The Black Scepter

v3 Chapter 11 - Not as powerful as expected

>When the Dark Blade Knights entered the city of West Sellin, this powerful elite cavalry regiment made all civilians along the way feel an unprecedented strong breath.

The blood-stained shirt has not been replaced. This 700-member cavalry regiment tried to take advantage of the lord coalition with zero casualties. After strangling the opposing cavalry regiment, this powerful army was only in the opposing infantry group. The field of vision showed that the hair-raising riding and the neat-to-hair formation, the infantry group with nearly 3,000 people no longer progressed like a startled bird, and then scattered and withdrew after three days of hesitation.

There is nothing embarrassing about this situation. It is really normal in Barrie. Murphys did not see the soldier of the Hegelian Lord in the battlefield statistics afterwards. The little lord of quarter size of Mir.

Regardless of the strength of this group of people, the Dark Blade Knights became famous, and this Knights almost immediately replaced the status of the “Palm Leaf Knights” in the original territory, indirectly consolidating the real power in the hands of the shadow lord Murphys. .

Brown, who once served as a Murphys instructor, did not expect the world to be so small. The kid who once circulated in Cauchy Knight Academy has now become his own boss. For Brown, there is no pressure-for a person For knights who have experienced countless wars, as long as there is blood in war, that is enough.

Because they can’t bear the easy life.

This knighthood that arrived like rain in a timely manner greatly increased the strength of the night watchman. So far, the “eyes” and “fists” needed for a sound iron-blooded institution have been provided. The “mouth” responsible for public relations already has “Lampard” The identity of the “Lord Advisor” is for me. The only thing that Murphy is worried about is that his lack of experience as a “head” will cause a lot of trouble. Although the experience is legendary and the strength is strong enough, after all, the team is not a team of several people but a future Organizations to fight against the Holy See.

So when he returned to the hall of the lord’s palace, the first one wanted to discuss with the queen who had a terrifying experience.

It just made him a little surprised, but it was still the green-eyed Ashkandi who sat quietly, looking at the changing sky outside the window without even changing his expression.

Murphy, who originally wanted to ask questions, was silent. He instinctively felt that it was not suitable to ask such questions now-so Murphy made an invitation after asking the servant of the lord’s palace to arrange food: “Do you have a dinner together?” “

There was no wording from the nobility, and it was straightforward to ask.

Ashkandi turned his head slightly absently, grasping the robe covering his knees nervously with both hands.

“Will there be many people?”

Murphys was a little puzzled by this question and thought a little, saying, “I can arrange it according to your requirements.”

Ashcandi still hesitated and said, “Try to be as few as possible. I don’t like places with many people.”

Murphy nodded and promised that the previous queen would never have extra requests. Sometimes she even forgot to eat in order to read a book. It seemed that food was superfluous for her.

But from the current point of view, Green Eye Ashkandi not only does not have the Queen’s horror strength, even her body is weaker than normal people.

In order to let Ashcandy, whose legs can’t move, leave the hall and go to the bedroom, Murphy meditated for a long time, and finally transformed the very high-level Warcraft of Sphinx into the size of a tiger, gently supporting his weak and abnormal body. Ashcandi sat on its back and walked gently with his gentleman’s arm to the luxuriously decorated lord’s restaurant.

In Balice, lunch and dinner are very important moments of the day, and all the identifiable people in the lord’s palace are required to gather in the restaurant, so the restaurant left by Lord Garde is extremely large, and the table is extremely long. When Murphy ordered all the original servants and even the knight Jean to retreat, and he personally placed several cooked foods in front of Ashkandi, the entire empty restaurant was filled with wine of precious red wine. The collision between the bottle and the crystal goblet appeared deserted.

Ashcandy sat quietly and dignifiedly at the end of the long dining table, staring at Murphy without a word. The black robe concealed the clenched fingers, and with Murphy sitting gently on her left The position gradually relaxed.

“Murpheus, are you really the head of a mercenary regiment?”

“Well, the name of the mercenary regiment is the night watchman. I am the regiment leader. Do you think I am too young?”

Murphys arranged the tableware for Ashcandi and arranged the napkins for the neckline. The etiquette of the Byzantine nobility did not fall.

“I think your identity should be more of a nobleman, but it is not the same as the nobleman of Fording,” Ashcandi looked up, looking at the restaurant’s huge dome like a small church, and his eyes turned back to Mexico. Fes, gradually restoring the calmness and calmness of the past, “Without that cumbersome pattern, but with the background of the great aristocracy, to be honest, I don’t believe the identity you said.”

