The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 27 - Synchronous contract

Today is even more, thanks for supporting!

Over 500 red tickets in a single day, two more on the next day! Yesterday’s red ticket 450, please for your strength today, everybody for your strength, and I also for your strength.

I will go to her hometown with my daughter-in-law in a few days, and the update time may not be stable. Now I will release it as soon as possible at 10 o’clock in the morning. If two or three is changed, I will explain it at the first.

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Dark-skinned Jiao Python is as powerful as Sphinx, but with its huge size of 15 meters and the big mouth of the blood basin, it shocks all the humans facing it-the body sweeps the front, no extra action, and the ground The members of the verdict who were unable to climb were crushed and killed by the warcraft summoned by Moussard and the summoners who followed.

The battle was overturned, and Connor and the voodoo followers followed up at an incredible speed to solve the single-minded magician. Murphy was all the way with a short sword and a condensed element wand on this small battlefield. When he slid into the front and looked up with blood, he saw the Sanro who had ordered him to be executed.

The latter did not panic at this time-even with a scornful smile on his face.

Morpheus doesn’t think this is the so-called pre-mortem pretext. The white robe in front of him stands at the same place, but it is the only core of the entire chaotic battlefield like the immobile rock in the stormy waves.

“There is no shortage of traitors in heretical rulings, as well as the’executors’ who kill traitors.”

Bai Luoren San Luo’s smile was dazzling at the moment.

Murphy’s heart is cold-the mission book has stated that the white robe is a level III magician, but when he says “executor”, it means that his identity is still the title in the ruling court. The highest level member!

“Executioners”, the lowest level is level II, no limit is set for the high.

Sphinx, who was raging in the rear without encountering an enemy, approached the “executor” at a distance of ten meters. The body of a member of the Tribunal with a pierced chest fell in front of the strong man due to the flick of the bone. The sound made his eyes move slightly, but then he slowly took out the book he was holding and opened it gently.

At the next moment, a golden light rushed to the sky.

After a completely unimaginable second, Sphinx was directly hit by a huge ball of light from the palm of the “Executioner”, and the terror wave that burst out even blew all the corpses and trees nearby!

Sphinx’s huge body rolled out for more than ten meters sideways, and was suddenly seriously injured so that he could not get up!


The second beam of light hit the dark-skinned dragon python raging in the distance, and the huge body was blown open, revealing **** white meat!

Murphy saw that the white robe still raised his palm to himself with a confident smile, and the recitation of the mantra in his mouth was unbelievably fast.


The explosion sounded.

Murphy, who had no time to dodge, wanted to roll to the side, but was grabbed by a hand from the sky and threw up violently. Before the landing, he was blown away by the shock wave that blew into the distance, and he stood up and looked. What arrived was the scene where Connor was penetrated into the abdomen by the next beam in the sky.

In order to save Murphy, Connor was also traumatized!

The white robe is too powerful-Murphy can’t even judge his level, but can make the Earl’s blood family helpless and passive, at least the I-level strong!

Compton, who sensed that the situation was wrong, rushed out of the chaotic battlefield and went straight to the white robe. However, he was concentrated by the irresistible light and flew out far away instantly, disappearing on the battlefield with poor vision.

The absolute power brings not only unilateral suppression, but also the morale of the entire team.

Even other members of the heretical ruling court did not know what kind of role the white robe Sangluo belonged to. At this time, he suddenly appeared and turned the tide, but only one person suddenly caused the voodoo believers to face huge resistance!

Although the half-beared half-beared Musad and the shaman summoners have the advantage of numbers, they are still far behind these elite troops. After the first wave of attacks, Sang Luo’s strong counterattack suddenly let them The pace of progress was stagnant, and the advantage was smoothed out instantly-the most powerful elder Musad immediately flew the enemy in front of him, and he did not hesitate to get close to this high-level magician. Fight!

The huge bear paw slammed, even bringing up the fluctuation of the elements and the tremor of the ground. The golden shield flashed and collapsed in front of San Luo’s body. His violent attack slightly delayed the counterattack of the white robe, but it was not far away at this moment. The Murphys here can’t help at all!

The only Sphinx who hoped to help was beaten far away, unable to stand with a lame leg, and the dark-skinned Jiao Python was unable to move because of the huge wound on the snake!

