The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 13 - 1 sword

Two more today, just beg for the second red ticket!

Next night, I went out to do something during the day.

………………………………………….. ……………

Half a day later, Lord Lord’s team was already in the middle of the hunting ground. Not only Count Bolton had hunted an adult male deer, but even his daughter successfully hunted three hares with the help of bows and hounds. The young lady of the nobility wasn’t a fan.

Not far from the lord is the Viscount Harrington, a nobleman who is about to reach the critical age of thirty, is one of the popular candidates who hopes to marry the daughter of Earl Bolton not far away, and he is also confident. Full, it can be seen that Cheng Zhu is in the chest. Harrington, who has the strength of a high-level swordsman, has already hunted a lot of prey. Among them, she also helped Miss Adeline to hunt an adult snow fox, but the temper is not small. In the face of the prey that the Viscount Harrington put from his hands, he turned his head and refused, so that Harrington, who was trying to please her, was very discouraged.

Count Bolton’s small eyes after his daughter left, however, made him feel slightly better-at least on the surface, his behavior did not disturb the lord.

In this case, what does Adelin’s refusal matter? In the nobles of the great empire, how many marriages are not the sole responsibility of the owner? When Harrington thought about the light in his heart, he silently lamented the greatness of the Lord. This guy who was playing with his life on the belly of two beautiful maids yesterday turned his eyes away from the already-developed Adeline, and Zema was ready to proceed The next round of pleasing action.

Only a sudden howl in the forest made him yank the reins.

Viscount Harrington, who has some hunting experience, can naturally hear this is the call of the giant Renko Branch bear in the forest outside the city of Medici-his own bedroom floor is covered with a whole piece of this length of more than seven Mi’s horrible renkuo giant bear fur, and often have a deep “communication” with different ladies on it, but the good memories are limited to the dead bear skin instead of living creatures, Duke Harrington is very clear , Even if this kind of renkuo giant bear lies on the ground, his head exceeds the height of his chest when riding!

The nobles are not warlike, but that was the faction of the nobles hundreds of years ago in the classics. Today’s “warlike” is basically limited to all kinds of obscenities by the nobility. When they really pick up the short sword, they are basically scared. Shivering robber.

Although the Viscount Harrington had experienced battles, he believed that there was no need to go to death at this time-it was the right choice to stabilize the front and use the hound and number advantage to kill this angry animal.

Turning the horse’s head, Harrington even felt that his calmness and wiseness could be regarded as a model of the nobility, but when he saw one person and one ride, he passed by!

The chilly wind blew on the face of Viscount Harrington. He followed the figure of the knight and turned his gaze. It was too late to recognize which family he was a member of. The scream that came made him instantly change his face!

Adeline has an accident.

This time, he couldn’t hesitate, he snapped a horse’s abdomen, and the pit roar of Pyramid’s horse started instantly, and ran towards the distance!

And the fact that Harrington has fallen more than fifteen meters ahead is naturally a well-prepared Murphy.

Murphys has been waiting for this signal. When he passed the second key figure in the plan, Viscount Harrington, all premeditations had reached an unstoppable high-speed track.

No plan will proceed 100% as expected. Risk is the responsibility that must be assumed. Connor plans to let the emergence of a giant Roncoco bear threaten the lives of Earl Bolton and Miss Adeline, but then Mexico What Fez wants to do is the most critical and uncontrollable!

He picked up the short hunting bow in his hand and shot three arrows toward the huge figure that he could see in the distance while rushing forward!

The Renkoko giant bear who suddenly broke into Adeline’s field of vision looked extremely angry. This kind of awkward and unusual Renkoko giant bear ran fast enough to knock over any carriage at the time of the outbreak. To such a large carnivore, Adeline didn’t know where to go for a while, she could not help avoiding inevitable, she could only watch in vain as the giant bear ran towards her!

Its huge body resembled a hill, and the depressed atmosphere and the shadow of death enveloped the noble lady.

She has a hunch that even if she accelerates the horses now, she can’t escape the attack range of this giant rencoco bear!

The ground was shaking, and the sharp teeth of Aren Lynk, the giant bear of Renkoko, could be seen clearly-the father not far away was commanding Hu to come from here, and the slightly tuned sound proved that Earl Bolton had the same heart Nervous.

The Renkoco giant bear, 15 meters away from Adeline, was only shot by Murphys. After that, it did not mean to stop!

Instinctive trend Its body continues to rush forward with the help of inertia, but again, the flinch and head movements produced by the body after being attacked make this head compare with the nearly parallel terror Rumco Branch giant bear movement of Murphys chest Just a moment slower.

