The Black Scepter

Chapter 75 - Servant covenant

One more, beg for the red ticket support. Recently, I have been in a bad state. I woke up early two days in a row and got sick. I had to go to the hospital for a look… It broke out once on the weekend. Let me save my manuscript.

Thank you for your continued support, and thank you for your support!

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Murphy, who entered the Chamber of Secrets to explore family secrets, paid for his recklessness.

On the island-like stone platform, Murphy heard a ghostly soft voice in his ear, his accent blurred, the words and expressions a little unclear, but the person who could understand the words was asking about time.

But what shocked him was that the voice was obviously from a woman!

The other party was silent for a while after saying this, and seemed to be slowly adapting to the energy that had just been absorbed.

Murphy was silent, but he was quickly thinking about ways to escape from here-the far wall was also a hundred meters away from the nearest distance. Although his strength was close to the level of the big knight, if he jumped to the opposite side, it would definitely be dead.

Slowly taking out the “Dead Sea Contract”, Murphy had to make the worst plan.

“William’s method… seems to always be so cliché.”

Quite different from the softness of the first inquiry, the low and sharp voice that came later even made Murphys wonder for a moment-are there two people in the coffin? However, he immediately lifted the scroll in his hand-completely different from other scrolls, this scroll with a horror level of 98 was no more magical fluctuations, and it was completely unlike a scroll that seemed to exist in the world. Ancient scroll style.

In the darkness, a figure slowly rose from the coffin.

There is no gloomy atmosphere from the pavement, no terrifying strong coercion, as if it was just an ordinary woman who just woke up from a deep sleep.

In the light, a woman in a ragged robe gently turned her head, and a pair of eyes had a fascinating dark red. For Morpheus, who was aesthetically deformed, the woman in front of him was really like a replica of an angel sculpture. The perfect figure of the golden ratio is completely a miracle left by the creator.

Taking a deep breath, the woman standing in the shadows narrowed her eyes and turned her head gently: “Tell me your name and wake up Ashcandi’s humanity.”

The voice was quiet, like a sharp blade hidden in a sheath.

Ah… Ashcandi?

Without hesitation, Murphy gritted his teeth and tore the scroll in his hand!

The fool knows whether to answer or not!

Who would expect a killing of the three Dukes of the Cremand family and even wounded Prince William, who is known as the “Shadow Emperor”, and a guy chatting with himself? !

She is a werewolf! Is a bloodthirsty werewolf! It is the most powerful werewolf in mainland history!

The scroll of level 98 was pulled apart by Murphys, and the crystal energy was injected into it as much as possible! Loosen the paper roll of unknown material, and let it fall to the ground to start burning instantly.

Strangely, this scroll did not bring any fluctuations at all, no light, no impact, as if a piece of ordinary parchment was torn to the ground, and then there was no sound.


Murphy was cold and sweaty for a moment.

Ashcandi, the strongest and most terrifying leader of the werewolves in the book “The Clown in the Shadows”, was hailed as an “Ω-class” monster, and was alone in the Crayman family headquarters to face Prince William’s peerless The strong, raised his eyebrows slightly at this moment, watching Murphy throw a piece of parchment on the ground ten meters away, his expression cold, and his eyes narrowed.

“You are provoking–“

The woman with red eyes didn’t finish her words, but a dazzling golden light burst into front of her!

The bursting golden light scoured everything around with a sacred breath of shock! Murphy stood on the spot and looked nothing different, but as the strongest of the werewolves, and even the existence of the top three in the entire underground order, Ashkandi fell to the ground in an instant!

The fat-like skin instantly ulcerated, and his eyes appeared silver-white—this is the state of werewolf dying!

For Ashcandi, the pain at this moment was far more tormenting than when Prince William and the two Dukes sanctioned regardless of the noble image.

“Dead Sea Contract”, the inventor of this image comes from the original Saint Roland before the split of the two great papal, named after the translation of the “Dead Sea Scrolls”, a biographical work that records the life of the Lord, and the status of this scripture Although it is not listed in the Holy See classics such as “Old Testament” and “Gospel”, it is the more terrifying existence behind it! Until now, ordinary priests and monks would never know what the so-called “Dead Sea Scrolls” are, because this has been classified as a top secret and involves a series of serious religious origins.

In other words, the sacred atmosphere carried by such scrolls regarded as treasure by the Holy See is far more terrifying than the magic spell ban in the general sense. For dark creatures, the criminal law of the Inquisition was not to cut off their heads, but towed to the “Dirge” room with 1,738 light mirrors on the side of the execution department of the inquisition, throwing heretics at the gathering when the sun was the strongest at noon. The center of the light is alive!

