The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 65 - The purest woman

>Panning, the dwarf who hit Ashcandi’s chin with a hammer, rushed towards Ashcandi at the moment.

Even if he knew that he had been hit easily by the imprisoned woman, he still stood in front of Ashcandi without any retreat, and once again wielded the hammer!


The iron hammer struck Ashcandi’s abdomen, but was blocked by an indescribable great force, and it was difficult to enter.

Pan Ning continued to lift the hammer in his hand without delay, and the battlefield sounded at least ten detonations in almost three seconds!

The highest form of physical strength is that the hammer brings up the light of element burst during the swinging process.

But Ashkandi stood quietly, lowering his eyes, watching the short man in front of him trying his best to attack himself, always expressionless.

“I remember you.”

Eventually, she lifted her palm, and Panning’s movement immediately froze.

Absolute power, absolute control, with Ashcandi’s arm raised, Panning’s body instantly floated directly in front of her like a puppet controlled by a rope.

Reaching down and taking down the hammer in Panning’s hand, Ashcandi didn’t have any strenuous expression from beginning to end, as if just picking it up from the ground.

“When you go to hell, don’t forget to greet the cardinals.”

At the next moment, Ashcandi waved his hammer with one hand.


The invincible hammer in Panning’s hands broke.

The hammerhead and Panning flew into the sky together, and the dwarf hit in the abdomen disappeared in the sky almost in the blink of an eye, completely disappeared without a trace!

With a pure metal hammer handle in his hand, Ashcandi looked at it and threw it away without looking up! Not far away, the holy grail knight with his sword blocked by his life broke the giant sword in his hand. The strength of it made him sit on the ground directly, so that the palm of the hand was cracked.

Ashcandi at this moment cannot be resisted.

Still moving forward, the two giants of the heretical ruling court have completely lost their threats. The distant face of the ground, pale and difficult to breathe, Mrs. Prague watched Ashkandi coming to her face, and suddenly turned back in front of her The hand held the Holy Grail Knight behind him with a full blow of the golden holy flame, kicking off the opponent’s leg bones with one foot, and then “click” to cut off the huge blade!

Immediately, the debris in the hand was slowly and pierced into the opponent’s chest.

The two Holy Grail Knights were scrapped.

After doing this, Ashcandi clapped his hands and looked down at the woman who had almost killed herself, saying, “Without the gun of Lankinus, what are you?”

After all, she suddenly waved her arm to the left-the figure of an assassin appeared in the air, but at the moment of his appearance, the entire head was already flew out by Ashkandi!

The headless body fell to the ground, and the so-called lethality of the “Sinzaro”-class assassins was completely **** in front of Ashkandi.

Mrs. Prague tried to get up with her hands propped up, but found Ashkandi gently raising her legs and stepping on her back.

“I hate these wings.”

With red eyes and disgust, Ashcandi reached out and grabbed the half-dark angel wings and continued: “Think of it, you are a real angel?”


The golden light spewed out like a substantial liquid, and the golden wings symbolizing the angel of wisdom were pulled off by the queen in the dark like pulling grass under the broad daylight!

Mrs. Prague was full of despair, on the verge of collapse.

“It’s not sacred, it just looks bluffing.”

Ashcandi looked down at the angel wings that seemed to disappear, throwing away like garbage, “I really don’t understand why so many people worship it, is its existence higher than its own existence?” ?”

Moving on, Ashcandi’s black robe was shaken by the blown angel phantom, and he stretched his hand to smooth his long hair. The army of the sacred Gabriel empire was shaking and trembling like a wind-slow grass.

The Byzantine phalanx that was always silent finally made a move.

The infantry phalanx is no longer clustered to lift the shield, and the dismounted knight is no longer behind the shield wall. The entire square battle array instantly deforms and spreads out immediately, heading straight towards the black Gabriel army.

In the rear, the second batch and the third batch of reserves were simultaneously pushed up. The small number of Byzantines instantly had the momentum to dominate the battlefield and annex opponents!

Ashcandi stood in the middle of the **** red road where countless corpses were saved, looked back indifferently, and no longer advanced.

Lilith stretched out her hand and lifted the closed visor, ignoring the strong wind when the battle horse was running, she tried to open her eyes and looked in front of her.

Her scout reconnaissance battalion was the third batch of light armored cavalry reserves for this operation because it was the closest to the sacred Gabriel army. In the end, she only saw a few flashes of light, and then started the whole assault under the sound of the horn!

It is a true army, and there is no reserve team at all.