In this case, Murphy has no choice-this battle cannot be lost, and if you can’t fight, you have to spare your life to fight, either you die or I live, there is no room at all-so the magic of Murphys Steel Short Sword stabbed mercilessly through the members of the Tribunal who dodged the attack. The wand swung sideways, bringing a piece of blood, flying a foot and kicking the body of the lost head to the side. The lives of all members!

The low-level knights, low-level magisters, and Murphy’s full-strength attacks are not noticeable on the entire battlefield. The wailing sounds around are not just issued by the members of the siege verdict, voodoo believers Our young members have many strengths that can’t match the enemies in front of them. Even Mussad, who has turned into a rough skin, has been thrown into the dust by a long sword through his chest. The shaman using soul power is treating the fallen companion. , Some were seriously injured and could not be saved at all.

The blood was spreading, and the fighting continued, but Murphy was confused for a moment after wiping his face hard-was it worth it?

But the reality was too late to give him time to think. Elder Moussad had more and more wounds, and Sangro, who had never moved a few steps in the same place, was step by step. Shaking the earth, the explosion of smoke obscures the vision, making the dark battlefield more chaotic, and finally accompanied by an unwilling roar. When it fell to the ground, it seemed to mean that the ruling place’s counterattack officially made a key turning point!

The remaining judges have less than ten members, but they have the momentum to fight to the end and win!

Nearly ten different types of Warcraft summoned by the non-toxic summoner do their best to attack the center of the battlefield, but after being firmly blocked by a layer of barriers, a beam of light penetrates the body and can’t afford to fall!

This is not a battle on a level. Murphy fully recognized the difference between the strong level I and above compared to other professionals. This overwhelming advantage is completely one hundred or even one thousand!

However, he still rushed towards the enemy destined to face with his dagger and wand, and moved forward.

Regardless of whether they can win, Murphy does not allow himself to leave any regrets or remorse-the plan to rescue Ashcandy is full of loopholes and dangers from the beginning. Since it cannot be avoided, then there is no need to consider too many consequences!

When the beam of light hits, the elemental shield that Murphys gathered fully broke during the attack, but he was not hurt by penetration, but his body was shocked-sprint, Murphys was in white robe from the hand of the Holy See. With only ten steps left, the dagger raised and leaped into the air suddenly, and Murphy’s desperate stabs at the powerful enemy who still has no intention of moving.

“Is it only so?”

The white robe looked at Murphy’s attack playfully and raised his palm.

At the next moment, Murphy’s body was suddenly imprisoned by an invisible force, and the movement of the forward stab was completely stopped-only this scene just happened, but the white robe turned suddenly, and a faint golden light appeared on the ground behind him. The barrier, Conor’s pale-faced last sneak attack was blocked by this barrier, and then collapsed to the ground when the light flashed out!

The sneak attack failed!

Murphy’s original plan was to use himself as a bait to let Connor make a fatal blow in the dark, but the attack was as useless as possible-and as a result, Murphy no longer has any support and cards!

The white robe still turned around unhurriedly to face Murphy who was imprisoned in the Tap on the finger, Murphy’s body was hit by several forces in a row, almost in Three or four bones were broken in an instant!

“It’s always wonderful to judge heretics, isn’t it?”

Lifting his finger to prepare to end Murphy’s life, he seemed to have seen the flesh collapsed. The power of a high-level magician was a nightmare for any enemy, but it was shot in the light that symbolizes death. After Murphy’s chest, the entire battlefield suddenly fell into calm.


The white robe who looked at him in front with wide eyes saw the still intact Murphy, but his body actually condensed a shield-like substance outside the body, and what appeared next was shocking. A scene!

Around Murphys, elemental particles within three meters of the whole neighborhood began to vibrate uniformly-not ordinary vibration, but the entire space fell into an unstable state!

There was a sudden change in the surroundings of Murphy’s body in the dark-as if his body was in two spaces at the same time, Murphy, who had nearly fallen into a coma due to a violent attack, tried to open his eyes, but his strength was no longer in front The arrogant and ridiculous white robe, but a magic circle… prison?

Murphy’s eyes widened suddenly, because he saw Ashcandi with a fragment of the lance on his chest!

The body of the Dark Queen is imprisoned by weird metal shackles, and the magic array on the ground is shining-everything is no longer necessary, this is the cell where Ashcandi is being held!

Ashkandi looked forward, slightly surprised than his pale, beautiful face, and then relieved.

Her body also shone with light, but gradually dimmed, it seemed that something suddenly disappeared from her…

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