Leave no trace of ashes!

Just as the pain of Ashcandi, who was bleak at the same time with his eyes!

The dark empress never dreamed that she would be knocked down by a parchment in a young man who had no strength at all, but she did not expect that the next moment she appeared even more bizarre, even unimaginable for nearly a thousand years of experience scene!

In the center of the straight line connecting Ashcandy and Murphy, a huge and suffocating figure was slowly stepped out in the golden light, the wings of light extended, the sword held in one hand, an incandescent halo above his head, under the golden hood The face is unforcing in the light, and the white flame rising slowly throughout the body brings an unspeakable holiness to the entire dark stone room!

Murphy had already looked up at his head at this moment, involuntarily learning the old man Aquinas did a cross.

If he did not believe in theology before, he now understands why Aquinas is always in awe.

What appeared in front of us was the archangel Urie recorded in the “Old Testament”, the arbiter known as the “Flame of God”.

It was at this moment that Murphy understood that the so-called “holy servant contract” in the “Dead Sea Covenant” turned out to be a “holy witness”!

The holy light flashed out, and a suffocating invisible impact carried the invisible impact of the angel of justice on the plane. There was no extra sound, no language, the angel Urie looked at the two of them calmly, the blue sword in his hand slightly raised, and the golden light suddenly enveloped the two of them!

Suddenly, Murphy only felt as if he was in warm water. After “baptism”, he already had a “closeness” to the sacred breath. When faced with the sacred breath from the angel, the body would naturally absorb this actively. The powerful force, but Ashcandi, who is not far away, is in the opposite situation. She seems to be unable to even lift her head! The curled body continued to emit black smoke, as if trying to judge her past crimes.

Uriel, the main angel, helps the world to eliminate inferiority and bring confessional angels.

The long sword was held high, and suddenly there was a melodious ethereal chanting than the emperor’s most famous Madonna Chorus, and the bright power was injected into the two of them.

The miracle did not last long, and in less than a minute, the godlike figure gently stepped back and disappeared into the void.

The fourth recorded “Holy Fall” on the mainland came in abruptness and ended in abruptness.

Murphy only felt that he clearly heard something in his mind “broken” shattered.

As if it were venting mercury, the crystal filament energy in his mind suddenly struck his nerves in an incredible situation. The twelve magic patterns behind Murphy actually have five nodes in total, and twelve complicated patterns are intertwined every three. The black magic pattern will converge into a complex and precise node, and the most central black scepter pattern is the last one. From the periphery to the center, the complexity of the pattern rises linearly, and at this moment, the golden light shines on the first A magic circle node suddenly disappeared!

This time was completely different from the agony of the disappearance of the previous magic pattern-free, stimulating, and the violent thrill of being charged like this caused Murphy to lift his head involuntarily. Yalong, who didn’t even dare to get close to the cave, would definitely stand invincible with one! is conceited.

But the wildfire-expanding faith is quickly extinguished by the darkness around it, the blazing eyes slowly fade away, the greed and arrogance that should not be possessed, Murphy will not let it take root in the heart, Aquinas’s teaching The elaboration of the seven deadly sins in him made him gently repent, and then turned around. The wand in his hand radiated an unprecedented bright light, and the woman curled up on the ground was almost silent without a distance.

The servant contract is not a contract between the two parties of the contract as the holy party, but a contract witnessed by the angel’s servant, the angel.

The original “Contract Scroll” of the “Dead Sea Scrolls” has been damaged, and the recovery of most of the Holy Bible Scrolls, which had been destroyed when it was discovered, has continued for more than a thousand years, but it is still difficult because the fragments cannot be recovered over time. The original handwriting was clear, so now Murphy and Ashcandi do not understand what kind of contract has been reached for the two angels Uriel, who directly “descends” from the plane of heaven!

What’s even more ridiculous is that the initiator of the contract, Murphy, exhausted all the crystal energy in the whole body, but just enough to cast the standard, and one side of this sacred contract was still a dark monarch-like character, as if the success of the entire contract was A paradox-that’s why this 98-level array is placed in the finale of the “Paladox Array Collection”, perhaps because it is so contradictory to achieve the conditions it is difficult to imagine.

Within a few minutes, the dark monarch Ashcandi stepped out of the sarcophagus that held her back, as if to make the shadow of the millennium once again cover the earth, but at the next moment he encountered the “Holy Fall” angel that had not appeared for hundreds of years! Without warning and suspense, he fell into a near-death state, and as a spell-releaser, Murphy jumped from a small boy to the threshold of a knight and a mid-level magician, and his strength was doubled.

It seems that Murphy has an advantage at the moment?

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