Lilith has not participated in big-scale advocacy, and does not understand what it means–usually a wise commander will never make such a decision at random, but at this moment no one will think about extra questions at all, because The sacred Gabriel Empire now appears to be fleeing!

It was only after rushing out of the team that Lilith understood the reason.

On the side of the horse, the team spontaneously detoured from the center of the battlefield, where neat and shocking corpse mountains were displayed. Lilith, who raised her face shield, saw the silent holy grail knight lying on the ground and saw the ground. A huge crack that makes the scalp numb

And that figure standing on top of the blood sea, lightly bearing his hands.

“Is she Ashcandi?”

Lilith remembered the rumors about Murphy-that “farewell” **** bombed the heresy, and the woman who was rescued by herself in the face of the entire Vatican’s counterattack was reaching out and destroying one directly. The horror character of the entire vanguard army?

The idea in a woman’s heart is always very weird. In Lilith’s eyes, the woman who seemed to be standing on the summit invisibly made her secretly the object of taste, and suddenly became a mountain that needed to look up.

When can I be like her?

The irresistible thought made Lilith stunned for a moment, but it seemed that he sensed this sight. Ashcandy turned his head slightly in the distance, and the pair of ancient well-worn eyes were coincidentally or deliberately with the prince’s daughter Suddenly looked at each other.

Lilith turned away uncontrollably—had to say that after seeing the corpse again, the fear of the queen from her heart made her dare not have any thoughts of confrontation.


The Charge has sounded once again. The first cavalry has collided fiercely with the opponent’s morale-free front. The uninterrupted sprints of the second and third batches can be said to have firmly taken advantage of the frontal battlefield!

Lilith turned her head again, and could no longer find the invincible figure.

As the smoke cleared, the sacred Gabriel empire at night seemed to restore its former tranquility.

It’s just that the dead bodies on the battlefield and the vultures and crows hovering in the sky indicate that there was an indescribable and violent battle here.

Murphy wandered gently on the edge of the battlefield, gazing at the dark, but **** battlefield, turning his head to Ashcandy walking side by side: “When you kill someone, you will feel guilty What?”


The distance between Ashcandy and Murphys is only one step. This is a situation that has never happened in hundreds of years. The range of less than one meter represents her inner abandonment of vigilance against Murphys. The darkness at this moment The queen did not kill the decisive cold, but looked down at her toes and said softly: “Every time I deprive others of life, I seem to see my final destiny.”

“Am I going to be born of violence and die like them, and have no time to have friends, but only enemies to mourn?”

After a brief silence, Murphy did not know what to say. Both battles during the day ended with a Byzantine victory. Although it was only a staged victory, it was of great significance.

At the moment, Murphy, who was standing beside the battlefield, did not come to smell the corpse. He needed to make sure that there were no people he knew on the battlefield.

Fortunately, he was relieved by the result. The battle between Byzantine and Holy Gabriel was almost free of damage due to the presence of Ashcandi. Presumably, Lilith in the reserve will have no accidents.

“Come to your friend?”

Ashcandi asked suddenly, making Murphy pause.

“Yes, the daughter of Prince Hades, in the reserve light cavalry regiment.”

Murphy did not hide anything, turned a corner, and signaled to return.

“She is a brave little girl.”

Ashcandi raised his head and looked at the sky, “Each of us has our own little insistence, doesn’t it? She has it, so do you.”

Murphy answered in silence.

“I used to be obsessed with what I was insisting on. Until I met “her” a few days ago, I really understood that what I need to insist on is “self”.”

Ashcandi reached out and squeezed lightly. At the moment, Murphy, who was not tall, turned back and saw a pair of tender red eyes.

“If everyone insists on “self”, there will be a lot less disappointment in this Isn’t it? Even if tomorrow is the end, I will face it calmly, even if there are more people standing in front of me, I can also destroy them with a smile without frowning.”

Murphy stopped and sighed softly: “The purest man is the true philosopher.”

“I don’t understand those things, just like I still don’t understand why you provoke this war.”

“The existence of the night watchman was not allowed by any country before this war, but since today, we have a reasonable way out and background.” Murphy pointed to the direction of the Byzantine barracks, “Medical care The Knights don’t have Byzantine cavalry. The noble princes who come to the front with gold plating have made a lot of credit for your presence. The head of the army and the deputy head of the army just know me, so I have a lot of confidence in the next step. In the period of time, the Byzantine Empire’s attitude towards the “night watchman” will change somewhat.”


“Not sure, but at least we can get a shade that can shelter from the rain. As for whether there will be other support, we can only look at their decision.”

Murphy looked into the distance, where brightly lit Byzantine barracks were faintly visible.

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