The Black Scepter

Chapter 54 - I\\\'m crazy, what can you do?

Today, I wrote more than 5,000 words yesterday, but I was very dissatisfied. I deleted it and rewritten it. Today, I updated a little bit less, but I am still asking for a collection.

The red ticket is random, I hope this is a book that I don’t regret, and I said it.

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There is a school motto at Cauchy Knight Academy, which was left by the 14th Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Solandin I, when he just changed from a military camp to an aristocratic academy on the edge of this field. Here, you are just you.”

Murphy looked at the stone tablet with deep feelings.

There are more than ten company companies in the whole school. Only in the morning, all the activities are performed. The rest of the courses are arranged. For example, Murphy’s seventh company is for basic training in the afternoon, but half of the company is in the morning. Murphy also counted nearly all the students of this college in the early morning sunshine.

Different from the horses provided by each knight in the Fording Empire, the college will provide all students with three military horses to choose from, but obviously it will not be the top quality, so there is nothing in the huge campus that depends on the crotch horses. The nobles are quietly controlling the horses, and are familiar with the formation that the knight needs to master under the instructions of the instructor.

Everyone is practicing leather armor, wearing a small helmet for protection. Murphy is superb for his natural ability to ride, and he can cope with it. When he is free to control the horse, Murphy glimpses it. A figure that surprised him a little.

The first company not far from him, the company that claims to be the strongest to enter, has a female figure with a slightly raised chest and a much weaker body than the boys next to it, which is not very conspicuous in the team , But no one dared to turn her extra eyes to her.

This surprised Murphys. Could the Cavaliers still recruit women?

After a night of meditation, Murphy’s mental state was better than a simple sleep. The team muttered as the team moved forward. Although several roommates were nearby, it was not easy to ask questions directly. Murphy simply didn’t see what he did. When I arrived, I just left my eyes on the figure and then left. There was no unnecessary interest.

Routine training in the morning is not hard. It is completely intensive training of equestrianism. It is much more professional than Tarens students. It also allows Murphys to learn some things that have not been touched before, such as how to do it in an array. Maintain a good left-right distance, how to keep the horses at a level when charging, and so on. It looks simple, but it is extremely difficult. A flag group has more than 100 people. When charging, the row-to-row spacing can still be maintained when entering the enemy lineup Strict and tidy, which requires far more hard work than ordinary people imagine.

The tacit understanding on the battlefield comes from training day after day.

When the early morning sunshine had just raised the surrounding temperature for a little while, the training was over, and then it was free class time. Murphy received a form with a list of various courses in the college. Niu Gao Marvin’s strong stature went to “Basic and Advanced Long-Handed Weapons,” which is a must-have course for a strong knight to improve his strength, including a variety of tips for using long-handled weapons other than lances. Help the Cavaliers to better play their strength advantages.

Hiddink went to the heraldic class, which made Murphy unbelievable. The fat man went to the military theory class, and he seemed more interested in fighting.

Looking at the timetable in his hand, Murphys was slightly dazed, screened for a long time, and finally chose a course that looked more reliable-“History of Knight System”.

This habit was developed by Della for Murphys. Every time he gave him a list, the books used to introduce the history of the magic system were always ranked first in the reading order. Reading history can understand the magic system more clearly. The complex concepts in this are especially true for the knight system.

Because Tang Jidi once mentioned that the cultivation of a knight is far less simple than a swordsman.

Although it seems that they all rely on physical attacks to eat, but as a knight who can qualify for the Neapolitan magic steel dagger, Tang Jidi’s knowledge of this profession is comparable to Della’s knowledge of magic. This is also Murphys. One of the intangible advantages is often the sharp instincts and sense of smell that have been cultivated since childhood, so that he can always take the nearest path in the most sensible way.

But it can be seen through this empty classroom. Not many people can recognize this, which reminded Murphy of the proverb on the title page of the “Elementary Theory Basics” textbook. People always seem to have just entered. In a certain field, I was too looking forward to the gorgeous and distant peaks above my head, but I was unwilling to go down and find a path to climb more smoothly.

Cauchy Cavalry’s classroom has a simple and tough style, the seats are old and hard, and it is not comfortable to sit on. There is no textbook for this course. Of course, if you want, you can buy a book from the bookstore outside the college. The History of the Invalid Knights System to assist learning, but that book requires three Aztec gold coins and is more than 2,400 pages thick, of which one-third of the content is written in Verding, which leads to Many students choose to record notes directly in class, because the teacher’s level will never be low.

At least Murphy had heard that.

There were only twenty or so people in the classroom where about two hundred people could sit. At the moment, Murphy found a habitual position to sit down and looked up.

