The Black Scepter

v3 Chapter 18 - Arcanist, Joan of Arc

> “Shield, camouflage lighting.”

Sunderland, who was born in the academy, has never been more nonsense. A team of more than a dozen people immediately took the swordman holding a shield outside and the mage holding a wand as the basic fighting stance. The triple “smooth shield” completely covered the front of the team At the same time, a faint bright spot appeared 20 meters away from the left side of the team, and then slowly began to bloom a few slightly hazy beams-that is the “camouflage lighting” used by the fire magic to cause visual errors, in the dark When dealing with sneak attackers in the dark, this dim and bright light can easily attract attackers who are far away and cannot see the real situation.

The squad with rich combat experience reacted extremely quickly. After the appearance of camouflage lighting, the magic wand lighting of the wizards disappeared collectively, and the entire team moved quickly in the other direction. “Cracking” sounded the shattering sound of several arrows hitting the stone pillar-the enemies’ attack direction began to move in the direction of camouflage lighting.

Sunderland was so pregnant.

As a great magister, he has absolutely more control over remote elements than any other mage. Within five seconds, he can clearly identify the arrow from back to back. His wand is only gently waving three times towards the distance, nearly a hundred meters away. There were three screams from the grandstand at the top of the arena!

Sunderland not only released three spells, but also three “bonds of the earth” and three “red flames” that bloomed at nearly the same time. This kind of darkness was enough to make people blind for a short time. The death of the attacker completely prevented his eyes from opening. Even at such a long distance, Murphy saw the figure with a bow and arrow covering his face.

The battle took less than a minute from the time the sword master was attacked to the end.

Needless to say extra words, the attackers and the stopped arrow rain who were fixed in the distance have already shown the team’s first victory in this dark space. The swordsmen immediately raised their shields to bypass the circular arena Running towards the enemy, the magician’s wand beam focused on all nearby places where the enemy might appear. Sphinx was gently released by Murphys, and the silent kitten climbed into the competition silently. The eaves at the highest point of the field narrowed their eyes and overlooked the entire arena.


A team of ten heavily armed swordsmen is more than enough to control three sneak attackers who were injured by magic, but when these three graceful figures were reflected in Murphy’s field of vision, he was stunned for a while-how can there be elves in this place ?

Under the magic white light of the wand, three female elves in humble leather armor were twisted by their hands, and their mouths were filled with pieces of cloth removed from their clothes. In front of Murphys, it was just different from Ilindal’s pale cheeks, their skin was slightly purplish, and their eyes also reflected a silvery glow.

The eyes of the three were full of hatred and fear, and the look in Murphy’s eyes seemed to be like the enemies who did not share the sky, and after Sunderland nodded to signal the safety around him, Murphy reached out and ripped off the cloth in one of them I haven’t had time to say anything, so I saw this elf-faced elf beauty shouting when she opened her throat—


The high-level swordsman next to him didn’t give her a chance at all. She punched her abdomen with a punch, and the sound of her mouth was too dull in her throat before she could scream.

“I don’t want to cause any trouble, if I don’t understand what I said, just give it a try.”

Murphy said in Verding, but the elf didn’t seem to understand what he was saying. He raised his head and shouted again, so she was greeted with a relentless fist.


The gaspless elf spit out a spit mixed with blood and opened his mouth weakly, but Murphy found that she could not understand the language she spoke.

“It’s Ancient Sicilian,” Sunderland, who studied countless ancient Sicilia’s literature, had a pure grasp of the language of this ancient empire, but he frowned and translated the words spoken by the elf, “she said’Anubre The Ke family vowed to die’.”

“Somewhere to speak, I need to figure out something.”

Murphy looked at the three attackers who might be the legendary “night elves”, turned his head and pointed to the “lounge” of the arena, and stretched his hand to put the rag in the elf’s mouth in front of him. His face was cold. Looked out of the arena, “I arranged a guard, and if there is any movement, I am ready to fight at any time.”

No matter how big the secret, no matter how big the unknown area, there is always a breakthrough.

Outside the dark arena, Sphinx stood quietly on the wide roof, and like a kitten, he gently raised his head and looked into the distance in the darkness.

There, a black shadow fell gently on the distant roof

Byzantium, Constantine.

Since Edward III ordered the part of “Eagle Eye” to be gifted to Murphys, an exotic “heresy”, all nobles who had been gloating over the Windsor family had been silent for a long time.

The “Templar Knights” Cold Blade Pioneer Banner given by His Royal Highness is even more unrecognizable. What does the boy who hasn’t appeared in Constantine for a long time deserve to be so valued.

Does the nobles of Constantine lack genius?

The answer is naturally no, it is not only Lilith who is serving as a noble child to serve at the border. At this moment at a celebration feast held by Constantine, more than double-digit young nobles are wearing Edward III in person Various medals were awarded, holding wine glasses in hand and the officials in the house exchanged thrilling battle experience on the front line.

