The Black Scepter

Chapter 85 - Pressure on 4 sides and 8 sides

I am still writing papers and supporting them.

For a red ticket and collection, thanks!

………………………………………….. ………

“Go to the frontline when I’m sixteen? Mom, I have to apply when I go back. I won’t do it if you get more medals than me.”

Boozer stuffed a plate of meat in his mouth, and his words were ambiguous.

Hiddink did not ask what happened in Mullental, but only said that if there is a need for help, the Charles family can definitely reach out. Such aristocratic promises are naturally untrusted if they are spoken in public, but in this kind of private In his chat, he solemnly pointed out that Murphy was also very grateful to these couples who were willing to accept their roommates.

Stupid big brother Kewen had the least nonsense, scratching his head and saying something that made Murphy and other people dumbfounded-“Can I make you a knight?”

“Does this hug your thighs?”

Hiddink joked with a smile, but unexpectedly Cowen pointed at Murphy seriously and replied-“He is now a knight.”


Then Boozer pinched Murphy’s neck and scolded whether Murphy’s trip went to the “Moses Staff” laboratory of the tribunal to undergo human trials. Several children who disregarded their image and played fun attracted many people’s attention. Also let a few young men who look as big as Murphy come over.

The first of these is the Justinian family members in the top three of Constantine. This generation of the family known for its genius is full of amazing characters, and often more than one.

A boy in a black dress looks 16 or 7 years old, with a handsome face and a tough body. When he came to Murphys, his eyes did not look at the meaning of Hiddink and others, and he did not salute. He directly asked: “I heard that you are now ten. Five years old? When the third batch of teams set off with the Justinian family, after all, just beside the Justinian team, there will never be any danger.”

Murphy knew that the other’s arrogance was famous for the entire upper class nobility. Not only was he alone, the whole family was almost like this, because they did have proud capital, this emblem was a long sword. Viper’s family theory is amazing, and the sense of political investment is equally commendable. From the time when the head of the family announced the family as the guardian of the royal family of Langinus three hundred years ago, the Justinian family can be described as In the sky.

“Thank you for your suggestion, but maybe I need to familiarize myself with the arrangements of the army. I am very grateful for the goodness of the Justinian family.”

Murphy returned the salute, and the other party reported the title: “Sara? Justinian, I think you should have the level of guarding the knight? High-level swordsman? How to say that Windsor also came out on the battlefield. The family is.”

Needless to say, the arrogant attitude frowned, even the best-tempered Kovin frowned, but Murphy narrowed his eyes slightly and put on a smile: “Only a knight who experienced war is a knight. “

Sarah raised her eyebrows, but nodded quickly: “I am looking forward to your performance, Knight of Windsor, I hope you can cross the battlefield like Windsor’s predecessors.”

This is not a polite word. All the owners of the Windsor family who hold the title of knights died in battle on the battlefield.

After turning around after saying these words, Sara left with an obvious sneer. The nobles that followed seemed to see that Murphy was reluctant to accept Sara’s “friendship” and he was too lazy to say hello. Dink’s expression grew colder.

“The ancestor’s spear was handed to the junior, but he forgot to tell them the sweat behind his glory.”

Hiddink looked at the few people who left and whispered: “Maybe I will not tell you this before, but Justinian is indeed the first family in the empire’s strength. What is more terrifying is that he is against the royal family. His loyalty has created an almost inviolable family status. Although it is arrogant, it is really inappropriate to have such a relationship.”

“I’m already in trouble with half the continent, do I still need him?”

Murphy gently lifted his shoulders and murmured words that Hiddink didn’t understand until a few years later.

He understands a little bit what he needs to do next-he is no longer a regular heir to follow the established route of the family, gilding the border, participating in several painless battles to win medals, and entering a certain place under the arrangement of the Duke The army gradually struggled and changed the badge on the chest again and again, but really left the seemingly prosperous soil but not suitable for their own growth, and walked out of their own glory on the real Gobi Desert.

From the moment Ashcandi signed a contract with him, Murphy had been lucky—maybe he could live this way all his life? Perhaps the werewolf’s influence on himself is limited to this?

In the end, Murphy found that the ideal was full, but the reality was skinny.

Looking at the aristocrat in front of you, the words of glory, achievement, greatness, and brilliance that can describe the top aristocrat in the empire can be completely overlapped and placed on the people in front of them, but at the moment they are standing like a clown On the stage where people applaud, waiting for applause from others who will not know whether they will give.

