The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 50 - Miracles are meaningless, only happen if they can happen

Originally, Murphy planned to arrange the red eye Ashkandi with Sphinx and Hydera to meet all the enemies in front of him, just to make this black eye Ashkandi obey his own arrangement is probably more difficult than the sky.

Murphy quickly considered the ultimate goal of the black-eyed Ashkandi-killing William & Bull Clemens had little to do with the attack of the mercenary group in front of her, so it is likely that she would just stand by and watch .

“Some miscellaneous fish need to be cleaned outside. I think you can wait here.”

Murphy made a quick decision-he couldn’t risk putting this woman on the battlefield. First of all, her appearance would inevitably have devastating consequences, but no one could predict whether he would leave Murphys only. Several of his cards were destroyed, and then Murphy was left alone and obeyed her!

For the nobility, anything can happen, and everything can be done.

“Really? That’s so regretful”

Ashcandy sighed a little regretfully, looked at Murphys with his head tilted, and continued: “Are you so afraid of me?”

“Are you so afraid of her?”

Murphy turned his eyes away and asked back without looking back.

This sentence made Ashcandy’s face instantly change, but he immediately changed back to a smiley face, and his voice replied coldly: “I said, except for revenge in this world, there is nothing worth her to own, even if you save The world can’t save her.”

“save the world?”

Murphy lowered his eyes and lifted his wand to input the crystal wire energy into the magic circle. The color of the sky showed a slight fluctuation, and then the calm was restored. “It is only you who need to be saved.”

“A miracle has no meaning, only what can happen will happen.”

He turned and walked towards the gate of the castle. Sphinx followed behind silently, and Hydera’s huge body bypassed the quiet circle and followed.

The two blood servants pushed open the thick wooden door of the inner city together. The morning sunlight stretched Murpheus and the shadow of his few hands under the gap, leaving a few meaningful meanings in Ashkandi’s vision. Back view.

Rescue, Ashcandi narrowed his eyes.

“damn it”

Roy’s singing was over.

The magic scroll burned out under the infusion of crystal silk energy, and poured into the ground under Roy’s feet with a tremendous amount of energy.

At the next moment, the ground at a distance of 100 meters in front of the mercenary regiment suddenly began to violently shake like water lines.

The earthquake, the natural disaster that killed the most people in history, was artificially created at this moment, and aimed at the final place of Murphys now!

The trees in the forest collectively began to vibrate, and the unseen fluctuations caused the animals to flee collectively. There was no wind, but it caused a rustling sound like a sea wave.

There was a loud noise on the periphery of Fort Corsini!

Detonation when elements collide!

A dazzling light appeared in Fort Kosenyi in the sun. When you looked closely, it was a spherical shield that protected the outer periphery of the castle in the center. The earthquake’s fluctuations seemed to stop suddenly after hitting the shield!

The magician Roy frowned slightly, then breathed a sigh of relief and said, “I can’t hold it.”

Along with his words, the spherical original curtain that seemed to be solid and transparent suddenly cracked!

Even if the distance is more than a kilometer, you can still clearly see the shield collapse and dissipate. The magic shield of Fort Corsini is far from imagining the resistance of the enemy’s magic. The power of the curse is beyond. Imagine, where can the shield portrayed by Murphy only rely on the ability of a low-level magister to withstand the genuine 55th-level spell? !

Seven large defensive formations evaporate the energy of nearly a hundred high-level crystal nuclei, but they still can’t stop the footsteps of the forbidden curse. The walls of Fort Kosenyi began to shake. After the defensive ability of the magic shield completely disappeared, then The not-too-tall walls collapsed in the constant distortion and deformation, and then the main body of the castle was also devastated by the shock-several tall towers collapsed!

The smoke rose, and it seemed that the owner of Fort Corsene was completely buried by the disaster caused by the ban.

The members of the Kasker mercenary group cheered. The Paladin let Na look at the scene in front of her, and clenched the giant sword in her hand slightly.

The reason why the heretical ruling against the magician lasted for hundreds of years is this-too strong power led to a group of guys in the entire empire who mastered the supreme power and threatened the foundation of rule. In other countries, they were power struggles. The object sought, but in the sacred Gabriel, the Vatican Holy See chose destruction and expulsion to achieve its ultimate goal.

Perhaps this is another kind of cowardice and fear. If you can’t compare your own powerful existence, you must thoroughly eradicate it in its budding state.

Jeanna is a silent knight. She should be called a “palatable paladin who had successfully brainwashed by the Holy See. Although her identity is a sharp edge in the hands of the pope, she never hesitates to hack through the thorns, but now she finds herself seemingly tall. The Holy Holy See began to sort out and question.

The heretics are to be killed?