The moment the animal turned its head and looked in the direction of the attack, a bigger and bigger figure appeared in the field of vision.

As if a cavalry charge, Murphy had hit the huge animal straight!

Murphy held the Naples dagger, leaned forward, focused and full of unimaginable dignity-this is a gesture that only heavy cavalry would have, and not far away, he looked at his Earl Bolton, who had the level of a knight and participated. There are no more than three digits in the battle, so he knows what it’s like and what is real time. In his eyes, Murphy at this moment definitely has the terrifying momentum that only senior cavalry has, even though he doesn’t have a lance, There was no battle armor and helmet on his body, but the sharp eyes like a falcon were by no means childlike!

Riding the horse, he rushed towards the head of the giant bear of Renkoko as a person!

The angered Renkoko giant bear gradually stopped, and then violently waved the bear’s paw, which covered the field of vision, and waved fiercely towards Murphy, who was about to hit it!


Flesh and flesh.

Like the Viscount Harrington strangling the horse’s reins, the nobles who rushed by the news stared at the blood flower blooming in the snow far away, eyes wide open, unable to speak.

Adelin, who was the target of Ren Kuangke’s previous bear, opened his mouth slightly. This girl who calmly and indifferently faced dozens of nobles and no less than two-digit suitors has not seen the cruel and **** world. On the one hand, Murphy rushed into the arms of the giant bear Renco in a suicidal situation, and disappeared in a suffocating blow!

The horse’s head with half of his body was directly photographed into a flesh and blood, and the giant Ronko Branch with terror power roared, and even the ground was bombarded with a radial pit by this blow.Obviously this is A Warcraft with far more power than usual beast!

But after its unmatched blow, the wailing sound followed.

Above the remains of the body of the warm-blooded horse, an extraneous object appeared in the eye socket of the left eye of the giant Renko Branch-a short sword that only exposed the handle of the sword!

At the next moment, Murphy, who was rolling out of the grass, suddenly jumped up, and jumped straight on the head of the renuncoo giant bear, who was swaying and stretched his hand to hold the sword handle.

At this moment, the wailing stopped abruptly.

The muffled sound caused by the huge body of more than four tons tumbling to the ground made the eyelids of Viscount Harrington not far away.

Ten meters away, Adeline, who was still sitting on horseback, looked at Murphys, who was standing on the body of the giant bear of Renkoko, but with a bright red plasma, opened his mouth slightly, and the shock of his heart was beyond words-but this At that time, Murphy did not turn around to show his respects or pay tribute to Count Bolton. Instead, he bent down and pulled out his dagger, which expressionlessly wrecked the head of the giant rencoco bear. Then he turned his sword into his sheath and turned to take off his leather hunting suit, throwing it to Compton as a stern, and turned away without a word.

If his gaze looked at the hareton Virgin, who hadn’t shot like a coward from beginning to end, Murphy’s posture seemed unusually obvious.

Earl Bolton immediately chased the horse in the past-he will not neglect the young man who lifted his daughter’s crisis. Although the other party is a fledgling new cover control, all these behaviors have left a deep impression on him~www knight father, of course, would like his daughter to have a man who is willing to protect her, but under the premise of noble marriage, this idea is basically wishful thinking, but it is only a sword of power, wave Earl Dunton did consider in his heart whether the unknown Baron Fording could become a suitable son-in-law.

Although the idea is not strong, it is clear that Murphy’s plan has been half successful.

Adeline looked back at Murphy’s back, and froze for a few seconds before regaining her original indifferent expression, but although she tried hard to restrain her eyes to pursue the figure’s desire, she finally couldn’t withstand what she should be at this age. These curiosities are seen by other nobles, especially the Viscount Harrington, and the consequence is naturally someone’s sense of crisis.

Hunting will not end arbitrarily because of this episode. Lord Brooke? Brooke’s family represented by Brooke is not a weak breed. Once the image is involved, Earl Bolton will definitely not have any ambiguity-because the Brooke family The one hundred empire represents only one vocabulary: “Brave”.

Even girls must learn to face life and death as soon as possible. This is the tradition of the Brooke family. Therefore, in the case of Murphy’s early retirement due to the death of the horse, the hunting is still going on, but the subsequent development is a little bit crying-Harling Viscount Dunton seemed to be stimulated by Murphy’s amazing performance. He went crazy and hunted seven prey, including an adult three-eyed magic wolf, even the scepter couldn’t resist so many prey. Eventually When returning, Viscount Harrington’s favor to Miss Adeline continued to be ignored, but this time her attitude seemed to become more determined.

The reason, Earl Harrington naturally counted on the head of Murphy who had left.

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