The Black Scepter

Chapter 83 - All cards

Continue to work on papers, and today I am going to seek red ticket support.

I am very nervous recently, thank you for not understanding the update speed.


In the early morning, Ashcandi, who had gently washed the blood from his hands on the bank of the river, had put on a civilian dress. In this empire where the aristocrats and civilians have very different dresses, her dress at the moment should be a family. Fair enough but not a rich girl, black hair, black pupil, a pair of eyes always showing femininity and femininity, the evening dress worn by the Windsor family was thrown in In the river, the blood stains were mottled, and the original pattern could not be recognized anymore-none of the members of the two blood families stayed in Murenthal, one marquis, four counts, seven viscounts, thirteen barons, and dozens of lords It is said that the fighting power is definitely higher than that of an imperial middle-class knight, but only the ashes are left in the blood, and this kind of thing spreads. It is estimated that even the Clemant family will shudder.

The culprit that absorbed dozens of hearts into the clean, but smiled at the sun when the first ray of sunlight appeared in the morning and stretched out a lazy waist. The beautiful posture had a hint of holiness in the golden sunlight. .

“All adults are children at first,


Although only a few people still remember

Only a few people remember…”

Singing songs that were popular in Fording hundreds of years ago, Ashcandy took a relaxed and cheerful pace and entered the gates of the prosperous city of Zurier.

The guards standing by the gate of the old and huge city would never think of the role of the beautiful woman who just walked in. They just ridiculed the big breasted buttock girl who just walked in. In a few days, it will become a boring content of a noble bed plaything, and when you turn your head, you will forget.

“It really hasn’t changed much.”

The figure of Ashkandi appeared in front of the iconic Zurrier Kassandra Cathedral, looking up at the slightly different spires of Byzantine architecture. This ancient Gothic building stands at least here Over 500 years, it has become more magnificent and shocking. This is a public church in the center of the city. Civilians can come here to pray and confess. The nobles also come here occasionally to pretend to have an expensive kumquat milk tea in the library. Passing the time, everything is in order, except for this abrupt figure.

It’s just that the priests wearing a black Vatican robe didn’t notice a woman with a pure face and a light smile. She naturally walked into the main hall of the church and sat like a devout believer in the long prayer. On the chair, lightly draw a cross and sit quietly, letting the oblique shadow elongated by the setting sun gradually disappear.

The sun is setting.

The smile remained the same, but from warm to cold, she stood up and walked towards the interior of the church-the breath of darkness suddenly filled in the church representing the light, the wings of the bat spread, and the cold voice in the empty church with almost no one Echoes-“Revenge is always sweet.”

That night, Zuril, a bishop who had hoped to be promoted to Cardinal before the age of sixty, took more than 75 clerics in the entire church to death, until the next day when the corpse smelled flies, the city The guard opened the closed door of the church and found the crucifixed bishop!

Blood covered the ground, almost covering the church floor.

The revenge of the Dark Queen has just begun.



Before embarking on the carriage of the Duke’s Palace, Murphy received a letter from Constantine. The signature was Clivi, the young child who always smiled. The first sentence of the letter did not greet and have no polite, but instead Murphy The ciphertext that Si sent him in the past was placed on top with deciphered content and deciphered methods.

And Murphy directly skipped this content. From the second paragraph, I saw the news that Clivi broke the acceptance of the Pansell School of Magic. The reason is not just because of the paper, but this guy The field of “shield mechanism” solves one of the “top ten shield” problems, known as the reverse construction of the “Queen’s Crown”!

These terms are a little deeper than they are. They haven’t been exposed to the “Top Ten Shields” problem, but Murpheus, who is only a little heard, knows that this is an amazing achievement, because these ten problems are the magicians have been thinking about for thousands of years. One of the problems to be overcome is to construct a one-way shield at level 38 in reverse, making it a two-way shield-that is, this shield can block the enemy’s attack while leaving the caster without any Obstacles pass elemental magic through the shield to attack the enemy, while the one-way shield is like a shield in the hands of soldiers and cannot penetrate.

Without the power of the crystal wire, Clivi occasionally began to crack the theoretical construction of this shield with the help of the emergence of the aura, and finally won the recognition of the First Imperial Academy of Magic, but the content of the letter was not very excited. It can be seen that young children have a calm heart, which is precious for any occupation.

After reading the letter, Murphy turned his gaze to the top of the letter, flipped out the letter of the Duke Azshara, and took up a quill to decipher the entire letter.

