The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 11 - I have something very wrong

I continued to move today, and I was too tired to open my eyes in the past few days. The right arm was pulled too hard because of the heavy lifting of moving things, but it hurts. However, if the broadband is installed today, if it goes smoothly, these tasks will be completely ended tomorrow.

Not to mention much, I try to code words, and it will definitely break out next week.

Thank you friends for your support. Thank you sincerely!


After hiking hundreds of kilometers in the forest, Murphy arrived on the seventh day after leaving the city of Hera, the city of “Medici”, thirty kilometers away from the Vatican, the religious core of the Holy Gabriel Empire.

In this ancient city that was said to have been entrenched by the Medici family and operated for more than 500 years, Murphy was no longer dressed as a bounty hunter with a fold cat standing on his shoulder, but outside the city In the forest, a rather luxuriously decorated carriage was mounted. In the car, a noble robe with a style different from that of the sacred Gabriel empire was slammed into the city.

The purple robe on her body is in the style of Fording, the perfume smell is unusually strong, and even Sphinx is unwilling to lean on beside Murphys, but at this time this mature young boy is looking forward. Looking out of the carriage window, thoughtfully.

The hustle and bustle of Medici is not like Constantine, but it has a completely different style from Byzantium. Perhaps this is the unique charm of an ancient city that has existed for more than a thousand years. It is quiet and proud, but there is no trace of impatience and flashiness. Looking at the surrounding buildings in the style of the ancient Siga Empire, Murphy constantly calculated the risk geometry of his next route in his heart. All the people who had contact and those who had done on parchment were listed in his mind. The analysis that I have done, but only to find out in the end-He who is helpless and helpless still has to go out on his own.

The carriage driver was silent and looked like an ordinary person. In the freezing cold wind, he used a huge hood and cloak to hide his face in the shadows. When the gray sky fluttered with snow, the carriage had already entered. In a deserted mansion, the only guard at the door seemed indifferent to the arrival of the carriage, standing there like a sculpture, without even blinking.

The horses stopped, the door opened, and Murphy walked down the carriage with a dagger on his waist, slightly raised his head, and carried a cane in the style of the old nobility of Fording-this is the “trend” of the Fording Empire, people Always like to call it a “gentleman’s cane”, pure black, without lines, simple and elegant.

A cute fold cat jumped out of the car with an arrogant posture, raised his head to look at the deserted mansion, snarled his teeth, and stopped standing behind Murphys.

At this time, the original empty mansion opened the door, and the thick Gothic style buildings were more gloomy in the snow. Four or five young men with servants and three pale pale maids walked down the steps in sequence. He did not hesitate to greet Murphys.

“The members of the Meeks family who are not currently exposed are basically here, and the rest are running or the life and death are unknown, master.”

Connor Meeks, the silent driver who had never spoken on the Murphys carriage, bent down deeply in front of Murphys at this moment, his eyes did not dare to have any disrespect, in other words-he even looked There was no courage to move to the unfathomable cane in Murphy’s hand.

“seven people?”

Murphy sighed inwardly, lamenting that he couldn’t find any suitable development object in the arena, a place where all kinds of unlucky ghosts are in one, but that young people’s habit of seeing the appearance of things is not like Morpheus. Can be avoided-he still does not have the calm and calm observation ability of real aristocratic family members, but fortunately he is not too pessimistic.

“Master… exactly eight.”

Conner Micks turned helplessly to the guy who was standing at the door of the mansion with a dull expression and no movement, “Count him.”

“Go in and speak.”

Murphy looked at the back. If he thought about it, he turned and walked into the mansion first. The cane tapped the ground lightly, making everyone dare not look up.

Sulfuras’ breath can only be felt by true dark creatures—and for the heresy or any other creature without dark creature lineage, this scepter is completely indistinguishable from ordinary wooden sticks, so on a winter evening, A secret property belonging to the Meeks family in Medici became the first “stronghold” of Murphy’s young man who regained control of the Dark Scepter after a thousand years.

For a long time to come, this mansion on the edge of the aristocratic area, far from the city center, will become the butterfly wings that flutter again and again and raise the storm.

The reason for Murphys to dress up as a nobleman of Fording was not his own idea, but the inspiration given to him by the member of the creed who ran apart from east to west after an unpleasant conversation-in the Byzantine Empire, fake aristocrats and Walking around in the city will definitely be taken away by the inspectorate the next day, but in the sacred Gabriel empire, this is completely feasible.