The podium is very special. There are several wooden dummies in the corner, wearing knight armor of different periods, from the ancient Siga imperial chain mail to the most sophisticated Byzantine iron leaf armor. A simple wooden table is used as a podium. There is a fine iron spur made by a Constantine blacksmith.

The course is about an old man who is lame on his feet and his eyes are cloudy. It seems that he can’t clearly see how many students are under the podium. This seems to be just right. The provincial teacher who has taught for a lifetime has a chill. The hoarse beginning of the story has been half of the course-“The Decline of the Knights of the Fording Empire”.

Murphy listened to him telling that the knight system of the huge empire gradually withdrew from the battlefield king status because of its excessive pride and scattered structure. Some thoughts were reminiscent of the words that Tang Jidi de occasionally mentioned. But I feel that the old guy seems to have spent a long time in Fording, and has won a lot of honors.

To be honest, the old man’s course is a bit boring, basically based on the textbook, Murphy quickly lost his mind, his eyes shifted slightly, and he even met his eyes.

It was the girl I saw in the morning-of course, the girls in Murphy’s eyes were all women, not tall, with brown hair, sea blue eyes, and well-proportioned facial features, but they had a heroic spirit. This was the one at the dinner. Noble lady Nina could not compare.

And at the moment of looking at each other, Murphy instinctively noticed that the other party seemed to have an unspeakable provocative meaning, and the slightly narrowed eyes looked like a predator who looked at the prey. This situation appeared on a woman. Murphy was surprised for a moment, staring? Murphy was not to be outdone.

However, he ignored the fact that there was no one within three or four meters of the girl. Although the classroom was empty, basically two or three people sat together, but everyone was only afraid of her. Hiding far away, it was not until the two of them stared at each other for a minute that Murphys felt a little bored, turned his head slightly, and continued to attend the class.

A woman who wants to be a knight?

It’s really amazing.

The status of men in this world is always higher than that of women. It seems that even religion is so judged-“The original man was created by the Lord, but the woman Eve was changed by Adam’s ribs”. All these, perhaps until centuries ago The Knights of Fortin learned the so-called romance, and only then raised the status of women in the nobility a little.

Murphy pondered these allusions, but suddenly felt a movement around him, and raised his eyebrows when he turned his head again.

The girl came to Murphys with a big stride and sat down next to him!

Unknown reason, Murphy did not notice that the students around him no longer attended the class, almost everyone looked at him with an expression waiting for the disaster to happen, and Murphy, who was at the focus of his eyes, turned to look at each other, It looks unprepared.


The other party’s tone was condescending and domineering, and it seemed that he had not suffered any losses. This seemed to be the face that those noble juniors should have, but it appeared on a girl at the moment, which made Murphy unexpected.

“That’s right.”

“No wonder,” the girl with a dazzling high-level guardian knight badge on her chest nodded. “Don’t know me?”


Murphy turned his head, his expression slightly surprised-is this woman a little too nervous?

It’s not that Murphy suspects other people’s nerves casually, but that this girl is already sticking her face on his face at this moment-not to show intimacy, but to the kind of provocation that Warcraft only appears when fighting for a spouse.

The distance between the two is less than one centimeter, UU reading www.uukanshu. The tip of com’s nose was almost touching, and his eyes were facing each other, but Murphy did not retreat, but raised his eyebrows and looked at the girl as if he would fight with himself next time, softly: ” I don’t care who you are, it’s time for class now, so I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you.”

He was also a little annoyed. At first it was inexplicable. Was it just because he glanced at her a few times that he would desperately fail? Isn’t this head sick?

But the fact is far beyond his imagination.


At the next moment, the figure of Murphy flew under the eyes!

When he flew out, he knocked over more than three rows of tables and chairs in an instant, and a large piece of decaying wood chips splashed in the air. The students who turned around and looked at here were all expected expressions, looking at the one that had been buried. The figure among the ruins of the tables and chairs is merciful.

What a disaster!


Murphy pushed away the table and chairs covering him, and looked up at the girl who was sitting next to her, but was five or six meters away from her at the moment, her expression suddenly cold.

This is definitely not light, Murphy didn’t even imagine that he would be attacked in this situation, so he froze when he saw the other person raise his leg, and when he wanted to block, he was too late and his abdomen was close. Hit, the great power of the high-level guardian knight made him another “victim” of the college’s most famous hard stubble. The consequences were really tragic.

“Are you crazy?”

Murphy frowned, looking at the girl with no warning, a little angry.

This was in the classroom, not on the racecourse. Besides, Murphy didn’t feel that he had done anything sorry to the other party. It was simply somehow kicked.

“I’m crazy, what can you do?”

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