The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 59 - That figure

Lilith felt that Murphy was really crazy.

After telling the guy the location of the logistic office of the camp, the inexplicably lost 50 sets of armor caused the leader of the Qituan group to smash three water bottles angrily, and no one looked good for two days.

Fortunately, on these two days, she was on duty and escaped the fate of spitting her face, but the results of continuous inspections were not very optimistic. The army of Fording Empire in the west and the army of Gabriel Empire in the south had already let her thoroughly Understand the fact that the maniac plan has worked.

Fifty sets of armor that were suddenly lost are not trivial–along with the rank badges of the soldiers, even the spare nameplate with the name on it!

This means that after wearing these armor and nameplate badges neatly, no one can tell whether this guy really belongs to the Byzantine cavalry!

The consequence of reporting the matter to the military department is that the Qi team leader bears the responsibility. Lilith insisted on not telling him the truth, but never thought that the guy actually did such a nasty thing!

“Reconnaissance team, armed reconnaissance, three teams, a group of radiation began to narrow down today!”

The new mission was issued, but it appeared to be more urgent and critical. Obviously, Fording’s scout expanded the scope of reconnaissance and vigilance. The situation is that the scout team may encounter combat at any time.

Lilith trot back to the tent to wear equipment, and the tight formation of the three teams scouted after the war horse, not like the investigation but preparing to attack-this is also a manifestation of Byzantine’s tough attitude.

“Any military unit that does not belong to Byzantium is an enemy, so attack as appropriate.”

This is an order.

Checked the lance and fully enclosed helmet that I haven’t worn for a long time. The role of the scout system at this time has been upgraded to the light armored cavalry team. Lilith adapted to the narrow vision of the mask, but suddenly felt that there was a team beside him. The figure is somewhat familiar.

Turning his head, he saw a figure that was wearing a helmet and was awkward.

Maybe I think too much.

Lilith frowned and didn’t pay attention anymore, led by the leading captain to the forest where there were already enemies in the distance.

Shortly after the group set off, a stun was found in the camp account and threw it under the camp bed, but it belonged to this guy who just started the team…

According to the investigation route arranged by the captain, Lilith’s current direction is to bypass the edge of Feilengcui town and walk in a semi-arc route towards the inside of the sacred Gabriel empire, which is completely different from the previous decentralized investigation. The detection method is a cluster attack formation, which can directly charge and chase when encountering small-scale enemies. The second half of the team has been equipped with short bows, in order to play a certain long-range attack in the sudden encounter. effect.

Lilith is in the front and back of the third row of the entire team. The fully equipped scout team has become a light cavalry team. Closed helmets, wooden board shields, and lightweight wooden rods. Lilith is psychologically not nervous. After all, this is because For the first time, a large-scale team battle may be encountered, but when the horses are moving at a constant speed, everything seems to be the same as usual.

The road in the forest occasionally has rugged ups and downs, and the vision fluctuates. When the first leader in front of the team crosses an uphill, the horses are suddenly tightened!

The entire team following the climb was silent for a second.


The shouting behind the helmet had just sounded, and Lilith raised her head and looked forward to see the black figure flashing in the sky-black clothes, bat wings, pale face, blood race!

But as the horse climbed to the highest point of the hillside, Lilith’s eyes behind the helmet suddenly widened-because a group of black knights appeared in the field of vision!

It’s too late to see exactly what country or unit they belong to. These nearly 100 cavalrymen are rushing towards Lilith’s position in a rushing and lifeless attitude!

At this moment, the Byzantine light armored cavalry who rushed across the hillside and saw the enemy seemed to have forgotten what to do. Even the guy who shouted “enemy attack” in the forefront froze, wondering whether to move forward or retreat. ——Because the number of enemies is nearly double that of yourself, at this moment the terrain you are in is completely in a favorable position, and the top-down dive has a chance to compete with the opponent!

It seems that because of a similar situation, the black army on the hillside was also stunned. The horses running at the front slowed down. It seems that they did not know what the sudden cavalry team was planning.

It was only at the moment when both sides hesitated for a moment, Lilith rushed out of a figure beside him, without saying a word, but held up his rifle and ran toward the enemy like a black tide in a decisive gesture!

At this moment, his existence seemed to be the first turning leader in the huge fish school, leading everyone to follow unconsciously-that figure rushed out of the Byzantine cavalry, and almost all the cavalry were conditioned and straight behind him The charge started!

