The Black Scepter

Chapter 59 - Silent shepherd

Two more today, just ask for a red ticket!

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Thomas’s words seemed to have the smell of ignition powder, but in fact this was not to blame him—as the aristocrat of Constantine, who had no knights and only clergy among the elders of his family, his concept of the battlefield only came from literary works. There is not much respect for the soldiers dedicated to the country, and the Nikki family is a young pine among the Byzantine clergy. The existence of more than six cardinals in the past three hundred years has deeply rooted its family status, but it is young. Although his heir has been studying in the seminary for two years, he seems to have forgotten what is the humility and respect that Christians deserve.

“Maybe it is.”

Murphy didn’t have any extra reaction, but just silently ignored it and sat down at the table, opened the book and looked down.

Unlike the sword drawing that was directly engaged by the instructor in a sentence, Murphy did not have an interest in in-depth conversations with this audacious noble. Perhaps the other party just wanted to show a sense of superiority in front of himself, and he was not obliged to accompany him. With him as a show, then what to do and what to do is.

The bottom line is not touched, and Murphy will not find trouble for no reason. This is the same as circumventing some fierce beasts in the forest. Danger and accidents can be avoided. Only fools will rampage without fear.

Seeing that Murphy was sitting down angrily, Thomas felt a fist on cotton, but he didn’t make any ridicule to ridicule anything. He also didn’t have this need, but just left his lips slightly and walked away. However, he stopped watching and did not seem to believe that a knight who screamed “My Lord Blessing” in a single impression could understand the Aquinas book that he was not willing to study.

People are always like this. When they see the pace of the same kind ahead of themselves, they will always raise all kinds of incredible jealousy and suspicion in their hearts.

As time passes, the afterglow of the setting sun stretches the figure of Murphy through the window. The obscure classics are not like the magic books that are piled up with dead knowledge that cannot be erroneous, but they are a vast ocean composed of profound sentences full of philosophy Murphy gradually realized how profound the knowledge that the old man had was. The book in his hand was published thirty years ago, which meant that he was horrified.

What the seminary teaches are not necessarily magic sticks. Murphy remembered the mockery that Tang Jidi often hung in his mouth. For those priests who hung “lord” in their mouths, the old guys often sneered, but they were certain about— -For example, the black “Confessions” with deep respect, the former Murphys felt a little contradictory, but now they take it seriously.

It seemed that it was time for dinner, and the library was getting scarce. Murphy raised his head and moved his stiff neck, but found that not far away Thomas seemed to be still there, saying nothing. He walked quietly to the bookshelf. On the other hand, I took another “Lombard Proverbs Four Notes” and turned it over. I thought it was a bit obscure and put it back again. After thinking about it, I took down an anti-paganism and read it with interest.

This action made Thomas in the distance a little impatient, but turned around, but his expression changed suddenly. When he got up, he walked to the door with a smile on his face. Although it is not flattering, it makes people think that this mask Too artificial.

Murphy did not pay attention to this detail, and used the quill pen to write down some essence on the blank parchment. “Anti-Paganism” was not thick, but it did give him an eye-opening feeling, theology was not It is to reiterate over and over how God is omnipotent. Aquinas’s contributions to the theological system can be described as great achievements. The simplest but most fundamental question for the existence of God is to the Patriarchate and even the sacred Gabriel Empire. The Holy See has brought the gospel, and in the ensuing countless debates has earned the title of “Dr. Almighty” with well-deserved speculation and profound knowledge. “Anti-paganism” contains a lot of information on the debate of Aquinas. It records the “enemy” that the Byzantine Holy See has faced since it was established-that is, what are the objects of the trial of the Inquisition, which seems to be a surprise, and more importantly, in terms of content, the author participated or witnessed At least 70% of these incidents, where the danger of the enemy is far from ordinary people can imagine.

An old man with such a sharp edge is now hiding in a second-rate college?

Murphy always connected this behavior invisibly to several other people he knew-one was Don Jidi, the old guy who gave his Neapolitan magic steel dagger, and the other was Della, this The mysterious magician of unknown origin has no power to judge, but Murphy is grateful to the three for their education, although many are not voluntary.

While thinking, there were a few noises in his ear.

“I think St. Augustine’s book is more suitable for novices to read. His “On the Trinity” is the foundational theory of the Byzantine Holy See, and I highly recommend it.”

“Don’t like it? Then I think you can read “City of God”, it should be a good choice.”

“I don’t think Aquinas’ writing area is the area you should dabble in. Too obscure theories will disorient you, and even most of the seminary’s mentors are reluctant to use Aquinas’s writings as teaching materials, because they will It prevents students from concentrating on class.”


