The Black Scepter

Chapter 41 - Magic formation, dinner

Second, I’m sorry. I’m going out for another day today without code.

Thanks to the red ticket, collection!

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The structure of the Duke’s Palace is not exaggerated, but this is just the Duke’s Palace of the Duke of Constantine. Throughout Byzantium, the surname of Windsor represents not only the tall family, but also a The place name will be distinguished and noble because of this surname, where is the territory of Duke Akar-Mullen.

As a lord, Duke Akar did not often stay on that piece of land, and there were many doorways-Mullen’s territory was the largest of the empire’s lords, and the richness of the land was abundant. On the other hand, if it was not the Duke of Akar who had kept a low profile in recent years and had never carried out an expansion of troops, it is estimated that he would make His Majesty the Emperor of Constantine easily feel threatened in that territory.

However, it can be seen that the emperor no longer protects the Windsor family as before. The history of cooking rabbits and dogs is not uncommon in history. When Duke Windsor was young, he laid nearly a fifth of the territory for the empire. It seems that the actual results have slowly passed, so when the heir of the duke died in a political murder, the empire only pulled a nail out of the Christopher family symbolically.

And did not give a fatal blow.

The Cockroach is dead but not stiff, not to mention Christopher, whose strength and even family heritage is comparable to the Windsor family? No one knows the consequences of this, it is just a matter of heart.

Rebel against the empire? Duke Windsor is not that silly, and as his heir at the moment, Murphy is not very aware of this. Politics is still too complicated for a 15-year-old boy, and he has no interest in contaminating It makes people feel that they are cheating and decayed abnormally. For this student who has dropped out of Tarrens College, there is still much he needs to learn.

With Aquinas’ stack of parchment on the desk, Murphy didn’t immediately read through these precious and unusual manuscripts. In fact, he didn’t realize the real meaning of these manuscripts now, but he was thankful that he did A very correct decision-that is, these manuscripts, read only one page a day.

The reason why he did this is naturally because of the magic books stacked next to the manuscripts. The books listed on the new book list have let the old housekeeper do the borrowing process for him from the Royal Library. The draft and the ruler for drawing Aside, this is what Murphys new contact-magic array.

If the basis of a normal human’s spellcasting is to have a “crystal wire” in his mind that can communicate with the elements, then learning to construct a magic circle is something every normal magician will do.

It wasn’t until now that Murphys really felt that what he did was contaminated with “magic”-because what he painted would actually cause a chain reaction of elements after being activated by energy.

Although there is no crystal wire in his mind at the moment, he can use the energy aggregate such as the Warcraft crystal core to do a one-time activation to verify the success of his magic circle. Although it is expensive, it brings a sense of accomplishment It is extremely important.

The introductory book “Balun’s Fundamental Magic Formation” includes 1,473 formation maps, of which the highest-level formations reach the threshold of the magician-that is, more than three thousand The pages of the book only cover the “lower, middle, and higher order magicians” at the initial level of the title of the magician, and there is no other.

Murphy’s mission is to skillfully apply all graphics in three months.

Although it is a basic skill, this time is really too short-this is not a pattern that can be completed by the so-called casual painting in the eyes of civilians, even the simplest “element separation array” The difficulty is enough to make eminent painters feel embarrassed. Any error caused by the ruler drawing will cause the simplest magic array effect. Anyone who draws with a straight ruler will have a long straight line or a straight line. There are several millimeter errors in the drawing of the square type, and this problem will also be encountered when drawing the magic array, and any error exceeding one millimeter will cause a magic array with an area of ​​only one square decimeter to fail.

Not to mention the defensive circle with an area of ​​more than ten square meters that needs to be painted after entering the level of the Magister.

Murphy truly experienced a feeling of challenge-if he was challenging his willpower before, then what he is challenging now is his abilities, and mentor Della is in front of him when handing him the task Painted a complex magic array with a small area, but overlapping 13 magic arrays to remind Murphy’s standard of painting.

Pure hand-painted, without the help of any tools, this pair of arrays that can make the director of the Pansell School of Magic amazed every trace has zero error.

The gap is very realistic.

This is why some people always stand at a height overlooking the living beings because when these people work hard, ordinary people are wasting precious time on meaningless things.

