The Black Scepter

Chapter 32 - Magic, contains everything

Thank you friends for the red tickets. Yesterday 360 tickets, today two more than 6000, the first is offered, I wish you all a happy Labor Day. Student friends are free to do some housework for the family. Look at others and see less of yourself, life will be better.

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Murphy had nothing to say.

When the unbelievable theory impacted his common sense, Della proved the feasibility of this theory with practical actions.

The thunder in the silent place is almost like this. There are not too many gorgeous pictures, no magnificent casting process, and a semi-condensed first-level element bomb just penetrated the 47th-level defensive circle that was said to be unbreakable, just like before. Feith said that if a sword stabs a wild boar to be superb, then the current situation is a model of Yalong.

“Theoretical learning is not just for words, just like practicing swords is not just for obtaining those useless medals.” Della stood in the middle of this bright room and said softly: “Now, put it on it. “

The middle of this depressed room was almost empty, but as Della stood in the center, a thick stone platform floated up on the ground, with complex lines all over the table, which Murphy could vaguely recognize. Out of some magic circle nodes above-but as for the effect of these things, he was confused.

A teenager who has not been in contact with magic for a long time, after all, will not understand the true meaning of these things, just as the stone platform value moved by Della’s fingertips is enough to buy half of Tarrens College, but if you don’t portray the seven above A high-level magic circle dedicated to experiments, this original van Miller stone may just be a magic raw material at an auction price that is not surprising.

Putting the unstiff corpse on the stone platform, Murphy was able to realize that the stone platform with complex and abnormal patterns had an unimaginable effect. His fingers accidentally touched the stone platform, and the surface was slightly warm, accompanied by Della took a gorgeously decorated wooden box from the large row of cabinets against the wall, and Murphy understood that she might be facing a very cruel and **** scene.

“The name magician included many other meanings in the earliest times,” Della gently unscrewed a wooden box with a complicated magic circle with a key that she did not know where, and took out eleven skillfully. Knives with different handle sizes, ranging from the smallest bone scraper to the size of a fingernail, to the largest serrated knife, which also includes four different sizes of scissors, arranged precisely on the stone platform, “the earliest proof of the center of the universe It’s not the world under our feet but the sun in the sky. It’s an astrologer who dares to challenge the authority of the pope, and the general theory of physics is established by an elemental magician who likes to eat apples. The alchemist Jacob It has made outstanding contributions in the internal reaction and chain reaction of matter. If it was not the master potion master Neil who developed the formula, perhaps one third of the people on the mainland now died of the plague.”

“Another example, Hitchcock, who parsed the “critical point” theory of elemental magic shields, was once a professor of Warcraft. His anatomical objects ranged from frogs to real humans to gold-level Yalong. Someone laughed that any creature that appeared in his eyes was basically dissected by him. Now, do you understand the meaning of the word’magic’?”

Della has placed eleven silver scalpels and four scissors in the grooves of the stone line, and the condensed water is constantly rolling, seemingly cleaning the bright knives .

“Magic contains everything?”

“Probably so.”

Della didn’t say much. He glanced at the few knives that Murphy made up before, and nodded: “It’s critical, and the level of people who train you is not low.”

Looking up, it seemed that Della had a playful expression on the short sword that Murphy never left without comment.

Murphy was silent and did not say the name of his first mentor.

Della is not nonsense, and began to explain at the same time, and the knife began to wreak havoc on this unlucky blood clan. Murphys was curious that she said “I dissect half, you dissect the other half” refers to the body of this blood. Half of it, how did you know that after three hours in a row, Della had almost completely dissected the perfect proportion of the blood, except that she did not move the heart that was stabbed by Murphys, almost all the muscles and organs were mastered by her. Even a slightly freehand anatomy.

When everything is over, Della, who has not even dripped a sweat, will put the knife that has been used back into the groove to clean, and he himself takes a bottle of dark red liquid from the bottle and jar next to it and gently unscrews it. , Sprinkled on the body of the blood clan where the skin on the chest has been peeled off.

At the next moment, this blood family whose all organs and even muscle vessels were displaced except for the heart suddenly began to change-the original still heart slammed after being exposed to this scarlet liquid, and then the blood-red silky substance was like Plants generally begin to extend outwards, covering the entire body within a few seconds. Muscles are quickly recovering their original image. The torn and cut skin grows rapidly. Less than two minutes later, this blood family has recovered before being dissected. Like it!