The words “front-side gold-plated” may be the ideas of most people, but few of the nobles who have really gone to the battlefield have lived a comfortable life-they can rush into the battlefield and participate in Longinus in the first three batches. The nobles appointed by the prince for large-scale military battles are all excellent martial arts youth leaders, and the most notable among them are the three young men who wear the “Golden Leaf Medal” on their chests.

Once the roommate of Murphys, Hiddink Charles, Sara Justinian who duel with him when Murphys disappeared inexplicably to Constantine, and the other was from the territory of Thaye, northwest of Constantine. Master-Deco, son of the Marquis of Karen.

Speaking of participating in this military war, Thayer’s territory was not far away from the front line. It was considered a great bargain by the Marquis of Karen. As the largest logistics hub, he did not need to say how much he earned from it. The Marquis of Qianhui speculation had a military mad son, and Deco was definitely a unique geek among the nobles who advanced the entire Byzantine young echelon.

Hiddink, with the help of tactics and unexpected strategies, personally led a pure noble cavalry team to sneak attack and destroy the two logistics hubs of Fording and Kaslandi. Sara Justinian relied on his own family’s The Honor Guard flank the battlefield to build a huge advantage for the Imperial team, while Deco, by contrast, is the most unremarkable ordinary cavalry who will be called the Continental cavalry in a frontal encounter where the Byzantine army encounters the most resistance. The first Captain of the Kaslandi Cavalry is under the horse!

If the establishment of idol heroes is necessarily accompanied by the fall of an enemy who has been established with a “strong” image, then Deco definitely meets this requirement.

It just seems that at the age of 23, his ambition will never be much worse than the arrogant Sarah, just like wearing the “Golden Leaf Medal” of the Imperial Team in this battle. The eyes are just what they deserve, and they are definitely not worth showing off.

As a believer in power, he had a great conversation with Sarah, another winner of the medal. The two young men were about the same strength and about the same age. The most important thing was that they had a high degree of consensus on an opinion-so this When the two young leaders faced Hiddink, the kind of disdainful eyes that looked like thieves always inadvertently revealed their deep hidden arrogance.

“Riding on horseback, the horizon will be much wider than usual?”

The three people’s face was full of gunpowder, and Sarah didn’t even lift her eyes, but the words pointed directly to the fact that Hiddink was not tall, even though the pale cheeks and the seemingly thin Hiddink had actually been given by the battle. To the rank of the low-level knight, but also suffer from the blind eye.

Also, Sarah has been promoted to the rank of Grand Knight, and Deco has the same terrifying rank. The few ghosts in this large nobility are not comparable to ordinary noble children, and it is no wonder that they will look down on a few lower strengths. Hiddink can get the same medal as him.

Hiddink, who was always gloomy, shrugged slightly and did not respond-he was not a warrior. All he did on the front was to make the most detailed plan with his own mind, and brought his own buddy fat Boozer and the big head. The noble children of Wen and the people who got together have made dazzling warfare in a haunted way of combat. In terms of individual strength, his cavalry team is far less than the group of cold-blooded knights of the Byzantine front-line sword camp.

But in terms of execution efficiency, I am afraid that there are few competing regiments.

The medal on his chest was Edward III’s intent to send it to him. Hiddink’s father was useless to refute, and it is inevitable to provoke trouble now-but this military theorist is more calm than anyone else, but not It means he has no bottom line.

“Why, why didn’t your cavalry show up here? Can’t you get the countertop?”

“They are not my cavalry, but knights of the empire.”

Hiddink will leave when he turns around. He has never been interested in wasting time on unnecessary saliva battles, but just about to leave, he hears a word from behind him that is not yinyangyang——

“I heard that you are close to that heretic? Why didn’t the guy who was afraid of death die, but he didn’t even have the guts to return home?”

Sarah, who once fought with Murphy and “undivided”, sneered. “Sure enough, it’s a mess. His impertinent things will really be revealed by the Ministry of Justice. Someone will believe it. Can he flatten the heretics court?”

It has to be said that stealing concepts in aristocratic languages ​​is a very easy first-hand skill.

Hiddink slowed down, turned his head back and said: “Everyone’s efforts have different ways of rewarding. You prove yourself with your own rifle. I will not deny anything, but you are involved in Murphys, what is your intention? “

“I’m just warning you, don’t think that your majesty will really favor a treason who is heretically hated. The desolation of the Windsor family is sooner or later. I’m happy to watch all the guys who are close to him. One by one.”

Deco answered quietly with his shoulders. These guys are not simple-minded people. As a new upstart standing with Sarah, he said this sentence, not only in the demonstration and to declare opposition to Windsor —— There are definitely a lot of people who can hear the dialogue between the two in the whole venue. The upper station team is a technical job, so quiet and extremely confident that the Windsor family is in a bad situation, and the effect is not only On the surface it’s that simple.

