The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 48 - Night watch vs night watch

In the Unfinished Theological Encyclopedia, Aquinas wrote this passage: “For a war to be a just war, there needs to be a legitimate purpose in combat, or to achieve some kind of positive Goal, or to avoid some kind of disaster.”

justice? For dark creatures, this word is no different from jokes.

They have been driven to the dead by the so-called “justice”. If the so-called justice in this world is like this, is the existence of dark creatures a joke made by God?

“The Lord has never abandoned everything, and existence is reasonable.” Murphy recalled Aquinas’s manuscript, but he suddenly looked at a distant cavalry as powerful as a warrior, chanting something like a spell. .

He did not expect that the werewolves’ attack effect was so great. It seemed that the twenty-seven werewolves were enough to withstand a 300-person infantry group, but in a blink of an eye, the tall werewolf leader shone with light all over. Under the attack of the knight, it directly became the broken ashes!

From the point of view of Murphys, it is clear that the terrifying werewolf shattered in the light in the distance, enough to imagine the strength of the sudden knight and the team behind him.

The 11-member Knights are not all knights wearing armor. The rear of the team is actually a magician wearing a cloth robe. The level is terrifying, and the black robe belongs to the “night watchman” of the heretical judgment.

“The first time you meet, the bigger the gift, the better.” Murphy said an extraordinary word to Connor next to him, symbolizing the first night of the night watchman of Murphys and the “night watchman” of the heresy court. Real showdown.

Connor’s figure disappeared into place, followed by flapping wings that made his scalp numb.

The number of blood-sucking bats is more than three thousand, covering the sky and the moon, such as torrents, such as tsunamis, and going straight to the town of Feilengcui. It seems that the whole town will be submerged.


Jeanne de Francois. One of the members of the “executors” of the heretical verdict, this level of the watchman and the night watchman are worthy of the attention of the entire Holy See. They are the scavengers of the entire Holy See, and they are the blade to eradicate all opposition.

In this chaotic era, all the people need to hear is one voice, which is more than enough, the Vatican Holy See will be very politely cut off, and the unlucky eggs involved in affecting the authority and interests of the Holy See will never realize how they are. Annoyed by this seemingly calm and friendly religion, just as the executioner never cared about the identity of the attacked person while performing his mission.

The blocker is dead, the dark one, don’t talk about killing. Jeanna is a woman, but when wearing a dark blue heavy armor charge that makes men also marvel, no one will care about her true gender-at the moment she is riding a charge, dark gold hair flying under the helmet, in the hand The rifle pierced the chest of a huge werewolf who was four meters tall at the moment of light.


The eyes behind the helmet have no feelings, indifference to life, indifference to combat, and a machine-like terror blow blows the huge and thick body of the werewolf.

The scattered plasma stained the armor of the warhorse and Jeanna, and straight forward, after penetrating the defense line composed of the Budget dog, completely penetrated the entire defense line of the Kasker mercenary regiment. In her hands, her crotch’s silent horse was a bit taller than the Fording Knights, and it was astonishing.

With oppression and suffocation, Na took the lead and shot three times with a rifle, exploding the heads of the three werewolves, and then she threw the broken rifle out, puncturing a werewolf’s abdomen, pulling out a long The sword, the short body waving, and a huge arm flew into the air with blood in the sound!

“My Lord bless!” The team of the ruling court that followed followed rushed towards the raging werewolf troops. The strength of the magician was more than one and a half points stronger than that of the mercenary group, and a golden cross in his hand was suddenly held high. In fact, one of the theologians blessed the entire team with the high-level magic of “Shelter”! Lights began to appear in the air around all of a sudden, and then light **** with a diameter of more than one meter appeared continuously within 15 meters around the knights of the entire Judgment Court. If a werewolf touched, it will burst directly, and the power is huge!

The resistance of the mercenary regiment instantly increased morale because of the appearance of this team. Captain Casque immediately let the other two remaining reserve knights keep up with this team, and they slayed to the one who had torn the front apart. Werewolves!

Let Na pierce through the front of the werewolf, and suddenly the single person left the team suddenly, and one person rushed towards the three giant Kakus spiders. The soldiers there were completely pinned by poison needles and cobwebs, desperately resisting It also just caused one head of Kakus to break his two legs, but it was even more irritating to this grumpy giant Warcraft. When Jeanna arrived, the three-headed Kakus had already rushed towards the outside, because there was no more People can stop their pace!

The reins gently adjusted the direction, and the war horse rushed towards the spider that was many times larger than Na, without the fear that ordinary military horses should have, so that the blood-stained giant sword in Na’s hand was gently raised. Fifteen meters away, the giant sword was thrown at the spider that had lifted her body to pierce her with a poison needle.