Even, this guy slowly opened his eyes.

But apparently Della was not interested in listening to this guy’s bullshit. The circle on the stone platform lit up as she gently lowered her palm. The black bat wings were firmly fixed before opening their struggles, and the blood race opened their eyes The body was stiff as if it was frozen, and only the open eyes revealed strong anger.

But this emotion became an undisguised fear when facing Della.

The woman who had just dissected her bloodless body in front of her face, gently placed the crystal bottle with half of the Miro python blood in her hand on the side table and said softly: “You have two chances.”

Murphy nodded and looked down at the bloodless blood in front of his eyes. He gently picked up the first knife that the tutor had just used, gently rotated it around his fingertips, exhaled, said: ” Compared to the Molia stone ape, his body structure is not complicated.”

In the jungle, in order to use the body parts of Warcraft to sell money to earn a meal, Murphy’s proficiency in dissecting the knife is not weak, but the accuracy is a little worse.

The wide-eyed blood clan felt humiliated and watched a child whose age was even less than a fraction of his own, and began to wreak havoc on his body with a knife, but he couldn’t even speak.

————————————————– ————————————————– ———————

When Murphy walked out of the tower, it was already midnight.

The tall tower blocks the moonlight behind Murphys. He walks in the shadows, still at the exact pace, with a little black eyeshadow under his eyes, and looks slightly tired-for six hours. After an uninterrupted dissection, Murphy barely reached the standard set by the instructor.

The so-called standard is not only to unload the hapless blood family, but to use the knife, it does not damage a muscle fiber at all, and even the arteries and veins are not cut off. To describe the skill of the butcher, then Murphy is now on the way to the perfect butcher.

Why is it necessary to dissect?

What do magicians need to dissect these organisms for? According to the imagination of most civilians, any magic spell thrown by a magician can directly blow an ordinary person into pieces, but during the learning process, Murphy understood why the so-called “Elementary Theory Foundation” On the first page of the book, the words “Magician, born to seek truth” will be written. The anatomy is to obtain more detailed and comprehensive knowledge, and it is to invisibly and comprehensively construct Murphy’s worldview.

Just as the concept of elemental theory that Murphy had memorized day and night was torched by Della, the knowledge in the books was never impressed by his own practice-although now the books Della gave him are almost the most walking on the mainland Frontier, but this does not mean that these theories will remain ahead in the next ten or one hundred years.

The new book list has been opened. Murphy did not move books from Della’s old bookshelves this time. Instead, he needed to follow the list to find several classic books in the large library of Tarrens College. Memory, but to find the loopholes.

It sounds really pitting. Tens of thousands of people use it as truth. At this moment, it is Morpheus’s turn to pick up. Fortunately, he already has some of the previous foundations. Although he is like a castle in the sky, he is in the same field. The right to speak is particularly cutting-edge.

Walking around the night, Murphy will never waste a minute and a second.

The silence of Tarrens College is abnormal. Under the deep night, Murphy’s figure came to the library open all After registering, he began to search through the book list.

The library at this moment is like a cemetery. The library of Tarrens College is second only to the Royal Library. It has a collection of hundreds of thousands of books. The huge library covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters. Murphy, who has a noble identity, can naturally Browse most areas, of course, if he reveals his identity as the heir of Windsor, it is estimated that the last few high-level reading rooms will also be open to him.

There are naturally a lot of things in the book list that can be browsed by high-level reading rooms. Murphy walked to the librarian and took out a token that Della lent him. The latter yawned. Suddenly the posture was fixed, and then received it respectfully, leading Murphy to a stone room marked “Four Level Reading Area” in the core area of ​​the entire library, politely indicating that Murphy could enter.

Murphy nodded, stepped in without reply, but saw a familiar figure in the bright room.


It didn’t seem to be aware that Murphy entered here. This guy who was beaten and rescued by Murphy on the first day of school was still immersed in his own world, without any vigilance to the outside world.

Murphy didn’t know how long Della’s words would allow this guy to continue this state of sleeplessness, maybe ten days? Maybe a year? Maybe a lifetime?

Crivi is just a passenger in life, for this reason Don Gideon’s admonition always echoes in Murphy’s ear-“The friendship between men is always built on benefits, and giving life to friends is The most stupid behavior, don’t believe the nonsense in those knight novels…”

In short, the old guy always seems to have a chatter about this topic that he usually does not.

Friends, what is a friend?

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