Constantine’s aristocratic circle was reliable and stable, because after the coronation of Edward III, there was no large-scale subjugation of the knighthood. The aristocracy has maintained a rare and noble position, but in the Fording Empire and Gabriel, the “knighthood” Things are not valuable, or as long as you have money, the noble title is at your fingertips.

In the sacred Gabriel, it’s normal for a city’s aristocracy to exchange blood every three years, because aristocratic things are all over the ground, so books like Byzantium’s “Heraldic History” won’t appear at all. In a country where the number of lords exceeds 300 and the monarch only has military nominal dominance, no one from the so-called nobles will basically verify the time, place and reason of the award. On the contrary, if the performance is in accordance with the rules, even if there is no proof of title, The same can be regarded as a guest in most areas-the premise is to have such capital.

It is not easy to pretend to be an aristocrat, but the family of the Meeks family is still able to sort out a path for Murphy, but the next thing Murphy is to do is really unimaginable for several young blood races-when he is in After announcing in the living room that he needed to be in touch with the Vatican aristocracy within a certain period of time, the faces of all young blood tribes were unsightly beyond sight.

A group of heretics permanently wanted by the heretic ruling are tens of kilometers away from the Vatican as a servant, which is enough to make them embarrassed, but the new owner even let himself pick himself into the fire pit as soon as he faced it. .

“I protest.”

A girl with a pale face but a little bit of expression directly expressed her dissatisfaction, but she had no time to say the second sentence and flew out in a boom!

The delicate body hit the thick wall, and crackled with cracks, and then collapsed softly to the ground, coma directly!

It wasn’t Morpheus, but Connor—the Earl’s vampire’s eyes were more gloomy than Murphys. Obviously, although the young blood races here were loyal to Murphys according to their own requirements, they didn’t understand this. How horrible is the true status of the young master.

“Master, if you use the existing energy of the Meeks family, there is no problem in arranging you to communicate with the nobles in the Medici city and open up the relationship. This stronghold is the most hidden but the most solid foundation of the family, even if it is now declining. No one is there, but still enjoy sufficient privileges.”

Connor has no nonsense, telling everything he can take out one by one.

“It’s just that although the imperial nobles are confused and easy to mix in, the Holy See has an extremely strict system and list, and I can’t confirm whether you will encounter some high-level clergy and cause trouble.”

“These can be ignored,” Murphy waved his hand. “What I have now is just a few of your bloodlines and a bunch of gold coins that are too much to lose. The ambition is too big, the reality is too cruel, it really makes People have no confidence, but if all the thresholds of life can be crossed gently, what is the meaning of living?”

Murphy stared at his cane with some fascination. After a long silence, he said to Connor: “I need a noble knighthood now. I don’t have to go to the battlefield. The sacred Gabriel should have winter hunting activities. Yes, I hope that there will be a place for me in the upper class nobility. UU reading I will hurry.”

“I see, master.”

Connor bowed his head to lead his life, and several younger juniors saluted, but they still had doubts about Murphy’s strength in their eyes-it would be normal for them to have such suspicions, but Murphy did not prove his ability at this time. Desire, his gaze moved from the burning fireplace to the outside of the house, and Murphy frowned, and got up towards the statue-like motionless guy at the entrance of the mansion.

There are more winters in the Medici City than in the past. The snow is getting bigger. The snow in the sky makes the pedestrian almost unable to open his eyes, but does not include the guard in front of the mansion.

Murphy’s cane tapped the ground lightly, leaving a trail of footprints on the ground that had been covered with white snow. When he stopped in front of the mansion gate, the guy who stayed like a sculpture forever remained without any excess. reaction.

In other words, there is no response at all.

Wind and snow piled up on his eyebrows. This statue-like guy was probably less than thirty years old from the face. He was a little taller than Murphy, and his pupils were clear but without any spirit, like a puppet with no spirit.

“What is your name?”

Murphy put his hands on the end of the cane and asked the other person in a casual manner.

This guy who seems to be deaf does not seem to have any change in the frequency of breathing.

Murphy expected this result, and without any accident, he looked away slightly, took two steps forward, stood beside him, and looked at the street facing the silent guard.

“My name is Murphys, my surname is Roland for now,” he said as if he had said to himself, “I have no parents since I was a child, and I faced a dangerous forest. Every day I have to beware of whether I will be dreamed by Warcraft Eat it, and now I find something wrong with me, do you know what it is?”

The guard remained silent.

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