The Black Scepter

v2 Chapter 67 - Sun Elves and the Magistrate

>The Night Watch Chapter 67 The Sun Elves and the Judgment Giant [Update Time] 2012-07-3109:14:59 [Word Count] 3195 A small war cannot destroy the sacred Gabriel empire completely and cancel the opposition to Mexico Fez’s wanted, petty squabbles on the border can only be called “friction” for several big countries with more than 100,000 standing troops. If they really use their full strength, Fei Lengcui has already been stepped to the ground. .

In the eyes of the real superiors-such as Edward III or Louis VI of the Fordine Empire, or the Pope of the Vatican-everything that happened near Emerald Hill seems to them to be just a few of the chess pieces thrown out to interact with each other. .

Tang Jidi once said:

“If all wars do not bring high profits in the eyes of the rulers, whether they win or lose, they are all failures.” So the frictions caused by the country’s “face” on the border will never lead to real major admiration. There are not too many looting resources around the center of Fei Leng Cui for five hundred miles, and the four countries have no need and reason to really launch a war of annihilation unless one party is fully prepared.


Murphy took out the map and stared at the unfamiliar area in the lower left corner of the map that he had never been to. Now his mind has been placed on how to develop the night watchman’s peace of mind-his fingertips crossed the map, From the northeast corner of the sacred Gabriel, gently swipe down to the left, passing through the Vatican and a series of cardinal cities, and finally across the border, the prosperous empire by the sea is the next destination.

Turning his gaze, in the map, the Byzantines in the east are huge and gazing like giants. Murphy is fascinated slightly-he needs the support of his father’s allegiance to the empire, even if it is not support but neglect, it is better than joint wanted.

The taste of waiting for the ruling is not good for Murphy…

Elindal’s figure and the night are completely hidden.

In the ancient legends of the extreme north of the mainland, the giant Ymir was killed by the **** Odin for violating the gods, and the body fell to the ground. The sunny side spawned the sun elf, and the dark sun side produced the dark elves. These two elf images It is similar, and it has a long life due to the absorption of the life essence of giant Ymir, and at the same time has good communication ability with the elements.

This is the elven tribe, the glorious once in ancient times.

It’s just that in this era of human **** of the world, what the elves have to do seems to be similar to Murphy’s current goal-to survive and proliferate in this crisis-ridden world.

As for Elyndall, her life has experienced the ups and downs that ordinary elves have never imagined in her life, the tragedy of childhood, the brutal training she received as an adult, until now she finds herself step by step when she gradually touches a secret truth, Every step forward, she has to face greater pressure and more condemnation from her heart in the “creed” organization’s failure rate of less than 1%.

Violating the order of the organization at this moment, personally investigating in the forest outside the town of Feileng Cui, this behavior is likely to lead to the direct dismissal of her regional intelligence chief-the reason is that she began to doubt and question her in the “creed “Is everything done in seventy-five years really true.

Standing above the trees, Irindal, who overlooked Feilengcui Town, jumped off the trunk, so light that there was no sound of landing, and walked on foot. There were only slight, unmarked footprints on the ground, this assassin witnessed After seeing the entire defeat of the sacred Gabriele team, the target she was looking for was nearby, but she didn’t start to search for the location of the boy who had a relationship, but came to listen to Gabriel. Army information.

Efficiency is the first, if you want to understand Murphy, it is certainly the most convenient way from Murphy’s enemies.

But when the assassin, who had entered the uninhabited land, came to the center of the barracks, the old man heard the roar of General Hanks, and even the step of bypassing the high-level guards was omitted.

“Who the **** told you that the reserve team is going to be out of contact with 300 meters?

Who leads the team?


Military disposal! “

“I don’t want to hear any statistics on the battle loss ratio!

The entire First Corps killed a woman. What’s the point of telling me that there are enough reserves? “

“Let the group of noble lords come quickly. If you don’t want to come, give them a happy word. If you don’t, you can report to the Holy See to let the ruling hall handle the group of deserters!”

Irindal listened to the anger, but suddenly Ting’s footsteps, slowly moved into the dark trees next to him-not far away, a bald man who was extremely conspicuous in the dark night thoughtfully looked Looked over here and walked into General Hanks’ camp.

For the second time, Maxim seems to have failed in Ashcandi’s fight.

In the previous two games, Mrs. Prague was hit twice. The penning **** who claimed to have outstanding physical capabilities was beaten to death before he could say it. Maxim’s behavior had to be said to be a wise move-don’t be small Looking at the bald head, it is not only the scalp, but also his almost unlimited thoughts and ideas.