Hiddink, whose political mind was outstanding, narrowed his eyes and turned away without any nonsense. What kind of chess game is hidden behind these conversations. The upper class nobles at this time have not yet seen clearly, but what will happen next The change was unexpected by everyone.

Just three days later, the nobles who withdrew from the front had not yet had time to hold a few banquets, and they suddenly received news of the start of a new round of conscription in the empire. This time, the goal was not Nale, where Prince Hades was in the north, but West. Face Fording confronted by the Duke of Windsor!

More young nobles are about to rush to the battlefield, and the continuous battle victory has made the upper class nobles of the empire eager to try, but the family owners, including the Charles family where Hiddink is located, are closer to the Windsor family. Wrinkled, unsure of His Majesty’s true intentions.

Will the Windsor family really be suppressed by the imperial family and eventually die?

Did the son of the duke with treason, heresy, and blasphemy really bring inevitable disaster to his family?

The Parish of Prague, at the foot of Mount Pierce.

Jeanne came to the outskirts of Prague has been used to life here.

Hardship and poverty are very different from the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of Constantine. The temperature here is cold. Joan and the first winter are often frozen and awake at night, but in summer, you still need to wear long clothes-the nearest monastery is the closest The water source has a distance of more than five kilometers. Every day, the monks manually bring back water from a distance. If the water falls in the two buckets and unfortunately falls down halfway, it means that you need to return to the original way to re-fetch water.

Because the entire monastery needs only so much water every day.

Said to be a monastery, there are actually less than ten people in total. This church, which was “cold” by the parish priest a long time ago, was almost deserted before the arrival of Bishop Castro and accompanying seminary students, with only a beggar-like old man Clean the guards every day.

The vast and rich suburbs of Prague are not incapable of producing a church or monastery sufficient to satisfy the Cardinal sent by the Patriarch of Constantine. It is just that after the team walked through this ruined church, they were dressed in red in the snow. The bishop decided to lead the young shepherds behind him to stop their pace.

In the words of the bishop, they “should be calm and listen to the voice of God.”

In a year’s time, Jeanne was taller and had a lot of thin cheeks. In this monastery with insufficient food supply, the consequence of long-term residence was that all the shepherds from Constantine lost two circles collectively.

Of course, the very thin cardinal Castro had always been that indifferent from beginning to end.

He was in a high position, but like this group of young people, he carried the bucket on time, walked ten miles, and put two buckets of water, no more, no more.

Silence is the biggest feature of everyone here. There are no more than three daily gossips. In addition to reading the scriptures, you are studying theological works. Only on Sundays all the young shepherds will gather in the auditorium, in Castro’s Arrange for debates on theological issues.

What can’t be regarded as hard work is the spiritual tranquility and sublimation in the real ideological realm. The so-called flashy world seems to be lightly blocked by the old monastery here.

On the occasion of the handover in spring and summer one year later, and also at the age of fifteen, Jean Bishop Castro began to teach these students the most basic magic. Unlike elemental magic, the release of the magician does not rely on the “crystal silk” energy body that exists in the mind, but is a more abstract concept.

“Piety”, when the term is used to describe the magician, it must be followed by a “degree” to understand, the higher the degree of piety, the greater the power and number of divine powers released, the higher the level.

This kind of thing is too illusory, and it is not necessarily effective after long training like the elemental mage. Perhaps for some reason, a low-level magician may skyrocket in piety overnight and directly jump several levels. There are also some magicians who have practiced all their lives but have nowhere to go.

And all this is related to “heart”.

The heart of a magician is the same important part as the brain of a magician, and it is the hub of the release of magical art-with a pious heart as the source, praying for the power of the deity. The sorcerer is called “” In fact, the “sorcerer” and “priest” that Jeanne will soon become are essentially different.

Divine skills include basic magic techniques such as removing diseases, healing wounds, and revitalizing life, but they cannot achieve the exaggerated effects of civilians such as “recovering from death” and “immediate healing”. In the final analysis, the role of divine techniques stems from the overhead The deity, its accomplishment depends entirely on its perception and “destiny”, and the roots of most of the pastor’s skills are somewhat incredible-it was originally born from the “natural cure” of the “voodoo” shaman.

But no pastor would admit this, just as many theologians do not admit that their piety cannot survive for decades.

However, Cardinal Castro, who has a deeper understanding of piety than ordinary people, wants to pray softly, because he finds that Jeanne, known as the “darling” of St. Pamel Theological Seminary, is by no means a mere nickname-ordinary clergy After awakening the pious power through the “seed of light” ritual, the body will have a certain vision to prove the awakening of the professional power source of “the magician”, or the eyes have a pale golden light, or the sacred patterns appear at the feet , And all the great magicians who have achieved success in history, the visions displayed are shocking.

In the face of Bishop Castro, he bowed his head piously to accept the “awakening” of Joan of Arc, and would not know what kind of golden ghost appeared above the sky behind her.

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