The Black Scepter

Chapter 3 - Housekeeper

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Murphy exhaled deeply, the blood in his hands was sticky and slippery, just like those prey.

The sudden power did not make him feel abrupt or uncomfortable. Murphy knew that this was never a good thing, because he never believed that the Aztec coins would fall for no reason.

This world is always fair. At the moment when the goddess of luck visits herself, her twin sister, the goddess of doom, is often sneering behind her.

Standing silently above the pool of blood, Murphy’s slightly thin body was naked and his black magic patterns and blood-stained hands were full of heretical evil and blood.

There was a slight loss of eyes, and a pair of clear eyes looked at the corpse on the ground for a moment, and then found the focus again.

In the distance, the sound of horseshoes got closer and closer, and then stopped abruptly.

Isn’t it enough that what I experienced today is not enough?

He turned around, frowning slightly, and looked at the person with vigilance.

A low-key dark horse stands quietly, that is an orthodox warm-blooded military horse, the appearance characteristics make Murphy understand that this is an excellent mount that has never appeared in Hook County.

The people who jumped out immediately had neatly groomed gray hair and a black and gray robe, seemingly inconspicuous, but they were completely different from the missionaries who walked between the towns and villages. , By no means ordinary people can.

Meticulous, this is the only feeling of Murphys.

He had never seen such a person in his village, and he did not know the exact price of this expensive costume-he lowered his head and silently picked up the dagger that was held in his hand by the assassin, and he made his gesture clear.

And the other party looks un hostile.

It seemed that the fifty-year-old man walked to Murphy with a powerful step, and then stood at a distance of ten meters from him. He didn’t seem to see the body on the ground at all, but stared at Murphy with interest. The magic pattern on Si’s body gently admired.

“It’s really a different young master.”

The old man’s smile is like sunshine.

His voice was low and non-aggressive, as if he was inadvertently whispering. Although his age was not small, his waist was as straight as loose, and his hands had thick cocoons, but they did not appear rough. An exquisite coat of arms with unusual rules.

By convention, this thing is a bit far away from Murphys. From his birth till now, he has always lived in a world that is almost barbaric and unrestricted. It seems that all the rules and regulations have not bound this young boy cursed by fate since birth.

Of course, everything ends here.

“Master Murphy, maybe we met with some coincidence, but I confirm that I haven’t come a step late. The blood of the Windsor family is particularly perfect for you, of course-allow me to introduce myself first.”

The old man bowed gracefully, his movements were as precise as a ruler, and his voice was smooth and clear.

“Pafa Renault, the housekeeper of the Duke’s House of the Windsor family, said I was just old Pafa.”

The dagger held tightly in Murphys’ hands didn’t loosen for half a minute, but squeezed gently.

No one can confirm whether everything in front of them is a trap created, even if Murphy is only fifteen years old, even if he has not traveled more than some bridges crossed by some old guys who are good at conspiracy theory, but it does not mean He will casually believe the words of a stranger in this crisis-filled world.

What’s more, the two corpses on the ground have proved that what they are facing is far less simple than imagined.

Don’t trust too much. The corpses buried by betrayal and credulity have long been covered with the history of the entire empire and even human beings. Murphy took a step back and made a gesture of ready to attack.

Ten meters, this is a wonderful distance, will not cause too much vigilance and hostility, and will not appear too distant, at least in this open space 30 meters away from the forest, Pfarreno kept a Murphy was a little embarrassed by the distance-the teenager now hesitated slightly: is it an offense? Or retreat?

Pfarreno answered for him.

The old man who stood on the spot a moment ago suddenly raised his arm and waved at the **** Murphys at a distance of ten meters-something seemed to flash in the air, and then there was a crackling pop. !

If Murphy was struck by lightning, his body flew out without weight!

He twirled and flew out with all his strength to turn around the moment before landing. Like a cat, his limbs were on the ground, and he was abnormally embarrassed. A pair of eyes stared closely at the old man in front of him, but he concealed the horror deeply.

Don’t show fear and fear to the predator, as it will only make you die faster.

“I didn’t intend to offend, just to give you a reason for you to listen to me for a while,” Lao Pha Fa bowed slightly, humbly and sincerely, and didn’t feel that he had anything to do with a teenager who had no hair. Proper, “Trust me, young master, if I want to kill you, I can’t use the second attack. Even if your strength is enough to fight high-level swordsmen, it is not worth mentioning to me.”

The blunt words are like ice water calming Murphy’s crazy brain. He lying on the ground slowly stood up, but he still didn’t say a word, so he showed a magic pattern and looked at the eyes. Phaffa.

“Maybe you haven’t heard of this surname before, but from today on, it will accompany your glorious life.” Old Paffa did not hesitate to say this news that could change Murphy’s life trajectory: “Mo Fez Windsor, son of the Duke of Alca de Windsor, your loyal butler brings you a message from your biological father, who is also the Duke.”

Murphy was still silent, as if he were a dumb man.

From the escape of Hook Town Square to the present, the teenager has never said a word.

“Duke Akar Windsor acknowledged your heirship, and now you need to return to Constantine with your steward, away from all possible dangers.”

Murphy was motionless, only the long dagger in his hand shivered slightly.

Sounds ridiculous, a noble duke who is far away from the imperial capital suddenly said that he is his son, just like the power that Murphys erupted just now, it seems to him that it is not something that is cheering and happy-footsteps Taking a step back, Murphy did not hesitate to whisper in a slightly hoarse voice: “I refuse. UU reading”

No doubt, no surprise, only a slight rejection, without any other emotional color, so that the old housekeeper could not help but gaze slightly, he could hardly imagine how much the child had experienced before becoming like this… incompatible with the whole world .

“Although you are the noble prince of the Duke’s Mansion, I can only carry out the orders of Lord Duke.”

Old Phaffa looked around, still quietly around, but in the old man’s eyes, everything would not be as simple as it seemed.

Murphy still looked expressionless, but there was an indescribable chaos in his heart-for the inexplicable sudden change now, a teenager who walked out of the mountains and had never been in contact with these things is bound to be like the old noble Honor and disgrace, but a few words from a sudden old man could not make him so restless.

He was recalling, recalling what the old guy in the village of Nair once said.

“Perhaps you need to think about it, I think Lord Duke won’t want me to tie you back, so it really loses the aristocratic style.” Puffa, who claims to be a housekeeper, seems to have a lot of words, but there is still a bit of difficulty in the jokes. Sincerely, Murphy can hear the sincerity of the other party, but he is not willing to believe the other party.

“I’m going back to Nair Village now.”

After a while, Murphy said the second sentence, and then stepped back a few steps. Seeing the old butler bowed slightly, it seemed that he was respecting his choice. He turned sideways slightly, still letting Paffa figure out. Staying in sight, trotting for a few steps, and finally into the dense forest around Hook Town.

Old Paffa didn’t raise his head from beginning to end, until the moment Murphy disappeared into the forest, he slowly straightened his waist.

It really looks like a template that adheres to certain standards to a pedantic level.

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