, who had no time to investigate, saw Della appearing at the door of the classroom on time, his expression still indifferent, and it was the same when he scanned Murphy.

“In class.”

There is no extra words. The magician seems to have forgotten the previous exams of these students. Even the so-called test papers did not mention half a sentence. Of course, this also made the atmosphere in the entire classroom a lot easier, with the exception of But it is Murphys-this guy with a strange taste mixed in his head is looking at “Elementary Theory Basics”, and seems to be not interested in the teacher’s course at all.

People who have just looked at Murphy with pity have an extra layer of gloating, but these things are generally ignored by Murphy who is eager to read. When he really enters a state, he reacts to the outside world. Nearly zero, Murphy doesn’t know what this state means. This kind of “natural talent” is the same as his habitual false sleep. It is one of the skills that a caster tries his best to have. !

It is a pity that this habit can only be developed in childhood, and the conditions are almost too harsh to understand. Imagine which magician who entered the academy from an early age will face his life at the age of eight?

Morpheus, who was in a highly concentrated state, was seen by Della. She didn’t try to test this guy who had just become her student. She just toured a few times during the lecture, ignoring Murphy, who had never looked up. Until the class ended, she gently said: “Morphes, come with me after class.”

At this moment, the focus of the whole class was once again on the last position in the last row of the classroom. The latter suddenly raised his head like a wake, then nodded, got up, and walked out with a thick classic.

The sneering voice seemed a bit harsh, but it was reasonable-who would have thought that this guy would be so eager to “send to death”?

“finish watching?”

Della’s temporary office is located in a beautifully decorated room opposite the classroom. UU reading looks spotless, but it looks empty-because there is no extra personal items except the school-owned furniture Exist, even the bright red feather pen is quietly inserted on the agate pen stand, it seems that it has never been dipped in ink.

The office armchair is covered with black mink fur, a specialty of the Eastern Empire. It is soft and luxurious. Della sitting on the chair still has no extra expression, just looking at Murphys who is standing in front of the elementary theory, and after a while Just said:

“You are the first nobleman I have ever seen to pay attention to the image in order to learn magic.”

This is Della’s truth, whether it’s the academic wizards of the Gilman Empire where he was born, or the hypocritical and cunning but noble dudes of Kaslandi, or because of the high pressure of the Holy Gabriel Empire Aspiring young people who dare not study blatantly and learn magic by policy, no one has ever made themselves sloppy like a beggar in order to recite a book.

So sleepless and forgotten, but let Della vaguely see herself-the little girl whose hair is like a henhouse but facing the World of Warcraft who was dissected halfway but still alive.

Murphy smiled shyly, his **** eyes and dark circles seemed to be seriously ill, but his pupils were clear and abnormal.

“give me.”

Dai stretched out her hand, palms up, slender fingers slightly apart, and Murphy was surprised to see that a white mist suddenly condensed on the palm.

“Elementary Theory Basics” was gently handed over to the mentor in front of him. The heavy classics did not fall into her hands, but floated gently on the palms, slowly and quietly rotating slowly, and then automatically without wind, Opened the book pages by myself.


Della started her question.

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