It’s not too difficult. This is Crivi’s evaluation. Murphy also found that the process of deciphering was extremely easy, but the final information made him a little confused, because the above was actually an excerpt sentence-“Don’t waste your life on you The place where I will regret it”, “If I live one day, I am blessed, I should cherish it, but when I cry and wear no shoes, I should find that someone has no feet”, “People whose hearts are full of their own ideas will never hear others. Voice”.

In all these, about eleven or two sentences.

Murphy’s memory has always been good, some of them were seen in the “Old Testament”, but the last sentence in it made him narrow his eyes-because it comes from the “Theology”, Aquinas has not yet appeared. Works.

Fortunately, there is only one sentence. Murphy is sure that this is from the first two pages of the theological encyclopedia, but this is enough to surprise him-Aquinas will never send books to others casually. Is there any secret in this?

In the end, Duke Azshara wrote a date and place, which seemed to be about him. Murphy looked at it, and the other party gave him enough preparation time-exactly ten days later, in front of the Kutako Arena .

Murphy thinks that maybe something to be discussed has something to do with “Theology”.

Now he doesn’t want to think about too many things at all, but spends the most time on the most difficult exercises. Today, he is already equivalent to a low-level big knight of level IV and a middle-level magister of level VI, The double career is so far ahead of almost all its peers, but the seemingly terrifying Murphy is not powerful.

Because most of his research on magic is still in the book stage, he will not use any spells other than condensing the elements in the most primitive and most expensive way with crystal energy.

It’s like a seemingly strong big man who can’t fight at all. There is a brute force but no point, but if there is something in common, it is that the basic skills of Murphy’s two careers can’t be solid. Already,

This also means that when Murphys truly gains “power” from his knighthood and starts to learn spell casting, progress will be rocket-like.

The practice of knights is much more complicated than that of a swordsman. When Murphy was trained by Tang Jidi in various ways since childhood, he had hardly heard of anything else. It was almost pure physical intensive training until Murphys left Hookshire. The year before, the old guy who had nothing but a cigarette gun in his hand told Murphy to choose a path of practice-so, Murphy also had no choice but to take the “discipline” view Going up very popular is also the most popular practice direction of the Imperial Knights nowadays.

The practice of knights is divided into several major departments: “guardian”, “sacred”, “punishment”, “furious battle”, “sacrifice”, and some of the more unpopular have almost disappeared, such as the once short-lived “blood” and “order” “Later, they were all eliminated in the rivers of history because the barriers to entry were too high.

Murphy chose “discipline”, but there are many branches in this main department. Compared with other departments, “discipline” focuses on fighting under horses and is equivalent to fighting immediately, which is a major feature. Swordsmanship and gun riding The tactics are equally good, which allows the knight to be able to ride under the horse immediately. The more powerful advantage is that when it encounters enemies of a similar or slightly higher level, it can explode with unimaginable super powerful combat power.

But just because of the unlocking of the magic pattern seal behind him, Murphy, who has jumped to a low-level knight, although miraculously jumped and upgraded, obviously needs some time to adapt-because after choosing the main training route, UU reads the book “Discipline” is also divided into more detailed power advancement methods, and Murphy has not yet begun to choose this part.

These can only be taken slowly, and Murphy now has no idea how to arrange it after returning to Constantine-it is absolutely impossible to continue to stay calm anyway.


The carriage of the Duke’s Palace left Mulenthal on time, and the father and son were still riding a carriage. The atmosphere on the way back to Constantine was a bit dull, because the next thing for the father and son to face is absolutely incomparable. Easily, the referee has issued a notice to clean up the heretics in Mullental-of course, this is an expression of the “sword of adjudication” attitude, Murphy understands that it means that the referee has said that it does not pursue too much Windsor’s question only expressed indignation.

A box was placed on the carriage, and Murphy was very polite and unexpected this time. Akar accidentally packed up all the things left by Yizuoer-because that was the owner who left it to Murphy. Duke Akar’s personal legacy has no right to decide anything. It’s just too horrible to say that this big wooden box placed next to the two is too scary. If you sell it to the black market to guarantee the exchange of Az Turk coins and resources are enough to buy a decent principality.

Thirty scrolls, fragments of the sacred gun, robe of St. Peter, the cross of St. Teresa, the handwritten version of St. Augustine’s “City of God”, a set of magic armor with chaotic and restless souls, three or four knight swords, There are still some strange and strange collections, although many things are not very useful, but they can also be regarded as peerless treasures, and the “Fool” Tarot card with the head of Yizuer, Murphy gently speculated. In my arms.

This is all his current cards.

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