The worries of the poor are that they have no choice, and the worries of the nobles are that they have too many choices-but now the choices given to Murphy are really more embarrassing than the poor.

“excuse me.”

The smile on Murphy’s face gradually faded, and he greeted several roommates beside him, and walked gently to Prince Langkinus not far away-while Lilith standing beside him saw Murphy Walking towards here, he left his head straight with a glass of red wine.

“His Royal Highness.”

“Progress is not small.”

Prince Hades is really too scary. His surroundings are more empty than that of Azshara at the beginning. The unmanned sitting by him with his dagger in his hands to eat turkey meat is really unreasonable.

Murphys did not know whether his so-called progress refers to strength or other things. He sat in the seat next to the prince under the gaze of the other party. The latter was lazy and did not like to talk. After a while, he jumped out to let Murphys The stunned words for a long time——

“The border is not for you, Gabriel is still alive.”

He didn’t pay any attention to him, and he unloaded a turkey with an incredible knife, and put the meat into the stomach in the waiter’s surprised eyes.

Sitting in the same place and thinking for a long while, Murphy finally got up and retreated, adding a sincere “thank you”, and then walked to another maverick in the venue-Duke Azshara.

Azshara, who was standing still, was still indifferent, looking at Murphy, who was approaching, raised his eyelids slightly, without a smile, and just waited for him to speak.

“Maybe I can’t wait here until the day I agreed, I think you can explain the meaning of the letter.”

Murphy did not have any nonsense, “The Theological Encyclopedia has not been published yet, don’t know what you mean?”

The Duke Azshara didn’t answer anything immediately, and thought a little, and asked softly, “Which of the six giants of the referee are the civilians most afraid of?”

Murphy didn’t expect this to be the case, but the duchess, who was out of mind, replied, “The sword of adjudication?”

“Ordinary people will give this answer, because the three major departments of the referee on the bright side, the deterrent force of the ruling sword will always be the greatest.”

Azshara’s voice will never be slow, raising his hand, looking at an unremarkable ring on his finger, and bowing his head, said: “But no one knows “Cobb’s Right Eye” and “Moses Staff” It is the thing that most frightens heretics, it brings the torture of death as well as the torture of purgatory.”

Raising his head, Azshara, with her eyes full of eyes, whispered a little secret—”But if the trident on the face is heretic hell, then the other three are purgatory, while Aquinas used to be Does the sixth giant of the referee understand the meaning of this?”

The sixth giant.

The sword of adjudication, Cobb’s right eye, Moses staff, and three mysterious institutions have not surfaced since then, and Aquinas’ identity is the last one, the mysterious person with the name of “Sixth Giant”?

“So what I want to say is that since you entered Tarrens College, your name has been included in the high-level observation of my eagle eye and Cobb’s right eye. Of course, this is not Aquinas’s mandate. After leaving there, he no longer intervenes in anything.”

Murphy was not stupid enough to ask what the function of the sixth institution was, but just to carefully touch the meaning in these few sentences. In the end, did one of the “Theological Encyclopedia” handed over to him really just be a simple gift? At least the current Murphys has no way of knowing.

“and so?”

“No matter where you go, no matter what you do, remember not to live up to the old man’s trust.” Duke Azshara’s last words were almost silent, “because he is a respectable wise man.”

After all, turning around and leaving, it seems that he is unwilling to say more in this public place. The one left to Murphy is still a slightly mysterious and thin back.

There were a lot of families with Justinian-like powers, but the few meetings of his peers were not a harmonious atmosphere-perhaps because Murphy began to refuse to disguise, or because he no longer smiled falsely. Face, a young heir to the family who was used to the rules at the noble vanity fair was obviously unfit for the scent of Morpheus who had gone away from the word “noble”.

Sarah Justinian, as the arrogant of the nobles, naturally thinks that he is the central figure of the entire venue-even if the theme of the banquet has nothing to do with him, but as the heir to the Justinian family who caused the topic effortlessly, Wearing the badge of the mid-level Grand Knight on his chest, he naturally has the capital to talk about and there are still people next to him.

There was no objection to Murphys, and he whispered something in the corner to Clive, who was not good at talking. The latter nodded with a smile, and then Murphys saw the man. Earl of Auschwitz, who had only heard of his name but hadn’t seen his name, said hello and salute without too much intersection.

At a banquet and a few conversations, Murphy seemed to have suddenly matured—although his eight years of experience in the forest had given him enough combat experience for his peers, he was ideologically oriented to save his life. The goal is a step, but it is the first time.

Murphy, who had no ambitions but could only survive, really felt the pressure from all directions.

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