The darkness must be expelled?

Her strength comes from the dark experiment. Jeanna chose to cooperate with the mercenary group with the magician, in order to figure out who is the master who controls the dark creatures such as werewolves and buggies.

The effect of the curse gradually receded. The outer city wall of Fort Corsini collapsed for a full 20 meters, and a terrible gap appeared. What was more terrifying was that the main castle collapsed for half, and there was a huge loss that could not be recovered!

It is not appropriate to say that the defensive circle of the seven magic circles has no effect. At least most of the impact has been absorbed by those sky-price crystal nuclei, otherwise Fort Kosenyi under the earthquake may not even have one remaining building!

At this moment, the commander of Kaske did not hesitate to make an offensive order, and the entire mercenary regiment had only 400 people rushing straight out of half-even at this decisive moment, he still left the reserve team The attacking methods followed by the Cavaliers and Infantry on the less spacious roads are definitely called aggressive. The only five knights left by the heretical ruling did not join the first batch of charge teams, but stood in the second batch of reserve. In front, stare at the castle, waiting for the other party to fight back.

As the cavalry sprinted towards the castle of Corsene, no enemies appeared in the rising smoke.


The cavalrymen are ready to cheer, and the knight with the flag of war is even ready to rush into this ancient castle to loot. They don’t believe that there can be several survivors in the castle destroyed by the ban. While the entire cavalry regiment was waiting in front of the castle to continue the charge, the three leading knights suddenly flew into the air without warning!

The war horse and the knight separated in the air, and under the impact of the ground bursting, a huge dragon-like head suddenly rushed out and opened the big mouth of the blood basin-a roar like a dragon Yin burst with a burst of fire The blade of the elements makes more than a dozen lives that can’t stop in front of you generate shards of flesh and blood!

The surrounding horses were frightened by the breath and coercion brought by higher creatures, and began to run away from the knight’s control, and the entire cavalry regiment lost its strategic role in an instant!

With wings spread, the body lifted Hydera, who was seven meters in height, and roared again, and then launched a terrifying charge towards the infantry group in front!

A cat and a cat suddenly appeared on its head, Murphy held a dagger wand, a dark leather armor was unremarkable, and his black hair was raised by the strong wind-this time, he stood at the forefront.

There is no ambitious aspiration or goal, all he has to do is to keep his remaining foothold in this chaotic world.

Hedra, who rushed into the square of the infantry group, swept the thousand troops with a snake-like body. The arrows and swords were almost completely ineffective. The tail needle pierced one soldier after another, and Murphy standing above it raised to the sky. Phoenix wood wand in hand.

Spheres condensed by countless elements instantly appeared on the tip of the rod, and then was thrown by Murphys to the crowd in front of him-the explosion caused a violent impact, and Roy, who was pale in the distance because of the release of the ban, was completely shocked!

Because of Murphy’s approach, this is the biggest waste of magician’s precious crystal energy!

But like a crystal silk upstart, he blew up the formation of the first batch of hundreds of soldiers!

Sphinx in the form of a fold cat jumped from Hydera, suddenly transformed, and quickly passed through the chaotic soldiers of the first echelon, and Murphys closely followed Sphinx’s footsteps.

With a jump, he jumped onto the deformed Sphinx. This overlord-level lord now has a stronger body and an eighth scorpion-shaped tail stitch. The speed of running is even faster. The strong wind of the leaves, one person and one animal, so quickly rushed to the distance and began to start the charge of the heretical knight squad!

The Paladin puts Na first, and the tall military horse is like a pet compared to Sphinx. The spare lance in her hand is not as long as Sphinx’s tail pin. Under this disparity gap, she still rushes forward without any fear. And the Roy in the rear has already begun to cast spells, and the entire reserve is ready to meet the impact!


Let Na stab before the gun, UU read books www.uukanshu. com’s blow with golden light was amazing-but the huge sphinx in front of her suddenly turned the body with an unbelievable gesture and speed. It was able to avoid the blow and the body’s center of gravity suddenly changed. In the past, the half-body began to rotate horizontally, and the eight tail needles stab the knight squad riding the war horse from front to back!


The violent impact sounded, the horses flew out, and the bodies of the four big knights were so pierced on the tail needle!

Of the five knights, none of them could attack Sphinx. Except Jeanna, the other four were born with tail pins pierced through their chests, and the heavy armored war horse even flew out, like a broken doll. Recoil death!


Sphinx like a giant lion opened the huge mouth full of sharp teeth, the body pierced on the tail was flung all over the ground, and then slapped the just standing up to let Na Shengsheng flew out more than ten times. Meter!

Overlord-level Warcraft, I-level existence, absolute power suppression!

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