Even the lowest-level scout troops used the most basic military qualities of the “Byzantine cavalry”, a well-known mainland armament, when they returned to God to determine the charge-a wedge-shaped array was straightly swept at a distance of 30 meters. Out, the short bow began to shoot, the front row of lances was leveled, the whole team had no slogan at all, and the silent and high speed killed the black cavalry team below the slope!

The Black Cavalry Regiment was originally in the uphill stage where the speed of the horses was declining, and it just slowed down collectively because of a daze. Although this group of enemies had a large number of people, they could not continue to accelerate at the moment due to the terrain. ‘S light armored cavalry hit a fragment!

From top to bottom, the acceleration of the long **** makes the impact of the light armored cavalry even comparable to the heavy cavalry, especially…

At the moment when the unknown guy rushed to the forefront in contact with the enemy, he burst into a burst of air at the front of the lance, and exploded the lance that the front row of the opponent tried to resist!

This is something the Grand Knight can do!

Lilith followed behind the knight, unable to guess his true identity at all, and even unable to connect the blood family that had just appeared with the enemy at hand. The first time the group charged to the real enemy, she held her breath and stabilized her rifle. However, he found that the enemy in front of him was not as clear-cut as he imagined.

The wooden target during training became a moving target that was swiftly swaying in front of my eyes. The shouts shook the sky, the blood flew, and I could not pay attention to where the lance was stabbed. The arms were numb and the legs were stiff until there was no enemy in front of me. Lilith only discovered…

Your own troops have penetrated twice the number of enemy lines!

Morale is rising.

The knight at the forefront showed no signs of injury. His lance was broken in his hand, but at this moment he was holding a giant sword, holding the reins with one hand, and looking back at the enemy that had been hit hard by him.

This scene is forever imprinted in Lilith’s mind. The light projected down the hillside elongated the shadow of the knight. The eyes could not be seen clearly behind the closed helmet, but he could still feel his unmatched fighting intent .

The knight led the entire cavalry regiment around the hillside without stopping, and then after a while climbing, once again dived obliquely towards the already messy enemy formation!

There was a loud sound of elemental sound in the air.

The long sword attached to the light, and the exploded element blade once again tore the flanks of the black robe team!

Lilith was terrified-it was not until now that she suddenly understood who this unconscious leader was!

It is still unreasonable to use the inertial advantage to violently tear the opponent’s divided battle array. These Byzantine recruits quickly adapted to the rhythm of the battlefield. Encouraged by high morale, the victory of the whole battle has been set!

Lilith had forgotten that the enemies chopped to death by the war horse were the first few souls under the sword. She just looked up and looked for the guy who had just led them to victory.

There were many same soldiers who looked up together. Their faces were immature, but they had more perseverance and courage. After the first step of the blood and fire experience, they all wanted to remember the brave soldier who took the charge. name.

But, like Lilith, they got nothing.

A corpse was left over the blood-stained battlefield. After the scout team won the battle with a very low battle loss ratio, the knight with the highest performance was gone.


You come back to me! “

Lilith took off her helmet, but two tears were faintly visible on her cheeks, and her blond hair was shining like a waterfall in the sun, dazzling and unusual.

No one knows why she called so, no one knows who the tears are for…

In the barracks where the sacred Gabriel empire was stationed, there was an indescribable depression that made the soldiers even lower their voices.

The missions that were going out to prepare for negotiations with the Fording Empire Army failed to return on time, but the search results were news that the entire army was annihilated.

The messenger group is not a scout group. Although it has not had a powerful bishop, it represents the face of the entire sacred Gabriel empire. This team seems to have been ambushed before reaching the Fording Barracks. The most bizarre point It was the team’s course of travel that changed, as if a big circle in the forest.

The place where they died was under the hillside, and the traces left from the scene are not difficult to see because they were attacked by Byzantine cavalry.

The army commander Hanks on the bright side was unable to decide after the decision personally asked the three heretical ruling leaders hidden in the team, but the final answer made him more difficult.

The goal of the three giants is only Murphys. The army is not brought to fight against other countries. Regardless of the process, the only result is to find the culprit of the ruling.

So whether to fight back or not has become a problem for General Hanks-fight?

The faces of the three giants are there, they are uncomfortable before and after, not fighting?

Where is the dignity of the sacred Gabriel empire?

However, when the general was entangled, news came that more than three teams in the outer scout formation were attacked by the Fording Rangers!

“This is imperial territory!

It’s not this group of nonsense! “

Hanks slapped the table fiercely, leaving the surroundings quiet.

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