The broad-bladed giant sword weighing more than 20 kilograms shot out and inserted into the spider’s brain with incredible power and speed! Precise and not insignificant. Before this giant Warcraft just fell to the ground with its mighty and unprecedented closeness, its consciousness has been completely collapsed by this sword!

Without a weapon in his hand, Nara pulled the reins, and the huge warhorse stopped spiritually next to Kakus’ corpse. The horse jumped down, and the heavy armor brought a muffled noise, reaching for the giant sword. Let all of Na’s movements show calm and unimaginable self-confidence from beginning to end, even when the other two heads of Kakus climbed here quickly, she with the fully covered helmet did not even feel the fear of raising her head.

The giant sword lifted slightly, and the female knight’s height even reached the height of one meter eight. After wearing the armor, it was nearly one meter nine. The broad-bladed giant sword in his hand rose as if there was no quality, and then Slash down with thunder!

At the moment, Kakus, which was the closest to her, was only seven meters away, but after a sword, he moved slightly in the air for a moment. After a second, it was completely split into two pieces from the middle of the brain. It carried splashed green juice. Straight down!

The heavy stride stepped forward, the flat stone road suddenly cracked, and the golden light gleamed through the cracks like magma. “Dedication.” The deep voice was blurry in the helmet, like a whisper. Paladins belonging to the “light” of the knights are normal to practice divine magic with sacred attributes, but even V-level knights basically rely on physical power to kill enemies. I have never heard of divine as the main attack. Paladin means, because most of the magical attributes are biased towards auxiliary gains, there are few truly pure offensive divine spells.

At this moment, the “dedication” released by Na is one of the few damaging spells, but the power of “dedication” that has always existed like chicken ribs cannot be complimented — but at the moment, when Na suddenly inserts the giant sword in her hand, Then, with a scream, Kakus suddenly stopped in front of him!

But its huge body didn’t have time to turn around and escape, a crack extending forward on the ground completely covered its body within the attack range, and then it was a huge beam of light rising from the sky! Kakus, who had been pierced by countless beams of light, was unable to twitch his body. Eight spider eyes watched as the knight who was approaching slowly inserted the giant sword into the hard brain, and the cold eyes of the golden light that had not faded on the ground There is a dark blue in the middle, there is no focus, but there is a frightening indifference.

Turning over, the camp’s counterattack started completely, and the victorious balance slowly tilted towards the side of the Kasker mercenary regiment. “The knight from the ruling court, please leave your noble surname, the Cassker mercenary group thank you for your help.”

Casque looked up at the knight who saved his mercenary, but he didn’t know that the other party was a woman-the polite culture and good manners were completely ignored in front of the knight, wearing chain finger gloves Jeanne de Francois gently pulled the reins, and even had no intention of lifting the helmet mask, turned and rushed to his team, ignoring the head of Casque.

The indifferent back, the silent silence. The knights of the heretical ruling court have become the backbone of this camp. The wizard Roy, who was originally about to release the mighty spell, has become a supporting role silently, but he does not need to shoot himself.

It was only when all the soldiers began to clear the small number of werewolves and buggies. The sudden sound in the sky made the alert archer raise his head.

“Be careful in the air!” As soon as the words fell, the vampire bat that seemed like a cloud suddenly enveloped the archer standing at the commanding height. Almost at the next moment, the body of the archer who had been sucked off blood fell to the ground, leaving nothing Humanoid horrible body!

The number of bats in the sky is so desperate.

“Shrink the defense!” Casque couldn’t care about how the knights of the heretical arbitration team responded. It is the most correct choice to gather together to minimize the attack range of the attack!

Ford Knight is not afraid to attack because of heavy war horse can’t escape the doom, more and more knights fall, and the attacks from the sky are unpredictable.

It’s just that this amazing number of bats suddenly crashed into a large piece of light in the sky’s burst of light!

The magician of the heretical ruling took action. Jeanna did not try to attack the bats in the sky, but Zema and several other knights ran towards the wide open corridor to avoid the attack from the sky. The attack target of the bats was concentrated on the Kasker mercenary group, and These few humble knights were not noticed, but when this seemingly stalemate battle fell into an offensive and defensive transition, a huge bat appeared in the sky that was very different from other bats.

There is a gleaming crystal nucleus in its mouth, and the row of bats that follow is the same-under the cover of thousands of bats, this team of bats has swooped to the ground just after being discovered. And quickly rushed into several abandoned houses without doors, as if under precise control, threw the crystal nucleus into a few strange holes on the ground…

“Suffered!” Master Roy was shocked, but he was too late to save. At the next moment, a brilliant beam of light comparable to the sun burst out of Feilengcui town.

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