This lonely guy’s main job is alchemist, with many secondary occupations, including enchanter, rune maker, armor maker, weapon forge, historian, architect, and physicist. He obtained professional qualifications Proof is enough that any guy who claims to be a genius has low self-esteem, but what he did in the heretical court is always a mystery.

Completely secret, completely closed, except for the other two giants, almost no one knows what he is doing. The laboratory under Mrs. Prague’s staff is used to study various ways to combat dark creatures. The research results of the last fifty years are based on Jeanna. On behalf of the magic knight, Pan Ning’s men are a group of brainless warriors like him, who are only responsible for training the war machine, while Maxim is always alone, but the other two giants have never dared to underestimate this bald head, which is enough The hidden strength and status can’t be glimpsed.

Walking into the tent, Maxim looked cold and met General Hanks head-on, raising his hand to stop the opponent’s surprise salute. He naturally sat on the chair beside him and said in a deep voice:

“What’s behind?”

“The logistics line can guarantee, but there is something wrong with the source of the soldiers. If you continue to fight, you can only fight more and more empty. If you defend, Fei Lengcui does not have a castle as a relying on, and may be used at any time…

Woman leveled. “

General Hanks is very respectful of Maxim, and he has not made any official nonsense. He will finish the sentence in a few words and look grim.

“No need to defend, the front will retreat, and I will inform His Majesty the Pope about the frontline.”

Maxime simply gave General Hanks the only path currently available, “but a momentary retreat doesn’t mean we can’t fight back, understand?”

“Understood, sir.”

Hanks, who is the supreme leader, bent over to salute, without a word.

To make a soldier truly convinced by mouth, it is useless to be a senior official. Hanks knows the skill of this big man in front of him. When the heretical ruling was replaced, the unknown bald head was alone. The brutal elimination ended in the end, and Yun Danfeng was light and harmless, and this resume alone was enough to convince any imperial officer.

Maxim walked out of the camp, turned his head slightly, and once again looked at the inconspicuous grass not far away, and the extremely uncomfortable indifferent face took a sneer, turned and left, without leaving any muddles.

Ilyndal, thirty meters away, was squeezing her eyes tight, her body like a tight rubber band, cold sweat falling down her cheeks, but she didn’t dare to reach out and wipe.

As a Japanese elf, her sensitivity to the elements is her inherent advantage and the reason why countless tasks survived—and at the very moment, the bald head just glanced at herself, and Irindal noticed The surrounding elements immediately began to condense and change-this means that if Maxim is willing, a chain of martyrdom will occur directly in front of Irindal in the next second!

But the other party did not do so.

Wisely, for this warning, the senior creed intelligence officer immediately decided to withdraw from this dangerous area-but just a hundred meters away from the outside of the camp, she was forced to stop.

“Let me guess, if you can enter the barracks to spy on intelligence at this time, except for the high-level scouts of Fording and Byzantium, maybe only the creed has such guts and boredom?”

Maxim’s figure appeared abruptly on the side of Irindal, as if he stood there from beginning to end but was not found, the tone was calm and indifferent, without any hatred.

Eindal pursed her lips, her figure appeared in the air, her uneven body was wrapped in a red and white cloth, not very conspicuous in the night, but it also highlighted that the high-level assassin was hiding from herself Confidence in tracking ability.

But at this moment, her confidence has been easily destroyed by the bald man in front of her.

“Head of Creed Organization.”

Eindhar very simply took the “Alpha” insignia and showed his identity in front of his bald head-usually, even if the other party was spying on his own intelligence, a great empire’s organization would not casually provoke people from the creed organization because If you kill a member of the creed, then there will be three targeted assassinations. If you survive through the creed will let you go, but you can only resist the head.

“It seems that your staff is a bit repetitive.”

Maxim smiled, but his expression was even more scary. “The goal you are responsible for is not here, am I right?”

“The Creed Organization -” “I don’t want to hear that set of formulaic rhetoric, you should know the head of the entire East Balice Empire 27 years ago?”

“‘Beheading Salentin’?”

“I don’t need that name anymore.”

Maxim still smiled, but Irene Dahl stood upright for a moment.

The former head of the “Beheading Salentin” creed organization in the East Balice Empire was at least four levels higher than Irindal, and the story behind the name was enough for any creed member to worship the fanaticism– This bloodthirsty butcher was killed twenty-seven years ago due to the failure of his members’ mission, and personally assassinated 34 senior officers in 15 military camps across East Balilice, which once paralyzed the entire military district management. One person makes the whole “creed” famous for a while!

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