The draft has been cleaned by the servant once, and the room is still tidy. The only things on Murphy’s desk that have nothing to do with the book are the Naples magic steel dagger that is almost never away and the handle. Four daggers and quills donated by Earl Sague Blair have been discarded. The most recent pattern on the parchment placed on the table is unqualified. It can be said that it has no effect except that it looks more complicated. , Is a piece of waste paper.

When the magician fights, there will be situations where the spellcasting fails, just like the mistakes made by Murphys right now.

He did not abide by the decision not to eat breakfast. Morpheus gobble up and ate a rather hearty meat meal in the restaurant on the first floor, then went upstairs to continue to study the painting of the Magic Circle. Although Della gave an unexpected time The short, but often the limit of what Murphy can do in the card. This exquisite judgment comes from her perfect judgment of a person’s memory and energy, but Murphy has to hit his own limits again and again, To use myself almost all the time to learn and absorb.

But at noon, the presence of the old housekeeper interrupted his progress.

“Young Master, Master arranged for a dinner with you tomorrow night. I hope you can arrange a time to leave at sunset and return before midnight.”

The bowed butler had no nonsense or asked Murphy to ask more, straightforward but respectful.

Murphy, who had just finished a solid array of elementary magician elements, shook his sore wrist lightly, his gaze stayed slightly on the dagger on the desk, and then said: “What specifications?”

Although it was his father’s decision, Murphy still had the most basic vigilance.

“Master means letting you have more contact with your peers, maybe a person staying for a long time without social interaction is not what a nobleman should do.”

“Understood, I will go.”

Murphy nodded, rubbing his slightly tired eyes, and continued to draw the next picture, without saying much.

The old housekeeper retired and left with a precise pace like a clock. As a housekeeper in the Ducal Palace, he needed to do a lot of work. Originally, this notice could be notified by any servant, but he was rigorous and calm. Still coming here in person, he is the most recognized one in the master’s efforts.

The information transmitted to the Duke’s Mansion by all the secret piles of Tarrens College is not only read by the Duke’s Master. The old butler also has to make his own judgment and deploy and beware of all possible dangers. In the course of the month, it seems that Murphys performance, the old housekeeper has confirmed in his heart that the young master is definitely more promising than the few children of the old duke.


Sunset, sunrise.

At noon the next day, as if repeating what was done the day before, Murphy gently stopped the quill in his hand and raised his hand to pick up a copy of West Robben’s “Heraldic Studies”, Then the part of the study that I didn’t read last night was the aristocratic coat of arms that is many times simpler than the magic circle. This near-useless academic has become more and more complicated in recent years-because the nobles in the empire seem to More and more, so the analysis of those coats of arms is becoming more and more complicated, and this situation can only be alleviated only after the large-scale knighthood is recently closed, otherwise the aristocratic coat of arms will probably develop towards the magic circle. momentum.

The coat of arms usually appears on the knight’s battle shield, so its significance is important for noble knights who regard honor as and these signs often appear on the noble carriage, helping others Identify the owner of the carriage.

For example, the most conspicuous emblem on the carriage of the Windsor family is the purple iris, and this is one of the most obvious and easily recognizable symbols. The center of the emblem is shield-shaped, with a dark background and the top. The allegory represents the status and age of the family. As one of the oldest families in the empire, the Windsor family has not been divided into two or four quarters of complex emblems. Only the existence of a purple iris is enough to explain its It has existed for a long time, and the choice of color proves the importance of family identity in the empire-because purple can only be used by the upper aristocracy in the empire.

West? Robben’s “Heraldic Studies” records the coat of arms of almost all nobles in Constantine, and the old housekeeper also submitted a list of the names of each family and members of the family at his request. At the time, Murphy, the province’s poor communicator, had nothing to say.

Starting in the afternoon, the maids have prepared more than fifteen different styles of shirts, trousers, and cumbersome accessories, rings, necklaces, and even more than one hundred sleeves for Murphys. Byzantine clothes have evolved after a long time because Economic development and diversification, the gap between nobles and civilians is increasing, and this is especially true in formal occasions such as dinner parties. The sleeves on the clothes can be removed is the tradition of Byzantine costumes. Different styles of sleeves bring different The effect is often a topic talked about by the fashion designer. Murphy may be murderous and arson, but the aesthetics have been distorted, and the old housekeeper finally saved the scene. He chose the appropriate dress for Murphy before sunset. , Including dark green sleeves and dark tops, a strip of low-key yet luxurious tights, leather boots custom-made for Murphy in advance and silver buckles on the dress-a small scepter.

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