This seems to be a signal that the two are getting acquainted-willing to talk about some private issues openly, for a woman means that she accepts the existence of the other in the heart, and has a certain affection.

“This is a short story,” Murphy answered the question carefully. “Speaking of it, have you ever thought about home?”

Ashcandi smiled, but seemed reluctant, “My home can’t go back anymore, does it?”

This sentence made Murphyston stunned, not knowing what went wrong.

“The “Baliceton History” in the lobby should not be a joke. The chronology above seems to have told me that I have lived for a long, long time.”

Ashcandi lowered his head slightly, gently picked up the crystal wine glass with mellow red liquor, hesitated, and took a small sip.

This is her first time drinking.

After confirming the fact that she is now hundreds of years older than she used to live, Ashkandi doesn’t seem to show any extraneous features at all, but still sits quietly-she knows well, no matter what the world is Changing, unable to stand, she can only silently bear all the pains of life.

The silver knife and fork that Murphys had just picked up was gently put down by him, and the things at hand were earlier than expected, but Ashcandi’s response was far more than expected-accept any calmly In reality, this is far from what a normal person can do.

“I don’t know how to tell your story, but I can guarantee that you are safe within the protection of the night watchman.”

In fact, because of your existence, the vigil is safe.

Murphy said the opposite inwardly, only to find Ashcandy smiling lightly in front of him.

“Someone once said this to me, but now he can no longer fulfill his original promise.”

There was a bleak feeling in her smile, “I don’t know if you have heard of his name.”

Murphy made a questioning expression in coordination.

“His name is Yizuer, but he hasn’t told me his surname until now.”

Ashcandi squeezed the wine glass lightly without even noticing Murphy’s clenched hands.

Yilin Daer still maintains a very high work efficiency, but accidentally discovered that the leader of the night watchman was a little haggard when he personally came to inform Murphy of the arrival of Yi Zur’s legacy in the morning.

Because of the exhaustion of the crystal silk energy, she stayed for another night without sleeping. Murphy’s appearance is similar to that of undead creatures. However, this elf did not raise any extra concerns or questions. Her only purpose is to Let Murphy dig out the things behind Sulfuras’ scepter, and the rest will not care.

But she didn’t know that Murphy hadn’t touched the scepter anymore.

The two people who “cooperate” with their own spirits are naturally not as open as they imagined, but the short-term stability will inevitably be maintained. The news of Irindal gave Murphy a slight relief-arrived in West with the heritage of Yi Zur Sellin’s, as well as an entire group of magicians and great swordsmen of the Windsor family, and the wealth of more than 100,000 gold coins.

Although it was all good news, Murphy still seemed a little sullen. Queen Ashkandi had not reappeared until now, which made Murphy more and more awkward.

He has never had any dependence psychology, but at the moment, he has suddenly changed, but he has realized that his long-term strength is actually from the woman standing in front of him.

The real him is not as powerful as expected.

Now Murphy is still stuck on the threshold of the low-level knight. The crystal energy also has no significant progress. Although he understands that nothing is urgent, the night watchman really needs a leader who can hold it up and speak.

Walking to Castle Square, there are many familiar faces in the queue that have been lined up for review. Murphy greeted the Duke of Windsor a year ago and even greeted many of them. The great swordsmen lined up to stand in line, behind them was a queue of three hundred pure noble knights.

The atmosphere of the square is solemn, and everyone at the moment can be described as a solid elite combat force. It is a fighting unit that any lord can encounter, but at this moment, the heir of the purple iris, Murphys, the young master of the Duke of Windsor When standing in front of them in another identity, they just said very quietly:

“I only have one sentence to ask: When the world is How many people can still fight alongside me?”

Short silence.

The first row of great sword masters draw their swords collectively, stand on the ground, kneel on one knee, and perform the swordsman ceremony.

Then came the mage with a law enforcement stick and a bow.

Then, three hundred knights took off their helmets neatly and sworn allegiance to the knighthood.

Murphy looked at less than four hundred people in front of him. He hadn’t said one more word and suddenly turned around, but saw the thin figure standing side by side with himself.

In the sun, the familiar red eyes blinked at him, although he had no words, he had surpassed any oath.

“So, what other reason do I have to back down.”—

(Recently in a bad state, I can’t always write a feeling. If you have any plot suggestions, you can publish them in a book review and give me some reminders. After all, the book is on the shelf, and I always have a place to take care of when I write. The more plots, the more confused I will be than the readers, and I hope you can help me to guide me, thank you!)

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