The sound was not small, and Murphy raised his head slightly. Only two Murphys on the two huge tables in the Aquinas area, when he turned his eyes to the aisle in the middle of the sunset, he saw Thomas and other A figure.

At this moment, time seems to be still.

It was a figure that Murphys would never forget in his life. The dark theological school gown did not cover his long hair like the nun’s suit in the past. In the sunset, Joan of Arc’s petite figure walked gently, slightly curious. Lift up, look at each other, and then stay in place.

She opened her small mouth in surprise, never willing to say anything but would not refuse others. She stepped away from Thomas, who had been following her attentively, and opened her eyes to the standing, but in the sunset Like a guy in silhouette.

“long time no see.”

Murphy looked at Joan of Arc, the unwarranted warmth under his heart.

Jeanne’s smile bloomed, the lovely face with a childlike spirit that did not fade away, with a sense of holiness in the sun.

The two met again without much speech, but the only onlooker was dumbfounded.

Thomas opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say. Jeanne’s name had been spread by word of mouth in the academy, not only because of her more exquisite face than Michelangelo’s angel sculpture, but also because she was treated by Saint Pamir The degree of importance of the dean of the college-an unfamiliar girl with no aristocratic surname, from the first day of entering the college, directly follow the dean to learn directly without taking any prescribed courses, even the library All reading areas are completely open-hundreds of clergymen in the college, including mentors and deans, have no more than two hands of such power, the meaning of which is unimaginable.

The veritable angel of this student seems to have never spoken to others. Thomas considers his family background to be sufficient, and he is also the successor of the family. The forty-year-old bishop is a foreseeable fact, and at least this is the district bishop. He’s overwhelmingly confident, but he has forgotten the fact that the dean who can sit on par with the Cardinal of the Patriarchate not far from St. Pamel’s College should treat Jeanne in this way. What capital does the influential noble show off? If something has accumulated psychological superiority for a long time, it will become blind.

“I didn’t expect you to be here.”

Murphy didn’t know the news of Jeanne’s coming here, and the old man Aquinas didn’t point out clearly, but at the moment, Murphy also understood something, looking at Jeanne, who was dressed as a nun in front of her, and slightly sighed .


Jeanne nodded seriously, still smiling.

Thomas already felt that his thinking was not enough. He seemed to be afraid that he would be robbed of the so-called limelight, and hurried to the position between the two. He said a little unclearly: “Then… I’m taking Joan to introduce Come to the library, Murphys, if you don’t mind—”

“no need.”

Murphy waved his hand, but he did not reject it too hard. He just looked at his Joan of Arc, and turned his eyes and said, “For her, the works of Aquinas are enough.”

This sentence seemed to be too harsh on Thomas.

“Aquinas is enough? How does a warrior on horseback fight Aquinas’ position in the theological system? It’s enough to say something lightly?” Thomas burst out as if he was stepped on his tail-“I really think you are a few Parchment can outline the whole theological system? Maybe you will bravely slash and kill for the Lord when you are fighting, but you don’t know what the “Trinity” means!”

He pointed to the parchment that Murphys used to make notes on his not shouting, he was very emotional.

“St. Augustine’s theory is not yet so uncommon.”

Murphy squinted at the guy in front of him with a cold indifference and leaned back, but he didn’t want to let the other party’s spitting splash on Jeanne d’Or-but this was regarded by Thomas as the expression of fear in Murphy , So he was even more precise.

“Perhaps you have heard that, yes, the Byzantine Holy See has tried to popularize education in recent years. Many people who have not been exposed to theology know what the so-called Trinity is, but–“

Before the words were finished, Murphy stretched his hands and seemed to squeeze his shoulders, and the next moment Thomas’ expression suddenly twisted abnormally, his mouth wide open.

“I’m not interested in listening to you preaching.”

Murphy’s fingers squeezed tightly at his collarbone, gently pulled him to lean out, and then released his hand, watching Thomas pale as a result of pain continued: “There are many lambs, but I I believe you are not qualified to be a qualified shepherd.”


Thomas covered his shoulders with cold sweat and seemed reluctant to just give up. He even reached out and grabbed a piece of parchment placed on the table and glanced over his eyes. He wanted to find a sentence to prove that Murphys knowledge was not qualified. Suddenly, I saw the quaint words in the title of “Theological Encyclopedia”. I thought Thomas, who was very familiar with the name, froze for a moment. Then he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Murphys again. Put the parchment paper back on the table, and reach out and run away without cold sweat!

Jeanne looked at Thomas’s back, somewhat puzzled, but her eyes shifted to the manuscript Aquinas she was more familiar with, and she immediately knew the reason, smiled lightly, but did not ridicule, only a little pity and regret.

The silent shepherd is always the wisest.

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